Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6258: : tough, far from enough

Chapter 6281 Tough, far from enough

The situation in the city, the situation is changing, and the battle situation on the city wall quickly spread in the city. It is impossible to curb the transmission of news at this time. The Jin army attacked Peshawar, which itself is a war that affects people's hearts. , If the fierce offensive of the Jin army cannot be stopped, Guishuang will fall into a more dangerous situation.

Not to mention what kind of perseverance the soldiers of Guishuang would have in the war, blocking the Jin army's attack more reasonably, and having more victories when blocking the Jin army's attack is the most important thing.

The Jin army has used specific actions in the war to let the soldiers of Guishuang see the cruelty of the war, and it has also made the soldiers of Guishuang realize on such a battlefield that their strength is comparable to that of the Jin army. difference.

The dangerous situation in the war will make the soldiers of Kushuang bear more dangers, and what the soldiers of Kushuang will see on such a battlefield is what kind of situation their strength has appeared.

On the current battlefield, the damage that the Jin army's attack will bring to the Guishuang soldiers is obvious, and what the Guishuang soldiers can realize is the fierce attack method of the Jin army.

Failure in war is sometimes not the most terrifying thing. The terrifying thing is that the soldiers in the army have completely lost confidence in the face of war. They have no more confidence in the progress of the war. In a war situation, the lieutenant and generals will experience more dangers.

The ferocity of the Jin army has been well demonstrated on the battlefield, and after seeing more of the methods of the Jin army, you will feel the fierceness of the Jin army.

Under the influence of the war, the actions of the Kushuang soldiers will be more hindered, and the victory of the Kushuang soldiers on the battlefield will be more restricted.

As for better blocking the Jin army's attack, there are many dangers in itself. Otherwise, why is the Jin army's offensive always able to achieve such a great effect on the battlefield.

The war made the Jin army achieve rapid growth, and it also made the Jin army have amazing achievements. When facing the Jin army, the soldiers of Kushuang would inevitably have more fear.

Sometimes, even with the fear of war, it is still necessary to show a strong side in the face of the enemy's attack. Who made Guishuang's situation have reached such a point.

Blocking the Jin army's attack is unfavorable, it will make the Kushuang soldiers more difficult in the war, and the blocking of the Kushuang soldiers will cause more problems.

But this is a complex battlefield. The Kushuang army without strong support is the weakest existence under the attack of the Jin army.

The Kushuang Empire has proud achievements, but when more cities of the Kushuang Empire fall into the hands of the Jin army, when the Kushuang Empire's army sees on such a battlefield, the attack of the Jin army will bring about What a cruel situation, the Kushan Empire's army will endure more hardships.

On the current battlefield, the Jin army's offensive will definitely not simply stop. This is also the method that the Jin army often adopts on the battlefield, using its own advantages to achieve greater achievements in the war, and let its soldiers attack can be more effective.

All of these, you can see the horror of the Jin army, and on the current battlefield, the Jin army's attack will bring great damage to the enemy, so that the enemy sees the Jin army. of terror.

The persistence of the Kushuang soldiers in the war will bring a lot of damage to the Jin army, but in the face of threats in the war, the measures taken by the Jin army often bring more shocks to the enemy. , often let the enemy see the cruelty of the war situation.

The battlefield tests the combat effectiveness of the generals and soldiers in the army. If there is a gap in the ability to withstand the war, it will cause more changes in the war situation in the future.

The brave Jin army is a sturdy existence on the battlefield, especially when the Jin army's offensive is more aggressive, it will bring great damage to the enemy, and it will let the enemy learn from it. It was the grim situation of the war.

What the Jin army with more victories will show in this war is the feared side of Kuishan soldiers, and even what Kushuang soldiers cannot see on such a battlefield is the hope of victory in the war.

There are many hardships Kushuang's army has endured in the war, but in this war, the Kushan soldiers have endured the biggest test.

Blocking the Jin army's offensive itself is very difficult, especially after seeing the various fierce methods of the Jin army being used, the soldiers of Guishuang will see the tension of the war situation, which will make Guishuang's soldiers What the soldiers realized on such a battlefield was the disparity between their strength and that of the Jin army.

On the current battlefield, it is not easy for the soldiers of Guishuang to persevere more. The Jin army has used practical actions in wars to make the troops of Guishuang understand their embarrassing situation.

In the war against the Jin army, all kinds of dangerous situations may arise, and only by dealing with dangerous situations more appropriately, and only by causing more damage to the enemy during the war, can the Make the next war more smoothly unfolded.

The Jin army in the war will show an extremely fierce side, and what the enemy army will see is the grimness of the war situation.

If you want to deal with dangerous situations more reasonably, and to achieve more proud achievements on such a battlefield, you need strong means as support.

The Jin army in the war is crazy, and the damage the Jin army in the war will bring to the enemy is also obvious.

The many victories in the confrontation brought more reliance for the growth of the Jin army, so that the Jin army saw the possibility of victory in the war in such a war environment.

When the lieutenant soldiers have more confidence in the progress of the war, their actions on the battlefield will be smoother.

Besides, the actions taken by the Jin army in this war itself cannot be easily contained by the Kushuang army. The Jin army has better proved their combat capability in the continuous war, and better let the enemy see What arrived was the tension of the war situation.

The Jin army with many victories in the battle is the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. On this point, the soldiers of Guishuang have to admit, and even some of the soldiers of Guishuang are more afraid in the war.

When the Jin army's offensive is launched more, when the Kushuang soldiers are helpless in the face of the war, they will pay a greater price in the war to block the Jin army.

In the face of such a heavy price, the top management of Guishuang had to bear it, and even actively responded to the subsequent war.

Facing the confrontation of the Jin army is a very dangerous thing in itself, otherwise, Guishuang will not only be the capital city.

Blocking the fierce offensive of the Jin army makes the attack of the Jin army unable to have a greater effect. It seems simple, but in fact, it has a great test for the combat methods of the Guishuang soldiers. If you show it when you endure this war If there is a gap in the level of strength that comes out, the war situation in the future will definitely be more tense.

In the current war environment, the impact of the Jin army will bring more impact to the enemy, and the impact of the Jin army will cause the enemy to suffer more losses.

If you want to gain a greater victory in a confrontation, if you want to better display the strength and means of your own soldiers, and better deal with dangerous situations on the battlefield in the future, you must have it.

Once faced with more dangers in response to the war, what kind of difficulty will it be to make the subsequent confrontation unfold smoothly?

The achievements of the Jin army were built on the basis of victories over and over again. The Jin army used its powerful strength to let the soldiers of Guishuang see the danger of their situation, and let the soldiers of Guishuang see Jin from the war. Army terror.

And only by winning a better victory in the war and allowing the means and strength of our soldiers to be better displayed, can we more reasonably deal with the dangers that may arise in the subsequent wars.

The victorious Jin army will not be proud of their current achievements, because their purpose in this war is to defeat the enemy army and to teach the enemy a more profound lesson.

It is true that Guishuang's army showed tenacity in the war against the Jin army, but in the war, it is not enough to have tenacity, and it also needs to have strong strength as a support.

The high-level officials of Guishuang knew the reason, but it was very difficult to have powerful means to rely on when fighting against the Jin army. However, the combat methods of the Jin army had been used more on the battlefield, but Anyone who has seen the combat methods of the Jin army will see the horror of the Jin army, and will see what kind of damage they will suffer under the attack of the Jin army.

The tension of the war situation will make the lieutenant generals and soldiers more dangerous when dealing with them, and the lieutenant generals and generals will suffer more losses on such a battlefield.

On today's battlefield, whenever the Jin army's offensive is launched, it will bring more damage to the enemy, and the enemy will see the tension of the war situation.

The cruel war has a great impact on the Jin army, which makes the Jin army more cautious when facing the war. Of course, the Jin army will bring great harm to the enemy after the fierce combat methods are used. It will make the enemy see the invincible side of the Jin army.

In the war to block the Jin army's attack, there are many dangerous situations. If you want to deal with the critical situations on the battlefield more reasonably, and if you want to achieve greater results in dealing with these dangerous situations, you need to On the battlefield after that, it showed an extraordinary side.

The continuous victories of the Jin army made the soldiers of Guishuang suffer more threats. What the soldiers of Guishuang saw on such a battlefield was the difference between their strength and the Jin army.

It is precisely because of the victory in the war that the Jin army is full of confidence in the face of the war, and the Jin army shows a stronger side when dealing with the obstruction of the Kushuang soldiers.

On the battlefield, this is the case in itself. It is difficult for the weak side to gain more respect. Only by winning more victories in the war, and only by making the attack of one's own soldiers more fierce, can they win the war in the future. have greater achievements.

Under the support of strong strength, the Jin army will be more calm when dealing with dangers in the war, and the attack of the Jin army will be more fierce, which is also a manifestation of the great advantage of the Jin army on the battlefield.

Perhaps Guishuang's soldiers will show their tenacity and tenacity on such a battlefield, but their tenacity and tenacity, it is quite difficult to have a greater effect on the Jin army.

As long as the Jin army is victorious in the war, they will not give the enemy more opportunities. What they pursue is a complete victory. As long as the enemy still has a breath, their offensive will not stop.

On the current battlefield, the troubles that the attack from the Jin army will bring to the Kushuang soldiers can be seen. If you want to have a more suitable means to deal with the attack of the Jin army, how can it be that simple. As a matter of fact, under the fierce offensive of the Jin army, the soldiers of Guishuang suffered more threats, and even more so, the soldiers of Guishuang saw the great threat from the war.

On the battlefield to deal with the Jin army, the critical situation made Guishuang's soldiers more clearly see the gap between their strength and the Jin army.

Victory in the war is very important to the Kushuang soldiers. For the victory of this war, the high-level officials of Kushuang will spare no expense. However, when they really fight against the Jin army, they will sadly discover that what they call At all costs, in front of the Jin army is so ridiculous, because their offensive capabilities are compared with the Jin army. There is a big gap.

With strong strength, the Jin army's attack will often be simpler, and the Jin army will give the enemy more deterrence on the battlefield.

The failures that Guishuang's army experienced in the war is actually the best explanation for the treatment, not to mention what kind of excuses the soldiers of Guishuang will have in this war. Victory is a no-brainer.

This is what the soldiers of Kushan had to admit in the war.

When blocking the Jin army's attack, there will be more This makes the soldiers in the army more nervous when facing the war.

Compared with the Jin army, there is a big gap between the fighting methods of the Kushuang soldiers and the Jin army. In the face of such a gap, even if the soldiers of the Kushuang will have to work harder on the battlefield, the effect obtained is destined to be limited.

The continuous victories in the war can bring more support to the actions of the Jin army, so that the achievements of the Jin army in the subsequent wars will be more dazzling.

In today's battlefield, only the side with strong strength can deal with the war more smoothly, and can win more easily on the battlefield with complex situation.

The actions of the Jin army in the war brought great trouble to the Kushuang soldiers, and even more so, the Kushuang soldiers saw the possibility of their failure on such a battlefield.

(End of this chapter)

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