Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6263: : Command for an all-out attack

The order of the all-out attack

How would Guishuang's soldiers feel after facing successive defeats in the war? In such a battlefield environment, they could not see the possibility of victory at all, and the price they paid in blocking the confrontation of the Jin army It is even more severe, and when the Jin army's offensive is more aggressive, it will bring great harm to the Kushuang soldiers.

What the soldiers and soldiers of Kushuang see on such a battlefield is the defect of their strength, and what kind of danger they will have when dealing with the attack of the Jin army, which can greatly curb the resistance of the soldiers of Kushuang. Jin Jun's confidence.

In fact, the confidence of the Kushuang soldiers on the current battlefield has suffered a huge blow. From the actions of the Kushuang soldiers, we can see how panicked they are at this time, and what they can see is that after the war comes, they will What kind of emergency situation you are facing.

No matter what kind of situation will appear on the battlefield, it is the most important to make one's own attack more effective, and make one's own attack more severe, and if it cannot better adapt to the emergency situation on the battlefield, it is inevitable It will make the future war situation even more dangerous.

In the face of the Jin army's attack, Guishuang's army suffered many failures, and in the repeated war defeats, it was clear to the soldiers of Guishuang that their strength and the existence of the Jin army were. What kind of gap, when such a gap in strength is more obvious, how much difficulty will Guishuang's soldiers have to gain more victories on the battlefield.

Guishuang's army also wanted to make a difference in the war against the Jin army, but in the face of the fierce attack of the Jin army, it made Guishuang's soldiers understand how naive they were.

The Jin army with fierce offensive power and the combat effectiveness displayed on the battlefield made the soldiers of Kushuang more fearful. The means they adopted when they were attacked by the Jin army was more than the gap between the Jin army. It will make them experience more hardships on the battlefield in the future.

These situations are unavoidable in the war. In today's war situation, the way the Kushuang soldiers deal with the war is more disparate than the Jin army, so that the Guishuang soldiers will experience more failures, and even in the battle against the Jin army. The military experienced more failures.

Relying on a strong offensive method, making Guishuang's army pay a greater price for the war is the persistence of the Jin army on the battlefield, and from the effect of the Jin army's impact, we can see the achievements of the Jin army. of brilliance.

In war, there are many dangerous situations. If other unexpected situations occur when dealing with these dangerous war situations, the situation will inevitably fall into a more passive state.

Why the Jin army's offensive can always bring so much damage to the enemy, it is because the Jin army's offensive method will make the Kushuang soldiers see the threat brought by the war, which will make the Kushuang soldiers' combat effectiveness. , cannot be effectively cast.

Teams that cannot win in the war will be greatly limited in their achievements in the war. On the battlefield today, the strength of the Jin army can be seen, and the impact of the Jin army can be seen even more. What impact will it bring.

Only by having greater achievements in the face of war, and only by making the attacks of our soldiers more effective, can the subsequent wars be carried out more smoothly.

The reasoning behind this is clear to all the soldiers in the army. The key is that in the battle, how could the fierce offensive power of the Jin army be so easily blocked?

The brave Jin army can always create many miracles on the battlefield, and it will make the enemy army endure more hardships when facing the Jin army.

The splendid achievements of the Jin army in the war made the soldiers of Guishuang experience more failures, and the soldiers of Guishuang saw the possibility of failure on such a battlefield.

When Guishuang's army completely lost confidence in the war, they would block the Jin army's attack on the city wall, and it would be difficult to show their brave side. When facing the war, the soldiers suffered heavy losses. How can such a war situation be better accepted by the generals and soldiers of the army.

The top leaders of Guishuang did have certain methods and methods when dealing with wars, but their methods were difficult to play a greater role in the Jin army.

As long as the Jin army's offensive is further developed, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the tension in the situation, and the soldiers of Guishuang will see the possibility of their failure on such a battlefield.

Suffering from war, the Jin army, which relies on fierce combat methods, is the most terrifying existence in the war. No matter what kind of persistence the soldiers of Guishuang will have, their persistence will not be effective. This is the saddest thing.

The Guishuang army also wanted to win the battle against the Jin army, but the difference between their strength in the war and the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang see the tension of the situation more clearly.

Relying on the achievements made in the war, the impact of our soldiers and soldiers will be more effective, and the attack of our soldiers and soldiers will be more severe, which will have many influences on the subsequent wars.

However, after seeing the fierce attack methods of the Jin army, you will feel the fierceness of the Jin army, and you will see in the war what kind of effect the impact of the Jin army will bring.

In many wars, it is precisely because the Jin army relies on fierce combat methods that many changes have taken place in the subsequent situation, and I want to have outstanding achievements when fighting against the Jin army. To be more successful, you need to show more powerful strength.

On the battlefield, the Jin army makes the enemy realize that the situation is tense, and what the enemy sees on such a battlefield is what kind of damage the impact of the Jin army will bring. When the Jin army is on such a battlefield If the attack can have a greater effect, the enemy will face more dangerous situations when blocking the Jin army.

The failures of Guishuang's soldiers in the war made the soldiers in the army gradually understand the gap between their strength and the Jin army. In the face of such a difference in strength, even the soldiers of Guishuang showed a tough side, still Can't win against the Jin army. UU Reading

Such a war is very unfair to the Kushuang soldiers, but in this war, they have no other choice. Facing the fierce attack of the Jin army, if they cannot effectively block it, they will pay in the war. is a heavier price.

In the face of such a war outcome, how difficult would it be to expect the soldiers in the army to have some success in blocking the Jin army.

When they were attacked by the Jin army, there was a gap in the means displayed by the soldiers of Guishuang, so that the soldiers of Guishuang would see the grim situation and what would be caused by the attack from the Jin army. such influence.

Only by better adapting to the changes in the situation in the war, and only by making the impact of our soldiers more severe, can the subsequent confrontation proceed more smoothly.

The many victories on the battlefield have provided more convenience for the Jin army's attack, and the impact of the Jin army can bring greater shocks. The terror of the offensive power from the Jin army.

Victory in the war is also important to the Jin army. If we cannot win this war, the Jin army’s efforts in the war will not be worth it. For the Jin army, the most important thing is Victory is to pacify the Kushuang Empire, and let the once prosperous Kushuang Empire bear the price of destruction under the attack of the Jin army. This is the most exciting.

How proud the people of the Kushuang Empire were in the past, but in the war, the so-called pride of the Kushuang Empire could not play a greater role. When they faced the fierce attack of the Jin army, what they saw It is what kind of losses they will suffer under the Jin army's attack.

The Kushuang army, which could not achieve greater victory in the war against the Jin army, would inevitably suffer more losses in the war, and the outcome of such a war could not be changed.

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