Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6116: : Breaking through the east of the city, it's not a problem


In other words, Guishuang soldiers did not have such war experience before, so when they deal with the offensive of the Jin army, they will show a panic side.

Before the war began, Guishuang soldiers were also greatly encouraged, but when such a confrontation really started, they would sadly discover that the Jin army turned out to be so powerful on the battlefield. The Jin army’s offensive methods Under the circumstances, Guishuang soldiers are under great pressure.

The pressure on the battlefield made many Guishuang soldiers panic. Among them, there were many young men who had recently entered the army. After simple training, they wanted to go to the field to kill the enemy.

Ye Khan said solemnly: "The enemy's offensive will begin soon. Don't panic. As generals in the army, the more critical the situation is, the more you have to calm down and grow in the war. It’s not that you panic when facing a war."

"You are the backbone of the lieutenant generals. Your words and deeds will affect the combat of your subordinates. Please adjust your mentality as soon as possible."

The appearance of Ye Ke Khan caused many generals in the East City to breathe a sigh of relief in secret. Ye Ke Khan's prestige in the Guishuang Army was very useful at critical moments.

Dongcheng defender Card said: "The general can rest assured that his humble position will definitely not let the Jin army attack the city wall."

Ye Khan nodded, "I would have watched you fight."

The general's presence in person seems to have restored a lot of the declining morale.

But Ye Khan knew that he wanted to let the lieutenant’s fear of war and the Jin army completely dissipate, unless it caused great damage to the Jin army during the Jin army’s offensive, making it impossible for the Jin army to fight. Victory on such a battlefield will cost a heavy price.

But when dealing with the offensive of the Jin army, it is really too difficult to achieve this point.

The situation on the battlefield is tense, and if you can't make a difference when dealing with the tense situation, it is bound to make the situation worse.

In this war, the crazy offensive from the Jin army will inevitably bring greater threats to the defense of the defenders.

The Jin army's combat methods have always been endless. Ye Khan has studied the Jin army, knowing that the Jin army's combat methods are varied, and they have many combat weapons.

The threat that such a team can bring to the enemy on the battlefield is predictable.

In the event of a war, if you panic, you cannot change the dangerous situation on the battlefield. Only by doing more to deal with the dangerous war situation can you achieve more dazzling achievements on the battlefield afterwards.

Under the current war situation, the fierceness of the offensive by the soldiers of the Jin army is bound to exist.

The obstacle of the moat no longer exists, and the next Jin army's offensive will come to the city.

For the powerful Guishuang Empire, the fact that the war had progressed to such a point was enough to prove the failure of the Guishuang Empire.

If it weren't for the Jin army to be alien to them, I'm afraid there are already many voices of surrender.

This is a war related to races, and even more a war related to the glory of the Guishuang Empire. The Guishuang Empire, which has lasted for many years, cannot accept such a defeat.

On the battlefield of Peshawar, even if you pay a heavy price, you have to stick to it stubbornly. This is the belief of Yekhan and the belief of Queen Guishuang.

If the top of an empire loses the belief that the war will win, it is obviously impossible to achieve greater success in the confrontation.

In this war, the offensive of the Jin army will soon come.

Soldiers Guishuang are busy going up and down the city.

Before the Jin army launches an offensive, it will definitely be suppressed by long-range offensive methods. This is inevitable. Under such suppression, if there is no reasonable means to rely on, there will definitely be more dangerous situations. .

There can’t be too many defenders in the city as before, but there must be enough soldiers under the city to support them quickly. It's not that easy.

The brave fighting style of the Jin army allowed the Jin army to show greater destructive power in the ongoing war.

The panic of Guishuang soldiers can bring more fear to Guishuang soldiers after the attack of the Jin army arrives.

In the face of war, all people will definitely have fear. The key is what methods they have to overcome fear.

The Guishuang soldiers who had lost their vigor were the passive side in this war. When the number of Jin troops outside the city was lower than the defenders, they did not dare to fight. This shows that the lieutenants have been lost in the war. Resolute, they see no hope of victory in such a confrontation.

Perhaps many soldiers appear on the battlefield because of their mission in the war. In the face of such a war, they are powerless and can only choose to obey. As soldiers, they have no choice.

But what kind of thoughts did the lieutenant soldiers really have when dealing with the war? Under such a war environment, the generals of Guishuang would not give more consideration, as long as Guishuang could persist in this war. , That's enough.

If you can't win in a head-on battle, you will win when defending the Jin army's offensive.

But judging from the current situation, it is impossible to obtain greater benefits in the hands of the Jin army even if it is a defensive posture.

The terrifying Jin army will use powerful methods on the battlefield to let the enemy know how ridiculous their so-called blocking will be in front of the Jin army.

The suppression brought about by the Jin army's long-range offensive means will inevitably show great value after the Jin army's offensive is further unfolded.

The Jin army is militant, and the emperor of Jin has a tough attitude when facing war. All of this is based on a strong strength. If there is no strong strength as a backing, he wants to be in chaos. How can it be such a simple thing to have greater performance in the current situation.

The successes of the Jin army on the battlefield were not accidental.

Seeing Dongcheng defender Khad commanding his soldiers to defend, Ye Khan nodded slightly, and he recognized Khad's ability.

If there are more outstanding generals in the Guishuang Army, there may be a greater chance of winning against the Jin Army.

But wanting the strong situation of Guishuang in the past and the current weakness, Ye Khan's thoughts weakened three points.

When Guishuang was dealing with Jin's army, was it not at the time of prosperity? How sturdy the Guishuang warriors were on the battlefield at that time, but it was the battle of Guishan City, which made Guishuang's warriors see how powerful they are. The Jin army, and on the subsequent battlefield, could not win victory in the hands of the Jin army.

Such suppression from the Jin army has dealt a great blow to Guishuang soldiers.

Continuing victory in the war, the Jin army will bring greater suppression to Guishuang's soldiers on the battlefield, and when Guishuang's soldiers mentioned the Jin army, they also had a lot of panic.

Can't make greater achievements in the battle against the Jin army, can't have greater deeds on the battlefield, these will inevitably limit the growth of Guishuang soldiers.

Up to now, the Jin army is facing Peshawar, and the situation in the city is unprecedentedly tense, which will make Guishuang's soldiers realize their weakness.

When a lieutenant soldier has no more confidence in the coming of war, it will definitely have a great impact on the future development of the situation.

On the current battlefield, the attack of the Jin army has brought lingering pain to Guishuang soldiers, and it has made it difficult for Guishuang soldiers to do more when defending against the Jin army's offensive.

This is an unbearable thing for an elite group.

Outside the East City, tens of thousands of Jin troops were waiting in battle, and they were quietly waiting for the command of the commander Zhao Yun.

Lu Bu appeared on the battlefield outside Dongcheng. Dongcheng, as the pioneer who took the lead in launching the ascent to Peshawar, the Emperor of Jin would give them spiritual support.

Launching an offensive from three directions at the same time can not only mobilize the fighting spirit of the subordinates, but also allow the generals in the army to obtain greater training in such operations.

On a vast battlefield, there are more outstanding generals in the army, and only then can there be greater achievements on the battlefield.

In the current Jin army, there are indeed many outstanding generals, but in the follow-up training of generals, we must also pay attention to methods and methods. What Jin needs long-term prosperity, in order to make the governance more stable, and to make the country Zuo. It's even longer.

Lu Bu, who was in his prime, would make Jin's territory far beyond the reach of the previous dynasties.

But all this, after a hundred years of his, needs to be continued, not that Jin will decline after it becomes strong. This situation is not what Lu Bu wants to see.

The achievements of the powerful Jin army on the battlefield are amazing, and it is vital for the development of the situation after the Jin to continue such achievements to allow more outstanding generals to emerge from the Jin army. need.

The Jin country with strong strength can show unparalleled toughness in combat, making the enemy more panic when facing the offensive of the Jin army.

The prestige of the Jin army was established after the victory of wars. Such prestige needs to be continued.

Lü Bu glanced at the situation on the battlefield and said with a smile: "Wenhe, it seems that Zilong is determined to win the first effort."

"General Zhao has a very strong command in command. It is not a problem if General Zhao will be in charge and break the East City." Jia Xu said.

Zhao Yun is a benchmark figure among the generals of the Jin army. When Zhao Yun is mentioned in the Jin army, no one knows that they have more respect for Zhao Yun.

And Zhao Yun's achievements have reached the pinnacle of generals, but that's it, Zhao Yun is still fighting on the generals, contributing to Jin's expansion.

Moreover, Zhao Yun has the identity of the Emperor of Jin to worship brothers, which enables Zhao Yun to gain more trust from the Emperor of Jin.

Zhao Yun, who is capable and possesses such an identity, will inevitably shine with dazzling light in Jin.

Of course, in the Jin army, there are many famous generals, and the achievements of these generals are enough to be passed on to future generations.

However, in the fiercely competitive Jin army, only with a demonstrable record can we have the proud capital.

Lu Bu said, "I look forward to seeing the state of Ye Kehan ​​and Queen Guishuang at this time."

Many generals smiled when they heard the words. On the battlefield of attacking the capital of Guishuang, the Emperor of Jin was able to be so relaxed, and they were more confident in the war.

Besides, as long as the Jin army appeared on the battlefield, there would be no reason for not winning.

Looking at the wars that the Jin army has experienced in the past, you will see the horror of the Jin army. The powerful methods they displayed on the battlefield will bring a lot of panic to the enemy, and it is precisely because of the strong Jin Military officers, so that the development of Jin country can be more smooth.

In the face of war, they have done more and made the situation of confrontation more favorable for their own side. Such a Jin country will definitely get more help in the future development.

In this war, the fierceness of the Jin army's soldiers will inevitably leave a more profound impact on the enemy army, and it will make the enemy army feel the strong strength of the Jin army in such a war.

With a strong Jin army, their presence on the battlefield can bring a great deterrence to the enemy, and such a deterrence can provide an important foundation for the future achievements of the Jin army.

At this time, the Guishuang soldiers were in a panic state when they encountered the Jin army's attack, because they could not see the hope of victory on such a battlefield.

In this state, the defense of Guishuang soldiers was only established under the authority of the Guishuang royal family.

Lu Bu was not at all worried about this war.

It is good for the Jin army to come from afar to fight. It is near the land of Guishuang, but with the vast territory of the Jin Kingdom, these places can provide beneficial support for the Jin army’s combat and bring more to the Jin army on the battlefield of Guishuang. s help.

If the Guishuang Empire were destroyed in the hands of the Jin army, the influence of the Jin Kingdom outside the Western Regions would be even greater. The Anxi Empire and the Roman Empire would have a more respectful attitude when facing the people of the Jin Kingdom.

If you want to be respected, you need to show strong strength. If you don't have the national strength, how can you get more respect.

The Guishuang Empire had many provocations against Jin, so the Jin army soldiers would let the Guishuang people understand on the battlefield that their provocations were in return for the Jin army’s crazy revenge. Facing the Jin army’s offensive, there was no reasonable response. Means, there will even be the collapse of the Guishuang Empire.

The strength that the soldiers of the Guishuang Empire can show on the battlefield is worthy of recognition, but they encountered a more fierce Jin army. Under the offensive of the Jin army, the so-called tenacity and tenacity cannot get greater on the battlefield. reflect.

This kind of Guishuang Empire is actually quite sad.

The senior officials of the Guishuang Empire wanted to preserve the empire as much as possible in this war, and even hoped that the empire could emerge from the war smoothly. However, the fierce Jin soldiers would make the generals and officials of the Guishuang Empire realize Their blocking played a weak role in the offensive of the Jin army.

The solid strength foundation can bring more help to the battle of the Jin army.

(End of this chapter)

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