Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6416: : the role of encouragement is limited

Originally, there were many dangers in the war to stop the Jin army. If there are more problems in the means of dealing with the dangers in the war, the situation will definitely be worse afterwards.

Facts have proved that the Jin army's offensive has a great effect, and the effect in the war alone is enough to make Guishuang's high-level leaders fall into continuous vibration.

And as the Jin army's fierce offensive will bring greater impact, if the Jin army's offensive will bring more damage to the enemy, the enemy's actions will inevitably suffer more affected.

When dealing with the war, Guishuang's soldiers also have their dignity, but with the continuous victory of the Jin army, the so-called dignity of Guishuang's soldiers will be completely shattered in such a battlefield failure, allowing them to endure When the Jin army attacked, it would suffer even greater losses.

If there are more failures on the battlefield, the subsequent war situation will be more tense, and the subsequent war will be more uncontrollable. The victory of the Jin army will be seen by the soldiers of Guishuang It was the urgency of the situation that made the soldiers of Guishuang realize what kind of problems existed in their methods.

When Guishuang's soldiers cannot get more support for their actions in the war, but instead suffer more failures in the continuous confrontation, their actions will eventually be difficult to succeed.

The continuous failure of Guishuang soldiers on the battlefield has given Guishuang soldiers no more confidence when the war is in progress. When blocking the attack of the Jin army, they will see the fierceness of the Jin army. In the war environment, what kind of situation will the soldiers of Guishuang face when they deal with the war?

The Jin army has a strong strength. When such a strong strength will be further displayed on the battlefield of Guishuang, the soldiers of Guishuang will face more uncontrollable situations when dealing with wars.

Under the fierce offensive of the Jin army, what the soldiers of Guishuang brought was more war failures. What the soldiers of Guishuang saw from such a war environment was their weakness. If the actions of the army are subject to greater restrictions, the failure of Guishuang's army in the war will often be unstoppable.

The Jin army has a strong strength and is able to achieve successive victories when attacking Guishuang. When the Jin army's victory in the war is beyond the control of Guishuang's soldiers, the Jin army will attack Guishuang There will be greater convenience.

Looking at the actions of Guishuang's soldiers in the war, you will find that if the impact of the Jin army comes further, what kind of difficult situation Guishuang's soldiers will face on the battlefield.

It is not that simple to effectively block the Jin army's attack, especially when the Jin army's fierce combat methods are better displayed on the battlefield, the impact that the Jin army's attack will bring is just as simple as that. Let the soldiers of Guishuang see the difficulty of the situation when dealing with the war.

There will be more dangers in the war against the Jin army, and such war dangers will cause Guishuang's soldiers to deal with more situations. Just the formation of such a war situation will make Guishuang What the soldiers saw in the continuous confrontation was the serious problem with the strength of their own soldiers.

Perhaps some generals of Guishuang showed a strong performance in the face of the Jin army's attack, but their strength showed limited value when blocking the Jin army's attack, because in the battlefield that blocked the Jin army's attack In fact, any kind of dangerous situation may appear. When there will be more dangerous situations in the war, the soldiers of Guishuang will be in an even more embarrassing situation in the war.

Bearing the impact of the Jin army seems simple, but it is actually very dangerous. If the danger in the war is not easily dealt with by the soldiers of Guishuang, the actions of the Jin army in the subsequent war will be even greater. effectiveness.

Only by gaining greater victories in war after war, and only by making better use of the means and strength of our own soldiers, can we avoid more situations in subsequent wars.

The actions of the powerful Jin army in the war will have obvious impact on the enemy, and what the enemy will see in the continuous confrontation is the change of the situation. Facts have proved that when the Jin army's attack is more fierce, When the Jin army's attack will have greater value, in the subsequent wars, the attack from the Jin army will have greater power.

Wanting to better adapt to the emergency situation on the battlefield, wanting to make the offensive of your own soldiers more effective is not that simple after all, but wanting to better adapt to the battlefield, wanting to achieve greater achievements in the war , What is needed is to show the corresponding means and strength on the battlefield.

The victory of the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang had a great impact on the soldiers of Guishuang, and it made the soldiers of Guishuang bear the punishment of failure in the continuous confrontation. When there are more failures in the war If the soldiers of Guishuang were more timid when dealing with the Jin army's attack, how likely would it be to expect them to have greater achievements in blocking the Jin army's attack?

The fierce offensive of the Jin army brought more failures to the Guishuang Empire, and made the officials and generals of the Guishuang Empire gradually lose confidence in the war. In terms of impact, let alone what kind of efforts Guishuang's soldiers will have in this war, their efforts cannot have greater value.

In the war, the strength of the lieutenant is tested. If the lieutenant has problems in the means of coping with the war, the situation will definitely be more severe afterwards. The Guishuang Empire also had a strong strength in the past, but Their so-called strong strength will cause more emergencies in blocking the Jin army's attack, and their strong strength cannot be displayed more effectively on such a battlefield.

The damage caused by the Jin army's offensive made the soldiers of Guishuang see more of the tension in their situation on such a battlefield, and what they would see was the seriousness of their situation.

And when the Jin army's offensive is more effective and the Jin army's offensive is more ferocious during the war, when the soldiers of Guishuang block the progress of the war, more problems will inevitably arise.

The actions of the brave Jin army on the battlefield will bring a great impact to the enemy, and will make the enemy face more situations when facing the fierce offensive of the Jin army.

And if you can't better adapt to the battlefield, or if you have some achievements in dealing with the war, just the emergency situation that will appear later will make the enemy pay a heavier price.

Obtaining greater victories from the war and allowing the strength and means of one's own soldiers to be better displayed is quite difficult in itself. When the difficulty in the war will further affect the development of the situation in the future, it will be more difficult in the future. If there are more uncontrollable situations on the current battlefield, Guishuang soldiers will inevitably see their own shortcomings on such a battlefield.

On the battlefield to deal with the Jin army, it is only the impact of the Jin army's impact. When the soldiers of Guishuang endure the war, they will see the difficult situation, and this is also in response to the Jin army's attack. Time to have more consideration.

There are many successes of the Jin army, and behind these successes is the failure price paid by the soldiers of Guishuang for the war.

And whenever the Jin army's offensive will show greater power, the situation of Guishuang's soldiers in the war will be even worse, so that the Guishuang's soldiers can't see it at all in such a war. possibility of victory.

When the lieutenant soldiers lose confidence in the war, let alone what kind of encouragement their monarch will have before the war begins, but the effect of such encouragement is limited after all, so that the lieutenant soldiers have the ability to deal with the war. With more confidence, the actions of lieutenants and soldiers on the battlefield will have greater value. In this way, more emergencies can be avoided when the war is in progress.

The success of the Jin army had a great impact on the soldiers of Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang will see on such a battlefield is the limitation of their means.

Whenever the Jin army's attack comes more fiercely, whenever the Jin army's attack will achieve greater results, what happens in the war against the Jin army is the situation that the soldiers of Guishuang most don't want to see. M..

This confrontation has a great impact on the situation in Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang will see in such a war is that their means are greatly restricted, and what will exist in the war is More danger, when the emergency situation in the war will have a greater impact on the subsequent situation, what will happen in such a war is the situation that Guishuang soldiers least want to see.

In fact, the soldiers of Guishuang could not see the possibility of victory at all in this war. Their persistence on the battlefield was far from the fierce attack of the Jin army itself. Such a gap in strength is even more obvious, and if the Jin army's attack will have greater power, how can Guishuang's high-level officials be able to block the Jin army's attack.

The strength of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the urgency of the war situation, and what the soldiers of Guishuang realized from it was what kind of problems existed in their means.

The strength of the Jin army has caused great damage to the soldiers of Guishuang, and when the soldiers of Guishuang cannot show their due value in such continuous confrontation, if they cannot make greater contributions on such a battlefield , they will receive a greater impact from the Jin army on the battlefield.

The actions of the Jin army on the Guishuang battlefield provided an important foundation for the Jin army to completely capture the Guishuang Empire. When the war victories came again and again, the Jin army saw the possibility of victory in the war. In such a war Under the circumstances, no matter what kind of persistence Guishuang's soldiers have, it is an out-and-out fact that their persistence cannot have a greater effect on the Jin army.

And when the reality of such a war will have more impact on Guishuang's current situation, what kind of situation will the soldiers of Guishuang face when they face the Jin army?

It is good to stop the attack of the Jin army and allow the Guishuang Empire to continue in this war, but when blocking the fierce attack of the Jin army, there will be more dangers, only the dangers that will exist in the war, let Lieutenant generals will be subject to greater restrictions on the battlefield.

In fact, the soldiers of Guishuang also worked very hard in the war, but their efforts could not be more effectively reflected in blocking the attack of the Jin army, and the achievements of the Jin army were even more brilliant. If the offensive will be more effective, the subsequent war situation will be completely under the control of the Jin army.

It is impossible to conceal the news on the battlefield in the royal city at this time. When the soldiers of Guishuang blocked the attack of the Jin army, they once again suffered the price of losing the war. Not only that, but even Guishuang's general Ye Khan died in this war.

Ye Khan has a very high status in Guishuang's When Ye Khan was in the army, the soldiers in command of Guishuang were better at blocking the Jin army's attack in the war It has a great effect, and when the attack of the Jin army comes more fiercely, and when the impact of the Jin army brings more damage to the enemy, it is destined that the soldiers of Guishuang will be defeated in this war. It is difficult to have greater achievements.

The powerful Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the urgency of the war situation, so that the soldiers of Guishuang could not see the hope of victory in the war on such a battlefield.

Facts have proved that under the attack of the Jin army, no matter what kind of efforts Guishuang's soldiers will have, it is very difficult for them to achieve greater achievements in such a situation. In the war of Guishuang, the soldiers of Guishuang endured more failures. How can such a failure in the war affect the soldiers of Guishuang?

The strength of the Jin army will cause more changes in the subsequent confrontation, and the actions of Guishuang soldiers on such a battlefield will be more restricted.

It is very difficult to withstand the attack of the Jin army and win the victory. When the difficulty of such a war further affects the tense situation in Guishuang, when more such wars come, the soldiers of Guishuang are blocking the attack of the Jin army Sometimes there will be more critical situations.

The strength of the Jin army has been well demonstrated on such a battlefield. In this war, as long as the Jin army's offensive is more fierce, it is only on the subsequent battlefield that Guishuang's soldiers will Facing an even more embarrassing situation.

In the face of the Jin army's attack, it is very difficult to win. The soldiers of Guishuang have a clear understanding of the situation in the war, and their strength is not small compared to the Jin army. of the gap.

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