Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5227: : The anger in the heart

Not only Huang Zhong, but Guan Ning, Shang Shu of the Ministry of Rites, was also in a bad mood. Although he did not have important power in the court of the Jin Kingdom, the people of the Ministry of Rites were responsible for the holding of the ceremony. It is a great honor.

It happened that the assassination happened in the Feng Chan team, that's fine, and the reason why Lu Bu gave the assassin such a chance was because an official of the Ministry of Rites screamed because he was injured on his foot while walking, which attracted Lu Bu.

At this time, Lu Bu was more worried about the officials in the DPRK, and it should be something. If there were no assassinations, Guan Ning would be ridiculed at most afterwards, but after such an incident, he might become the imperial court. The concern of officials from Shitai.

Guan Ning is very clear about what kind of behavior the officials of Yushitai usually do. It is not that easy to get benefits from these people.

About half an hour later, Zhang Ji walked out and said, "Holy Lord, Niang Niang's injury has been temporarily stabilized, and the minister will take people to the city for resettlement."

"Go, let me know if you have any news." Lu Bu nodded.

"Here." Zhang Ji walked away.

The four soldiers carefully lifted the stretcher and headed down the mountain, lest there might be other mistakes at this time.

After the injury, if the wound is touched, the injury will be even greater. However, treating Mi Zhen on the mountain is obviously very limited. Treating after arriving in the city is the best way.

Before, Zhang Ji had simply treated Mi Zhen's wounds. This kind of treatment can ensure that Mi Zhen will not experience other conditions during the process of being carried into the city.

The assassination took place in the Feng Chan team. The civil servants and generals in the court were very dignified. Who would have thought that such things would happen, but after such a thing happened, there must be a statement. And know how much anger Lu Bu will have after this incident happened.

"Holy Enlightenment, the assassin is dead." Dianwei clasped his fist.

Lu Bu said solemnly: "How can such an important person die?"

Shi A hurriedly stepped forward to explain. If the same thing were put on Dian Wei, he would definitely not be able to explain it in words. Dian Wei is the leader of Lu Bu's personal guards. The habit he has developed over the years has allowed Dian Wei to There will be no more explanations when facing some things.

After listening to Lu Bu, he said: "If you are dead, you can't give up the investigation. Wenhe, you immediately order someone to investigate the identity of this person. No matter who it is, let my concubine be injured. This matter is not as simple as this. It will end."

"Hey." Jia Xu arched his hands. Although Lu Bu's tone was heavy at this time, he did not release his anger, but what Jia Xu could feel was the anger in Lu Bu's heart.

If such a thing happened to any emperor, he would not have a good mood. Feng Chan was very important to the emperor. It did not mean that the assassination occurred at this time, and the emperor could still have a good mood.

How many achievements Jin has made in the past? When facing the enemy, the lieutenants and soldiers were brave and capable of fighting. With their own efforts, the so-called enemy forces paid a heavy price in the war.

Today, the emperor of the Jin Kingdom encountered an assassin in the process of enshrining Zen, and the concubine in the palace was injured. This kind of thing is intolerable by the emperor.

In fact, it can be seen from Lu Bu’s past behavior that how much love Lu Bu has for the harem ladies, and the harem ladies are hurt at this time. It is conceivable how much anger will be in Lu Bu’s heart. The biggest provocation for Jin, in the face of such a provocation, it would be the strangest thing to say that Lu Bu could remain calm and calm.

On the battlefield of the past, Lu Bu was able to lead the lieutenant generals to win one victory after another. Only Lu Bu's achievements in the war will shock more people. Nowadays, under the stable situation of Jin country , The assassination still happened, such a thing is absolutely intolerable.

The officials in the DPRK can imagine how shocking the assassination will cause when the matter of enshrining Zen is over.

Guan Ning, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites said: "Holy, this matter was caused by an official of the Ministry of Rites, and the minister was guilty."

Lu Bu said, "This assassin has obviously been hidden for a long time, and has little to do with officials of the Ministry of Rites. Even if I don't go there, he will look for opportunities to assassinate him."

In dealing with assassins, Lu Bu has always been more sensible. There have been many assassinations in the past by Lu Bu, but the actions of these assassins are not as simple as they want to succeed. How many assassins are in the process of assassination. , Losing his own life, these things show very well, when an assassin wants to achieve corresponding achievements in front of Lu Bu, it is accompanied by many difficulties.

This assassination was successful because Lu Bu didn't even notice after the assassin approached, or that the assassin was well hidden in the army.

The dark night provides a good cover for the assassin, making it difficult to detect in the army. If it is placed in the daylight, the identity of the assassin will be exposed soon.

The lieutenants and generals are very familiar with each other. After adding new faces to the army, they can be quickly noticed. As for the lieutenants' claims that they have gone under the subordinates of other generals, it is definitely difficult to explain.

Because in the Jin army, the soldiers of the various divisions cannot be mixed. This is a rule, even if the soldiers of the other divisions go to the wrong position, they will be sent back in time.

This is also to ensure that the lieutenant soldiers will not have other problems during the battle. It can be said that the system in the Jin army is extremely strict. If a soldier cannot even find his team, he will bear more than just Other people's jokes will be punished by military generals.

It should be understood that after the soldier is sent back, the general is very shameless. After such a thing happens, the general will be laughed at. In this way, the soldier will have good results.

Especially in the process of ordinary training, the generals of the Jin army are extremely concerned about this situation, and it is also convenient to learn more about the lieutenants. , This is not the slightest help for the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield.

Lu Bu was a military commander, and the requirements for lieutenant soldiers were often strict. Because of this, when the soldiers of the Jin army were on the battlefield, they were often able to win many victories against the enemy. The strength of the army will affect the combat of the Jin army to a large extent.

The fierce performance of the Jin army soldiers during the battle often has a great impact on the war. After encountering the Jin army soldiers, the enemy will often have more fear, and even let them fight against the Jin army soldiers. , It is difficult to improve fighting spirit.

It is precisely because of the outstanding performance of the Jin army soldiers in the war that the Jin army soldiers can win the battle again and again.

Lieutenant generals can strictly follow the military system in normal times, which is more helpful to the long-term development of an army. If the lieutenant generals cannot even guarantee this aspect, this army It is obviously impossible to make more progress.

The strict system in the Jin army guarantees the rapid growth of the Jin army's soldiers, so that the Jin army's soldiers can get more protection in the process of growth.

Otherwise, why would the soldiers of the Jin army have such a fierce performance when fighting the enemy? Even if the strength of the enemy army is strong, it is impossible to win from the hands of the soldiers of the Jin army. All of this is Because of the strict training received by the soldiers of the Jin army.

Such rigorous training may make soldiers in the army more uncomfortable in some cases, but when they adapt to such training, they will gradually understand how much influence such a system will have on military lieutenants.

Let the lieutenant soldiers win the victory again and again when fighting against the enemy, and let the soldiers of the Jin army do more in the war. It is also what the lieutenant soldiers pursue. No matter how strong the enemy army is, they are in It is often not that simple to win a battle against the Jin army. If you are not careful enough in the battle, you may suffer the painful losses caused by the defeat of the war after the war is over.

In the past, what kind of performance the Jin army soldiers had when the team played against the enemy, you can see this aspect very well.

This time, the assassination occurred in the process of the Zen confession ceremony, which made the soldiers in the army extremely angry. As Lu Bu's subordinates, they were responsible for protecting the safety of the Zen confession team. They unexpectedly made such mistakes on the way. Mistakes are hard to forgive.

The soldiers of the Jin army cross the battlefield, can win victory after victory from the enemy's hands, and lose in the hands of the little assassins. How to keep the soldiers from getting angry? If you let them know who is secretly attacking, they will definitely not. It's kind of polite.

In the past, Lu Bu had relied on the soldiers in the army in the process of governing the city. It is precisely because of the strong strength of the lieutenants and soldiers that Lu Bu would not say that there were more situations when he was governing the city. Jin Kingdom is more common.

When Jin’s officials administer the locality, they often have very few intersections with military generals. This is also the rule that military lieutenants and officials in the DPRK should abide by. It is precisely because of such rules that make the DPRK central Officials are extremely careful when doing things, and they worry that sometimes their actions will cause the monarch's jealousy.

Especially when the situation in Jin is stable and the strength of the country is strong, the influence that the monarch can bring is obviously greater. From the achievements of the Jin army soldiers in the past battles, it can be even greater. What I see a lot is Lü Bu's influence among the lieutenants.

It is precisely because Lu Bu has a high prestige among the lieutenants and officers. Even after the officials in the DPRK have controlled considerable power, they still need to be cautious when facing Lu Bu, because after taking the military power Lu Bu is an extremely terrifying existence.

Sometimes just a word from Lu Bu can make some officials bear the price. Lu Bu’s power in Jin is not something that ordinary people can offend. If they want to do something unfavorable to Lu Bu, they often need to think about it. What are the consequences after the incident happened.

Lu Bu's treatment of the officials under the rule is generally good. As long as the officials under the rule display the corresponding abilities, they can get enough attention and even get a corresponding promotion in their status.

Only for this reason, officials in the DPRK will have a lot of support for Lu Bu, and the current system of selecting and appointing talents in Jin is quite different from that of previous dynasties. It was conducted through imperial examinations. Selection will allow the poor family scholars to compete with the children of the wealthy family. Among the poor family members, there are a large number of literati from the common people.

It is precisely because of this that the development of the Jin country has been so rapid. The reason why so many literati have emerged in the Jin country has a lot to do with Lu Bu's methods. Just the popularization of books has allowed Jin to be in the talents. There is no shortage of support. If the wealthy family members want to behave unfavorably against Lu Bu at this time, there are often more questions to think about, because it can be seen from Lu Bu’s previous methods that when Lu Bu What are the consequences after getting angry.

Feng Chan was extremely important to the Jin country, but during the process of Feng Chan, an assassination took place. Such an assassination almost threatened Lu Bu. If Lu Bu was injured at this time, it would be What kind of impact did it have on the Jin country?

As one of the persons in charge of the ceremony, Jia Xu is thinking about the person behind the He is a well-known adviser in Jin State, and he is in charge of Jin State's intelligence system and got the news. The way is beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After taking charge of the intelligence system, the ability that Jia Xu demonstrated was recognized by Lu Bu. Otherwise, it would be almost impossible for Jia Xu to have the current influence in the court of Jin. After the officials have reached a certain position, the trust of the monarch is extremely important. Without the trust of the monarch, no matter how many achievements, it is impossible to stand out among the courtiers and hold more power. matter.

When Lu Bu was only one of the princes, Jia Xu became Lu Bu's adviser and made many efforts for Lu Bu's development.

Ordinary officials may not be able to see what kind of dangerous situation there will be in this Fengchan, but Jia Xu, who is in charge of intelligence, has an understanding of this aspect, which can be seen from the situation in Fenggao City. After the Jin State stabilized and became strong, there were still Xiao Xiaoxiao generations who were not reconciled. They did not want Jin State to stabilize like this.

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