Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 5158: : The Horrible Craftsman's Workshop

   I am afraid they will act timidly when they think of the terrible Jin army.

   What Lu Bu needs is for the Jin army to have more aggressive means in such a battle. It is best to use such means to let more enemies feel the power of the Jin army.

   In this way, when they imagine the scene after the arrival of the Jin army soldiers, there will be no morale at all.

For the two armies to fight, what is important is the morale of the soldiers in the army. It is obvious how morale will affect an army. There cannot be an army with high morale, even if it has a certain number of advantages. To defeat a team with high morale, it is necessary to pay an extremely heavy price.

   Regardless of whether it is a general of the Jin army or a general of a foreign race, when fighting, they are extremely concerned about morale issues.

   And the strength of the Jin army is also the source of confidence for the Jin army generals to win on the battlefield. They believe that with the strength of the Jin army, it is easy to win in a confrontation.

   "Chang'an Craftsmanship, how many people's hearts are affected." Jia Xu sighed.

Lü Bu smiled and nodded. Jia Xu is responsible for intelligence matters. He has a certain understanding of the craftsman's workshop, and it is only natural that it is because he knows more, Jia Xu knows how many snoops the craftsman's workshop has experienced. .

   In the face of the enemy's eyeing eyes, the craftsmanship's methods are also constantly improved, and this is the current model.

There are clear divisions in the craftsman’s workshop, but the area where the goods are pulled will not change. Most of these goods are Shenli, Xianlian and Jinjiu, because these are the needs of merchants in the Jin country. The biggest, even foreign merchants who came to Chang'an wanted to buy these things.

Because through the hands of Jin merchants, these things will become more expensive when they reach the cities of foreign races. Such things are inevitable. The merchants have transported the goods across thousands of miles. If they do not have enough benefits, how can the merchants? Will be willing.

It is not a simple matter for foreign merchants to purchase these items at a cheap price after they come to Chang'an City. Merchants in the Chamber of Commerce can have relatively low prices when they get these items, but these Whether alien merchants can get help from merchants in the Chamber of Commerce is also unknown.

If big foreign merchants come to Chang'an, they may receive enough attention, because their arrival can bring a lot of benefits to Chang'an. It is reasonable that small merchants will not receive more attention from the Chamber of Commerce. After all, The Chang'an Chamber of Commerce also has many things to be busy.

   is just a business problem with merchants, which is handled by the chamber of commerce, which makes the chamber of commerce busy.

As for this process, it is impossible to consider more merchants from different races. Weak merchants will face many challenges when doing business. Can we rank among weak merchants? It is of great significance for them to come out of the game.

Merchants with great strength will receive more attention and even protection after they arrive in the city of aliens, because the arrival of such merchants will increase the prosperity of the city to a certain extent, and their safety is often the same. More businessmen are concerned. If the safety of these businessmen cannot be effectively guaranteed, the consequences will be more serious.

In the process of development, Jin State pays attention to the improvement of the strength of merchants, so that merchants can get more effective protection, so that their interests will not be compromised due to the war. This is very important for the enthusiasm of Jin State merchants. It is precisely because the Jin country has a reasonable strategy when dealing with businessmen that the strength of the Jin country's businessmen can be further strengthened.

   This can be seen very well from the strength of the Jin country merchants going to foreign races.

The weak and small businessmen, dealing with business, naturally in order to obtain more benefits, among the ranks of large businessmen, in fact, many businessmen have achieved success in this process, sometimes, businessmen want to develop and their vision It also has a great relationship. If you have enough eyesight, you can deal with some things reasonably and you will avoid more problems.

The businessmen of the Jin country still have a lot of vision. When the Jin army captured the Western countries, the businessmen going to the Western countries to do business would still be accompanied by many problems, but the businessmen of the Jin country did not give up because of this. Instead, they chose to go to the Western Regions, even more distant Wusun, Dawan and Guishuang.

This choice provided a good help for the growth of these merchants, because at that time Jin merchants rarely came. When the goods brought by Jin merchants were welcomed, they could get a lot of benefits from it. NS.

   Among the goods of the Jin Kingdom, Xianlian is the most popular item, but after using it, it will give a certain compliment. After using it, it is not easy for the dignitaries to get rid of the immortal love.

   When merchants from the Jin Kingdom were in business, they valued the consumption of upper-class figures. Of course, many merchants brought cloth and ceramics and gained great popularity.

In the early stage, it is possible for businessmen to have a vision to achieve greater development, but as more businessmen go there, it is not a simple matter to get more benefits from it. However, behind the big businessmen, They are all supported by strong strength. After they arrive in a city, the way they choose to do business is very different from that of small merchants.

  Big merchants can choose to cooperate with other merchants in this city. In this way, they can sell their goods in the shortest possible time, and the alien merchants in this city can get a certain amount of benefits.

Such a way of doing business, although the benefits gained have been reduced, it can gain benefits at a faster rate. It will not arouse the resentment of these foreign merchants in the city to a greater extent. This is the merchant and the small Merchants have the biggest difference when doing business.

  Whether they are big or small businessmen, they all have their own unique place. There are more businessmen going to do business, which brings a lot of benefits to the Jin country, and even foreign cities have made considerable development.

Why Guishuang and Anxi did not reject the arrival of Jin merchants more? That is because Jin merchants can bring more prosperity to their cities. After the number of merchants increases, these merchants will look for others. Doing business in places that other merchants did not go to.

   Because of this, the footsteps of Jin's businessmen will reach farther places and bring more benefits to Jin.

   And the news brought back by these businessmen in the course of doing business is of great help for Jin to better control some situations.

When the princes were fighting, Lu Bu used the power of merchants to obtain as much useful information as possible. Now that Jin is stable, this method will be used more on aliens, and after getting more information about aliens, It is of great help to the future development direction of Jin.

   Jin’s unique way of obtaining information can not only maintain the normal operation of these people, but also obtain more information for them in the process.

  In such a way, when Jin country inquires about intelligence, it will have more coping methods, and will not worry about the occurrence of war.

   This situation has many benefits for Jin. Over the years, the Jin army has relied on this method to obtain more benefits in the confrontations.

   Even if there was a war, the Jin country was able to obtain more useful information.

  In this way, when the Jin country develops, it can have more benefits, and even when the war is going on, it can still benefit from the aliens.

   The way of development of the Jin country, it is not a simple thing to learn, because they do not have the background of the Jin country.

   Years of development have given Jin country more benefits, so that the background of Jin country has not been affected by the progress of the war, so Jin country is the most feared existence.

   In the past, the development of the Jin Kingdom had such certain difficulties, but under the command of their monarch, these problems could be solved very well.

   Lu Bu had reasonable methods when he was governing the local area. With these methods, Jin can achieve faster development after the end of the war.

From what happened after the previous wars, we can better see the problems in this area. The progress of the war does not allow Jin to be more affected. After the victory of the lieutenant soldiers, they can get more from the war. At the same time of the benefits, the background of the Jin country can also be restored at a very fast speed.

   This is also an important reason for the Jin army soldiers to have more confidence when they fight on the battlefield.

   If the lieutenant generals do not have more confidence in the war, even if the military has a more reasonable strategy, it will be difficult for the lieutenant generals to win.

The support from the rear will be of great help to the continuous war of the Jin army. However, any enemy who stands on the opposite side of the Jin army will feel the horror of the Jin army, because the Jin army is in the war. There will be no shortage of supplies due to the progress of the war.

   Jin Kingdom has stocked a large amount of supplies. This is for sure. From the strategy adopted after Chigu City and Guishan City have stabilized, this situation can be better seen.

  A battle is a disaster for a city, but after the city falls into the hands of the Jin army, it will show a different place.

   Under the command of Lu Bu, the strength of the Jin country is extremely powerful and amazing. When facing the Jin army, it is simply a fantasy to win.

   This kind of Jin army was only obtained by the Jin Dynasty's monarchs and ministers after a lot of hard work.

Any monarch wants an invincible army on the battlefield. Such an army is of great help to their strength. The key is to build such an army. It is not easy. matter.

Guishuang cavalry has such pride, but when Guishuang cavalry confronted the Jin army, it ended in failure. Although the combat effectiveness of Guishuang cavalry had a certain impact on the Jin army, such an impact was for The Jin army was controlled within a certain range.

   makes more enemy troops shiver when facing the Jin army, which is also the goal of Lu Bu.

"Bong Xiao and Wenhe came here to not only look at the sharp tools of the craftsman's workshop, but also to see what problems exist in the layout of the craftsman's workshop. I don't hope that some younger generations will be able to enter the craftsman's workshop in the future." Lu Budao.

   "The minister understands." The two said in unison.

After entering the workshop, the atmosphere is more eager than before entering the workshop. This is also inevitable. In the workshop, there are not only a large number of artisans, but also many families of artisans. Only the number of artisans in the workshop can reach The scale of tens of thousands of people.

  A craftsman's workshop of this size is unimaginable even when the Han's strength is at its peak. The only materials consumed by the craftsman's workshop in one day are a huge number.

This situation will even cause a lot of materials to be delivered to the craftsman’s workshop around the At the same time, the craftsman’s workshop brings more benefits to the Jin country. At this point, the craftsman The workshop can be recognized by officials of Shanxi.

   It is precisely because of the existence of the craftsmanship that Jin does not have to worry more about the equipment of the lieutenants and soldiers, and do not have to worry more about how the lieutenants and soldiers will respond after the war.

   It is natural to have more investment in the management of the craftsmanship and daily defense.

   Just the income that the craftsman's workshop can earn can be worth more than 30% of the national treasury's annual income.

   If you calculate this way, just a craftsmanship can be worth three states, which is indeed extremely terrifying.

   Such a development is absolutely unexpected. Even if the average person knows the daily benefits of a craftsman's workshop, they will be dumbfounded.

  The precious glaze in the eyes of merchants is nothing in the artisan workshop, as long as you enter the workshop where the glaze is produced, you can understand it.

  The discarded magic glaze is just piled up randomly. There are no more craftsmen to worry about these things, because they don't have the time to dispose of the discarded magic glaze. With this kind of time, they can make more exquisite magic glaze. .

   With the gradual improvement of craftsmen's skills, they have more experience when making **** glass, so there is no need to say that there will be more waste.

There is a special existence in the workshop that produces Shenli. That is the place where the fairy mirror lens is produced. The fairy mirror has a high status in the Jin army. It is a weapon for the Jin army to fight on the battlefield. It is because of the help of the fairy mirror that the soldiers of the Jin army can get more protection when they fight on the battlefield.

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