Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5368: : Huang Zhong, Jia Xu, please

It is normal for officials of the Ministry of Rites to have such concerns, but before Lu Bu issued a disposition, the officials of the Ministry of Rites were relatively safe. As for what will happen in the future, they are not able to control.

It’s best to make Lu Bu forget about this, and this assassination was done by the people of Guishuang, and it’s best to make Lu Bu have a lot of anger towards the people of Guishuang and impress the anger on the people of Guishuang. In this way, the corresponding success can be obtained and Lu Bu can forget them smoothly.

Lu Bu, who was assassinated in the process of enshrining Zen, must have been angry, and his anger needs to be released.

The most important thing is that after the people of the Anxi Empire endure the anger, the officials in the dynasty will be spared. This time following the emperor of Jin to the Fengchan team, but the elite of the Jin army are waiting here. Under the circumstances, other accidents occurred.

Huang Zhong went out and said: "Holy Master, in the process of enshrining Zen, his subordinates failed to perform their duties, which led to the assassination of the Holy Master, and the final general was willing to be punished."

This incident is a thorn in Huang Zhong's heart. He is the commander-in-chief of the Feng Chan team. Although Lu Bu did not blame more after the incident, what would the soldiers in the army think? What kind of opinion will Huang Zhong have? It is difficult for Huang Zhong himself to pass.

As a senior general in the Jin army, Huang Zhong has experienced many wars. In the past wars, Huang Zhong showed a strong side to the generals of the Jin army. No matter what kind of opponent he encountered in the war, Huang Zhong Zhongdu led the Lieyang archer to end the enemy with the cruelest fighting method. It is precisely because of this that Huang Zhong's reputation in the Jin army will become more and more loud. After the assassination happened, Huang Zhong is difficult. Forgive yourself.

Although it is difficult to control the assassination in the process of enforcing Zen, as the commander-in-chief of the army, Huang Zhong must show his attitude on this matter.

After the previous assassination happened, Huang Zhong pleaded guilty, and Lu Bu didn't have any more blame, and even Jia Xu was so relieved, but Huang Zhong couldn't pass his own level.

Lu Bu pondered for a moment and said, "Really willing to accept punishment?"

The officials present were taken aback for a moment. From Lu Bu’s words, he felt other meanings. Huang Zhong was a fierce general in the Jin army. He had made great contributions to the development of Jin. If such a general was in the process of enshrining Zen If the mistakes that occurred and ended sadly, the generals in the army would definitely be chilling.

But after such a thing happened, it was reasonable for the emperor of Jin to be angry. As the commander-in-chief of the army, Huang Zhong would be punished, otherwise how could he be able to convince the masses.

It is good for Lu Bu to have a generous attitude towards the civilian officers and generals under his command, but Lu Bu is the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. When dealing with certain things, he must consider issues from a higher angle.

In fact, Huang Zhong's performance in the campaign was extremely good. Such a general is already old. It is conceivable that even if Huang Zhong will not be punished, he will leave the Jin army. The military power in his hand It's impossible to keep it.

Besides, Huang Zhong himself had the idea of ​​dismissal, but what he didn't expect was that the commander in the process of ennouncing the Zen himself had great glory, and such things would happen.

"The minister is willing to accept punishment." Huang Zhong clasped his fist.

As a general in the army, Huang Zhong has his own perseverance. Even if he becomes a commoner, Huang Zhong seems to be able to accept it. After following Lv Bu, Huang Zhong’s abilities have been fully demonstrated. This opportunity is for For a general, it is extremely important in itself. If you dare not admit it after doing something wrong, it will be fine in the future.

Don't take credit for your own merits. This is Huang Zhong's request for himself, and it is also a request for his generals.

It can be said that Huang Zhong has made a lot of efforts in the Jin army. In fact, there are many generals like Huang Zhong in the Jin army. They have followed Lu Bu for many years in the battle, wanting to reflect their own value, and at the same time I also want to make Jin's Guozuo stretch, and it is best to see Jin's strength even stronger.

The current achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the war are absolutely dazzling. Victory in the battle again and again makes the Jin army soldiers more tenacious in the face of war, regardless of the combat effectiveness displayed by the enemy in the course of the battle. , They want to win from the hands of the Jin army, basically it is impossible.

This is also the place where the soldiers of the Jin army are most proud, because there is no enemy they cannot defeat on the battlefield. When the soldiers of the Jin army appear, the enemy's nightmare begins.

The rewards and punishments are clear. This is the rule made by Lu Bu in the army. Even if he was punished more severely because of this incident, Huang Zhong would not have the slightest complaint. What's more, Huang Xu, the current son of Huang Zhong, has become It is a simple matter for the senior generals in the Jin army to obtain Lu Bu's approval for the abilities demonstrated by such generals.

From the current attitude of Lu Bu towards Huang Xu, Huang Zhong can feel that Lu Bu wants Huang Xu to be the pillar of the Jin army. After the monarch has such an idea, it will be of great help to the development of the generals. It will even make Huang Xu's future growth path smoother.

It's just that after such a thing happened, I don't know if it will affect Huang Xu's future.

However, Huang Zhong did not have so many thoughts in his mind at this time. He was a general of the Jin country. After he made a mistake, he was punished. This is what he should do. Besides, Huang Zhong had absolute respect for Lu Bu. Lu Bu's words, I am afraid that he is still in Jingzhou as a general, and it is even more impossible for him to do what he does today.

Although Huang Zhong has a high-strength martial arts in the Jingzhou army, Huang Zhong knows that just by relying on his high-strength martial arts, it is almost impossible for him to emerge To get the opportunity to grow, you must have the appreciation of the upper class.

The status of the general at the time was extremely obvious. He was an unknown general in the Jingzhou Army, just like Wei Yan at the time.

However, the fate is like this. After embarking on a different path, there will be different results. Now Huang Zhong is a famous general in the Jin army, and Wei Yan is also a general in the Jin army. One side.

Being able to grow to the present point, Huang Zhong is already satisfied, and besides he is old, even if he is leading a lieutenant to fight on the battlefield, today's sage may not be at ease.

Lu Bu pondered for a moment, while the important officials in the Imperial Study Room held their breath for fear that Lu Bu would be severely punished. Huang Zhong’s prestige in the army was very high, and he also had an important weight in the hearts of officials in the DPRK and the central government. The veteran general, leading the lieutenant generals on the battlefield, laid a good foundation for the victory of the Jin army in the war. The mere contribution to the development of the Jin country cannot be taken lightly.

The development of Jin Kingdom can have the current situation, itself is full of many hardships, want to get more victories from the battle, often not as simple as imagined, only in the occasion of the battle, more display Only with your own strength can you get more victories in the battle.

The growth of the generals of the Jin army is actually accompanied by many hardships. Any general in the army who can get to the current position has also made a lot of efforts. Their efforts should be recognized, not that they are committing crimes. After making a mistake, he was severely punished.

Important officials such as Jia Xu are even ready. If Lu Bu is severely punished, they will immediately stand up and oppose it.

The power of heaven is unpredictable. For the first time, officials in the DPRK felt this way. Although it was only the important officials of the Jin country gathered in the imperial study room, when Lu Bu gave the order, it was the holy will, that was the meaning of the emperor, who Dare to stop?

Speaking for Huang Zhong is indeed able to get Huang Zhong's favor, but it is not a good thing to offend Lu Bu on this matter.

"The minister is also guilty." Jia Xu stood up and said, "As the main person in charge of the Feng Chan team, the minister should be punished if something like this happened on the way."

Lu Bu nodded slightly and said, "Wenhe's words are reasonable."

The important officials in the imperial study room were shocked. Could it be that even Jia Xu could not be spared in this incident?

Relatively speaking, Guo Jia’s look is more relaxed, because Guo Jia has a better understanding of Lu Bu’s character. From what Jia Xu has been responsible for over the years, it can be seen that Lu Bu’s trust in Jia Xu is let Jia Xu take charge. The intelligence system requires a lot of courage from the monarch. If there is not enough trust in Jia Xu, it will definitely not be the case.

And Jia Xu stood up at this time, is it not to protect Huang Zhong.

When Lu Bu was just developing, Jia Xu was a courtier next to Lu Bu, who made suggestions for Lu Bu’s development. Even when the situation was the most severe, Jia Xu would never leave Lu Bu. Without the dedicated assistance of these advisers, It is impossible for Lu Bu to grow to his current position.

Lv Bu led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, and indeed had a fierce performance, but the lieutenant soldiers needed support from the side while fighting. What they needed was to make suggestions. It was only Lv Bu’s own ability to do it better. How difficult are these things?

At this time, if the Jin Dynasty emperor punished Jia Xu and Huang Zhong, it would definitely shake the hearts of Jin officials. Even if they didn’t say anything in the open, they would be more vigilant in secret, because At this time, they realized that the power of heaven is unpredictable, and Lu Bu, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, can tell his life and death in one word.

How can ordinary people imagine and compare the Jin emperor when he did something.

After the Emperor of Jin made up his mind, the impact on the development of Jin would have been great. From the meanings revealed by Lu Bu in the past campaigns, he can see more. When Lu Bu made up his mind to do something After the incident, important officials in the DPRK and China still had a lot of support for Lu Bu. This is their trust in Lu Bu.

Lv Bu led the lieutenant generals to fight on the battlefield, which in itself was unprofitable. After the battles, the land of the Jin Kingdom was even more Liu Ou. It is impossible to keep this kind of thing on any courtier’s body. .

"Please punish the saint." Huang Zhong said solemnly.

From Huang Zhong’s voice, everyone can feel Huang Zhong’s sincerity. It can be seen that the assassinations that took place in the process of enshrining Zen are no small excitement for Huang Zhong. The same thing can even be placed on other generals in the army. , I’m afraid we can’t stay out of it.

The emperor of the Jin Kingdom paid enough attention to the generals in the army. From the position of the generals in the army, you can see more. Normally, the civil officials dare not to have more contempt when facing the generals. , Because the civil officials in the dynasty knew that the emperor of the Jin Kingdom was also a military commander. If the matter of despising military commanders because of the status of a civil official was passed on to Lu Bu's ears, it would definitely have a great impact on their future development.

It was precisely because of the attitude and decision-making of the Emperor Jin that made the development of Jin more rapid, and even in the process of development, he could avoid other situations as much as possible.

The victories that the Jin ** team has won in the war is actually a good illustration. When the Jin soldiers appear in the battle, they can let the enemy taste the taste of defeat in the war.

Now the Jin country is developing faster. If you want to win against the Jin army, it will be more difficult. It is precisely because of this reason that the Jin ** team has more opportunities to fight. The convenience.

Nowadays, the Jin Kingdom is at its peak, and the power of the emperor has also increased to the greatest extent under these circumstances.

When the monarch demonstrates his power, it can have a great impact. No one doubts what the impact will be when Lu Bu gives orders and insists.

As for the civil officials and military commanders of the Jin country, they have made many contributions to the Jin country in the past development. Can it be said that they can not be compared with Lu Bu in terms of credit? Confidence.

Even if the officials under the rule have outstanding abilities, can they still not be able to compete with the emperor of Jin.

Besides, after the officials in the DPRK have been given credit, they themselves should be rewarded. What can be the title of a king? From Lu Bu's past behavior, it can be seen that Lu Bu did not pay much attention to some things.

But Lu Bu didn’t have the slightest ambiguity when awarding meritorious people. Just because of Jin’s entitlement to the king, it would bring more shock to the civil servants and generals in the DPRK, and even make them go through this process. Seeing more hope in China, as long as they make enough contributions to the development of Jin, they will be able to reach such a position.

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