Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4915: : Chuan Ling Ju Yi

The fighting spirit displayed by the Huns is different. It is as if after the city is broken, it will be of great benefit to the Huns.

This made Shi Natuo unable to help but think of the distribution of interests. The two previously broken cities were all controlled by the Jin army. Could it be that Kangju’s royal city should fall into the hands of the Huns, otherwise, why did the Xiongnu’s army attack the city? It would be so crazy, after having such thoughts, Shi Natuo became even more uneasy.

Judging from the situation of the previous two cities, after the Jin army occupied the city, it was still relatively friendly to the soldiers and civilians of Kangju. As long as they can follow the orders of the Jin army, there will be no life danger, but after the Xiongnu army enters the city Except for looting, everything else is ignored. Maybe after the Huns are finished looting, they will think about stabilizing the city.

   To the Huns, the people of Kangju have an extremely hostile attitude.

However, the powerful combat effectiveness of the Huns' army in this engagement shocked Fu Natuo. It is said that it is not a simple matter for the Huns to get timely relief shortly after the war, but the attack from the Huns It can be felt from the attitude that the Huns seem to have not been affected by the previous fighting.

From this point of view alone, the Xiongnu’s soldiers are much better than those of Kangju, which is hard to compare with Kangju’s soldiers. However, at this time, Kangju’s soldiers cannot give up in any case. They The homeland behind him cannot be destroyed by the enemy. It is worthwhile to protect the homeland, no matter how much the price is paid.

Fu Natuo immediately ordered some soldiers to rush to the direction of the offensive of the Huns. Whether it is the Huns or the Jin army, as long as they are allowed to enter the city, it will be a disaster for the soldiers and civilians of Kangju. It will better stop the enemy. The offense was the most important thing for Kangju's defenders.

   In the process of defensive, deaths and injuries occur, which seems to be a normal thing for Fu Natuo. If there are no deaths and injuries in a battle, it is the most strange thing.

   After the Xiongnu's army entered the city, it was conceivable to show the madness of combat power. Under such a situation, Kangju could only stop the attack of the Huns' army only if he stepped forward bravely.

   However, in front of the fierce Xiongnu soldiers, the attack of the layman Kang looked a little fragile.

The enemy’s fragile side in the war was a great stimulus for the Huns’ soldiers. They wanted to win this confrontation and wanted the enemy to pay a heavier price in the war. You need to charge forward.

   The fierce Huns did not care about life or death when they attacked. The cruel living conditions of the Huns made them extremely crazy when fighting against the enemy.

Lu Bu agrees with the performance of the Huns in battle, but Lu Bu believes that as the Huns continue to fight, the Huns’ tribe must have suffered a lot of damage. If you want such damage to be supplemented in time, It is not an easy task, and what Lü Bu needs to do is to obtain the benefits he wants from the Huns. Whether it is the Huns or the Kangju people, they will eventually become the people of Jin. The process is difficult, but As long as the victory can be won, even a lieutenant soldier will pay a certain price on the battlefield.

   In a large army, to be able to achieve such an achievement, the soldiers in the army will feel excited to think about it.

   Victory against the enemy is a difficult thing in itself, but after the battle has reached the soldiers of the Jin army, it has become even simpler.

   The continuous entry of the Huns into the city puts tremendous pressure on the defenders. Just like the Huns’ army may break the city at any time.

This situation shocked Kang Ju’s defenders. They wanted to win from the enemy’s attack, and it became even more difficult. Some timid Kang Ju soldiers had forgotten the teachings of the previous generals. Kang Ju was indeed It was a critical moment, but their lives were also in a critical moment. They stepped forward to confront the fierce Huns and soldiers. They really didn’t have the courage to approach the Huns and soldiers. Kangju’s soldiers could predict what would happen after they approached the Huns and soldiers. Arrived.

At this time, it is not the soldiers of Kangju, even some generals, when dealing with the offensive of the Huns, their performance is not satisfactory. As generals in the army, no matter how difficult the battle is, they must dare to stand up and resist the enemy. In the offensive, organize the soldiers in the army to display the most powerful combat effectiveness possible.

   If even the generals have fear in their hearts, it is obviously more difficult to inflict greater casualties on the enemy in a confrontation.

It’s not that Kangju’s generals were unwilling to lead the lieutenant officers to do more in the war at a critical moment, but they had no more confidence in this battle. The army suffered a lot of damage, which was cruel to the soldiers of Kangju. Now they encounter the Xiongnu soldiers again, and the Xiongnu soldiers still have the help of the Jin army, wanting to win under such circumstances. One, the difficulty is imaginable.

   When facing a war, the sergeant and soldier not only want to win, but also want to be saved from the battle. If they can't even save, the consequences will be even more serious.

The fierce attack of the Huns brought more resistance from the defenders. At this time, the soldier Kang who blocked the attack of the Huns far exceeded the soldier who blocked the attack of the Jin army. If this is the case If the Xiongnu only knew what they would feel.

Besides, the Huns have already invaded the city at this time, and it is impossible to retreat from the city rashly. The prerequisite for the union with the Jin army was that the Jin army broke through the city wall and the Huns launched an offensive. At this time, the Jin army could launch an offensive to contain the defenders. It’s already a good thing to send soldiers to help the Huns attack the city.

People’s hearts are always hard to be satisfied. The Huns attacked the city and wanted to get more benefits after breaking the city. This kind of thing is reasonable. The key is that in the process of attacking the city, the Huns do not want the army alone. Lieutenant officers suffered more losses.

The Huns have made a lot of efforts to fight against the Kangju army, but the benefits gained in the war are not many. It is inevitable that the people of the various tribes of the Huns will have more opinions about Shan Yu leading the army. .

It is precisely because of the victory of the Xiongnu army on the battlefield that all the Huns see the hope of gaining benefits. As long as the Xiongnu alone can lead the army to do more, they will have more possibilities in future battles. .

   Lieutenant generals fight on the battlefield, and what they need is victory. The Xiongnu tribe needs benefits. After entering Kangju, the benefits that can be brought to the Huns are huge.

   Therefore, after the war, the people of the various tribes of the Huns can no longer remain calm. They must do more at this time to better make up for the losses caused by the previous fighting.

The Huns have always been more concerned about the situation on the battlefield, especially after the news that the Xiongnu soldiers invaded the city, it did not make the Xiongnu much excited. After the soldiers and soldiers attacked the city, it meant The army will pay more casualties in the process of continuous offensive, and where is the Jin army at this time.

   The combat power displayed by the Jin army when it attacked the city was more fierce than the Huns.

   After learning of the Jin army's offensive, it did not even make a breakthrough, the Xiongnu Shan Yu's expression was not very good, and he immediately sent an envoy to the Jin army to inquire.

In this battle, the Xiongnu and the Jin army are in alliance, which is good, but after the city is broken, the control is in the hands of the Jin army, and the Xiongnu’s soldiers do not even have the power to plunder. It is cruel to the soldiers of the Huns.

  In the process of attacking the city, if the lieutenant generals paid a higher price, and after the war ended, they would not be able to reap the benefits they had imagined. It is predictable how disappointing the lieutenant generals would be in the war.

Such a situation will definitely have a great impact on the prestige of the Xiongnu Shanyu. At that time, the warriors of the Xiongnu Shanyu who want to mobilize the Xiongnu tribe will have greater deeds in future wars, and they will all become empty words without specifics. The benefits, why should he obey Shan Yu’s orders.

   Therefore, when helping the Jin army to attack the city, the Xiongnu Shan Yu had always been relatively shrewd, and tried his best to let the Xiongnu soldiers suffer less damage in this battle.

   When the Xiongnu army attacked the city, it was most appropriate to show such crazy energy. The city to be breached at that time belonged to the Xiongnu army.

Such a distribution of benefits made the Xiongnu Shanyu have a lot of helplessness, but the Jin army was so overbearing on the battlefield, even if it had a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, what kind of method could he have at this time? Cooperation, only relying on the strength of the Huns, wanting to break through the Kangju people's city is simply wishful thinking.

The Xiongnu were only paying attention to the situation on the battlefield, so why not the commander of the Jin army? In this battle, Lü Bu did not see much pressure. After the Jin army and the Xiongnu army were united, they broke through the royal city of Kangju. Certainly, even if the king's city is strong, can it still stop the offensive of the Jin army.

   The key is the action after the city wall collapses. According to the previous agreement, the offensive of the Huns is the main attack. Lu Bu will naturally not forget at this critical moment. The current actions of the Jin army are also like this.

   Even if the Xiongnu Shanyu has a lot of dissatisfaction in his heart, what kind of performance can he have at this time?

   It's not that the Jin army didn't attack, it's just that there was a certain gap in the intensity of the attack compared with the Huns.

   "Feng Xiao, judging from the situation of the Huns attacking the city, the Huns were still crazy when they attacked the city." Lu Bu laughed.

Guo Jiadao: "The Huns live as tribes. In order for these tribes to survive, there will be wars at ordinary times, but the scale of their wars is well controlled. In this case, the Huns have a personal Even though the warriors of the various tribes of the Huns have no experience in large-scale wars, after they arrive on the battlefield, with their own bravery, they can be more fierce in the battle against the enemy."

   Lv Bu nodded slightly and recognized Guo Jia's words. It is not only the Huns outside of the Western Regions, but also the current Huns on the grasslands. How could it not be the way of survival in the past.

   "If the sage does not use his elite forces to attack the city, I am afraid the Xiongnu will have more opinions." Guo Jiadao.

Lu Bu smiled and said: "At present, the offensive of the Huns is in a fierce situation. Our army will wait for a while and suddenly launch a fierce offensive. It's even simpler."

The current offensive is clearly dominated by the Huns. But for such things, Lu Bu will not care about anything. As long as the lieutenant soldiers can win the greatest victory at a lower cost when conquering the enemy, for Lu Bu That's enough. As for which side has suffered a huge loss when attacking the Lu Bu will not pay too much attention.

Just like Gaoyan City, when the Huns attacked, they suffered considerable losses, but it was the Jin army who eventually occupied the city. Such a result would be unfair to the Huns, but there is nothing better for the Huns. The method, geographic location, and the strength of the Jin army caused the Huns to make concessions.

   If you don't make concessions, the Huns' situation on the battlefield will definitely be a little embarrassing, especially when the army's offensive is not going well, the Jin army's help is most needed.

Lü Bu pondered for a moment and said: "Ling Ju Yi, wait for the right opportunity, and lead the army forward to contain more of Kangju's troops, so that the Huns can also see the combat power of our army, which is also good for our army to occupy the royal city. of."

   "Here." After receiving the order, the messenger rode away.

At this time, Ju Yi led the lieutenant generals in accordance with Lu Bu’s command, trying to avoid more casualties after the death of the army lieutenants who attacked the city. To put it bluntly, he fooled the Xiongnu army. Ju Yi still compares such things. Happy to do it.

After learning about Lu Bu's plan, Ju Yi has regarded the Huns as enemies. When facing the enemies, do you need to be more polite? When the time is right, the Jin army will let the Huns understand what is called Thunder The offensive, when the time comes, the Huns will definitely pay a heavy price for the war.

   What a glorious record the Jin army soldiers had when they fought on the battlefield, the achievements of the Jin army soldiers were not comparable to the Xiongnu's army.

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