Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5219: : Looking for opportunities

It is precisely because of this that Latula is absolutely proud of him. He believes that as long as he is close to Lu Bu, he will definitely be able to complete the assassination.

Is there anything more shocking than the assassination of the emperor of the Jin Kingdom at the ceremony of ennouncing the Zen?

It can be seen from the fact that the emperor of Jin had hidden enemies in secret when he was conferring the Zen. The emperor of Jin had opponents in secret. The reason why these opponents did not jump out was because they did not find a suitable opportunity. When the situation in Jin is unstable, these people will stand up and shake the rule of Jin even more.

The stability of the mentality is extremely important at this time. The soldiers who followed Lu Bu must have masters. If there is something wrong in breathing or behavior, it will definitely cause concern.

As for Latula, if he entered the Jin army, he relied on the means of assassination. If such behavior is seen through, he will also fall into a dangerous situation.

Now that the color is dim today, it has created more opportunities for Latularu. Who would have thought that the dignified Guishuang first master is now hiding among the soldiers of the Jin army, ready to give Lu Bu a fatal blow at any time.

During the rest of the Korean officials, there were also many discussions. Through observation, Ratularu found that the most central position must be Lu Bu.

Lu Bu has a very high status in the Jin country. It is very normal to be in the middle. At this time, Latularu is nearly 30 steps away from Lu Bu. At such a distance, if he rashly appears at this distance, it is very likely to be It caused panic among North Korean and Chinese officials, but it was not that simple to get close to Lu Bu smoothly.

There are soldiers in the army to protect Lu Bu. The soldiers who can take Lu Bu with him at this time must be extraordinary. Among the generals of the Jin army, the most indispensable are the elite soldiers. When they are protecting today's saints, they often show a crazy side. When an assassin appears, the lieutenant soldiers are likely to give up their lives, just to protect Lu Bu's safety.

Lu Bu can become the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, and he will certainly not lack the means. If the army lieutenant and generals do not have more support for Lu Bu, he will only rely on Lu Bu himself to make the power of the Jin state so prosperous. Is impossible.

The development of any country requires an elite army. Not to mention, the soldiers in the Guishuang Army also have their pride. During the Guishuang civil strife, the lieutenants and soldiers can be able to calm down. The enemy army, only from this aspect of performance, can see the strong strength of Guishuang soldiers.

It's just that Guishuang's soldiers had many deficiencies in equipment when they were fighting against the Jin army. This led to a defeat in the battle. Such a failure was a great shame from Guishuang's perspective.

But in the face of the powerful strength of the Jin army, the people of Guishuang had to lower their arrogant heads, because compared with the Jin army generals, their current strength did have a big gap. Under such a disparity. , If the war is still launched, it is very likely that Guishuang’s soldiers will eventually lose in the war.

The failure of the war can often have a great impact on Guishuang. Even when Guishuang’s soldiers did not have the slightest confidence in the battle against the Jin army, it would also cause Guishuang’s current stable situation to suffer a lot. Great destruction.

Although this situation is not what Guishuang’s civil servants and generals want to see, if the lieutenant generals cannot successfully defeat the Jin generals on the battlefield, they will inevitably fall into this situation, even once. Suffer more defeats in the next match.

The defeat of the war is a big blow to the lieutenant soldiers. If you can’t get more victories from the war, it will be difficult to get more guarantees for the development of the country, and it will even slow the speed of the country’s development. .

At that time, it is obviously unrealistic for Guishuang to have more influence on the Jin army.

Since he chose to assassinate the emperor of Jin, Latularu would not have the slightest regret. Guishuang's number one master shot himself, and the death of the emperor of Jin was also a kind of pride.

Today's move, Latula will not regret the slightest, in order for Guishuang to get more development opportunities, even if he died in the hands of the Jinjun soldiers, it was worth it.

As Guishuang’s number one master, Latularu’s martial arts is so powerful that if possible, after successfully killing the Emperor of Jin, Latularu will kill more important Jin countries. Officials.

After the assassination is over, the Jin country will fall into greater turmoil, which is the most critical.

But judging from the current performance of the soldiers who protected Lu Bu in the army, they did not relax in the slightest because they were currently under the protection of the lieutenant soldiers.

When facing such a situation, the lieutenant soldiers still stared at their surroundings. Just like the soldiers of the Jin sergeant on the side of the road, they might also cause harm to their monarch. Not to mention other things, only the soldiers of the Jin sergeant. The performance at this time is enough to make Ratularu have more recognition.

Regardless of the time, the military lieutenants must always maintain high morale and corresponding behavior. If they are in a safe situation and do not pay more attention to the safety of the monarch, such actions will bring the monarch The ones are often more dangerous.

Always maintain a high degree of vigilance in order to have more time to deal with unexpected situations.

Under the protection of the generals of the Jin army, it is impossible for Latula to get close to the emperor of Jin. If he did other actions at this time, I am afraid he would be directly in the army. For soldiers, it is best to approach Lu Bu silently, and make a sudden move when Lu Bu is not prepared. In this case, the possibility of success is the greatest.

A full quarter of an hour has passed, but he still hasn’t found an opportunity. Ratularu’s mood is a little anxious. This is the closest opportunity to Lu Bu. If there is no chance to shoot at this time, he wants to find another way to get close to Lu Bu. The opportunity is definitely very difficult.

To assassinate the emperor of the Jin Kingdom, it is best to be able to hit a hit, and the time will be better. The current Jin army has occupied Wusun and other places outside the Western Regions for a long time. If it is the Jin Kingdom If the emperor had other conditions at this time, it would have a great impact on the army of the Jin country. At that time, the soldiers and horses of Guishuang would be dispatched, and it would be easier to seize more from the hands of the soldiers of the Jin army. Territory.

No matter what kind of bravery the Jin army officers have when they fight against the enemy, how much combat power can the lieutenant officers burst out when the army's heart is unstable. Even if Guishuang's army initiates an offensive, it will let Jin The generals let out more cities.

The victory of the victory will have a great impact on Guishuang, and it can even make Guishuang have a more vigorous fighting spirit when fighting against the enemy in the future. It will not be said that because of the strength of the enemy, it will be There was a situation of giving up during the battle.

Fighting on the battlefield, the Guishuang soldiers who can achieve many victories in the battle have outstanding performance in the war. They will not say that they will give up the offensive in the war because of the strong strength of the enemy.

As long as more victories can be obtained from the battle, the lieutenant soldiers will come out of the past sluggish morale.

Guishuang soldiers can get many victories in the battle, and they also have the pride that belongs to them. Even if the strength of the Jin army is strong, as long as they find opportunities for victory, Guishuang soldiers will not have more Of hesitation.

The victory of the war itself is extremely important for Guishuang, because if they can't win the war, they will lose more things after the war is over.

The generals of the Jin army have extremely fierce performance on the battlefield. If there is no outstanding performance in the battle, how can they win the war?

The situation in Guishuang is the most tense now. Although the Jin army soldiers did not attack the city of Guishuang, who can be sure that the Jin army will not attack Guishuang in the future. When Guishuang's army attacked Guishan city, it was given to the soldiers of the Jin army. It has caused a lot of casualties. It can be seen from the past actions of the Jin army that when facing the enemy, the soldiers of the Jin army will not have the slightest tenderness, even if the war has not broken out now, and the two sides have even successfully formed an alliance. .

When the soldiers of the Jin army eased from the war, and when the occupied territories stabilized, wouldn’t the soldiers of the Jin army stay still like this? We can see more from previous wars when the soldiers of the Jin army appeared in the confrontation. After China, how much influence will it have on the war? Will the generals of the Jin army give up their advantages in this regard?

Victory from the war will have a great impact on the long-term development of Jin. Jin’s army occupies more territory, and it can be well under the hands of Jin officials under the rule of the enemy. The governance of the Jin Dynasty is enough to make more people awe.

If the same thing is put in their hands, can it be done so smoothly? Let the enemy's rule become its own rule, and the stability can get more guarantees. I am afraid that this kind of thing will be said. No more people would dare to believe it.

But this kind of thing may be successful if it is put on the officials of Jin country, and it is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. Just the impact of this aspect will cause Guishuang to have more concerns. NS.

When the Jin army soldiers appeared in the war, when the Jin army attacked Guishuang, it would bring great turbulence to Guishuang.

Besides, nowadays, after the merchants of Jin country arrived in Guishuang, they can enjoy good treatment, but what kind of experience will the merchants of Guishuang have when they come to Jin country, although the official of Jin country has not obviously suppressed , After the war between the Jin army and Guishuang.

The merchants of the Jin country have a certain degree of rejection of the merchants of Guishuang, and it is certain that this happens. If the merchants of the Jin country treat the merchants of Guishuang with a respectful attitude, it is the most puzzling thing. .

The previous war was launched by Guishuang. It was precisely because of the war launched by Guishuang that the soldiers of the Jin army suffered a lot of damage on the battlefield. If it were not for the corresponding means of the Jin army, they could even break Guishan city. .

In fact, to put it bluntly, when the senior leaders of Guishuang saw the benefits of the Jin army in the Western Regions, they wanted to get a piece of it. In this way, they could strengthen Guishuang’s strength. Frost has associations, and such associations are absolutely fragile in the face of specific interests.

Besides, Guishuang believed that he was powerful at the time. He attacked the city guarded by the Jin army and won victory. UU Reading will certainly not have many problems, but when the war really broke out, they saw that they were powerful. The Jin army was invincible on the battlefield. Even though Guishuang’s elite had an absolute advantage in the war, he still suffered the price of failure.

Nowadays, the Jin Kingdom and the Anxi Empire have also successfully formed an alliance. There are many enmities between the Anxi Empire and the Guishuang Empire, but nowadays, the businessmen of the Anxi Empire will also be protected when they pass through the Guishuang Empire.

This is the disadvantage caused by the defeat of the war. If you cannot win the battle, you will lose more things after the end of the war. This kind of loss is not what Guishuang wants to see, but in the battle against Jin If you want to win when you are in the army, it is obviously very difficult.

The strength of the soldiers of the Jin army is too strong. The appearance of such a powerful army in a war is often a disaster for the enemy. If you cannot succeed against the soldiers of the Jin army, how much impact will it have on the subsequent war? .

Guishuang’s current development is actually not easy. If possible, Guishuang certainly hopes that the stable situation can continue. However, after Guishuang’s battle with the Jin army, it is very difficult To a large extent, it is decided that the grievances between the two sides will not end so easily.

The formation of an alliance is just a simple foundation for the stability of the two sides. When there are specific interests in front of them, can Jin’s army still maintain such a calmness? I am afraid that what I want to do most is to start a war. Get more benefits.

The Jin army's generals were able to obtain many victories in the war, which gave Jin's civil servants and generals absolute confidence in the progress of the war. They believed that after a war, the Jin's side could get more benefits.

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