Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6112: : 3 offenses


Blindly pursuing numerical superiority, when fighting against the Jin army, the effect was very small. Who made the Jin army's offensive be so fierce and crazy.

The Jin army, which has a great advantage on the battlefield, will show the strength that amazes the enemy when they attack cities and passes.

Looking at the achievements of the Jin army in previous wars, you will find how crazy the Jin army’s offensive is. Under such a war environment, what I felt was the madness of the offensive from the Jin army.

The appearance of Jin army soldiers with strong strength on the battlefield will bring more victories to the Jin emperor.

The successive victories on the battlefield of Guishuang gave the soldiers of the Jin army more confidence in the face of the war. When facing the army of Guishuang, they would not have the slightest fear, on the contrary, they performed more on the battlefield. Proactive.

The confidence gathered from multiple victories made it easier for soldiers to deal with wars.

The generals of the Jin army had anticipated this war for a long time. Before the war began, the generals of the various ministries conducted several drills for the possible siege war.

Whether it is an attack on the city or a confrontation on the frontal battlefield, the Jin army soldiers with rich experience will inevitably bring many threats to the enemy, and even let the enemy see no hope of victory in the war from such a confrontation.

Ye Ke Khan's mood was a bit heavy. The Jin army launched an offensive from three walls at the same time, making it clear that it wanted to divide the defensive forces in the city.

One hundred thousand defenders, seemingly many, are allocated to each wall, but there are more than 30,000 people. Excluding the mobile team in the city, it can be divided into up to 30,000.

Thirty thousand people defended against the enemy's offensive, and the number was really quite a lot, but Ye Khan was still quite clear about what methods the Jin army would have when attacking the city.

The combat weapon of the Jin army can bring too much boost to the offensive of the Jin army's soldiers.

When it comes to the Jin army, the most important thing that cannot be ignored is the equipment of the Jin army.

In the telescope, Ye Khan clearly saw the figure of the Jin army, especially the things wrapped in black cloth, which made Ye Khan's heart beat.

The Jin Army’s artillery can be used for long-range suppression when attacking the city. Such a long-range offensive method happens to be lacking in the defenders.

"Be careful and don't slack off." Ye Ke Khan ordered.

Dongcheng defender Card saluted and said yes. Carder looked at the busy Jin army outside the city with a strong killing intent in his eyes. He did not have the slightest affection for the Jin army and the generals of Guishuang, precisely because of the Jin army. The arrival made Guishuang's situation so tense, and even made Guishuang pay a great price for the war.

It is difficult to stop the offensive of the Jin army, but as the generals of Guishuang, when the war comes, they have their own mission. Even if it is to pay a huge price for the war, it is the greatest glory in the heart of General Guishuang.

It is their duty to block the offensive of the Jin army and win a ray of life for the Guishuang Empire.

It’s good for the people in the city to panic, but in the army, Ye Khan still has many loyal followers. They will follow Ye Khan in the defense of the Jin army’s attack, showing a more fierce and tenacious side, and paying their lives for the war. Also do not hesitate.

Yekhan patted Card on the shoulder, "Be careful."

Seeing the lonely figure of Ye Ke Khan leaving, Khad secretly clenched his fists. This was the pride of the Guishuang Army, but now he was tortured to such a degree by the war.

The battlements were strong, and in order to guard against the offensive of the Jin army, Ye Ke Khan never slackened in defense.

Battlements can provide greater guarantees for the safety of the defenders when the Jin army is attacking.

There are few Thunderbolt cars in the city. This is because Ye Khan knows that in the range of the Thunderbolt, the defenders are too far behind the Jin army. Even if the Thunderbolt cars are deployed in the city, they cannot be given to Jin. The army's offensive caused trouble. It is better to place the Perak in the city and wait for the Jin army to approach the city wall before attacking.

This arrangement can greatly reduce the wear and tear of the defender's Thunderbolt.

Originally, the military strength of the Guishuang Empire was strong, with numerous and elite cavalry, but with a strong Jin country, Guishuang's army was at a disadvantage on the battlefield.

Everything is because of the strength of the Jin army, which makes the generals of Guishuang fear and hate the Jin army.

The strong can get more respect. The performance of the Jin army on the battlefield can be called the elite. Such elites are worthy of respect, but they attack the territory of Guishuang. Such behavior will cause Guishuang. The hatred of soldiers.

The soldiers of the Jin army who suffered from the war will show a tough side. They will let the enemy see the seriousness of the situation in the continuous confrontation, and let the enemy see the Jin army in such a war environment. What kind of turbulence will be caused by the offensive.

This is also an important basis for the Jin army to win victories on the battlefield again and again. If the lieutenant soldiers lose their confidence in the face of the war, even the generals have many means to inspire the morale of the soldiers, when the war really starts. , The effect will not be too obvious.

In war, the competition is the strength of the soldiers, and the competition is the background of both sides.

When the strength and background of the Jin army far surpassed that of Guishuang's army, even Guishuang's soldiers would have a lot of hatred in the face of the Jin army's offensive, and it would be difficult for them to make essential changes in such a war environment.

Many Guishuang soldiers were curious about the Jin army outside the city. They were originally young and strong. After joining the army, after a little training, they would be thrown into the battlefield. Usually in the army, they heard a lot about the brutality of the Jin army. Things.

The busy Jin army outside the city made them uneasy.

But these soldiers knew that when they boarded the city wall, their lives no longer belonged to them. Unless they were ordered, they could only hold on to the city wall.

East City defender Khad has a lot of experience in defense. This is also an important reason why Ye Khan appointed Khad as East City defender. At this time, you do not need brave generals, but need to be able to block the enemy. When the army is on the offensive, there are generals who are better able to deal with it.

Only by defending the enemy's offensive, making better use of one's own strength, and reasonably blocking, can one's own capabilities on the battlefield be more fully demonstrated.

If the strength of the lieutenant soldiers cannot be effectively displayed in the war, or if they will endure more dangers in the war, their actions on the battlefield will be more restricted.

The fierce reputation of the Jin army has been widely circulated in the Guishuang army. In the face of such a Jin army, the pressure on the Guishuang soldiers is still very great.

Especially those soldiers who have experienced the war against the Jin army have a profound impact on the Jin army's offensive methods. They know that when the Jin army's offensive is launched, the battlefield will inevitably set off a series of **** storms.

This kind of complete suppression during the attack, the soldiers who survived on the battlefield of Anguanya, have a deep understanding.

As long as the offensive of the Jin army unfolds, hide behind the battlements, and quietly wait for the changes in the war situation.

On the three sides of the city wall, all the soldiers of Guishuang are ready to fight. This attack is the first challenge of the Jin army to the capital of Guishuang. Faced with such a challenge, the strength of the defenders needs to be fully utilized before the subsequent wars. Better to block the impact of the Jin army.

Every city wall is guarded by thousands of soldiers, and 30,000 troops are guarded in rotation, so that the lieutenants and soldiers can experience the war as soon as possible and get faster growth from the war. This is what Yekh Khan wanted to see.

In the Guishuang Army, what is most lacking at this time is the spirit of facing the war. After they have suffered many defeats in the war, they will inevitably feel panic when facing the enemy's offensive and cannot show themselves when they endure the war. Come out even more extraordinary means.

The current war situation is a great challenge to the Jin army soldiers, but in the face of such challenges, the Jin army soldiers have high morale, because they have a lot of experience in attacking the city.

Not to mention how tenacious the enemy army would be when defending, as long as the Jin army attacked the city wall, it would often declare the enemy's defeat in the defense.

The atmosphere in the city was exceptionally solemn, and the news that the Jin army would launch an offensive from three directions spread like wildfire in the city.

Important officials of the empire gathered in the palace.

The Jin army attacked the city. This war has kicked off. At this time, what Queen Guishuang wants to see is the unity of the soldiers and civilians in the city. What she sees is that Guishuang officials can stand up at a critical moment to stop The Jin army made greater efforts in its offensive.

It is not that after the arrival of the Jin army, it should seek other ways to get rid of the dangers that may be brought about by the war.

If all the officials of Guishuang could be mobilized, it would be easy to add thousands of elites to the army. The homes of these high-ranking officials and nobles were raising dead men, and these dead men were more determined when executing orders.

The queen of Guishuang cannot force these nobles to participate in the war. Only through enlightenment and persuasion, the officials of Guishuang can be more aware of the current bad situation and what will happen if Guishuang’s army fails again in the war. s consequence.

The effect achieved is not very obvious. The nobles in the city will obviously not send the dead men out at such a critical moment.

In the chaotic situation, the protection of dead men at home can make people feel more at ease.

For the Guishuang Empire, many officials in Guishuang naturally had a sense of belonging, but on the battlefield, they could not see the possibility that Guishuang soldiers could win, and they would naturally be cautious when blocking the offensive of the Jin army.

If they can feel the possibility of victory in this war, they will give the Queen even greater support.

If possible, the nobles of Guishuang do not want Guishuang to be broken by the Jin army in this war. If the city is occupied by the Jin army, their nobles, who were originally Guishuang, are likely to suffer even more. The turbulence of China, and even more losses in such turbulence.

"Queen, the enemy forces are attacking from the east, west, and south." Aluqi said: "General news came from the general that there are about 100,000 enemy troops in three directions. The Jin State general Zhang Liao attacked to the west, and Tai Shici and Xu Huang attacked the south."

The queen nodded, "The general has worked day and night in order to defend against the enemy's offensive. You should follow the example of the general and work hard for the preservation of the Guishuang Empire."

Everyone said yes, as for what kind of thoughts they had in their hearts, it was impossible to know.

"Some of you may be thinking about contacting the Jin army. After the Jin army breaks through the city, they can survive and protect the interests of the family. This king tells you that as long as it is discovered by the king, it will not be given to you. Opportunity, when the time comes, the assets in your home will be used to counter the offensive of the Jin army, and even your family members will be sent to the city to participate in the defense." The queen said solemnly.

The officials present were shocked when they heard the words, they knew that the queen must have heard something.

This is also helpless. If Guishuang can stop the offensive of the Jin army and have the possibility of victory in this war, they do not want to show their favor to the Jin army. After all, the Jin army is Guishuang’s enemy, precisely because The existence of the Jin army made Guishuang's situation so bad.

But in such a critical war environment, it is normal for them to want their own interests to be preserved after the war.

Not everyone can give up their lives like General Ye Khan, and when facing danger, they will also have more consideration.

They were officials of the Guishuang Empire, some of them were still prominent figures in the Guishuang officialdom before the war began, but nowadays, they have to be more careful when enduring the war, because in the war The defeat in China was really too great.

Guishuang’s soldiers need to win on the battlefield to boost their morale, but the soldiers in the army know that the strength of the Jin army is not so good. When the crazy offensive of the Jin army starts, they can lead the battlefield. The threat coming must be great.

Suffering from the offensive of the Jin army, it is not as simple as that to achieve greater victory.

However, in the palace, there are officials who are cautious, and they also have to be cautious. At the moment when Guishuang's situation is the most tense, the queen can do anything.

"The prime minister, let's talk about it." The queen turned her gaze to Alqi.

Aluqi glanced at the people. "After discussing with the general and the queen, he decided that to encourage the soldiers and officials in the city, except for those with urgent tasks, the rest of the officials will be divided into three groups, boarded the city wall, and defended against the enemy together with the soldiers. Army offense."

Everyone heard the words and talked about them. They are officials of Guishuang, not generals. They are on the wall of the complex situation. What kind of danger will they endure? It is said that the Jin army is extremely terrifying in long-range offensive methods. Facing the offensive of the Jin army, it was too dangerous for them.

Even many officials were extremely dissatisfied with Ye Khan. Letting them and these officials climb the city wall can indeed boost morale, but where did they put their safety?

(End of this chapter)


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