Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5320: : Amazing growth rate


It is precisely because of the achievements of Jin’s army that it can bring great turbulence to the war after the Jin’s army appears on the battlefield. Even if the enemy has corresponding means, they want to fight against Jin. It is impossible to win a war in the army.

What can be seen from the war is the strong strength of the Jin army and the elite of the Jin country. This is also what makes Lu Bu very satisfied. If even the strong strength of the lieutenant soldiers cannot be more guaranteed, the development of the country No matter how fast it is, what meaning does it have?

What can be seen from past events is the importance of Jin’s emperor to the improvement of military strength, allowing lieutenants to improve their own strength in the process of ordinary training, and even in such a process, let Jin's army is even more elite. No matter what kind of enemy army is encountered on the battlefield, when the Jin army soldiers appear on the battlefield, they can always make the so-called enemy army pay a heavy price.

The achievements of the Jin State Army on the battlefield are beyond the reach of ordinary troops. To win victory from the Jin State Army, it needs sufficient means.

If the means weren't enough, what kind of fate would you have when you met the Jin army on the battlefield? From the previous encounters with the Guishuang army, you can see what's inside.

After making the military in the country more powerful, it will be able to occupy more advantages in the process of fighting against the enemy, and the development of the military lieutenants will be more guaranteed.

Wanting to win from a battle is not that simple. If you can't get more victories from the battle, it will often make the lieutenant soldiers lose more in the confrontation.

It is precisely because of the extremely powerful strength of Jin's army that Jin's soldiers can avoid more problems when they are fighting, and they can even make the enemy pay more for the war in the process of fighting.

The Jin army’s war style in the past is the best illustration. No matter what kind of countermeasures the enemy has at such a time, relying on the strong strength of the Jin army’s generals, it can always be resolved smoothly in the battle.

Lu Bu agreed to return to Chang'an, which made Mi Zhen feel happy and lost. However, Mi Zhen knew that Lu Bu was the emperor of Jin, so it would be inappropriate to stay by her side. Da Jin Bao Mi Zhen had also heard of the incident. The people of the Jin Kingdom are currently making a lot of noise about the assassination of the Jin Emperor.

Presumably Lu Bu was also worried about what kind of living in Chang'an City, but Lu Bu didn't show it in front of her.

As the emperor of Jin, he needs to make more efforts during the development of Jin. Even if it is something, he knows that it is a contribution, but it also needs to be done.

From the previous actions of the Jin Emperor, we can see the fierce methods of the Jin Emperor and how the Jin Emperor handled things.

It is precisely because Jin has not had so many problems in the development process that Jin has such a rapid development speed.

The growth rate of Jin's army is shocking. Only from the changes in the Jin's army’s combat methods can we see more problems. In the face of war, the Jin's army’s offensive ability is The most shocking thing for the enemy army, if you want to have greater success in the battle against the Jin army, you must take into account the Jin's army's offensive method more.

Because the Jin’s army’s offensive methods can often give them more shock on the battlefield. If they are not cautious in dealing with the Jin’s army, more problems will appear on the battlefield. The Emperor of Jin Some of these methods are not imaginable by the enemy.

If there is no corresponding means when developing Jin country, it would be impossible for Lu Bu to make Jin country strong and prosperous now.

As Lu Bu’s concubine, at the most critical moment, you should think about it for Lu Bu. Lu Bu is the emperor of Jin. If the situation in Chang’an is not very stable, if he still does not return to Chang’an, it is not just for Lu Bu. Fame will have an impact, even Mi Zhen will be affected.

Lu Bu is the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and he has a lot of opportunities. Many things need to be decided by Lu Bu. If Lu Bu is stopped by his side because of his injury, his reputation will inevitably be affected more.

The ladies of the harem still care more about things about their reputation.

In the course of his development in the past, Lu Bu didn't care much about fame. Even when he was scolded by literati, he still kept his own way.

The curse of literati can bring little effect to Lü Bu. What Lü Bu needs is to make his own strength stronger. It is best to be able to stabilize the lives of the people in such a process. Their quality of life has been improved. As for the specific benefits that aristocratic families will get in the process of development under the rule, Bin is not within the scope of Lu Bu's plan.

This kind of thing will make the wealthy family have a lot of resistance. The power of the wealthy family itself is terrible. When the power of more family and wealthy families gather together to fight against Lu Bu, what will happen? At this time, Lu Bu still did not give in.

With repeated war victories, let these people know that it is impossible to get more benefits from his hands just by relying on such means.

As the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lu Bu has the pride that belongs to him. No matter how powerful the enemy is in the war, all Lu Bu has to do is to lead the lieutenant generals on the battlefield to give more to the enemy. s damage.

After becoming the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, Lü Bu led a lieutenant soldier on the battlefield, and there was not much change.

Only from these things I can see what kind of confidence Lu Bu has in his own strength. Otherwise, as the Emperor of Jin, Lu Bu will lead his army to fight on the battlefield. It must be known that the battlefield is full of dangers. Yes, if there is carelessness in the war, it is very likely to die on the battlefield.

How many ferocious generals died because they were not careful in the process of fighting the enemy. Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom. There was something wrong with leading the lieutenant generals to fight on the battlefield.

However, the civil servants and generals of the Jin country persuaded on this matter, it is not such a simple thing to have a certain effect.

Lu Bu was a military commander and had many dazzling performances in previous wars. Such a person, even after becoming the emperor of Jin, would not easily change his personality. From Lu Bu’s previous way of doing things, It can be seen that Lu Bu is a proud person. Even in the face of difficulties, Lu Bu will not bow his head easily.

Fighting on the battlefield may be dangerous for ordinary generals. Lu Bu is a powerful monarch who can create more miracles in the battle. After he has more understanding of what Lu Bu has performed in the past battles. You will find that it is absolutely difficult to take Lu Bu's life from the battle.

Because Lu Bu's high-strength martial arts will play a very important role on the battlefield, even if the enemy has such measures, it is not so easy to gain an advantage from the Jin emperor.

The emperor of Jin is a very sturdy presence on the battlefield. When the emperor of Jin appears in a battle, he can often make huge changes to the situation on the battlefield. If you don’t pay enough attention to such things , There will inevitably be more problems.

The achievements of the Jin emperor were not imaginable and comparable to ordinary people. It is precisely because of this that the Jin emperor has the prestige in the land of Jin now. When Lu Bu's order is issued, it can be implemented as soon as possible in the country.

The common people have a lot of support for their monarch, and lieutenants and soldiers do not have more fear when facing war, because in their opinion, it is impossible for them to have more influence on the progress of the war. .

Nowadays, the development of the Jin Kingdom can be seen. It is precisely because of the rapid development speed of the Jin Kingdom that the Jin Kingdom’s army avoids failures when fighting on the battlefield.

In fact, when Jin's army appears in the battle, it is easier to win the war. If it is the victory of the war, it is nothing ordinary for the Jin's army.

The fierce methods of the Jin army soldiers on the battlefield are often shocking, and when dealing with the Jin army's offensive methods, if there is no corresponding method, it is often a dangerous thing.

It is precisely because of the strength of Jin's army that it will make it easier for the Jin's army to do some battles. If it can't get more victories from the battle, there will be more dangers during the battle.

Lu Bu's growth rate is very fast. It is precisely because of such a growth rate that the emperor of Jin has gained a lot of prestige in the land of Jin. At the time of the war, the emperor of Jin just needed one. Orders will allow the people of the Jin country to have more obedience.

It can be seen from the reaction of the people of Jin that they have a lot of dissatisfaction with Guishuang sending assassins to assassinate the emperor of Jin. When such dissatisfaction appears, the monarch can do more. , And in such a process as much as possible to mobilize the anger of the lieutenant generals, so that the lieutenant generals have more hatred for Guishuang, this is the most important thing.

When the war is going on, what kind of performance the lieutenant soldiers have is actually the most influential for a battle.

After all, what kind of results the lieutenant will have on the battlefield is crucial to the lieutenant and the lieutenant. If they can’t win, this shows that the lieutenant’s battle is a failure.

Failure cannot happen to the Jin army. The pride of the Jin army soldiers will not allow failure to happen.

In the past wars, the Jin army was able to obtain many victories from the wars, and the same was true in future wars.

Even if the enemy army is powerful, if they want to win the battle against the Jin army, the Jin army generals will not agree to it.

The soldiers of the Jin army on the battlefield will use practical actions to let the so-called enemy army know what the price they need to bear when they appear in front of the Jin army. Such a price is often beyond their reach. of.

If you can't win from the confrontation, you will lose more things after the confrontation is over.

The growth rate of Jin's army itself is very fast, which also has a lot to do with Jin's craftsmanship. In the process of development, Jin's craftsmanship provides a lot of sophisticated equipment for military lieutenants and soldiers.

The significance of the existence of the artisan workshop is very important to the Jin country. If even the stability of the artisan workshop cannot be more guaranteed, the army of the Jin country wants more development in this process, often Is impossible.

In the past in the process of the princes' conquest, other princes had many ideas about the craftsmanship of the Jin Kingdom, but their ideas were not realized in this process.

The situation is the same nowadays. Could it be said that Guishuang and the Roman Empire had no idea about Jin's craftsmanship, and the Roman Empire sent envoys, but it was not just because Jin had a strong power.

Wanting to get more benefits from the people of Jin is also the idea of ​​the people of the Roman Empire, but it is not so easy for such an idea to be realized in Jin.

Unless it is something that the Roman Empire can bring out to make Jin’s heart fascinating, in terms of the equipment of lieutenant soldiers, the Jin’s army must surpass that of the Roman In this matter, Lu Bu has Absolutely confident.

The current development of the Jin Kingdom far exceeds that of other empires. This allows Lu Bu to get more convenience when doing some things. Why can Jin's businessmen get more respect after they arrive in other countries? It is because Jin has strong strength as a support.

If it lacks strong strength as a support, it is almost impossible for Jin to gain more recognition for its development.

In the process of Jin's development, there will be many problems, but these problems can be handled well by Jin's officials, which provides more possibilities for the development of the strength of the Jin's army.

After the soldiers of the Jin army appear on the battlefield, there is no need to worry more about the things behind them. Even in the process of fighting against the enemy, they can show fierce combat effectiveness. These things will make the Jin country's army. Even more brave and good at fighting.

In the battle against the enemy, it is the responsibility of the generals of the Jin army to get more victories. As a member of the lieutenant generals, it is only reasonable to make more efforts for the war. If the victory of the war cannot be guaranteed, such an army is the most defeated, and it is difficult to gain more respect on the battlefield.

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