Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4843: : Ardaban sees Emperor Jin (Part 2)

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Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu Chapter 4862 Aldaban sees Emperor Jin (Part 2)

After there is no problem in decision-making, the alliance between the Parthian Empire and the Jin country can be promoted faster.

Lu Bu can understand the eagerness of the Shah King. The current Guishuang army has weapons such as crossbows, crossbow carts, and thunderbolt carts. If the Guishuang army turns to attack the Shah Empire, it will give it to the Shah Empire. What kind of harm is brought about, when the armies of the Parthian Empire also have these weapons, even when they are more sophisticated than those of the Guishuang army, such things can be avoided to a large extent.

But did the Jin Dynasty hand over the production methods of these sharp weapons to the envoys of the Parthian Empire, especially gunpowder, which was a secret method in the Jin army. Create more unfavorable situations.

As the military general thought, Lu Bu did not agree to Aldaban's request.

"The messenger, gunpowder, is a weapon of the Jin army. It is the secret of the Jin army, so I can't take it out. But the Thunderbolt, the crossbow, and the crossbow are all right." Lu Bu said slowly.

Ardaban seems to have expected such a result for a long time. "Holy, since the Parthian Empire and the Jin Kingdom are allies, if there is a war in the Parthian Empire, I wonder if the Jin Kingdom will support the Parthian Empire gunpowder?"

"Yes." Lu Bu nodded and agreed.

Aldaban said, "There is no doubt about it."

Can’t get the gunpowder production method. After getting the Jin army’s support on gunpowder, it is still the same to be developed by the artisans in the middle of the country. The key purpose of this trip is to weaken the sharp weapons in the Guishuang army. With the support of the Jin army on these equipment, the threat of Guishuang was no longer as terrible.

"Although the messenger can rest assured, my friendship with the Anxi Empire is sincere. The method of making sharp weapons for the Anxi Empire is definitely more powerful than Guishuang's. It can suppress Guishuang's army on the battlefield." Lu Bu road.

"The goodwill of the sage, after returning to the rest, will definitely tell the king of rest." Aldaban said.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "Since it is an alliance, I will give the equipment support of the Parthian Empire. I don't know what benefits the Parthian Empire will give me?"

Ardaban had long anticipated that the Jin country would have such a problem. The relationship between the two parties must be material exchanges. After obtaining the sharp weapon production method from the Jin army, it will have a too important role for the Anxi Empire. Although Aldaban's performance is relatively calm, he still cannot change the facts in this regard.

"Holy Master, the Jin Army has excellent armor and sharp weapons. Rest in peace can only compensate for the Jin's materials. I hope that the Holy Master can be sympathetic." Aldaban said.

Lu Bu smiled and said, "It's okay."

After a brief conversation, the two sides confirmed the relationship of the alliance. Such an alliance is obviously more sincere than the friendship between Jin Kingdom and Guishuang.

The Jin army has what the Anxi Empire wants. The alliance is naturally a matter of reason. The key is that the alliance between the two sides will take place in the future. It is also very important.

And such an alliance is more sincere than the friendship between Jin and Guishuang, at least when there is no obvious conflict of interest between the two parties.

Besides, the methods in the Jin army will make the Anxi Empire be more cautious when dealing with the Jin army. Not to mention, just how fierce the gunpowder is when attacking the city is enough to make the Anxi Empire pay more attention to it.

The Jin army's fighting power is strong, and to a large extent, it is also helpful to the Anxi Empire.

If the strength of the Jin army is too weak, if the two sides have common warfare in the future, the weaker side will definitely be squeezed out.

After the alliance was reached, Aldaban said, "Holy Master, there is a request next, I want to go to the Jin Army to see and see the three-eyed gods and the power of gunpowder in the Jin Army. I wonder if the Holy Master can agree?"

Lü Bu pondered for a while and said, "Yes, Zilong will accompany the envoy when the time comes."

"Here." Zhao Yun said.

The reason why Lu Bu agreed was also to deter Rest to a greater extent. If the Rest Empire thinks that it is powerful and can underestimate the Jin army, it is the biggest mistake, and it is best to let the Rest Empire understand this aspect. The method is to let the rest of the people see the fierce methods of the Jin army's offensive.

Only after there is more fear of the Jin army, the alliance between the two sides will be more stable.

"Thank you, Saint." Aldaban saluted again.

After Aldaban left, Lu Bu said, "Aldaban is not a simple character."

"This person is too rude." Dian Wei said dissatisfied.

"Aldaban is a member of the royal family of the Parthian Empire. As the younger brother of the Parthian King, he will naturally be a little arrogant, but if he is allowed to come, he can also see the sincerity of the Parthian King." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia laughed and said, "I am afraid that the King of Peace can't wait to get the method of making these sharp weapons, so as to avoid the Guishuang army will bring more threats to the empire. This is so urgent."

"After Fengxiao sees it through, don't say it, otherwise it will be bad if Aldaban hears it."

The generals heard the words and laughed bursts of laughter. After hearing Guo Jia’s words, they could imagine how anxious the King of Peace was at this time. Also, there is no such weapon in the Army of Peace. Once the Guishuang army attacked the city of the Parthian Empire, it would definitely bring more casualties to the Parthian Empire. The most important thing was to deal with such offensive methods as the Guishuang Empire. There was no better way for the Parthian Empire.

"After forming an alliance with the Anxi Empire, there are many benefits for the Jin country. When treating the Anxi messenger, you cannot treat it like the Guishuang messenger." Lu Bu said.

Everyone claimed that as long as the order was issued by Lu Bu, the lieutenant and generals would carry it out. This is also the rule of the Jin army.

Through Lu Bu's treatment of the rest envoy, the generals in the army can feel that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the rest envoy.

"Let Sima Zhongda come in." Lu Bu said.

As a messenger of the Jin Kingdom, not going far to the Parthian Empire is not easy for any courtier. Sima Yi can go and achieve success. The hardships are imaginable, even Lu Bu has a certain guard against Sima Yi. Lu Bu was quite satisfied that Sima Yi was able to complete the task on this trip.

Sima Yi's ability in the Jin Dynasty court was not weak.

Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

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