Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5409: : Focus on the Guishuang Empire

What Jin army officers currently lack most is the opportunity to fight on the battlefield. Such an opportunity is really too important for the Jin army officers. In fact, from the previous battles of the Jin army soldiers, we can see that the current Jin army’s warfare is very particular. It's the elite team.

This way of fighting is the least costly to the Jin army, but the other soldiers of the Jin army also have a lot of yearning for the battlefield, and they want to get more credit from the war.

It is very normal for lieutenants to have such thoughts. If the lieutenants have no more ideas about war and just accept ordinary training, such an army appears in the war and wants to have greater As it will become impossible.

The development of the Jin country is accompanied by many difficulties. When the Jin team appears in the battle, what kind of impact it can have on the battlefield situation is also something that people in the Jin country need to consider.

In the past campaigns, the Jin army soldiers showed their own value. For the campaign, the Jin army soldiers had a lot of enthusiasm.

This time the Jin Dynasty emperor’s order made the generals of each state feel the arrival of opportunities. If they can perform well in this review, they may have a chance to enter after the war. On the battlefield, such an opportunity will make it difficult for the generals of the Jin army to give up.

It is precisely because of the brave actions of the Jin army soldiers in the course of the campaign that the Jin team appeared in the campaign and could easily defeat the enemy army and get more victories from the enemy's hands.

The progress of the war may be cruel to the lieutenant soldiers, but as long as they can win the battle, it is the greatest manifestation of their own value.

Today, the Jin country has a lot of dissatisfaction with Guishuang. Such things are not a secret in the Jin country. Behind the review of the army, is there a back image of the Jin army soldiers about to fight?

Under such circumstances, how much influence can the Jin army’s campaigns have on the situation?

It is precisely because of the fierce performance of the Jin team in the battle that the Jin soldiers can obtain a lot of credit on the battlefield. The battle has become the main place for the Jin soldiers to obtain credit.

Such things often have a lot of shocks for the enemy, because they want to win the war from the Jin team, which has many difficulties, and even makes them pay more in the course of the battle. The price comes.

No matter how the war is going on, when the war breaks out, the soldiers of the Jin army will use the fiercest fighting method to let the enemy understand the cruelty of the war deeply.

To get more victories from the battle, so that the value of the lieutenant soldiers can be reflected to the greatest extent in the confrontation, which is what the people of Jin need most.

When the war breaks out, the soldiers of the Jin army will adopt a fierce war stance on the battlefield to let the so-called enemy forces know what the price they will bear when they stand on the opposite side of the soldiers of the Jin army, such a price. , Is it something they can afford.

Today, the training that Jin army soldiers receive in ordinary training must be extremely strict. It is precisely because of the actions of the Jin country that some training has become easier.

Military generals do not need to worry about laziness during the training of ordinary generals.

When more wars erupt and have nothing to do with ordinary soldiers, military lieutenants will even be dissatisfied, which will certainly be of great help to the long-term development of the Jin team.

War will cause a lot of losses to lieutenants and soldiers, but the performance of Jin's army in the confrontation can well illustrate this problem. They don't care more about the sacrifices in the war.

Today, the achievements of the Jin team on the battlefield are not comparable to those of an ordinary army. It is precisely because of this reason that the Jin team will achieve more achievements.

Regardless of what happens on the battlefield, the soldiers of the Jin army will use their intrepid combat power to let the so-called enemy forces understand how little impact their campaign can bring to the Jin team.

The outstanding performance in the battle will make the Jin soldiers more relaxed in the face of war. They will not say that they have more worries because of the situation on the battlefield, because with their strength, they are completely able to cope with this. Situation.

How to obtain more victories from the war is the most important question for the lieutenant soldiers to think about. What can be felt from the Jin army soldiers' campaign is what kind of fierce actions the Jin army soldiers have when facing the war.

The current development speed of Jin State is very fast. Such a speed of development allows Jin State to have sufficient countermeasures in the face of war. It does not mean that after the war, the rear support cannot keep up.

An order from the Jin Dynasty emperor made the atmosphere in Chang'an a lot eager, and even the army outside Chang'an got such an order.

The emperor of Jin, reviewing the military lieutenants, no matter what purpose behind this review, it is a matter of great honor for the military lieutenants.

Besides, after becoming an elite team in the Jin country, there are many benefits. From the last elite selection, you can see that when you become an elite team in the Jin army, you don’t need to worry about equipment more, and even think about it. It is possible to equip the three-eyed blunderbuss.

The three-eyed blunders in the Jin army are powerful, and this can be seen more in the confrontation after the Jinjun soldiers equipped with the three-eyed blunders.

After the war broke out, the team equipped with the three-eyed blunderbuss demonstrated fierce combat effectiveness in the confrontation, which is unmatched by the average army. It is precisely because of the performance in this aspect that the three-eyed blunderbuss have become the hottest equipment among the Jin army. .

Ordinary soldiers naturally hope that more of this equipment can fall on them. In this case, there will be more possibilities in the course of the battle.

If you can't win from the confrontation, you will lose more things in the confrontation. The methods that the soldiers of the Jin army demonstrated in the process of growth and progress are shocking.

At present, the Jin team has achieved so many achievements from the war that no ordinary army can compare it. It is precisely because of the strong Jin army that the development of the Jin country can be more guaranteed.

How to get more victories from the process of fighting the enemy is also the most important question for lieutenants and soldiers to think about.

If you can't even win the war, such an expedition can only be said to be a failure. In the past, the Jin army generals pursued more victories on the battlefield during their conquests. Only victory can make the lieutenant soldiers better. Yearn for.

Victory through war is able to maximize the value of lieutenants.

In the process of ordinary training, the Jin team has extremely strict requirements. It is through this method that the Jin team has become more elite and has more coping methods when facing war.

When such Jin army soldiers appear in the battle, they can often cause great harm to the enemy.

The growth and progress of the soldiers of the Jin army is accompanied by wars, which makes the soldiers of the Jin army more elite. Although many teams have not experienced wars in these years, they are doing for the war in the ordinary training. Prepare, when the war comes one day, they will appear in the battle, which can bring more shock to the enemy.

Victory in the battle itself is of great significance to the lieutenant soldiers. If the victory in the battle cannot be more guaranteed, the existence of such an army is of no value.

The news came, but Guishuang's messenger Yu Putuo's heart was shaken. Is this Jin country preparing to take action on Guishuang? When the news is about to be sent back to Guishuang, Guishuang's messenger dared not dare to face such things. There is the slightest negligence.

At the same time, the envoy of Guishuang moved around the city a lot. The purpose was to find out what purpose the Jin army concealed behind these actions. Jin's strength is strong and it can be compared with Guishuang. Yes, especially after the Jin army has shown strong combat effectiveness on the battlefield, Guishuang must pay more attention. If the attention is not enough, once a war breaks out, Guishuang will fall into a stalemate.

And the fact that the messenger of Rest and the Roman Empire had contact with Guo Jiaduo made the heart of Guishuang messenger even more uneasy. No one is sure what kind of attitude the rest of peace and the Roman Empire would have after the war broke out. Frost’s weapons of war are good, but these so-called weapons of war are nothing compared to those owned by the Jin army. The destruction that the soldiers of the Jin army can bring after the attack in the war is extraordinary. The army can be compared.

The combat effectiveness of Guishuang's army is indeed outstanding. Compared with Jin's army, it is somewhat inadequate. Such a gap will make Guishuang's side more difficult to deal with Jin's offensive after the start of the war.

After uniting with the Roman Empire, it had a great impact on the situation of Guishuang, and even after Guishuang’s experience of war at home, it would not be said that there was more worry about the offensive from the rest side, but from the current situation, Rome It is very possible for the empire to reach an alliance with Jin.

Relying on Jin's influence in terms of strength, it must be able to give more attention to the Roman Empire.

It should be known that the powerful combat effectiveness of the Jin army in previous wars is very attractive to any powerful country. The monarchs of each country have a lot of attention to the improvement of their own strength. They just want to In this way, the lieutenant soldiers can have a stronger combat effectiveness, and they can get more victories when dealing with the enemy.

The fighting power displayed by the Jin country is not comparable to that of ordinary troops. It is precisely because of this that Guishuang will have a lot of shocks, even if it pays a certain price, as long as it can maintain with the Jin country A good relationship is also worthwhile in the eyes of the people of Guishuang.

When the war broke out, how the Jin country responded to the war was also a big problem. Otherwise, after the war started, it was only with Guishuang’s ability to do more in the battle against the Jin army. Basically Is impossible.

After all, the current war has had a great impact on the Jin country, but the attitude of the people of the Jin country can be seen. When the war comes, the people of the Jin country are fearless, or that they have no fear in the Jin army. Soldiers are confident enough to win the battle.

The poor Guishuang Empire, after coming out of the war, has withstood the defeat of the Jin army. However, the Jin country will not say that it is satisfied because of a victory in the war. The emperor of Jin needs a strong empire. It is even said that such an empire is no less powerful than the Roman Empire.

When the Jin Kingdom needs to expand, its eyes will be on the Guishuang Empire. The past wars have shown very well what will happen when the army of the Guishuang Empire meets the soldiers of the Jin贵Envoy Frost’s heart was worried and anxious, but there were too few officials who could help him in Chang'an City. Besides, this was an order issued by the Emperor of Jin. Even if some officials in the DPRK were not interested in the war, could it be said? They can still stand up against the emperor of Jin's orders.

Just from the prestige of Lu Bu in the Jin country, it can be seen that when Lu Bu's order is issued, it can be well implemented, especially in terms of war. The Jin emperor’s order was not violated by military generals. It is even said that the generals in the army have a lot of expectations for the progress of the war.

Even if the situation in Guishuang is tense, how much does it have to do with the Jin country? People in Jin will not say that because of the beginning of the war, they will have a lot of pity for Guishuang. Victory, only after gaining more benefits in the battle, can it be more conducive to the growth and progress of Jin.

The development speed of the Jin country is also shocking. The Jin team that has emerged from the war has improved its strength extremely fast. Not only that, even the development speed under the rule can also be improved at this time. More protection.

When such things happen more, it is obviously impossible to have more achievements against the Jin team. When the Jin country’s army appears in the battle, it will make the enemy more. He understands how difficult it is to win the battle from the hands of the Jin army.

The strength of the Jin State’s army is strong, and the impact that can be brought about in the course of the war is not imaginable by ordinary people. It is really because of the strong strength of the Jin State that Jin’s soldiers can get more when they go through the war. The support of Jin, and the support of the Jin country will make the lieutenant soldiers even more motivated when fighting, and there is no opponent they can't defeat.


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