Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5520: : Dingdong City with a solemn atmosphere

5539-Dingdong City

At present, the development of Jin country is not comparable to Guishuang, and it can even have more influence on Guishuang during the development. The current reaction of the people of Guishuang is the best proof.

The relationship between Guishuang and Jin is relatively tense. Such a tense situation will cause great harm to the development of Guishuang. If such things cannot be contained to a large extent, it will breed even more. Many situations.

How to maintain a good relationship with Jin is of utmost importance. Guishuang is a relatively weak country in the war. It is difficult to win the battle against Jin, which will make Guishuang’s army face war. At that time, the situation is even more difficult to determine.

Lu Bu's methods used in the development of Jin were not comparable to Guishuang, and it was impossible for the army under Guishuang's Queen to win victory in response to the Jin army's offensive.

The current state of Jin needs the victory of the war to be further inspired. When the people of Guishuang have many provocations, how the people of Jin reacted, we can see the gap between the two sides.

The Jin Kingdom’s army is an extremely powerful presence on the battlefield. Their campaigns can bring an important foundation for the prosperity of the Jin Kingdom. If even victory during the campaign cannot be guaranteed, the progress of the war will be even more difficult.

Lu Bu's fierce methods used in the development of the Jin Dynasty proved the success of imprisoning the emperor.

The current situation between Guishuang and Jin is quite tense, and even Guishuang’s senior leaders have made the decision to drive away Jin’s businessmen. After such an event, the impact on Jin’s businessmen will definitely be great. However, in Jin After the country’s envoy arrived, Guishuang still needed to show enough respect, because there were many differences between the Jin’s envoy and the Jin’s businessmen.

After the merchants of the Jin Kingdom displayed the corresponding methods, they could obtain many benefits from the land of Guishuang, but after the arrival of the envoys of the Jin Kingdom, the impact would be different. If people are arrogant and angry, the result must be more serious.

Anyone who knows enough about the emperor of Jin will know that the emperor of Jin is a military commander, and it is possible to have more anger when facing certain things. When the emperor of Jin is angry, then The impact will definitely be greater.

The success of the Emperor of Jin in the land of Jin is not comparable to that of previous monarchs. This will allow the emperor of Jin to be significantly improved. Even at this time, the actions of the Emperor of Jin can improve the situation of Jin. The help brought by the development of China is great.

Jin is in need of war, but before the war begins, it is necessary for the enemy to feel the aura of the coming war as much as possible. If the war occurs, the enemy can be aware of it and want to do it. It is basically impossible to attack by surprise.

When the Jin State’s army is on the battlefield, it is stressful that it has more control over the situation on the battlefield. In this way, it will more affect the progress of the war, and even after the war begins, the Jin State’s offensive can be Play a bigger role.

At present, the Jin army has more countermeasures when facing a war. Just by relying on the sharp methods of the Jin army's soldiers, the people of Guishuang can taste the taste of defeat in the war in the war.

Victory during a war often has a great impact on the situation in the country. Failure to win from the confrontation will make the situation in the country even more tense and even breed many situations.

From the previous Jin emperor’s methods of dealing with wars, we can see the terrible Jin emperor. Regardless of the situation that may occur on the battlefield, the Jin emperor pursues constant victory in the war, through the way of victory in the war. , So that the development of the Jin country has been gradually improved, and even the people of the Jin country can have more pride in such a process.

From these things, what can actually be seen is the plan of the Emperor of Jin. It is not enough to make the situation in the country stronger. It is also necessary for the people in the country to have a more sense of belonging to the Jin country. When there is a war, At that time, the people in the country will stand on the side of the monarch. When the enemy is provoked, the people of Jin will be impassioned and angry because of this, and will make the provocative enemy pay the due price.

This situation is exactly what the Emperor of Jin wants to see, so that people in the country have a more sense of belonging to Jin. When facing war, they will not have the slightest fear, and will even let the enemy in the confrontation. What is felt is the cruelty of the war. In this way, when Jin's army appears in the confrontation, the enemy will feel the cruelty of the war, and the enemy will not see the slightest hope of victory in the war.

The gradual rise of the Jin State has taken a lot of effort. If it were not for the high-level Jin State to make so many contributions to the development of the Jin State, it would be impossible to make the development of Ang Jin State faster. In fact, the situation in the country must face many challenges as it develops. What kind of strategy should be adopted in the face of these challenges is also crucial.

For the same thing, adopting different methods will have different results, and even the results will be completely different.

When the people of the Jin country choose the result, they naturally proceeded toward the side that is beneficial to the development of the Jin country. The current way of development of the Jin country is a good illustration. No matter how the situation is going, when the people of the Jin country choose war, Victory in a war is a relatively normal thing.

It is precisely because of the current strength of the Jin country that the people of Guishuang have a lot of prudence when dealing with the country of Jin. They are worried that other situations may occur in the war, and these conditions are beyond the control of the people of Guishuang.

After offending the Jin Kingdom, it is necessary to have a lot of caution, especially the emperor's powerful methods that need to be dealt with. Anyone who knows enough about the Emperor of Jin will find that the emperor of Jin is nothing. An upright gentleman, this is a man who can do anything to win. As long as he can win in a war, the emperor of Jin will not have the slightest hesitation. Even if some means are relatively despicable, it is insignificant in the eyes of the emperor of Jin.

Facts have proved that the Jin emperor's method is still more effective, so that Jin can avoid more situations when it develops.

Dingdong City, the atmosphere at this time is relatively solemn. After the tension with the Jin country, the Guishuang guard of Dingdong City must be more cautious, especially after receiving the order of Queen Guishuang, let The defender of Dingdong City realized the tension of the situation.

Nayan, the defender of Dingdong City, had experienced the previous war against Jin, and he had a lot of knowledge about the combat effectiveness of Jin's army. The posture of Jin's army on the battlefield was shocking.

It is precisely because of the tyrannical strength of the Jin army that the soldiers of the Jin army have many deeds during the war. With the combat power of the Guishuang army, they want to do more in blocking the offensive of the Jin army. Basically It's impossible. If you want to win the battle against Jin's army and let Jin's army retreat, Na Yan knows the difficulty.

After experiencing the war to attack Guishan City, Na Yan was shocked by the strength of the Jin army. He was also a lieutenant general, but the influence that the Jin army could bring in the war was too great. Others were not. It is said that just the brutal offensive method of the Jin State army will make Guishuang's defenders suffer more losses.

With the further growth of Jin's strength, it will be more difficult for Guishuang's army to do more to stop the Jin's army from attacking. Why doesn't Na Yan understand the truth, if it can maintain with Jin A peaceful relationship will be of great help to the long-term development of Guishuang. The key is to see from the actions of Guishuang’s high-level officials what kind of determination the people of Guishuang have when facing war, and so on. The occurrence of this situation has a great impact on the stability of Guishuang.

In fact, the soldiers of the Guishuang Army have no more expectations for the war. The main reason is that they have seen the powerful Jin army from the previous confrontations. If they can’t do anything against the Jin army, The face is life-threatening.

As long as it is General Guishuang who has sufficient knowledge of Jin's strength, he will deeply feel the urgency of the war.

After defeating the Jin State Army in the past, Guishuang also paid a lot of attention when developing its military It just wanted to do more in the battle against the Jin State Army, it was not a simple matter. .

With the powerful strength of the Jin State army, it is relatively simple to influence the Guishuang army in the war.

The current war has a great impact on both sides. The key is that such an impact can bring opportunities for Jin to development, unless Guishuang has the strength to block the offensive of Jin's army.

Facts have proved that the Jin country’s army is extremely tough in the means of attack. Guishuang’s development is far behind that of Jin’s. The offensive means is the biggest manifestation. Guishuang has experienced wars in the past. At that time, it was extremely sturdy, but when faced with the Jin army, it had its shortcomings.

The current war has a great impact on the situation of the two sides. If the Jin country's army cannot be blocked well in the confrontation, the situation that will occur is something that the people of Guishuang don't want to see.

The strong strength of the Jin State army can be further reflected in the war. Just the Jin State army's offensive method will make Guishuang's defender feel a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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