Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5775: : Kelanger abandons the city

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For the emperor Lu Bu of Jin, the two generals have absolute respect. The two of them have followed Lu Bu for a long time. They have deep admiration for Lu Bu's methods on the battlefield. If it were not for Lu Bu, Jin It is simply impossible for the country to achieve such rapid development after the end of the war.

After experiencing the war, instead of being more affected by the war, Jin was not affected by the war. On the contrary, it found the opportunity to rise in the war, and gained strength from the wars, so that the lieutenant soldiers do not need to worry about food and grass when they fight. After receiving the credit, the lieutenant’s status can be promoted. All these are enough to prove the strength of the Jin country’s army.

In such a battle, the role played by the Emperor of Jin cannot be ignored.

In the current campaign in Guishuang, if the three important cities in the east of Guishuang are broken, not only will the Jin army do its best to attack Anguanya, but it will also shake Guishuang up and down. This is important for the Jin army’s next campaign. Meaning of.

Conquering the enemy is not only a victory on the surface, but also requires a lot of means in the dark. It is best to make the enemy completely unable to see the hope of victory from such a confrontation. When the soldiers of the Jin army arrive, the enemy will The most direct response is to flee the battlefield. Victory in such a war will be easier.

Facts have proved that the Jin army’s tactics are often unimaginable in the course of the war. Under such methods, the success of the Jin army’s soldiers is expected.

Although the current battle against Guishuang is more complicated, as long as the generals of the Jin army can make a breakthrough in the attack on Anguan Cliff, the rest will be simpler. Without the barriers of Xiongguan, it is just relying on Guishuang’s military strength. , It is basically impossible to make greater achievements in the remaining wars.

The powerful Jin army will use fierce means to let the enemy know how stupid they are to offend Jin.

Today's Jin country has unique features in terms of warfare, and it is precisely with a strong army that makes it easier for the soldiers of the Jin army to fight.

A heavy price will be paid in the process of attacking the enemy’s city. That is for ordinary troops. It is different if such a thing is placed on the Jin army’s soldiers. Just by relying on sharp means, the Jin army can be used in the army. Greater achievements have been made on the field.

The words were divided into two parts. When Xu Huang and Zhang Liao cooperated to attack Danbei City, Tai Shici led the elite stepmen, dressed as soldiers of Guishuang, and came outside Qu Shuang City.

The generals in the city did not have too much doubt about the identity of the Jin army. They were like the defenders of Danbei City. They were shocked when they heard the news of the failure of the assault on the Jin army.

After entering the city, the Jin army suddenly launched an attack and killed the Guishuang soldiers at the city gate, providing preparations for the Jin army's entry into the city.

Although the soldiers in Qu Shuangcheng were tough in blocking, their blocking played a small role in the face of the Jin army's crazy offensive.

Tai Shici and Yang Feng are the generals in the Jin army. From the past wars, what can be seen is what kind of influence the generals of the Jin army will have when they appear on the battlefield. With their appearance, the progress of the war is relatively speaking. It will be much easier. This is what you must have as a Jin army general. If the Jin army general lacks the means in the process of fighting, it will become impossible to get more victories from the confrontation.

The mighty Jin country’s army has tough means when facing war. With this means, the enemy’s so-called defense can no longer play a greater role.

Facing the frenzied offensive by the generals of the Jin army, the defenders of Qu Shuangcheng were retreating steadily, which was similar to Dan Beicheng.

Ke Lange, who fled to Qu Shuangcheng, turned around after learning the news of the Jin army's invasion of the city on the way, and did not even go to Qu Shuangcheng.

A joke, after experiencing the previous confrontation, Ke Lange has a deep awe of the Jin army. At this time, if he encounters the Jin army on the battlefield, the most likely scenario is a failure.

The pursuit of the Jin army cavalry left a deep impression on Ke Lange. If he hadn't gotten off the battlefield in advance, he might have died on the battlefield.

It's not easy to get to where you are now. It's not worth it to take your faith for a Qu Shuangcheng that is about to be breached.

It was not that Guishuang soldiers were not fierce enough in the face of war, but it was difficult for their fierceness to affect the offensive of the Jin army soldiers to a greater extent.

The methods that the current Shanxi army displayed during the war are shocking in itself, and if you want to win from such a confrontation, unless you have a corresponding method.

It is more difficult to stop the Jin army's crazy attack, which is also recognized by Guishuang soldiers when facing the Jin army's attack.

The inadequacy of the Guishuang army's methods has brought more obstacles to the war of the Guishuang army, but the high level of Guishuang has no better way to face this situation.

The fierceness of the soldiers of the Jin army can be seen. The methods they displayed on the battlefield will also make Guishuang soldiers pay a heavy price for the war. How can they better stop the impact of the Jin army? Is it necessary to let the lieutenant generals continue to work **** the battlefield like this?

It was reasonable for Lange to abandon Qu Shuangcheng. As long as you think carefully, you will find that Guishuang's army's action is within the control of the Jin army, and the Jin country has a corresponding strategy. , When the Guishuang army took action, how could it break through two fortified cities?

In the face of such a method, Guishuang's army had just experienced the defeat of the war. It was obviously impossible for the Guishuang army to have greater achievements in resisting the Jin army, and the loss of the city was also inevitable.

The loss of the two cities will inevitably have a great impact on Guishuang. If the Jin army breaks Anguanya on the frontal battlefield, the situation in Guishuang will definitely be even more critical. How many soldiers will have to do so at that time. In the second war and died on the battlefield.

The usual training of military lieutenants is to be able to kill the enemy on the battlefield, which is good. The key is that when their methods are difficult to achieve the desired effect in front of the Jin army, it will be more embarrassing. With the Jin army's means, what kind of achievements will be achieved in the war, Guishuang's senior officials can't imagine such things.

The two cities that originally belonged to Guishuang were the banner of the Jin army floating at this time. This situation appeared on the battlefield of the Jin army’s attack on Guishuang, making the people of Guishuang panic.

Although I have heard a lot about the Jin army's capture of enemy cities, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of worries when this situation falls on them.

This is the Jin army. After the fierce and brutal Jin army becomes the master of the city on the battlefield, what will it do to them? If their actions cannot satisfy these rulers, what will happen The situation is.

The defeat of the war itself was a great blow to Guishuang, and these people of Guishuang want to survive well after the war is over. Only if they survive, there will be more. The possibility of death would be too unacceptable if the city was breached and died.

In this war, the Jin country’s army showed great tactics when it attacked Guishuang, and Guishuang soldiers could not stop it, even if the Guishuang army was tenacious and tenacious when it blocked the Jin country’s offensive, but Under such an offensive, what is needed is the strength of the lieutenant soldiers.

Without strong strength, it is almost impossible to win in the confrontation, and the strength displayed by the Jin country's army has well proved the fragility of the Guishuang army.

Perhaps Guishuang’s soldiers were able to resist as hard as they could when the war came, and wanted to stop the enemy’s attack with a tenacious fighting method, but this kind of attack still brought the destruction of the Guishuang city.

The appearance of powerful Jin's army on the battlefield is often the beginning of the enemy's nightmare. If there is no more understanding of these words before, this is what the Jin's army is now on the battlefield.

Absolutely strong strength brought great benefits to the development of the Jin country. Of course, it is needless to say. The soldiers of the Jin army have crossed the battlefield and won victory in wars, so that they can have Greater deeds. Facts have proved that the impact of the Jin Kingdom’s military campaigns is great, and what the Jin Kingdom emperor needs is constant victories during the battle.

The actual war situation is a great blow to the soldiers of Guishuang, but Guishuang's army still needs to deal with the offensive from Jin's army in the subsequent war. If there are other situations in the response, then that will be the case. The most dangerous thing.

The loss of the three important cities in the eastern part of Guishuang will bring more shock to Guishuang, and even make it difficult for Guishuang's army to stop better in subsequent confrontations. The offensive from the Jin army.

Wars are often so cruel. If there is no means when fighting, there will be many situations in the war.

The presence of the powerful Jin army on the battlefield can bring too much damage to the Guishuang soldiers. They want to do more in blocking the Jin army’s attack, but this idea wants to be realized. What is needed is more skill.

Blocking the enemy's offensive seems simple, but in fact it requires a lot of means. Once some means can't be used smoothly, there will be many situations afterwards.

The methods Lü Bu adopted when developing the Jin country shocked the enemy, and even allowed the enemy to feel the cruel and terrifying Jin army soldiers from such a war.

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