Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5800: : I put a lot of pressure on Ye Khan

With the powerful strength currently displayed by the Jin army, what can be seen is the most terrifying aspect of the Jin army. They are the kings on the battlefield. When the Jin army appears, they can always gain enough advantage from the confrontation.

With such an advantage, the generals of the Jin army can reap a lot of benefits.

Of course, the Jin's army can have the achievements it has now, and it has a lot to do with the efforts of the Jin army's soldiers. If they can't win from the confrontation, they will pay more in the battle.

The success of the Jin State army is based on the victory of many wars. In the face of war, the Jin army’s soldiers have a fierce fighting spirit, which makes it difficult for the progress of the war to affect the actions of the Jin State army. The army can reap more benefits after the end of the campaign. What can only be seen from these levels is how terrible Jin's plan for the war is.

Provoked such a horrible existence of the Jin army, there will definitely be other situations on the battlefield, and these war conditions can affect the next move of the Jin army to a large extent.

The current performance of Guishuang soldiers is a good proof. Although Guishuang soldiers have an advantage in terrain, they are not weak in number, but why they have so many deficiencies when they fight against Jin's army, that is Because their own strength is not a small gap compared to the Jin country's army.

Equipment plays a vital role in determining the outcome of a war, but the fighting spirit of the lieutenant soldiers is equally important. If an army has excellent equipment but lacks fighting spirit, such an army can appear on the battlefield. How much effect does it play?

As General Guishuang, Ye Khan has actually experienced many wars. It is just that in the face of the current war situation, it is difficult to fully use his methods. The defending army is in a state of being completely suppressed. If a trace is revealed, then There will be life-threatening danger, and such a thing will not be easy to put on any army.

It seems that the strength of the two sides is not at the same level at all. With the gradual progress of the confrontation, the Jin Dynasty emperor's behavior can achieve greater achievements.

The success of Jin's army can stimulate Guishuang soldiers to a large extent, and even make Guishuang soldiers lose more in subsequent battles.

Lu Bu had unique methods when developing the army of the Jin Kingdom. From these methods, we can see what kind of sincerity the Emperor of Jin had in dealing with lieutenants and soldiers. The sincerity in this aspect alone is enough to make the army. When the soldiers faced the war, they did their best.

Obtaining more development opportunities from the war, making Jin more powerful, and allowing Jin's army to do more in the face of war. This is of great significance to the long-term stability and development of Jin. Helping.

Although there are many dangers in the war, the emperor Jin’s means of facing war should not be underestimated. They are the kings on the battlefield. Through their own efforts, the enemy can withstand the punishment of defeat in the war. In this way, it is a deadly threat to the enemy.

During the development of the Jin Kingdom, the methods adopted by the Jin Emperor were incomparable to Guishuang, and the quality of the soldiers on both sides was also the same.

Attacking Anguanya is such a dangerous thing, but when placed on the body of the generals of the Jin army, it has become a snatch. Such a frontal fighter meeting, if it can be well grasped, is for the growth of the generals of the Jin army. There is significant help, which is something that military generals cannot give up lightly.

The dangerous situation in the war is not terrible. The key is to deal with these dangerous things, what kind of coping methods are available, and the most dangerous situation is when dealing with the situation.

Nowadays, Jin's army has many tough methods when facing war, and their tough methods can often make the enemy pay a price.

To make the situation on the battlefield continue like this, is it not what the Emperor Jin wants to see? It is best to let the Jin army and soldiers get more growth from the war, so that the Jin Emperor's efforts can be repaid.

It is a city of a foreign race that is captured, which is a challenge and an opportunity for Jin officials to promote. When the territory of Jin becomes more extensive, it will provide opportunities for more officials.

It is the dream of many officials to become an official of one party and hold great power.

Regardless of whether they are officials or military generals, they all have their own dreams, which may not be revealed in the ordinary, and they will not give up when there is a real opportunity.

The governance of the place is of great significance to the Jin country. If even the most basic governance cannot be guaranteed after the enemy's city is captured, such an offensive has no more meaning at all. It is just a capture. , The help to the development of Jin State is minimal.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom paid the most attention to the development under the rule. If the rule can make considerable development, this will be of great help to the Jin's powerful strength.

The war strategy pursued by the Jin State often has a great impact on the enemy. For the Jin State Army’s war, what measures should be taken to govern after occupying these cities is equally important.

It can be seen from the actions of officials in Jin that it is their important task to manage these cities in an orderly manner and to make the development of these cities more rapid.

It is precisely because the Jin country has so many means for the war, the shock that the Jin country army can bring to Guishuang after the dispatch of the army is great, and even the Guishuang people think that they are only blocking them by their means. There were many difficulties when the Jin army attacked.

In the face of this difficulty, the so-called enemy forces are fierce, and it is basically impossible to do more when blocking the Jin's army from attacking.

The powerful Jin army has many plans on the battlefield. From the plans of the Jin army’s generals, what can be seen is how much the Jin emperor attaches importance to this war. With such a sophisticated plan, Guishuang How difficult it is for the army to defeat.

This is also helpless. If any army encounters a Jin army in a war, the consequences will be miserable. The Jin country wants to let the enemy understand in the continuous war that it has failed against the Jin army. What will be the consequences if you do.

Although these conditions will affect the defense of Guishuang to a large extent, Guishuang will not give up easily until the last moment. In any case, he can get his life after surrendering to the Jin army. However, in terms of prosperity and power, it is almost impossible to be guaranteed.

After joining the Jin country, everything must be arranged by the Jin country.

Jin Kingdom's terrorist power and terrorist methods shocked Guishuang's high-level officials, and at the same time gave Ye Khan a lot of pressure.

As the Guishuang Xiongguan Pass, Anguanya is an important barrier for Guishuang. It has made a great contribution to ensuring the stability of Guishuang. If such an important place is broken by the Jin army, the subsequent offensive launched by the Jin army will definitely be even greater. Fierce, when such an attack wants to be blocked, it will not be as easy as imagined.

The powerful Jin State army had extremely tough means when fighting, and in the face of such tough means, the enemy's so-called blockade was so fragile.

In the battle after its prosperity, the Jin country had a very good understanding of the use of means in the war, which was of great help to the development of the situation on the battlefield.

Although there will be certain situations in the confrontation, how to resolve this situation is the most important thing for Guishuang to think about.

The war is not what Guishuang wants to see, but the series of actions of Queen Guishuang are clearly provoking Jin, and the emperor of Jin used this excuse to send troops to attack Guishuang.

Many officials and people at the bottom of Guishuang were dissatisfied with the Queen because of the Queen’s previous actions. They drove away the merchants of the Jin and even let the merchants of the Jin country stay in Guizhou. Frost suffered a huge loss.

This kind of event will not only suffer losses from Jin’s merchants, but also Guishuang’s people, because after the Jin’s merchants arrive, they will bring great help to the development of Guishuang’s city. The city of Frost developed rapidly at this time.

Today's Guishuang has many shortcomings in the battle of Jin, and such shortcomings provide a lot of help for the development of Jin.

Without the corresponding strength, and wanting to have greater achievements in the face of Jin's army, it is simply a fantasy.

However, the fierce resistance of Guishuang soldiers can bring more breathing opportunities for the development of Guishuang, and even make Guishuang stable from this war.

Of course, everything is speculation. It is almost impossible to get the result of victory from such a confrontation. The tough and fierce Jin country army will not let such a situation happen, when the Guishuang army is facing the battle. After failing to defeat the Jin State Army, all it needs to bear is a lot of punishment. At that time, the offensive from the Jin State Army will make Guishuang's soldiers feel desperate from such a war environment.

Even if Guishuang soldiers have strong strength, there are many difficulties to smoothly block the impact of the Jin country's army. In the face of such difficulties, can Guishuang soldiers support smoothly?

Guishuang’s methods in the face of war were far from the Jin army itself, and such a gap can play a huge role in specific wars, and it can even make the Jin country develop. More relaxed.

The development of the Jin State, so that the Jin State can get more development after the war, and even make the territory of the Jin State wider after the war is over, is itself the responsibility of the Jin army.

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