Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6484: : State of Jin, the dormant tiger

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Naturally, such a situation is not what the courtiers of the Jin State want to see. The growth of the empire has made great efforts. For the growth and expansion of the empire, they and the emperor of the Jin State have paid a lot.

If the state of Jin can still maintain a good control after it has been truly strengthened, such a situation is what the officials of the state of Jin want most. They will give more to the emperor of the state of Jin to fight. Much support.

War consumes a lot of money for the empire, but if the empire gains greater benefits from the war, it will be of great help to the long-term stability and development of the empire.

Today's Jin State, when facing a war, shows a strong side, not to mention how far the enemy army is from Jin State, the Jin army will defeat the enemy without hesitation.

Currently, Gan Ning and Zhou Yu are in charge of Jin's navy. Thanks to their efforts, Jin's navy has developed rapidly.

Whether it is the surface combat capability or the means of attack, compared with the past, the improvement is not a little bit, especially the increase in navigation on the sea is of great significance to the navy of Jin.

When the navy of the Jin State has developed to a certain level, its important role is not weaker than that of the combat troops on the ground.

The number of Jin's water army must be much smaller than that of the ground team, but it costs a lot. The annual loss of the water army's warships is very large.

However, in Lu Bu's view, these efforts are worthwhile. If the navy can show greater value during the war of the empire, those officials who have opinions on the development of the navy will shut up.

The water army was established not long ago, and it needs time to develop. One day, Lu Bu believes that they will show their value.

On the whole, the current development of Jin State is rapid and can bring important help to the development of Jin State.

If this kind of development can make Jin's national power stronger and enable Jin to win more smoothly when dealing with wars, then the long-term development of Jin will be more secure.

The rapid development of the empire will always have some problems. The most important thing is, what kind of measures should be taken when solving these problems, and what kind of measures will these measures bring to the future development of the situation? Variety.

From the actual development, what can be seen is the prosperity of the Jin State, and from the long-term development, what can be seen is the potential of the Jin State.

The Jin army has created many miracles on the battlefield, which is not enough in Lu Bu's view. The navy has a lot to do in the future. Whether it is Zhou Yu or Gan Ning and other generals of the navy, their abilities are beyond doubt.

The generals who came out of the war, their firm will in dealing with some things, absolutely cannot be ignored.

The reason for the rapid development of Jin has a lot to do with the support of Jin's talents. Without the help of more talents, it is impossible for Lu Bu to rule the empire to a more glorious state. arrived.

The number of talents emerging from the state of Jin is increasing, which is of great significance to the sustainable development of the state of Jin.

In particular, the imperial examination system has restrained the aristocratic families of Jin a lot, because what they gradually saw was the control of the emperor of Jin and the decline of the aristocratic families. When such decline reached a certain level, they wanted to It is simply impossible to restore the previous power in the court.

The emperor of the state of Jin broke the monopoly of the aristocratic family on talents, which was of great help to the rule of the emperor of the state of Jin.

When the Han Empire was strong, its strength should not be underestimated, but the emperor's control over the empire was far behind that of the Jin emperor. This was because the Jin emperor could control more talents and more Many talents can be used by the emperor of Jin.

Nowadays, the vitality of the state of Jin's explosive line has made the state of Jin full of confidence. There may be many challenges in the future development, but the people of the state of Jin have sufficient confidence to deal with such challenges. .

When developing Jin, there are many emergencies that may arise. How to better deal with these situations, so that the development of Jin can avoid more problems, is the focus of attention in the future.

The powerful Jin State will bring more shocks to the hostile countries in terms of future development, and let the hostile countries see what kind of gap they have compared with the Jin State at this time.

The powerful Guishuang Empire, under the attack of the Jin army, suffered the price of destruction, which is the best explanation.

In war, winning is the most important thing. It is precisely because of the continuous victory of the Jin army and the plan of the emperor of Jin that Jin can recover quickly after capturing the enemy's city. The empire is getting bigger and bigger. When the emperor of the empire has more ideas about the surrounding countries, what kind of situation will they have when they fight against the Jin army?

The Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire have absolute confidence in their own strength, but after learning about the fierce offensive methods of the Jin army, they scrambled to make friends with the Jin State, which proved that they have a lot of love for the Jin State. dreadful.

The businessmen from the Jin State can bring back a lot of benefits from the two empires. With such a development method, the national strength of the Jin State will eventually become stronger, and the development of neighboring countries will suffer a lot. They can't better adapt to the development mode of the Jin State, or if the gap between them is getting bigger and bigger after interacting with the Jin State, what kind of behavior will they have when dealing with the Jin State.

But for any powerful empire, they have experienced many difficulties on the road of development, and they will not give up lightly in the face of a powerful enemy.

Now, the state of Jin is rising rapidly. With such a rise, what kind of changes will occur in the future? The high-level leaders of the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire have to deal with the attitude of the emperor of the Jin state. changed.

The strength of the Jin State is strong, which is of great significance to the sustainable development of the Jin State

The victory in the war brought more possibilities to the Jin State, and what the Jin State saw was an opportunity for development. Now such an opportunity is better grasped by the emperor of the Jin State. Under the rule of the Jin State Emperor , What kind of energy will the Jin Kingdom burst out of?

Such a powerful existence is worthy of more fear. Besides, being friendly with the Jin State can also benefit Anxi and Rome a lot.

The business contacts between merchants will bring more development opportunities to the two empires. Even the merchants of Jin will gain more benefits in this process, but it will play a role in promoting the development of the two empires. cannot be ignored.

The prosperity of the Jin State has a lot to do with the development of commerce. From the Jin State, they can learn more development experience, so as to make their own development smoother.

Sometimes, war is not the scariest thing. What is scary is watching your neighbor grow stronger, watching your neighbor's strength far surpass your own, and there is no better way. This kind of situation is the most frightening. of.

Knowing more about the Jin army and seeing what kind of help the Jin country's development method can bring to them will be of great help to the future development of their empire.

The monarchs of the Parthian Empire and the Roman Empire also had their means in terms of development, although there was a big gap between their means and the emperors of the Jin State.

Relying on the achievements in the war, the appearance of the Jin army will bring more panic to the neighbors, but only if this is the case, the emperor of the Jin country will not be satisfied, so that the national power of the Jin country will be stronger and able to deal with More challenges, such a Jin country, can get more respect.

The more they see the strength of the Jin State, and the more they see what kind of losses the Jin State's strong attack will bring to the enemy, the more friendly their attitude towards the Jin State will be.

There are also many battles between empires, but most of the time, the two sides will not easily start a war. After all, a difficult war will bring great consumption. Due interests, or if there will be more situations in the war, the subsequent situation will inevitably be more severe.

Looking at the growth process of the Jin State, we can see the horror of the Jin State Emperor, and we can feel the Jin State Emperor's ambition and ambition.

What is certain is that after the Guishuang Empire was pacified, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom would definitely not let it go. The current stable situation is just because the emperor of the Jin Kingdom needs relaxation after the war, and needs to let the Guishuang Empire get development and stability.

When the Jin emperor's strength has accumulated to a certain level, what kind of changes will happen when he faces other empires.

The strength of the empire makes the monarchs of the empire less fearful when dealing with wars, especially if the former land of Guishuang can develop more rapidly, the emperor of Jin will have more confidence.

The horror of war will not affect the determination of the emperor of Jin to fight. In the war, the value of the Jin army will be better displayed, and the battle of the Jin army will bring more benefits. These are Jin What the emperor of the country wanted to see.

If the stability and prosperity of the Jin State were affected by the war, Lu Bu would definitely be more cautious when choosing a war, which is the same for any monarch.

War is not a child's play, and the losses that may be suffered in war are very large, especially if one's own fighting methods are not enough to fight against the enemy, the losses that may occur in subsequent wars will make the monarch There is more panic in the face of war.

The current state of Jin is a dormant tiger, and when the state of Jin emerges from its dormancy, the Anxi Empire must be the first to be unlucky.

The alliance between the Anxi Empire and the Jin State is to give the Anxi Empire time to relax, and it also brings time for the Jin State to develop.

If only this is the case, the Anxi Empire might not have the power to fight back when faced with the invasion of the Jin army in the future.

It is a pity that there will be a turmoil within the Guishuang Empire, and such turmoil will inevitably cause considerable damage to the Parthian Empire.

At that time, if the Anxi Empire wants to continue to form a confrontation with Jin, what kind of difficulty will it have? When the emperor of Jin sees an opportunity in the turmoil in Anxi, will the emperor of Jin launch a counterattack? War, it is impossible to guess.

Facts have proved that as long as there are enough interests as the driving force, the emperor of Jin will not have more hesitation when choosing a war, and the emperor of Jin has won many victories in the battles commanded by the army. Victory is enough to change the enemy's perception of war.

The Jin army has won wars again and again, changing the current war situation, and it has also brought about huge changes in the way of war, and the benefits that Jin has gained from it are huge.

Today's Jin army has just experienced war. Although it paid a certain price in the war, the energy contained in such a Jin army cannot be In fact, in the process of the development of the Jin army, There are many difficulties experienced, but the Jin army changed the course of the war with its strong side, and even made the development of the Jin country more rapid.

Such a state of Jin provides more possibilities for future development.

That's why the emperor of Jin gave them better treatment in terms of treating the soldiers in the army. The salary of the soldiers of the Jin army is a huge sum in one year.

However, the courtiers would not object to Lu Bu's approach. Only with a strong army can the development of the empire be more rapid and stable, and avoid interference from other forces.

The demise of the Guishuang Empire made the officials of the Jin State clearly see the benefits of being strong, and let them see how high the development of the Jin State will be led by the emperor of the Jin State.

After the end of the war, what is needed is rapid development. When the Jin State developed the city under the enemy's rule, it already had a set of relatively mature methods, which provided more possibilities for the emperor of the Jin State to fight. When the development of the Jin State is more rapid, and when the development of the Jin State will bring more shocks to the surrounding countries, what kind of situation will appear when they respond to the attack of the Jin State's army? Woolen cloth.

The inspections of various states and counties also started at this time. At this time, the officials of each state and county are extra cautious. If there are many situations under their rule, it will have a great impact on their subsequent promotion. big impact.

The officials of the Inspector's Office and Yushitai are no strangers to such inspections. Their inspections represent the current emperor's inspection of the local situation and the discovery of problems in the development of the empire.

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