Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5591: : The Emperor of Jin sent troops

The current state of war is a good illustration.

In view of the current situation in Dingdong City, Zhao Yun followed Lu Xun's suggestion and selected Guishuang people who could speak Chinese, and selected those who could speak Guishuang words from the people under the rule of the Jin Dynasty to comfort the people of Dingdong City.

This kind of strategy is still very effective. At least the people of Guishuang have no initial panic after seeing the Jin army.

Dingdong City is an important city of Guishuang. After occupying Dingdong City, it is necessary for the city to stabilize as soon as possible and become the support for the Jin army to occupy other cities. The impact of the next action of the soldiers must be great.

Zhao Yun, who has experienced many wars and grew up from wars, naturally understands the truth.

The Jin State’s strategy for treating the people under the rule is good. It is necessary to make the people under the rule feel more kindness. If it is said that some actions have caused dissatisfaction among these people, then It will become a big hidden danger, especially at the critical moment when the Jin army attacked Guishuang. If the people of Guishuang resisted, the impact would be greater.

In some cases, killing can indeed have a great deterrent effect, but killing can also lose popular support.

In order to better govern the cities that were captured, the most important thing is to let the people under the rule of the enemy have confidence in the Jin army, and believe that under the rule of the Jin army, they can lead a stable life and be able to make Life is guaranteed.

The current Jin State has corresponding countermeasures in dealing with foreign citizens. If it is unsuccessful in strategy, it will be impossible for the Jin State army to achieve long-term development after attacking the enemy's city.

Only by making the situation better persist, can we have more gains in the confrontation.

The current stable state of the Jin State is a good illustration. The Jin State can avoid more situations when it develops, so that it can develop more quickly, and even make it avoid other conditions.

Especially at this critical moment when the Jin Kingdom’s army will attack Guishuang at any time, so that the people of Guishuang will feel at ease. A degree of gratitude.

With the passage of time, the rule of the Jin Kingdom will inevitably be gradually adapted to the people of Guishuang. At that time, they will not resist the Jin State, and will even actively cooperate with the officials of the Jin State.

In the past, the officials of the Jin State were governed by foreign races. In this way, let the foreigners live a more stable and happier life than before, and their rejection of the Jin state will gradually become flat.

The various strategies of the Jin State after the end of the campaign are of great significance to the long-term development of the Jin State, and can even prevent the Jin State from appearing in more situations when it develops.

In such a situation, the army of the Jin Kingdom will be more relaxed when fighting, and it will not be said that the situation under the rule will affect the progress of the war.

After all, there are only a few enemy forces that can stop the Jin's army from attacking. The key is what strategy should be adopted after the enemy's city is captured to make governance more smoothly and to make war more valuable.

The Jin Kingdom’s campaign was for the prosperity of the Jin Kingdom, for the dignity of the people of the Jin Kingdom, and for the pride of the people of the Jin Kingdom.

When Guishuang provokes Jin, what he has to bear is the price of defeat in the war. There is no room for negotiation. As for what actions the Guishuang people will take in such a war, and what actions can they achieve The effect of this is to see the methods of the Guishuang people in dealing with the war.

However, the generals of the Jin army have absolute confidence in their strength, especially the emperor of the Jin Kingdom led the army to the battlefield, which made the lieutenants see the hope of victory.

As long as the emperor of the Jin Kingdom appeared in a battle, there was absolutely no reason why the Jin army could not win. How many wars were achieved because of the commander-in-chief of Lu Bu.

What kind of consequences can the mighty Guishuang Empire have after encountering the mighty Jin army.

The growth that Lü Bu commander-in-chief Jin army achieved in the war was amazing. It is precisely because of his many achievements that made the Jin army more relaxed in the face of war.

There is no need to worry about the enemy's countermeasures. Just need the Jin army to appear in the war to get many benefits from the battle. What could be easier than this.

This time the war is also an opportunity for the rise of the Jin Kingdom. It is an opportunity to rise outside the Western Regions, and the Guishuang and Anxi Empires, which have powerful strengths outside the Western Regions, are not small for the Jin Kingdom. Deterrence, if you can't win the battle against Guishuang, it is actually a very dangerous thing for the Jin country.

When Guishuang suffered a lot of losses in the war, what it could bring was the turbulence of Guishuang and the gradual prosperity of Jin. Breaking Guishuang's prosperity can allow Jin to gain more benefits.

Why Guishuang dared to drive away Jin’s merchants? That’s because Guishuang’s senior officials believed in Guishuang’s strength. They believed that through war, they could win victory from the Jin army and even resist the Jin army. Offense.

With such a concept, Guishuang will have a more positive attitude when dealing with wars, and even during the confrontation, the enemy can suffer more setbacks.

In fact, there are many wars experienced by Guishuang. The fact that Guishuang has the current stability is the best proof that the people of Guishuang also have corresponding methods when dealing with wars.

The use of war to break the monopoly of the Jin State, and even make it difficult for Jin State merchants to gain benefits in Guishuang, is of great significance to the long-term stability of Guishuang.

The development of the Jin country makes the Jin country more rapid in the process of development. It is also the pursuit of the people of the Jin country. From the actual situation, it can be seen that the Jin country has terrible means when facing war. , This is also something that makes the people of Guishuang more worried.

Dingdong City has gradually stabilized. There are more and more Jin troops gathered in Dingdong City. Outside of the Western Regions, there are tens of thousands of Jin soldiers and horses. These Jin soldiers are guarded in Dingzhou and Hepingzhou. It is to ensure that the rule of Jin State in Dingzhou and Hepingzhou can be more stable.

When a war breaks out, the soldiers of the Jin army will show a terrible side in the war, and even make the progress of the war more helpful to the Jin country.

As a country that emerged from the war, Jin has a positive attitude when facing any war. They will not say that they are afraid of war because they are afraid of the deaths and injuries that may occur in the war. Show as strong as possible in the war, let the enemy fall apart under such an offensive.

The current attitude of the Jin's army in the face of war has a great impact on the enemy. If it fails to do more in the process of fighting against the Jin army, the subsequent situation will be even more dangerous.

From the dispatch of the Jin Kingdom’s army, what can actually be seen is the determination of the Jin Kingdom’s emperor to deal with the war. Nowadays, 40,000 soldiers and horses outside the Western Regions have gathered in Dingdong City. It is also the elite military force of Dingzhou and Pingzhou.

Lü Bu led an army of more than 70,000 to Dingdong City. At that time, only the Jin army will exceed 100,000 when the two forces converge. A war of this scale is rare in the current stable Jin country. of.

What can not be underestimated at any time is the strong combat effectiveness of the Jin army. After they appear on the battlefield, they will use their tenacious combat effectiveness to show the terrible side to the enemy. They are the kings on the battlefield, no matter what conditions appear in the war. , How many powerful enemy forces they have encountered, what they need is to gradually rise in the war, and make the Jin country stronger in the war.

Lu Bu's achievements in the war are shocking When the development of Jin state is more rapid, the benefits that can be brought to the people of Jin state are self-evident.

The powerful Jin country, after deciding to fight, will cause huge damage to the enemy on the battlefield, so that the enemy will understand at this time how unlucky it is for them to encounter the Jin country’s army in the war. .

The rapid development of Jin State was actually accompanied by many problems. However, officials of Jin State had unique methods when dealing with these problems, which ensured the stability and development of Jin State, and allowed Jin State to stay in When it develops rapidly, it is hard to say that there will be other situations.

When the soldiers of the Jin army get more opportunities for growth in the war, they will have a more serious attitude when facing the war, because the war is a good opportunity for them to gain self-improvement.

The victories that the soldiers of the Jin army have won in the war again and again are the best proof.

The soldiers of the Jin army who appeared in the war were the most terrifying existence on the battlefield. Their fierce offensive methods would make the enemy feel huge trouble.

Dingdong City, constantly gathering the soldiers and horses of the Jin army, made the defenders of Qu Shuangcheng and Danbei City uneasy. They paid special attention to the defense of the city gate. The reason why Dingdong City was lost was because it could not stop the Jin army from attacking. The city gate, if there are no more mistakes in the defense of the city gate, the Jin country’s army will have to pay a heavy price if it wants to break through the city.

The side who attacked the city often sacrificed more in the war. The Jin army attacked Dingdong City. It can only be said that it was an accident. The defender of Guishuang was too negligent when facing the Jin army. In fact, it was such a situation. It is not easy to change other Guishuang generals. Under the circumstances at the time, who could have imagined that the Jin army would suddenly launch an offensive. After all, Jin sent envoys to Guishuang to express friendly feelings.

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