Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5431: : Strong, relying on


The strength of the Roman Empire is not bad. If you want to benefit from the Jin emperor’s hands, there is always a certain degree of difficulty, because Jin’s army did not have a large-scale confrontation with the Roman Empire’s army. The previous process of discussion In China, even the army of the Jin country won the battle.

In this way, the people of Jin have more pride, which is reasonable.

If the Emperor of Jin could not win the battle, he would lose more advantage when facing the enemy.

However, the lightness of the Jin Dynasty emperor's performance was backed by strong strength.

Once a war breaks out, Jin's actions will cause the enemy to suffer more losses. Sometimes, these losses are even unimaginable for the enemy.

The gradual progress of the battle is helpful to the improvement of the strength of the lieutenant soldiers, but such an improvement is accompanied by the cruelty of the war.

If you can't win from the confrontation, the cruelty will be greater.

Now, the methods used by the Jin country are not important manifestations of the Jin Emperor's more confidence in his strength.

After the emperor of the Jin country led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield and succeeded, the rest of the matter was relatively simple for the Jin country.

The victory of the war is just a relatively easy thing for the soldiers of the Jin army, because regardless of the strength of the enemy army, it is almost impossible to influence the Jin's army in more ways.

The Roman Empire had many friendships with the Jin nation, precisely because of the fierce strength that the Jin nation showed. After all, this kind of strength had a great impact on the occurrence of war.

Once the war begins, if the Jin State does not respond more, it will definitely be the Jin State who will suffer.

Anyone who has enough knowledge about Lu Bu will know that during a war, it is not such a simple thing to get benefits from the Jin emperor.

In fact, it is not a simple matter to establish an equal relationship with the Jin state. From what methods the Jin emperor used to do things in the past, what can actually be seen is the emperor's arrogance.

Of course, the emperor of Jin has conceited capital. After the army of Jin can obtain victories again and again in the course of battle, the words of the emperor of Jin will have more authority.

It is not such a simple matter to provoke the emperor of Jin. If some things are not handled properly, more problems may arise, just like when Guishuang interacted with Jin. How aggrieved is the same.

Guishuang also has a solid foundation of strength, but when dealing with the people of the Jin country, he has to keep his breath. Could it be that the people of Guishuang have no more resentment.

In the face of absolute strength, resentment is useless. The Jin emperor’s actions are also for the good development of Jin. If it is difficult to guarantee even the most basic things for the development of Jin, he wants to get more power. , It is almost impossible.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom used war victories time and time again to let more people see what would happen when standing on the opposite side of the people of the Jin Kingdom.

It is precisely because of the actions of the Emperor of Jin that the people of Jin are more proud, and they believe that they will definitely be able to occupy more advantages in the battle.

Today’s Jin is strong and can gain more victories in the process of fighting against the enemy. Victory seems to be a very simple matter for the people of Jin. It is precisely because of the strong army as a backing that the emperor of Jin It seems even more arrogant when doing things.

In fact, this situation is the same even if it is placed on other monarchs. When the strength of the country is strong enough, the emperor’s words can play a greater role. The current methods used in the development of the Jin country Above, it is beyond the imagination of ordinary monarchs.

After Guishuang interacted with Jin, it was extremely difficult to get more benefits from the people of Jin, because in such a process, the emperor of Jin would let the other party understand and play some small tricks. The impact is not great.

The victories of the generals of the Jin army have given the people of the Jin country more confidence in the face of war, because they believe that after the war, they have the appropriate means of coping.

It is precisely because of this success that the Jin army can have more influence when appearing in the campaign.

The methods used by the Jin emperor are not comparable to ordinary monarchs, especially in Guishuang. From the movement of the Jin army, what he feels is that it will be even more dangerous.

After the emperor of Jin took action, it was obvious what kind of influence it would have on Guishuang's situation. It was not an overnight effort to change this situation.

The achievements of the Jin country are great. When the Jin country mobilizes troops and horses to attack Guishuang, the people of Guishuang will fall into more passivity.

Relying on the combat power of the lieutenant generals to obtain more benefits from the battle is itself the most important issue for the monarch to think about. If the monarch is not more cautious when dealing with the war, he wants to get more benefits from the confrontation. It is almost impossible to do.

The people of Jin were able to win the battle, and after the war was over, the occupied city could develop rapidly. This in itself was where the Jin Emperor chose to fight the biggest capital.

Even this way of development will make the other party feel more panic, because the people of Jin are too scary.

Being alone with the emperor of the Jin State puts Turado under great pressure. The strong radiating from the emperor of the Jin State is actually not an ordinary influence on him, but I think of Lü Bu’s past achievements. The momentum has become a normal thing.

When the Jin Dynasty emperor took some measures, the impact on the messenger was great after all.

Although Guo Jia, the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, expressed greed, but did Lu Bu have no understanding of these situations? It can be said that the tripartite envoys came to Chang'an City, which is extremely important to the senior officials of the Jin State. If they did not deal with these things If more prudence leads to a bad relationship between the three parties and Jin, it will not help Jin's future development.

Lu Bu is always more sensible when doing things, and even thinks about how to make the development of Jin country smoother in normal times.

This is also an important reason why Jin’s army appears in the battle and can get more victories. The victory of the war is just an extremely common thing for the soldiers of the Jin army. A detailed analysis of the situations that may occur in the war is carried out. In view of these situations, how to carry out the war will be more helpful to the Jin country, and it is also a problem that the people of the Jin country need to consider.

When such things happen more often, it will bring about the invincibility of the Jin's soldiers in the war. Why after the emergence of the Jin's army, the enemy can always feel the panic of the war more.

Because when fighting against the army of the Jin Kingdom, the other side simply couldn't feel the possibility of victory in the war. In such a battle, the enemy army felt an aura of despair.

After this kind of battle can have more influence on Guishuang, the senior leaders of Guishuang will maintain a sensible attitude even in the face of the provocation of Jin, because they know that they want to win the battle. It's almost impossible.

The progress of the battle is difficult for Guishuang to control. If possible, Guishuang would definitely not want to encounter Jin's army in a confrontation. When the two armies encounter, the failure of the war will be Let Guishuang fall into more passiveness, because wanting to win from a confrontation is often not so easy.

It is precisely because of the means used by the Jin army during the battle that the Jin army soldiers can produce more destructive power in the face of war.

The Jin Dynasty emperor's reliance is not related to the strong strength of the lieutenant soldiers.

If the strength of the Jin country is not strong enough, it will be difficult to achieve success if it wants to gain more advantages in such exchanges, or the Roman Empire will not agree to such a request.

When the war approaches, what means the emperor of Jin should adopt to win victory is of utmost importance. However, what means will the army of Jin adopt to deal with the enemy in the war is also the most needed by Guishuang. Questions to think about.

Because Guishuang didn't know enough about their opponents, from the way of fighting in the past of Jin, we can see how the emperor of Jin used to face certain things.

And when Jin’s army appears in the battle, it often makes the enemy feel the cruelty of the war, because it is almost impossible for them to take advantage of the Jin army when they are fighting against the Jin’s soldiers.

There are many reasons for making Jin's army more destructive in the war, or the appearance of Jin's army in the battle will make the enemy more panic.

It is precisely because of Jin's toughness that made Jin's emperor so tough. If Guishuang's strength is sufficient, what will happen after the assassination of Jin's emperor happened? But the current situation is different. Guishuang definitely does not want war to happen. After the war, the impact on Guishuang will be great.

Jin was able to recover quickly after the end of the war. Just by seeing the scale of Jin's business, one could see how terrifying the Jin's emperor's methods were.

When the power of more merchants can be used by the emperor of Jin, the remaining things will be relatively simple and great, and even in the battle, the enemy will be able to see more and want to learn from the emperor of Jin. What is the difficulty of winning in the hands.

Today, the development of Jin State has a great influence on neighboring countries. If you don't pay attention to Jin State, you will suffer more in this process.

The emperor of Jin used a powerful method that was not measurable by ordinary people, or when facing the emperor of Jin, it was almost impossible to gain an advantage in communication, because the emperor of Jin was Will not allow such things to happen.

Nowadays, Jin State has strong strength. In terms of warfare, lieutenants and soldiers have rich experience, which provides good conditions for Jin State's army to fight.

After really coming to Jin and seeing the development of Jin, Turado was shocked. I heard about Jin in the past. Although I was interested, in Turado’s view, the development of Jin wanted to be harmonious. Compared with the Roman Empire, there are many gaps.

After a thorough understanding of the Jin Kingdom, you will find that there is a big gap in the development of the Roman Empire in some places compared to the Jin Kingdom.

If the Roman Empire did not attach importance to the Jin State, or dismissed the development of the Jin State, one day the war came and they lacked enough understanding of the powerful Jin State, and they would certainly suffer more in the war.

There are many sharp weapons in the Jin army. With the Jin Emperor's strategy for treating lieutenants and soldiers, the lieutenants and soldiers will definitely do their best in the face of war.

This is also an extremely normal thing. The emperor of Jin used methods that ordinary monarchs would not dare to try. With talent, he would be able to flex his muscles in the army.

The temptation of this aspect alone will make the lieutenant soldiers work harder in the ordinary process. If they can have power in their hands, it is the most important.

The benefits of power ~ ~ The temptation of power is great.

The powerful strength of the Jin army soldiers in the course of the campaign is also eye-catching. Such a battle record will make the enemy more aware of the strength of the Jin army and allow them to fight against the Jin country. There is no more courage at the time.

Now is the most important moment for Jin's development. After the Jin's army has won the battle again and again, there are many expectations for the coming of the war. Perhaps in the eyes of the lieutenant generals, the conquest is the result of gaining credit. The best chance, who made the soldiers of the Jin army rarely fail in the process of fighting?

When the army of the Jin Kingdom appears in the battle, the victory of the war must belong to the Jin army. This is also the general belief of the Jin army. The strong strength of the Jin army can help the ordinary training of the lieutenant soldiers. It's huge in itself.

If the courage of the lieutenant generals in the army is uncertain when facing war, it is often impossible for such an army to gain more advantage from the confrontation.

Just like the current situation of Jin, although Jin has a strong position in terms of strength, the Jin has shown more prudence in the process of fighting.

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