Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5225: : Zhang Ji diagnosis and treatment

In fact, the performance of the soldiers of the Jin army after the battle is indeed extremely satisfying. Regardless of the strength of the enemy army, it is often not easy for them to win from the hands of the soldiers of the Jin army. The soldiers of the Jin army are on the battlefield. How crazy it was when it was

Even when the war is tense, the soldiers who are in charge of treating soldiers will charge the battlefield.

Healers played an important role in the battle of lieutenant soldiers. From the current system in the Jin army, it can be well seen that Lu Bu’s attention to healers has allowed the team of healers to get more opportunities for growth. Such a thing cannot be given up by Zhang Ji.

Following Lu Bu, Zhang Ji feels that his own value has been realized to the greatest extent. In Zhang Ji’s view, the realization of such value is more valuable than being an official at the local level, because Zhang Ji has made it through his own efforts. , So that doctors can have a greater influence, so that more people can know the profession of doctors, and even have more respect for doctors.

On the way forward, Zhang Ji once again ran into the soldiers who came to the imperial doctor, and his heart was shaken. It must have been an accident with an important person in the court. If not, how could Lu Bu send two pawns to search for the imperial officer in a short period of time. What about the doctor.

It should be noted that Lu Bu is currently the emperor of the Jin country. When doing things, he must be more strict with himself. Such panic-stricken things are generally not done by Lu Bu. Let’s talk about the current strength of the Jin country. Strong, it is obviously unrealistic for the enemy to have more influence on the people of Jin.

During the Jin Dynasty's process of conferring Zen, the military lieutenants and soldiers followed. There is no doubt that these military lieutenants' elites were able to help Lu Bu achieve many victories when they fought on the battlefield in the past. The guarantee they can bring to the safety of the Feng Chan team is great.

When Zhang Ji arrived, he saw the fire shining on Lu Bu's bloodstains, his complexion suddenly changed. Lu Bu is the emperor of Jin nowadays. If Lu Bu had an accident in the Feng Chan team, it would be a shock to the entire Jin state. It can be imagined.

Feng Chan is the greatest affirmation of an emperor’s achievements. In such affirmation, it can have a great impact on the emperor’s future development. The emperor of Jin State Feng Chan is of significance to the entire Jin State. Important things, but if the emperor of Jin encountered an assassin during the process of ennouncing Zen, the impact that such an event can have after it spreads is often very big. The emperor of Jin is a superior existence.

If he was assassinated while Feng Chan, it would make the newly stabilized Jin Kingdom fall into shock again, and even people with other thoughts would stand up at this time.

Jin's strength is based on the elimination of many enemies. When these people see that Lu Bu, who is the most threatening to them, is dead, it is equivalent to boosting their confidence to the greatest extent.

Just because of the existence of Lu Bu, the deterrence caused by the secret Xiaoxiaos cannot be ignored. Because there are too many Xiaoxiaos, they died because of Lu Bu. When they faced Lu Bu, they were There is not enough confidence.

When the strength of the Jin country is strong, when the Jin army soldiers conquer the world, these hidden ulterior motives dare not stand up, because they are worried that they will be punished by Lu Bu when they appear at this time.

More in accordance with the system of the Jin State, to survive well in the Jin State, in fact, is also of great significance to these people.

From the past, we can actually see a lot that if we don’t follow Jin’s system, we will be punished very seriously, and our lives will even be in danger in the process.

In the face of such a thing, how dare the Xiao Xiaos in the dark stand up and disobey Lu Bu's orders, they will only do more according to Lu Bu's orders, not to say that at this time, there is no hatred in their hearts, they can only say They are waiting for the opportunity to come, if there is an opportunity to come, these people will still stand up.

After all, it is precisely because Lu Bu caused them to suffer a lot of harm. When Lu Bu is not there, it will have little impact on them.

Lv Bu, who led the army's lieutenant generals on the battlefield and was able to win in wars, had a great influence among the people of Jin, not only the people, but also the aristocratic families, civil servants and generals when they faced Lv Bu. With a sense of awe.

Because Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin country, what kind of shock will be brought to the territory of the Jin when the emperor of the Jin country gets angry, even if the enemy's strength is strong, it can be seen from the performance of the Jin army on the battlefield over the years. So, no matter how powerful the enemy army is, when the Jin soldiers appear in the war, they will make the enemy pay more for the war, making the so-called tough enemy troops difficult to face in front of the Jin soldiers. To win, even to leave dingy after the end of the war.

It can be said that in terms of conquest, Lu Bu brings absolute confidence to the lieutenant soldiers. This is the heart of a strong man who will not retreat in the face of any strong enemy. If you want to reach this level, it is only the military. How many victories the lieutenant will have in previous battles will make more monarchs feel troubled.

From the battle, we can see more of the Jin army soldiers appearing in a confrontation, how much influence they can bring to the enemy army, when they face the Jin army in the battle, they want to Winning a war is often not as simple as they thought.

Not to mention other things, just the Jin army soldiers charging the battlefield, the impact that can be brought to the army is not the ordinary enemy army can bear, the success of the Jin army soldiers in the war is not the ordinary enemy army. It can be compared, after they confronted the Jin army, they would be shocked by the powerful combat power displayed by the soldiers of the Jin army. Such combat power is unimaginable for an ordinary army.

The Jin army’s soldiers have achieved so much success in the war, which naturally has a lot to do with the Jin army’s system. All of this comes from Lu Bu. From this we can see that Lu Bu has a strong relationship among the Jin army’s generals. How much prestige, if Lu Bu had an accident at this time, it would be a huge blow to the entire Jin country.

However, after approaching, Zhang Ji saw the blood on Lu Bu's body because of a woman in his arms, and he was secretly relieved. As long as Lu Bu had nothing else to do, the situation now is much simpler.

However, when someone mentioned the identity of the woman, Zhang Ji immediately felt the seriousness of the situation. It was Lu Bu's concubine who was injured. If he could not let Lu Bu's concubine come out of the injury during the treatment process, The impact on him must be great.

When the monarch is angry, anything can happen. Lu Bu has a generous attitude when dealing with officials in the DPRK. It’s good. Who can guarantee that in such an emergency, no other situation will occur. Woolen cloth.

However, these things are obviously not something that Zhang Ji needs to consider at this time. As a Yizhou, when someone is injured, he should be given treatment. Even if such treatment cannot be successful, can it be said that Zhang Ji has Is it possible to shrink back.

Among the accompanying doctors, Zhang Ji's position is the highest.

"Zhong Jing, come quickly for treatment." Lu Bu hurriedly shouted after seeing Zhang Ji.

The words of the beautiful woman in her arms made Lu Bu's heart unable to calm down, as if she felt that she could not last for a long time. Mi Zhen said everything in her heart, including some dissatisfaction with life in the ordinary process, and his deep love for Lu Bu. meaning.

A woman can do this, if it is impossible to say that Lu Bu's heart is not moved, he can only comfort Mi Zhen as much as possible, and let Mi Zhen not be so fierce.

After Zhang Ji saw Mi Zhen's injury, his brows were frowned. It was not that simple to recover from such an injury. The assassin's sword directly pierced Mi Zhen's chest. Fortunately It didn't hurt the most important thing, even so, this would still have a big problem for a woman with weak physique.

The more at this time, the less Zhang Ji could not give up easily. At this time, Lu Bu would not allow Zhang Ji to give up. This woman is Lu Bu’s concubine, and she is also very tall in Jin. Regarding the status of Zhang Ji, if Zhang Ji is helpless with Mi Zhen's injury, after returning to the court, Zhang Ji will be more condemned.

Normally, Zhang Ji is more responsible for medical affairs. It does not mean that Zhang Ji does not understand the affairs of the officialdom. If he does not perfect some things, he will get the anger of the monarch. .

Even the past efforts will reduce the weight of the military center. Such a thing itself is extremely normal. The monarch has more importance on the doctors because the doctors can play a role at the critical moment. Today is not the most important thing. In an emergency, the concubine of the harem was injured because he helped Lu Bu block the assassin's attack. Such a thing cannot be kept calm on any monarch.

Will definitely use the best conditions to treat this concubine in the harem.

"Zhong Jing, what's the situation?" Lu Bu asked anxiously. At this time, Lu Bu had temporarily put the assassin's affairs on again. If Zhang Ji made the move and could not cure Mi Zhen, he could only say Mi Zhen. Destined to have such a catastrophe.

Zhang Ji's medical skills are very high, and he has a strong reputation among doctors.

As for the matter of the assassin just now, Lu Bu believes that Jia Xu and others will take care of it. The assassination in the Feng Chan team was also something that Lu Bu did not expect. The beautiful woman whispered while she was in a coma, making Lu Bu's I was very sad. It seemed that I had been busy with the affairs of the government and the army before, and caring for the girls in the harem was far from enough.

Mi Zhen was able to stand up and stop the assassin's attack for herself at such a dangerous time. Just this performance will make Lu Bu unforgettable for life.

It is not Lu Bu who cherishes his own life, but that of Mi Zhen.

Lu Bu was originally a military commander on the battlefield. There were many dangers encountered in the war. However, when faced with these dangers, Lu Bu did not retreat in the slightest. Even if the enemy showed strong strength, it could cause Lu Bu. The impact is also small.

But Lu Bu didn't want at such a critical moment, it was his beloved woman who stood up to block the sword for herself.

Lu Bu was born as a military commander. When he was on the battlefield, he had already put his life and death out of his mind. Even if he was a man of great martial arts, he would surely be able to guarantee victory in the war? The price, even died in the war.

Such a situation is extremely common in wars, but from the past when Lü Bu led lieutenants on the battlefield, it can be seen that Lü Bu completely ignored his own life and death when fighting against the enemy, precisely because of the army. Generals have such a mentality when facing war.

Let the lieutenant soldiers charge on the battlefield without retreating because of the strength of the enemy army. They will only show stronger combat effectiveness when they are fighting against the enemy army. Even if the strength of the enemy army is strong, They won't give up easily during the offensive. What they need is victory in the war.

The achievements made by Lv Bu's lieutenants in the war alone are enough to make Lv Bu's reputation in history even stronger. Fighting on the battlefield, he can win victories from the war again and again. This is not only a high-level martial arts can explain. of.

Lu Bu not only has a strong martial arts, when leading the lieutenant generals to fight, he can mobilize the fighting spirit of the lieutenant generals to the greatest extent, so that the lieutenant generals will not say that they are caused by the strength of the enemy when they deal with the enemy. Withdrawal psychology.

On the occasion of the battle, the lieutenant generals can burst out of powerful strength, and the impact on the war is often The enemy forces who want to defeat the Jinjun generals in the battle often have a great deal of influence. Difficulty, as can be seen from the previous confrontation, when Lü Bu led the lieutenant soldiers on the battlefield, how great the impact it can bring to the enemy.

Regardless of how powerful the enemy army is, in front of the generals of the Jin army, after all, there are many shortcomings.

The Jin's soldiers showed toughness in the war, which is unmatched by the average army. After encountering the Jin's soldiers, the most obvious reaction of the ordinary army is shock.

The soldiers of the Jin army who were able to win many victories in the war were even more mad when fighting against the enemy. Just the performance of the lieutenant soldiers in the war was enough to bring more to the enemy. Afraid.

The progress of the war will definitely have a great impact on the lieutenants and soldiers. Wanting to win a battle is often not as simple as imagined.

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