Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 6048: : The Chaotic Army of Rest

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Even many soldiers in peace heard the generals' shouts and didn't take it seriously. They regarded the Jin army as an ally, and naturally they would not think that the Jin army would attack them at this time.

Many soldiers were awakened by the shouts. They issued a warning sound. The cavalry of the Jin army approached quickly. It was too weird. On such a night, the Jin army suddenly charged towards the resting camp. What was it for?

"Archers, archers, shield soldiers stepped forward, pikemen lined up..." A general with rich combat experience hurriedly commanded the soldiers.

However, the cavalry of the Jin army who came rumbled would not give them more time to prepare.

Most of the cavalry under Pound’s command were formed by the Xianbei people. These cavalry from Xianbei had excellent equestrian skills and fierce fighting. At this time, their equipment, although not the most sophisticated in the Jin army, but if a war broke out, they would be able to The destructive power produced on the battlefield is great.

The Xianbei cavalry were not equipped with three-eyed bluffs, they relied on their bows and arrows to kill the enemy.

Arrows are like rain, coming towards the panicked rest.

In the Parthian army, there was a scream and panic. At this time, Pound's cavalry was provided with a chance to kill.

The Xianbei cavalry, who crossed the battlefield, contributed a lot to the war of the Jin army, which also gave the Xianbei cavalry a certain position in the Jin army.

In the Jin Army, this is the case. In order to obtain the corresponding status, you need to have corresponding contributions on the battlefield, especially for the alien cavalry. At present, the highest status in the Jin army is the alien cavalry. It is the Huns cavalry.

The combat power of the Xianbei cavalry cannot be underestimated. Although the eagles on the grasslands of the past succumbed to Jin, they will not succumb to any enemy on the battlefield. What they will bring to the enemy in the war is killing. , The pain is painful.

A famous layman fell in a pool of blood, but seeing the Xianbei cavalry, put away their bows and arrows, and replaced them with familiar weapons at a very fast speed.

The arrows in the counterattack of the Parthian army did not cause too much trouble to the Xianbei cavalry. Their equestrian skills can play a great role in such a chaotic battlefield.

Chaos and killing are being staged in the Anxi army. The soldiers in Anxi didn't expect that the cavalry of the Jin army would attack them at this time. Such an attack could not be easily blocked by them.

The role that the cavalry can play on the battlefield itself is great, especially when attacking the enemy's formation. With the powerful impact of the cavalry, it can cause great damage to the enemy's formation. In such a war environment Next, if blocking the attack of the cavalry is not effective, the cavalry will bring more killing in the confrontation.

Speed ​​and powerful impact are the important support for cavalry to kill the enemy on the battlefield.

In the current war, the Anxi army has no defense at all. They did not expect that the offensive of the Jin cavalry would come to them. Before, they also preached that the Jin army was their loyal ally and could give peace. People bring many benefits, and in a blink of an eye, the offensive of the Jin cavalry arrived.

"Jin cavalry is here, Jin cavalry is here!"

"Be prepared, be prepared quickly!"

The chaos in the Sabbath army is intensifying. They are celebrating the victory of the war. They did not expect that Jin's army will launch a surprise attack at this time. Such a surprise attack is fatal to the Sabbath soldiers during the celebration.

In the dark, the impact of the cavalry will make the resting soldiers confused, and it will also make it difficult for the soldiers in the army to receive orders from the generals in time, and their chaos on the battlefield can bring more to the army. Impact.

The Xianbei cavalry, like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, launched a charge straight toward the center of the Anxi army.

Catch the thieves first, if you can destroy the rest of the Chinese army in this confrontation and paralyze the command of the rest of the army, it will be of great help to the Jin army's subsequent offensive.

The chaos in the Parthian army created a good opportunity for the action of the cavalry. The Xianbei cavalry who made a weird call were like demons from hell. Their impact brought more chaos to the rested soldiers.

Under such circumstances, the impact of the Xianbei cavalry caused panic to the Anxi soldiers, and such a panic can make it difficult for the soldiers of the entire Anxi camp to dispatch in time and cause damage to the Shanxi cavalry. It can be said that this If the combat strategy of the army is successful, the effect that three thousand cavalry can produce is comparable to that of thousands of troops.

The cavalry of the Jin army are elites, and being able to become the Xianbei of the cavalry of the Jin army is undoubted in terms of riding skills and strength. They have experienced a lot of wars, and their skills are honed on the battlefield. .

Now is the time for them to make contributions to the Jin Kingdom. If this impact is successful, the position of the Xianbei cavalry in the Jin army will be significantly improved. This is something that Xianbei cannot let go of.

You must know that in the Jin army, the promotion of status can bring many benefits to the tribe you belong to. Jin has a vast territory, and if the Xianbei people can show the corresponding value, they can even help Jin govern the territory. , This kind of treatment, but other aliens can't enjoy it.

In the Jin army, there is a lot of competition among the soldiers of different races.

The emperor of Jin attacked the rest of the army, and Xianbei's cavalry served as the front line. This was a great contribution.

At this time, the chaotic rest army is very difficult to cause damage to the Xianbei cavalry. Many soldiers, even the swords and armors are no longer available. They did not expect the Jin army to attack during the carnival. , This is the uncertainty on the battlefield.

In the army’s big account, Aldaban is resting. Commanding such a battle is a big test for the chief general in the army. Before going to bed, Aldaban deliberately drank a little wine. The delicacy of Jinjiu made Alda. The class feels very comfortable.

Thinking of the rest of the army, about to gallop across the territory of Guishuang, the former powerful Guishuang, under the attack of the rest of the army, has fallen into such a situation, Ardaban has more excitement.

After the end of this war, Ardaban will become the hero of the rest, with a higher prestige than the king of rest, and then he will be able to make a big splash in the rest of the empire.

With such a dream, Aldaban slept very securely.

As for the celebration of lieutenant soldiers after the victory of the war, it is a normal thing in itself. The war has caused deaths and injuries to lieutenants and soldiers. They need such celebration to relieve the pressure of war.

Suddenly, the ground trembled, accompanied by the sound of killing.

Aldaban abruptly got up, picked up the saber beside him, and asked, "What happened?"

"The prince, it is the Jin army, and the cavalry of the Jin army has attacked. Our soldiers are chaotic and difficult to stop." A general rushed in and said anxiously.

At this time, the Anxi army was in chaos. If the Jin army took the opportunity to launch a more violent offensive, then the soldiers in Anxi would pay a heavier price on the battlefield at Xiangtai Pass.

The Xiangtaiguan battle that had gone through the day was a big test for the soldiers who rested in peace. After such a battle, it was necessary to rest and reorganize. However, it was under such circumstances that the Jin army launched an offensive, and it was from the Jin army cavalry. The ruthless impact.

"The shameless Jin army dare to do such things." Aldaban yelled.

In his heart, Aldaban regarded the Jin army as an ally, but the ally has now betrayed the covenant.

This made Ardaban couldn't help thinking about the words of Abautu before he died, and the rest of the army could not expect a good end. Could it be that Abautu knew something before, but he didn't say it clearly.

Ardaban has infinite anxiety in his heart. The current situation is very good for the Anxi army, but if the Anxi army suffers heavy losses on the battlefield at Xiangtai Pass and the relationship with the Jin army is broken, it is most likely to be The result is that the resting army has gained nothing on the battlefield of Guishuang.

News of the Jin army’s cavalry attack came one after another, which made Ardaban realize that this time the Jin army was really moving. He wanted to neglect prevention after the resting army attacked Xiangtai Pass, and the loss was not small. , Causing greater damage to the resting army.

The emergence of such a thing will surely bring the resting army into a more urgent situation.

Ardaban was anxious in his heart, but at this time, the most important thing was to stop the Jin army's offensive and minimize his own losses.

Aldaban has experienced many wars. Although he was flustered, he immediately gave orders.

The peace army at Xiangtai Pass has a total of 50,000. With such a large number of peace troops, as long as they can come out of the chaos, they can fight back fiercely against the Jin army, allowing the proud Jin army to see the peace empire on the battlefield. The warriors are powerful.

Ardaban knew that only 10,000 Jin troops came to watch the battle this time. Such a large number of Jin troops launched an offensive on their own side. From this we can see how conceited the emperor of Jin is.

"The emperor of Jin is not moral, so let the resting warrior teach him a lesson, Gao Lanto, you immediately lead three thousand cavalry to fight, block the cavalry of the Jin army, the generals, gather the soldiers, shrink the formation, and wait for this. The king ordered the counterattack." Ardaban said.

"The enemy has only a mere tens of thousands of people, so it's not enough to be afraid."

After receiving the order from Aldaban, the generals began to be busy. With the command of the chief general, their moods became much calmer.

Ardaban’s confidence has made the rest generals a lot easier. The Jin army has only 10,000 people. Even if the Jin army’s combat effectiveness is strong and its offensive methods are fierce, it will have 50,000 rest in peace on such a battlefield. Defeating the army is basically impossible.

Pound led the cavalry, wandering in the rest of the army, the long sword was bloodied, and Pound did not know how many enemy troops were killed.

The Xianbei cavalry looked at the figure in front, with admiration in their eyes. This is the role that Jinjun's fierce generals can play on the battlefield. Even on the dangerously high praise field, the Jinjun generals dare to take the lead. Shocking, their actions can stimulate the soldiers under their command to a great extent.

Xianbei people have always respected heroes, and in the Jin army, there are many heroes worshiped by Xianbei people.

Being able to be in a team of such heroes is something to be proud of for the Xianbei people. They attack the battlefield, and they can get victories again and again, so that their value can be better reflected on such a battlefield.

War is a challenge for lieutenants. If you can't have suitable means in war, you will suffer heavy losses.

When the Jin army’s offensive methods can be effective on the battlefield, the subsequent actions of the Jin army soldiers can always expand the results of the battle and make better use of their own advantages. This is why the Jin army can achieve on the battlefield. The important reason for the greater success.

At present, the Jin army is attacking the rest of the army. Although ordinary soldiers of the Jin army do not know the situation inside, they can attack the enemy after receiving the order. It is best to be able to be faster in such a war. Defeat the enemy.

Regardless of the resting army or Guishuang's army, as long as they are not belonging to the Jin army, they are all likely to become enemy forces.

The ravages of the Xianbei cavalry made chaos in the Parthian army, and the impact of the cavalry was reflected in the Xianbei cavalry.

When the resting army is unprepared, the impact effect of the cavalry is obviously better.

This is also an important strategy for the Jin army to attack the Anxi army. When the enemy is unprepared, a sudden attack can maximize its own combat advantage.

If the peace side is sufficiently cautious and the Jin army is not given such an opportunity, the situation on the battlefield will not be like this The soldiers in peace are in chaos, the soldiers do not know the generals, and they will not know the soldiers.

Such a situation in an army is itself extremely dangerous.

Gao Lantuo led the cavalry to appear, giving a lot of confidence to the rest of the cavalry. The rested cavalry crossed the battlefield and also had a glorious record. Although the current Jin cavalry is raging on the battlefield, as long as their cavalry team appears, they will definitely be able to Achieved good results.

With the appearance of the rest cavalry, the chaotic situation of the rest army has been greatly eased.

The battle between the cavalry began immediately

The two cavalry teams engaged in a battle in the camp of the rest of the army. This is not good for rest. The cavalry has a lot of destructive power when impacting, and on such a night, it is necessary to accurately distinguish itself. It is difficult, which may cause accidental injury to one's own person.

But at this time, Gao Lantuo can no longer care about these, if the cavalry of the Jin army is allowed to attack in the camp, the impact will be even greater.

The resting generals are already in place. As long as they are the cavalry that drags the enemy, they can get a chance to breathe. At that time, it will be the opportunity to wipe out the cavalry of the Jin army.

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