Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6086: : Reinforcements will not come

Relying on the victories in the war to make the situation on the battlefield more improved is what the Jin army can do on the battlefield.

As the confrontation unfolds, if the impact of the Jin army becomes more fierce, it will be impossible to get a fundamental alleviation of the situation afterwards.

In wars, lieutenants and lieutenants need to be more cautious when dealing with them. If they cannot better adapt to the tense situation in the war, the lieutenants and lieutenants will pay more in the war.

It is true that the Anxi soldiers are good in combat effectiveness. When they face the Jin army's offensive, they show a tenacious side, but when fighting against the Jin army, it is not enough to be tenacious.

If there is a gap between the Jin army and the Jin army in the means of war, the subsequent fierce attack by the Jin army will bring more casualties to the soldiers in peace.

The blockade of Anxi soldiers can delay the offensive of the Jin army.

But when Zhang Liao and Dianman commander-in-chief cavalry appeared on the battlefield, what would happen to the situation?

The attack on Wangze City has achieved great results, and now that the enemy has chosen to retreat, it is the opportunity to expand the results of the battle.

The wolf cavalry attacked the enemy again. The role played by the wolf cavalry in the battle last night made it easier for the Jin army to attack, and the rest of the soldiers seemed so vulnerable to the impact of the wolf cavalry. The so-called blocking method is not worth mentioning in the face of the impact of the Jin cavalry.

Although the resting soldiers have a way to block the cavalry's attack, their methods cannot essentially turn the tide of the battle.

In this battle, the edge of the Jin army's soldiers is unstoppable. In order to win on the battlefield, the Jin army's soldiers will fight the enemy **** the battlefield, and they will suffer more damage in the confrontation.

To end this war by capturing Wangze City, the Jin army obviously would not agree. They are the elites on the battlefield, and the offensive methods displayed in the face of war will bring greater to the enemy. What the enemy can see from the damage is the ferocity of the offensive from the Jin army.

If there is a problem with the methods displayed by the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, there will be more situations on the battlefield afterwards.

The impact of the Jin army once again made Ketangna and his soldiers feel the urgency of the situation. On such a battlefield, they could not see the hope of victory in the war. In such a confrontation, their strength could not be obtained. Effective presentation.

In the battle, if the combat methods of the lieutenant soldiers cannot adapt well to the subsequent development of the situation, and cannot have greater achievements on the subsequent battlefield, the situation will be even worse.

The strong strength of the Jin army can provide an important foundation for the Jin army to make greater achievements in the war. On the battlefield today, the pursuit of the Jin army will cause great harm to the enemy.

To achieve greater victories from wars, when facing the enemy’s offensive, it will not say that the offensive is stopped because of the dangerous situation on the battlefield, and it will not be said that the confrontation is stopped because of uncontrollable factors in the war. , Is the tenacious and fierce performance of the Jin army.

The iron cavalry was dispatched, and Anxi's formation was once again destroyed. Facing an attack like the wolf cavalry, the blockade of the Anxi soldiers could not play a greater role.

Last night’s battle, the offensive ability of the wolf cavalry soldiers left a deep impression on the resting soldiers. Therefore, when they blocked the Jin army’s offensive, they would have more panic in their hearts, because it was only based on their current situation. Strength, on the way to block the Jin army's offensive, there will inevitably be a heavy loss.

In response to war, the means of lieutenants and soldiers cannot play a greater role. This is a shame for lieutenants and soldiers, and it is the fuse for their defeat on the battlefield.

The dispatch of the Jin cavalry made the rest of the soldiers feel a breath of despair, because the impact of the Jin cavalry was still so fierce.

On the battlefield, blocking the offensive of the Jin army is not so easy. If the offensive of the Jin army can be blocked so easily, the previous offensive of the Jin army will not be successful.

The resting formation was unable to effectively block the impact of the Jin cavalry, which made Ketangna anxious.

Before the war began, Kerdner would never have thought that the fierce resting warrior would have such a miserable sight under the attack of the Jin army.

The rest of the army in the past also had a remarkable record on the battlefield. The lieutenants and officers were very fierce in the face of war. They would cause great harm to the enemy on such a battlefield.

There have been many war victories, and the ability to create more miracles with its own strength during the war is the key factor for the Jin army to be active on the battlefield to achieve more victories.

The confrontation, for the lieutenant soldiers, is the beginning, and it is the time to test them.

The rigorous training and high morale of the Jin army can provide an important basis for the Jin army’s warfare, so that the Jin army’s offensive can always bring great harm to the enemy. Such a war will affect the Jin army. The growth after the soldiers is of great help.

If the lieutenant soldiers have a fearful mood when facing war, their fighting spirit will not be high, and it is even more impossible to create miracles on the battlefield.

The fierce Jin army has a strong offensive ability. They can always bring the maximum loss to the enemy on the battlefield, making the enemy more worried when facing the offensive of the Jin army.

Because the offenses from the Jin army are often fierce. They are the kings on the battlefield. When the offensive of the Jin army arrives, it is a very sad thing if the enemy's blocking methods cannot work.

The Anxi soldiers have a certain understanding of this aspect. The pride of the Anxi soldiers was even shattered under the attack of the Jin army. Doesn't it mean that the Anxi soldiers don't want to win the battle against the Jin army?

The fierce Jin army is an existence that makes the enemy fearful on the battlefield, and an existence that can make the Anxi soldiers panic.

The gains made in the war will be of great help to the future development situation. After the Jin army’s offensive is victorious, the Jin army’s generals will have more confidence in the future wars, so that the lieutenants of the army will be in this way. Under the environment of war, we are more aware of what kind of damage it will bring to the enemy when the impact of the Jin army unfolds.

Winning from a confrontation is something they should do for lieutenants, but it is not so easy to win on a specific battlefield.

The Jin army is brave and the price paid by the Jin army in the process of growth in the past is also heavy.

Jin's strong and prosperous strength is based on a strong military.

Unable to better respond to the critical situation on the battlefield, and unable to do more when enduring the war, the future battlefield situation will be more difficult to control.

The Jin emperor's attack on Guishuang was determined to win Guishuang, even at a critical moment, he would not hesitate to attack his allies.

A famous Anxi soldier fell under the attack of the wolf cavalry, and their hearts were flustered. At this time, they were facing the elite cavalry force of the Jin army.

The infantry is far from the cavalry itself in combat. Now that such a situation arises, what kind of combat methods should be used is of vital importance.

The success of the Shanxi army is also very stimulating to neighboring countries.

It's just that when the resting soldiers appeared on the battlefield, not only could they not have a greater effect in blocking the Jin army's attack, but on the contrary, they suffered more defeats in the hands of the Jin army.

Failure on the battlefield is the most unacceptable for lieutenants. They gallop on the battlefield in order to get more victories on the battlefield.

Victory cannot be achieved, but the enemy has suffered heavy losses under the attack of the enemy. Under such circumstances, what kind of thoughts will the soldiers of the peace have.

The rest of the army did have a high fighting spirit during the battle, but their fighting spirit suffered greatly when they blocked the Jin army.

The failure of the Anxi Army was not as simple as Wangze City, and even Xiangtai Pass fell into the hands of the Jin Army.

When the Jin army occupied a greater advantage on the battlefield of Guishuang, when the Jin army attacked and more came, what the enemy army had to withstand was the more fierce attack of the Jin army.

Evacuation from the battlefield of Guishuang may be no small relief for the soldiers who rested.

The reason why Ketangna gave up Wangze City, and there was no more resistance, was because Ke Tangner knew that reinforcements would not come, and if they did not retreat from Wangze City, they would all die in Wangze City.

Seeing the fierce offensive ability of the Jin army, Kdonner has a lot of emotion. He is a strong general in the Parthian army and has dealt with many wars, but this kind of war is much bigger than the Jin army. Gap.

War allows lieutenants to grow more, and allows lieutenants’ actions in war to have greater value. If there are problems with the methods used in the face of war, or on the battlefield, If the impact of the lieutenant generals cannot have the desired effect, the army's conquest is of no more significance.

For the people of Jin, if provoked to the head of Jin, they would be ruthlessly devastated by the Jin army. Faced with the fierce offensive ability of the Jin army, the enemy's so-called toughness is nothing but a fantasy.

On the battlefield, with a solid foundation of strength, there are more possibilities in the battle.

In the current war, the fierce offensive ability of the Jin army's soldiers has caused great damage to the enemy, and this method of war will make the future development situation more smooth.

With Jin's current strength, when attacking Guishuang, it is completely possible to completely occupy Guishuang after winning.

The vast territory of Guishuang, although it has a very strong combat effectiveness when blocking the Jin army's attack, but from the experience of the Guishuang army on the battlefield, you can see the situation in this regard.

In the war, let the lieutenant generals get better growth, so that the offensive of the lieutenant generals can have a greater effect, which will have a lot of help for the subsequent war situation.

Failure to achieve something in the face of war, and failure to achieve greater gains in war, will cause more problems in subsequent confrontations.

With a strong army, Jin's campaign will be relatively easier. Guishuang's army and the rest of the army have a deep understanding of the Jin army's powerful strength after confronting the Jin army on the battlefield.

It even made the soldiers of Guishuang and Anxi realized in this war that their so-called powerful means of war might not be effective in front of the Jin army.

Armies that cannot be victorious on the battlefield have no more meaning in their existence. Even if they play a certain role on the battlefield, the ultimate victory in the war is still not what they can stop.

In war, lieutenants and soldiers need to be more cautious when dealing with it, because once the combat task cannot be completed well, the subsequent confrontation situation will inevitably become more complicated.

The dazzling achievements of Jin's army on the battlefield can provide more possibilities for the ambition of the Jin emperor, and make the Jin emperor more comfortable on the battlefield.

In this war, the Jin emperor’s plan on the battlefield played a very important role. Such a plan was led by the Jin emperor, and this was what the Jin army had to do before the war.

Before the start of the war, have a better understanding of the conditions that may arise in the war, so that the offensive of one's own soldiers can have a greater effect, so that the subsequent war will have greater achievements. We want to achieve these aspects. In fact, it is not as easy as that.

The success of the Jin army was built on a strong foundation.

" leave quickly." A general persuaded.

The impact of the Shanxi cavalry caused great challenges to the formation of the Anxi soldiers. If you can't smoothly come out of such challenges, you will feel the tension of the situation on the battlefield afterwards.

In today's war, from the Jin army's offensive methods, what can be seen is the horror of the Jin army, and what can be seen is how much danger the enemy will suffer under the Jin army's offensive methods.

If you can't do more in the war to stop the Jin army, and if you can't make the impact of your own soldiers have a greater effect, you will not be far from defeat.

The rest of the army, after the defeat of Wangze City, had many fears of the Jin army's offensive, because with their strength, they would endure many dangers when blocking the Jin army's offensive.

How can the offensive of the Jin army generals be so easy to block, and if other conditions occur when blocking, the impact of the Jin army will come sooner, and it will inflict more damage on the enemy in the war.

The strong Jin army will leave a deep impression on the enemy in the confrontation, and it will make the enemy have a lot of fear in the face of the Jin army’s offensive, because the enemy is blocking the Jin army’s At that time, there are always many aspects that need to be paid attention to.

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