Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6371: : Frontal attack, unstoppable

Ye Khan looked at the situation that the generals and soldiers insisted on, and he was also uncomfortable. These elite soldiers of Guishuang could make greater contributions to Guishuang, but they had to face the attack of the Jin army. suffered such a huge loss.

When the soldiers of Kushuang on the battlefield finally faced the result of failure, even if the high-level officials of Kushuang could escape Peshawar smoothly in this war, they wanted to continue the Kushuang Empire later, or It will also become impossible to fight against the Jin army in the land of Kushuang.

The elite forces have suffered more losses in the war. Under such a war situation, the top management of Guishuang will be powerless to continue.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Khanh saw this, and at the last moment of the war, he resolutely chose to coexist with the city rather than enter the king city to continue resisting the Jin army's attack.

The defense of the royal city is even weaker. In the war to block the Jin army, the price paid by Kushuang is particularly heavy, and behind such a heavy price, it is the soldiers of Kushuang who are unable to deal with the dangers in the war. more failures in war

Relying on the actions in the war can give the Jin army a greater advantage on the battlefield, and can make the Jin army's achievements more brilliant, and if you want to do more when blocking the fierce offensive of the Jin army, It must be supported by more means.

From the specific war situation, what can be seen is the horror of the Jin army, and what kind of damage the enemy army will suffer under the impact of the Jin army.

How many times the war has been won has led to the glory of the Jin army today. If the tense war situation cannot be better dealt with in the continuous war, there will be more uncontrollable situations on the battlefield in the future.

How could Guishuang's generals not understand the dangers on the battlefield, but they have no more choices in this war.

Especially when the war came to the last moment, in the face of the fierce impact of the Jin army, the resistance of the Kushuang soldiers seemed so weak.

The crazy side of the Jin army in the war has brought a great impact to the soldiers of Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang will experience more in such a war is the fierce attack method of the Jin army. Next, what kind of impact did it bring to the soldiers of Guishuang?

Even if the soldiers of Kushuang have a tenacious fighting spirit when dealing with this war, if their fighting spirit cannot better affect the progress of the war, they will inevitably suffer greater losses on the battlefield.

Ye Khan's understanding of the Jin army is profound, but such understanding is based on the failure of the war. What even the soldiers of Guishuang saw was the invincibility of the Jin army.

On the battlefield with complex situation, it has fierce combat methods, which can bring more support to the actions of the lieutenant generals and soldiers, and allow the lieutenant generals and soldiers to deal with many dangerous situations with ease on the battlefield.

The success of the Jin army is based on the constant failure of the Kushuang soldiers, let alone what kind of persistence the Kushuang soldiers will have in this war, their persistence will not have a greater effect. fact.

After seeing more of the brilliant achievements of the Jin army, the actions of Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield were more affected, because they inevitably thought of the strength of the Jin army on the battlefield. What comes to mind is what kind of impact the fierce fighting style of the Jin army will bring.

Victory on the battlefield brought more possibilities to the Jin army and made the achievements of the Jin army on the battlefield even more dazzling.

However, the soldiers of Guishuang showed a cowardly side in this war. Their means could not be effectively used on the Jin army, and the result of such a war would affect the Guishuang more. The actions of the soldiers after Shuang even made the soldiers of Kushuang face even more tragic results in such a war.

Victory in the war will give the Jin army a greater advantage in this war. If they cannot achieve greater success in the war, the outcome will definitely be more tragic.

In this war, the fierce offensive from the Jin army will bring greater trouble to the Kushuang soldiers, and the Kushuang soldiers who cannot better cope with the dangerous situation in the war will face on the battlefield. the more tragic outcome.

The war, the test of the soldiers in the army, made the soldiers of Guishuang inevitably suffer greater losses in the war, and when they blocked the Jin army by their means, it was very difficult to win the victory. , which is also the most uncontrollable situation in war.

The fierceness and strength displayed by the Jin army on the battlefield made the soldiers of Guishuang see the urgency of the war situation, so that the soldiers of Guishuang could not win a better victory on such a battlefield.

And when this kind of war situation has more influence on the actions of the Jin army, what should the soldiers of Kushuang do on the battlefield.

Victory in many wars, so that the actions of our soldiers and soldiers can get more support, is extremely critical on the battlefield.

War is a great test for generals and soldiers in the army. If the dangers on the battlefield cannot be dealt with smoothly, or if there is a gap in the means displayed during the war, there will be more problems in the subsequent confrontation. control situation.

The persistence of Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield brought certain troubles to the Jin army. However, the offensive pace of the Jin army would not stop because of this. This is also the consistent style of the Jin army on the battlefield.

The strength of the Jin army made Guishuang's officers and men more aware of the critical situation. In such a war, Guishuang's officers and men would face many dangerous situations.

The powerful strength can give the Jin army more support for its actions on the battlefield in the future, and allow the Jin army to achieve greater achievements in the war.

If you can't better deal with the strong attack of the Jin army, and if you can't make some achievements in bearing the Jin army's attack, the situation will be even worse in the future.

The price paid by the soldiers of Kushuang in the continuous war is huge, what they see is the invincible side of the Jin army

The madness displayed by the Jin army in the war is the most important thing for the soldiers of Guishuang to ignore, especially when the most severe combat methods of the Jin army are better used, it will bring more to the soldiers of Guishuang. The failure of Kushuang will make the soldiers of Guishuang see the fierceness of the Jin army from the war.

If they cannot win the battle in the face of war, or if they will endure more threats when they endure the war, the soldiers of Kushan will suffer more shocks on the battlefield.

Many victories in the war can bring better support for the actions of the Jin army. At this point, even the generals of Guishuang have to admit the advantages occupied by the Jin army.

The advantage on the battlefield makes the Jin army more unscrupulous in its actions, and the impact of the Jin army on the battlefield will have a greater effect.

If it is impossible to win such a war, or if the means displayed during the war are more hindered, it will inevitably make the subsequent confrontation more unpredictable.

Relying on the victory in the war, the Jin army can achieve greater achievements, and the Jin army can obtain greater help in such a war.

The strong Jin army shows a sharp side, and when such a war will have a greater impact on the subsequent situation, when dealing with the Jin army's attack, there will inevitably be more problems. of.

The means displayed by the soldiers of Guishuang in the war could not exert more influence on the Jin army. Instead, they continued to fail under the attack of the Jin army. When such a situation appeared more on the battlefield of both sides, The damage caused by the Jin army's attack is the most important thing to ignore.

The strong Jin army will cause great damage to the enemy on the battlefield, and it cannot better deal with the dangers in the war, or if other situations will occur during the war, when dealing with the Jin army There are bound to be more situations.

The attack of the Jin army brought more troubles to the soldiers of Guishuang. What the soldiers of Guishuang saw was the ferocity of the Jin army, and they could not better adapt to the emergency situation on the battlefield, or in the war. What kind of changes will the situation in the future take if they show more aggressive means.

War tests the means and strength of generals and soldiers in the army. If there is no effective means to deal with such a war situation, what kind of difficulty will it be to make the war run more smoothly.

The actions of the Jin army in this war will bring a fatal blow to Kushuang, and even make the once proud Kushuang Empire completely destroyed after this war, although this price is not Guishuang. What the high-level executives want to see, but in this war, what choices can they have.

When dealing with the Jin army, the dangerous war environment made the soldiers of Kushuang see the grim situation, and the soldiers of Guishuang would be subject to greater restrictions on such a battlefield. Such restrictions, more It affects the actions of Kushan soldiers on the battlefield.

Relying on the Jin army victorious in the war, the impact on the battlefield will have a greater effect. Under such a war situation, the attack of the Kushuang soldiers will be more affected, even under the attack of the Jin army. Can't get a bigger victory.

The dangerous situation on the battlefield makes the soldiers of Kushuang have to have more consideration when dealing with the war, and the actions of the soldiers of Kushuang in this war will be more affected.

Many failures have brought more pressure to the soldiers of Guishuang, and what the soldiers of Guishuang have seen is the fierceness and invincibility of the Jin army.

Only when there are corresponding means to support the attack of the Jin army, can the subsequent war be carried out to avoid more problems.

In this war, there are many dangers that need to be dealt with, not to mention other, just a frontal attack from the Jin army, which cannot be resisted by ordinary means, and even accompanied when dealing with the impact of the Jin army is a greater danger.

To endure the war, there are more aggressive means to support it, which can make the situation change in the future, and if you want to better adapt to the battlefield, or if you have a bigger action during the war, the means are indispensable. of.

But if you want to ask what the Jin army is best at on the battlefield, it must bring more defeats to the enemy on the battlefield. It is only the threat that the Jin army's attack means can bring, which is not something that ordinary teams can bear. .

The most important thing is that in the hands of the Jin army, they also have sophisticated offensive equipment. These offensive equipment can make the enemy pay a huge price for the war.

On the battlefield that was attacked by the Jin army, the dangerous situation was enough to make the soldiers in the army breed more fear.

The victories in the war brought more chances of victory for the Jin army’s impact, and such victory in the war was what Guishuang’s soldiers lacked the most. If it is the tough and fierce side of the Jin army, they will face more threats in the war against the Jin army

Relying on the victory in the war, the means of one's own soldiers can be better displayed. These are helpful for the development of the situation in the future. However, as the war continues, what can be seen is the strength of the Jin army. You can see that What is the threat posed by the Jin army's attack?

The victories on the battlefield have made the Jin army have a high fighting spirit when dealing with the war, and the actions of the Jin army on such a battlefield will get more support

Wanting to better adapt to the Jin army's attack is obviously not that simple, not to mention other things, just dealing with the dangerous situation that may occur on the battlefield of the Jin army is enough to make the soldiers of Guishuang more aware of the war. Much fear.

When the generals and soldiers in the army have fear when dealing with war, their actions on the battlefield will inevitably be more restricted, and even in such a war environment, what they will see is the fierceness of the Jin army and the fierce

The powerful means on the battlefield will have a huge impact on the impact of the Jin army. Facing the attack of the Jin army, it will also become a huge problem if the means of the Kushuang soldiers want to be better displayed.

In the war, the impact of the attack from the Jin army itself cannot be ignored, and when they suffered the attack of the Jin army, the gap in the means displayed by the Kushuang soldiers made them suffer in their subsequent actions. more restrictions.

Just the restrictions in the war are enough to make the soldiers of Kushan panic about the coming of war.

When the soldiers of Kushan experienced more failures in the war, and their fighting methods could not have a greater impact on the future war situation, what would they be like on such a battlefield mentality.

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