Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5805: : Kill after boarding

Although the generals in the Guishuang Army are not weak in strength, the gap is somewhat larger than that of the Jin generals. This gap brings heavy losses to the Guishuang army on the battlefield, and even more in the confrontation. Many dangerous situations.

The generals of the Jin army under the command of Lü Bu are invincible on the battlefield. Their impact can make Guishuang generals bear many losses. If they are not careful when facing the Jin army’s attack, it is not as simple as a heavy loss. NS.

The Jin army’s offensive goal this time is to break Anguanya in the confrontation. As an important checkpoint of Guishuang, Anguanya carries Guishuang’s current hope. If the confrontation cannot smoothly block the impact from the Jin team, Guishuang will fall into more danger.

Even more Guishuang city will fall into the control of the Jin army because of the failure of this war, and the stable life of Guishuang's people will be destroyed because of this war. What can not be ignored at any time is the Jin team. Strong offensive ability, their offensive ability is reflected in the war, that is an extremely terrifying thing.

The war with the Jin team is really too difficult to win, but Guishuang has no other choice. When the war comes, they can only deal with the impact of the Jin team, no matter what happens in the war. The dangerous situation must be endured.

Even if there are many losses in response to the Jin team’s attack, it is not hesitating. This is war. A cruel war. Guishuang has no choice. If you can’t smoothly block the Jin team’s attack, there will be more people. Losing his life in this war will make Guishuang's situation even worse.

When blocking the Jin team’s offense before, Ye Khan didn’t care about losses. As long as it could stop the Jin team’s impact, that would be a great victory and a successful move.

If you fail to stop, the consequences will be serious. If Ye Khan can bear, he will become Guishuang's sinner.

After many years of fighting on the battlefield, the current stable situation of Guishuang has been achieved. Yekhan does not want to ruin such a situation in one hand. He wants to let Guishuang come out of this crisis and let Guishuang be able to rejuvenate.

It is not a simple matter to achieve this goal in the process of responding to the Jin team’s offensive. However, Guishuang soldiers will not give up lightly in the war. What they need to do is to continue to win and rely on the war. The victory of Jin blocked the fierce attack of the Jin team, making it difficult for the Jin Dynasty emperor to realize the battle plan.

However, in the actual war, it is too difficult to stop the impact of the Jin team. If other conditions occur, it will even make Anguanya quickly fall into the control of the Jin army. This Jin army attack The means presented by Anguanya is a good proof.

The fierce impact of the Liangzhou sergeant’s soldiers made Guishuang’s soldiers fearful in their hearts. Such fear cannot stop them from fighting against the Jin army, because this war is of vital importance to Guishuang’s army. If they can't win from the confrontation, their homes will be destroyed by the Jin army. Such a thing is not the situation Guishuang wants to see.

Inside the pass, a Thunderbolt car is ready, as is the Ballista. Even the cavalry in the army is ready to go to war. To meet the fierce attack of the Jin army, sufficient means are needed. If the means are not enough, it is almost impossible to rely on the ordinary defensive methods of the defenders to effectively block the impact from the Jin team.

After confronting the army of the Jin country, you will deeply appreciate the strength of the Jin army. This is an army that is invincible on the battlefield. Whether it is a frontal attack or an attack on the enemy's city, it can always gain in the battle. Many benefits.

Judging from this level, the impact of the Jin team can play a huge role, and it can even make Guishuang soldiers pay a heavy price when blocking. Perhaps the generals of the Jin country most want to see this. Situation.

Blocking the impact of the Jin army generals is not as simple as imagined, especially when the Jin army has three paths to attack, it will be easier for them to board the checkpoint.

The Liangzhou sergeants responded quickly. The first batch had already boarded the level before Guishuang’s soldiers did not react. Although there were only more than a dozen soldiers, there were more than a dozen soldiers and soldiers that could bring them to Guishuang’s soldiers. The impact is not small, especially after the Jin army's offensive road is smoother, there will be a steady stream of soldiers boarding the checkpoints.

This kind of offensive method can cause continuous damage to the defending army, and let the defending army deeply realize their insufficiency in offensive means in such a war.

The Jin army's strong offensive methods can bring tremendous help to the Jin team's conquest, and even make the impact of the Jin army's generals play a huge role.

In the absence of roads, the Jin army could still cause considerable casualties to Guishuang's army, let alone now.

Once the Jin team's offensive is launched, it will not stop in a short period of time, and it will even gain many benefits from the war by attacking the enemy.

This kind of war is unfair to Guishuang soldiers, but in the war, how can there be absolute fairness? Could it be said that the strength of one party is weak, and the strong party must give up its own advantages and fight against it.

Liangzhou soldiers, after boarding the level, immediately started the killing. This is the beginning of the attack on the defense of Guishuang soldiers. As long as the gap can be opened in the level and the continuous marching soldiers can board the level, the control of the level will be Will fall into the control of the Jin army.

The soldiers who first hit the level must be in great danger, but in order to win the victory of the Jin team, in order to reap many benefits in this confrontation, the soldiers of the Jin army do not care about the casualties on the battlefield, as long as they can let the enemy do it. The war pays the price.

Proud Jin army soldiers will not easily admit defeat in the face of war, because they have experienced too many wars, and they can even make the enemy pay a heavy price for the war by confrontation.

The elites of the Jin army who came out of the war had an extremely crazy attitude when facing the war, and had the spirit of swearing to stop until they reached their goals. This spirit always affected the combat of the Jin army soldiers and allowed them to face tough enemies. When in the army, he can cope even more crazily.

However, the counterattack of Guishuang’s soldiers was also extremely fierce. This was the most critical moment of Guishuang. Ye Khan’s orders continued to be issued in order to be able to do more when blocking the Jin team’s attack. It is best to be able to Smoothly blocking the impact from the Jin army soldiers, making it difficult for the Jin army's offensive to play a corresponding role.

Under the current war situation, Guishuang soldiers want to stop the Jin team’s impact success, in fact, there is no small difficulty. In the face of such difficulties, Guishuang soldiers did not give up, as long as the checkpoint is still there, they will try their best to stop the team from The offensive of the Jin army.

A soldier named Liangzhou Army fell in a pool of blood. From the combat of Liangzhou sergeant soldiers, Guishuang’s soldiers were greatly stimulated. When these Liangzhou sergeants attacked, they were completely desperate, as if in a war. Death in the middle is not bad luck for them.

One after the other, even though they were dead, they still had the spirit of impact. This was the offensive from the Jin team. The combat spirit of the Jin's soldiers was able to cause a considerable impact on the enemy on the battlefield.

The life-death impact of the Liangzhou army, along with the erection of the ladder, will have more Liangzhou sergeants board the checkpoint.

Wei Yan followed the road, stepped forward quickly, holding a long knife in both hands, beside Wei Yan, there are several guards, this is the force to protect Wei Yan from further attacks on the level.

Anyone who can become a personal guard is the elite of the army. The Liangzhou army is also famous among the Jin and Wei Yan, the commander of the Liangzhou army, is a strong general in the Jin army. Although he has experienced many wars, Wei Yan was still able to lead the way when facing wars.

Such a general can often make the soldiers under his command more admiration.

The coach cannot be played easily, but the generals in the army are different. Sometimes in order to open the situation on the battlefield, even if there is no small danger, they will come forward fiercely, especially in the Jin army. In the army, there is no war that the generals fear

In this way of warfare, the impact on the enemy forces is often great. When one of the soldiers can show stronger combat effectiveness in a confrontation, what direction will the war develop toward?

The impact of the Jin team will play a significant role in the confrontation will also be significantly improved.

The sound of the three-eyed blunts sounded on the level. With the sound of the three-eyed blunts, Guishuang's soldiers were constantly falling in a pool of blood. This was a fierce offensive method from the Jin army.

Three-eyed blunts can be released three times in a row. This release has a big impact on Guishuang soldiers. Guishuang's soldiers have realized the terrible three-eyed blunts in previous wars. When facing the three-eyed blunts , Even if they have armor protection on their bodies, it is extremely difficult to survive. If they are hit at the vital point, they will die directly on the battlefield. Even if they avoid the vital point, the pain from the attack of the three-eyed **** is not The average soldier can afford it.

Although Guishuang also gained a certain amount of three-eyed blunders during the Jin army's offensive process, it could not be used. This made Guishuang lack a means to block the Jin team's attack.

The Jin army's fierce offensive methods were the envy of Guishuang generals, but after the Jin army's sharp weapons fell into the hands of Guishuang generals, it was not an easy task to use them.

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