Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6459: : The arrival of the Guishuang messenger

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Facing the success of the war, the Jin army has the performance of resisting the enemy and not giving up. It will show stronger strength on the battlefield, and behind such a victory in the war is the dedication of the soldiers for the war.

The Jin State has a strong and prosperous situation today, and it has also made a lot of efforts.

Just like this battle against Guishuang, Jin will have to bear a lot of pressure. If the war in Guishuang is not smooth enough, Jin will fall into a more passive situation.

No one can be sure what will happen in the war. Guishuang itself is a powerful empire. In previous wars, the soldiers of Guishuang Empire have also shown their extraordinary side. Enemies not only need to be cautious, but also need extraordinary means.

The Jin army that won the war can cause huge damage to the enemy.

In this war, what can be felt is the improvement of the overall strength of the Jin army.

The battle in Guishuang is a great test for the soldiers in the army. After all, it is a war far away from home. If the war does not go well, there may be more unpredictable situations in the future.

Fortunately, on the battlefield of Guishuang, the Jin army still showed a strong side. They showed the strong strength of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang, so that Guishuang's army could see it in such a war. The most important thing is the problem of their means and strength.

The demise of the Guishuang Empire brought the war of the Jin Kingdom to an end temporarily. As for the Anxi Empire holding a grudge, but on the battlefield of Guishuang, the failure of the Jin army will inevitably have a big impact on the Anxi Empire. The impact of such a war takes time to wear off.

The launch of a war involves all aspects of things.

In the past, there were many wars between the Parthian Empire and the Guishuang Empire, but the loss of the two sides was not great. However, the heavy price paid by the Parthian Empire on the battlefield of Guishuang this time made the high-level leaders of the Parthian Empire fight against each other during the war. You need to be more careful when you're done.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, the atmosphere was harmonious. The emperor of Jin State sat in the top position, and the important generals of the army gathered.

The demise of Guishuang has become an inevitable thing, and in the royal city, the voice of surrendering to the Jin army is very loud. As expected, Guishuang will surrender completely soon.

Lu Bu coughed lightly, and the tent immediately fell silent.

Lu Bu on the main seat is still the invincible **** of war in their hearts. This is the commander who once led the Jin army to victory in wars, and has a supreme status in the hearts of the Jin army soldiers.

But this, who is also the emperor of Jin, is the most honorable person in Jin.

Lu Bu, who was born as a military commander, has made great efforts to reach his current position step by step, which is unimaginable by others.

In the era of being king and defeating bandits, Lu Bu turned the tide and stood out from among the princes, and came to the current situation. Such a general made other princes bow their heads and become ministers.

Nowadays, the emperor of the state of Jin did not rest on his laurels because of the achievements he had made. Instead, he commanded the elite Jin army to fight outside the borders, and let the battle flag of the Jin army fly to farther places. How can such an emperor not be worthy of respect? .

The country has a wise monarch, and he is in the prime of life, so that the courtiers in the country feel endless hope. They are willing to follow the emperor and make contributions to the prosperity of the Jin country.

The Kingdom of Jin will definitely gain a better reputation outside the Western Regions, especially after this battle, whether it is the Parthian Empire or the Roman Empire, they will know that there is a powerful country far away from them. The strength of the empire cannot be ignored.

"The war has progressed so far, and victory is inevitable. Many officials in Guishuang yearn for the soldiers under my command." Lu Bu said with a smile: "When the king's city is broken, I will reward the soldiers of the three armies in the city. "

"The sage is wise." Zhao Yun and others said one after another.

"Your Majesty, Queen Guishuang sent an envoy to ask to see Your Majesty." Jia Xu cupped his hands.

Lu Bu nodded slightly. It was not a big surprise that such a situation occurred. Guishuang has come to such a situation and wants to continue to resist the Jin army's attack, or to have greater achievements in blocking the Jin army's attack. After all, there are many difficulties. After all, in such a confrontation, the destruction of the Guishuang Empire is already irreversible.

Fighting against the Jin army will pay a heavier price. When the war has reached such a point, it is meaningless to continue to fight.

It is what both parties want to see that Guishuang land can be stabilized quickly.

The outcome of a war can often affect many things, especially when the strength of the Jin army is stronger enough to affect the course of the subsequent war, so that the impact of the Jin army will have greater value, how can I ask? In the war, how difficult it would be to successfully stop the Jin army.

The greater achievements from the war are brought about by the strong strength of the Jin army on the battlefield. Without strong strength, there will be no Jin country with rapid development, and it is even more difficult to see the soldiers of the Jin army expedition to Guishuang scene.

Behind any war, there needs to be a strong national power as a support. As far as the success of the Jin State is concerned, it is not accidental. This is brought about by the strength of the Jin State reaching a certain level.

Only with strong strength can one get more respect. This is the truth that the people of Jin have long understood.

The pride of the people of the Guishuang Empire has completely disappeared in the continuous defeat of the war. When they face the Jin army, they have more respect, although behind this kind of respect is the fear of the Jin army. Proof of national strength.

"I will leave it to Fengxiao to receive Guishuang's envoy," Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia came out and said that at this time, if you meet the Guishuang envoy directly, the Guishuang envoy will definitely make a lot of requests, and Guo Jia is responsible for this matter, so that the Guishuang envoy will realize It is the gap between the two sides that will make Guishuang's envoys fully understand their current status.

This is also the reason why Lu Bu was not eager to launch an attack after the death of Guishuang General Ye Khan.

Since the next war can be settled without attacking, why continue to attack? After all, there will be casualties and consumption in the war.

As the commander-in-chief of the army, what you need to do is to achieve a complete victory while minimizing your own losses.

Putting it on the current Guishuang battlefield, the Guishuang army has no elite fighting force that can stop the Jin army, and they will have more trade-offs after this war is over.

The officials in the city scrambled for refuge, and even spoke openly for the Jin army in the palace, which is the best illustration of their fear of the Jin army.

When the strength has reached a certain level, even if there are negligence in behavior, it can also be forgiven.

The powerful Jin army brought more flames of war to the land of Guishuang, and even damaged many of Guishuang's elite on the battlefield, but the war has progressed to the point where they need to bow their heads to the Jin army.

Although such a thing is not a small torture for Guishuang's civil and military, but in a confrontation, the losing party has to bear the same.

What the powerful Guishuang Empire saw on the battlefield was the more powerful Jin army than theirs. The price they paid in the war against the Jin army was heavy. What they saw was the Jin army's attack. what a loss.

If you want to achieve brilliant achievements in the war, if you want to make your soldiers' attacks more effective, you need more means in the future on the battlefield.

It is often the fastest way to promote the development of the situation through specific war victories. This is also the method often used by the emperor of the Jin State in wars. From the specific effect, it can be seen that the emperor of the Jin State achieved Much success.

When the strength reaches a certain level, the monarch will be more relaxed when dealing with wars, and they will show a more confident side when facing the enemy.

With Guo Jia coming forward, Lu Bu is naturally at ease. Guo Jia has followed Lu Bu for a long time, and has always been relatively clear about Lu Bu's thoughts. Moreover, the relationship between the monarch and his ministers is harmonious. Many requests that the emperor cannot make in person can be passed. Guo Jia's words are relatively simple.

Guishuang is the defeated side. The defeated ones have no pride in front of the victors. What they need to do is to cater to the requirements of the victors and cooperate with the victors as much as possible within the acceptable range. .

Many generals in the army, with smiles on their faces, Guishuang sent envoys to arrive at this time, which largely shows what kind of attitude Guishuang's high-level officials will have towards this war. In the middle of the war, they could no longer see the possibility of victory, and taking refuge in the Jin State could bring the war to an end as soon as possible, and the war of the Jin State's army could temporarily come to an end.

In fact, this is more important to the generals of the Jin State. The duration of this war is not short. In addition, the Jin army came from afar to fight, which is a great test for the soldiers.

The war that lasted for several months and the expedition to Guishuang have achieved such results. This is something that the lieutenants are proud of.

On the battlefield, it is a disgrace to the officers and men of the army to pay the price and fail to win, but when their efforts are rewarded and their actions in the war achieve great success, their value lies in this It has been well proved in the war.

The Jin army is an invincible existence on the battlefield. Whenever the Jin army appears, it will always bring a lingering nightmare to the enemy, and even let the enemy see from it that their strength and means exist. what kind of question.

Teams that cannot win in the war will encounter more troubles in the war, and they will have more tribulations on the battlefield.

It is not a small difficulty to achieve achievements in war, and whenever the Jin army appears in the war, with their strong strength, they can always make the enemy lose. In times of war there will be more confidence.

"Although Guishuang sent envoys here, you still must not slack off, especially the team responsible for defending the city must be cautious to prevent the enemy from making abnormal moves at the last moment." Lu Bu said solemnly.

Zhao Yun came out and said, "Don't worry, my lord, if the enemy dares to act rashly, I will definitely let them come and go."

In this battle, Zhao Yun's performance was dazzling, allowing the soldiers in the army to see more of the demeanor of this general of the Jin Kingdom, and Zhao Yun's performance was called the number one general of the God Empire.

With superb martial arts skills and strategies for dealing with wars, such generals have received a lot of praise in the army.

It is conceivable that after the war against Guishuang is over, Zhao Yun's reputation and status in the empire will be more stable.

The merits are high, but the relationship between Zhao Yun and the current emperor is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

Of course, if the emperor is really afraid of Zhao Yun, he only needs to recall Zhao Yun to the capital.

The empire is developing rapidly. What a capable general like Zhao Yun wants is to make contributions on the battlefield.

Like Huang Zhong and his generation, even though they are old, their hearts are still hot. When the empire is developing rapidly, they can only retreat sadly because of their Such a situation is, after all, unacceptable.

However, the real development is often like this. Among the Jin army, the most indispensable thing is talents. Those who are more capable can get a higher status and can be reused more.

This is also an important reason for the long-term and rapid development of the Jin army.

If the development of the generals in the army cannot be guaranteed, it will be impossible for the Jin army to maintain a strong situation.

Replacement in the army is a very common thing. What Lu Bu wants the soldiers to understand is that in the army, only those with strength can get a higher status, and only those who are loyal can get more attention.

Ability and loyalty are indispensable for soldiers in the army.

The crowd dispersed, but Jia Xu, Guo Jia, Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao stayed behind.

The four of them knew that this was a matter for Guishuang, and further planning was needed.

When planning things, sometimes, it doesn't mean that there are many people, which means that it is important, and when there are fewer people, it can make decisions faster.

Guo Jia coughed lightly, "Your Majesty, please think twice about what I proposed."

A smile appeared on the corner of Zhao Yun's mouth. If Guo Jia's proposal was put forward by an ordinary adviser, he would definitely be reprimanded by the emperor. After returning to Chang'an, he would also be held accountable by the courtiers.

But such a thing, said from Guo Jia's mouth, can only make the officials in the court helpless.

What kind of character Guo Jia is, the officials in the court are clear. The most important thing is that the emperor has a high degree of trust in Guo Jia. Guo Jia has extraordinary behavior in front of the emperor in private, and he will not be affected by the emperor. scolded.

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