Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4810: : Yeh Khan’s worries

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Rebirth of War God Lu Bu Chapter 4829 Ye Khan's Worries

There is still a big gap between Guishuang’s background and Jin’s. The population gap between the two sides can be seen. Yekh Khan, who once went to Chang’an, has a deep understanding of the prosperity of Jin, Peshawar. It is the most important city of Guishuang, but compared with the capital of Jin State, there is still a big gap.

Such a gap can only be restored with the efforts of Guishuang officials.

Ye Khan did not say such words. The officials of Guishuang were proud. If they knew that Jin was strong and prosperous, not only would it not attract the attention of these officials, but would attract ridicule.

After the victory of the Jin army, the officials of Guishuang will pay more attention to the Jin country. In this way, it will be enough.

The strength of the Jin army requires a more serious response from Guishuang. Even in the face of the conditions put forward by the envoy of the Jin country, she did not dare to have too much objection. The queen did not want to be able to perform when facing the envoy of the Jin country. Even more domineering, the lack of strength in the hands, even if the performance is more domineering, it will only bring more trouble.

The defeat of Guishuang’s army was a big blow to Guishuang’s overall morale. At this time, the wisest choice is to make good relations with the Jin army, restore the relationship with the Jin country, and make the relationship between the two. After getting the guarantee, Guishuang can better recover from the fighting.

The merchants who traversed among them can bring a lot of taxes to Guishuang. Such wealth will be of great help to Guishuang's army in the future.

Nowadays, Guishuang's situation is already in a more severe state. As Guishuang's general, Ye Khan has deep concerns.

The arrival of the envoy of the Jin country made the officials of Guishuang breathe a sigh of relief. At the same time, there will be more anger in their hearts. The victorious Jin army was extremely proud when Guishuang treated the officials of Guishuang from the court. What kind of attitude can be seen.

This is also the power that the victor should enjoy. If Guishuang's army is victorious, the Guishuang envoy will behave in the same way after he arrives in Jin.

It's not terrible to feel depressed, and there is nothing to feel ashamed. The key is how to do it in the future. If Guishuang's strength cannot be improved accordingly, what will happen to the Jin army in the future.

This is what the general should consider most.

Therefore, after the defeat of Guishuang's army, Yekh Khan has been busy with the training of lieutenants and soldiers. It is also necessary to upgrade the equipment of lieutenants and soldiers. To fight against the Jin army, it is not that Guishuang's army is not elite enough. There is no advantage in a sophisticated weapon.

The crossbow carts, thunderbolt carts, and bed crossbows in the Jin army burst into dazzling light when they played against the Guishuang army. From this perspective, Guishuang lacked sufficient understanding of the Jin army.

In particular, the Jin army has a weapon such as the three-eyed spirit gun, and the combat effectiveness displayed during the battle is even more powerful.

The heavy armored cavalry is even vulnerable in front of the three-eyed blunderbuss. If Guishuang's army can't pay more attention to these aspects in the future, the battle against the Jin army will probably end in failure.

The victory of the war is what the military lieutenants want to see most. No one wants to taste the taste of defeat. Besides, after a failed battle, how many soldiers will be buried on the battlefield. The defeat of the Guishuang army this time, isn’t it? Is it a good description?

Even the civil servants and generals of the Jin state had no alternative to the arrogance of the envoys of the Jin state.

What worries Yekhhan most is that the Jin Dynasty will not secretly unite the Parthian Empire. The Parthian Empire and Guishuang are close to each other, and they have a conspiracy for Guishuang. If there is a connection between the Anthion Empire and the Jin army, it will be for Guishuang. It is the most severe.

Unlike Chang'an, which is far away from Guishuang, the Anxi Empire is close to Guishuang, and can directly attack the city of Guishuang after sending troops.

As for Lu Bu’s plan, Ye Khan has certain guesses. At present, the influence of the Jin army outside the Western Regions is gradually increasing. As time goes by, the strength of the Jin army will become more and more powerful. At that time, The Jin country can invest more troops in cities outside of the Western Regions.

At that time, the Jin army had the strength to attack Guishuang.

When Guishuang responds to the offensive of the Jin army and the Anxi Empire army, what kind of situation will it have?

Ye Khan didn't dare to imagine the consequences, so he tried his best to maintain the relationship with the Jin country and make the relationship between the two parties closer, which played an important role.

How to get more sharp weapons from the Jin country is also what Ye Khan is most worried about. The Jin country has strict confidentiality about the methods of making these sharp weapons. It is too difficult to bring out the production methods of these sharp weapons.

However, after seeing the sharp weapon in the Jin army, Ye Khan could not ignore it. He had to act in the next time. Once the Jin army’s production method of the three-eyed blunder was obtained, the strength of Guishuang would be improved. It is of great help.

When the Guishuang Army had such a weapon as the Three-Eyed God Gun, there was a greater reliance in the battle against the Jin Army and the Anxi Empire.

The main reason why Guishuang’s army attacked Guishan City this time ended in failure. The main reason was that the Jin army had a weapon beyond imagination. The three-eyed bluff played a big role in the war, which once caused Guishuang’s cavalry to lose. heavy.

Putting aside the three-eyed look and other equipment in the Jin Actually, the Jin Army is not as terrible as imagined. With the same equipment, the Guishuang Army can defeat the Jin Army.

Ye Khan, who has been fighting for many years, still has enough confidence in Guishuang’s soldiers. At present, Guishuang’s army just needs such an opportunity. It can be equipped with the same equipment as the Jin army, and the victory of the Guishuang army will not So far away.

The method of making sharp weapons obtained from the Jin Kingdom, in Ye Khan’s view, is far from allowing the craftsmen of Guishuang to make these sharp weapons more securely. The craftsmen of Guishuang also have good skills. From the soldiers of Guishuang soldiers You can see more of this at the level of blade armor.

Guishuang attaches great importance to the equipment of the lieutenant soldiers. He wants to make the lieutenant soldiers win more victories against the enemy, so that the lieutenant soldiers have more sophisticated equipment, which has a great comparison. If the equipment of the lieutenant generals cannot be guaranteed, how can the lieutenant generals inflict greater casualties on the enemy when they are facing the enemy?

The strength of the Jin Army is already so strong, if the soldiers in the Guishuang Army don't work hard in the next time, how grim the situation will be for Guishuang.

Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

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