Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4727: : Will Guishuang’s cavalry come?

It was not this news that excited the lieutenant the most, but Lu Bu appeared in Guishan City.

At the beginning, the soldiers in the army were a little skeptical, but when the army got to know Lu Bu's generals and confirmed the matter, the soldiers in the army boiled over. Lu Bu was the emperor of the Jin Kingdom and the **** in the minds of the soldiers. , As long as it is where Lu Bu appears, it will allow the Jin army to get victories one after another.

Is there anything more exciting to the lieutenant soldiers than such news?

Three days later, a decisive battle with Guishuang's army also gave the soldiers more confidence in the army. As long as Lu Bu was in the army and won, there would be no difficulty.

At this time, the lieutenant generals discussed more about how long the Jin Army generals could win the battle against the Guishuang Army.

The cruelty of the war is nothing to the generals of the Jin army. When they choose to enter the army, they are ready to die on the battlefield. If the lieutenant soldiers have no such belief and preparation, they are What kind of behavior will you have in the face of war? Is it necessary to flee when facing the enemy?

The combat style of the Jin army has always been known for being tough.

After reading the battle book in his hand, Lu Bu smiled and said: "It seems that Guishuang's general has guessed that I am in the city, but at this time, even if Guishuang's general is aware of it, it can still threaten my safety. Nothing."

The military general smiled. This is Lu Bu, a confident Lu Bu. Where he is, the fighting spirit of the military lieutenant is driven.

From the current situation of the lieutenants in the army, it can be seen how excited they were when they learned about Lu Bu's presence in the army. Even if Lu Bu now orders the lieutenant generals to go to war, the generals of the Jin army will not hesitate at all. .

Guo Jiadao: "Judging from the news from the meticulous work, Guishuang has sent elite cavalry to come, and it is expected that he will soon come outside Guishan City. Perhaps this is where the greatest confidence of General Guishuang outside the city lies."

"There are Guishuang cavalry coming?" Lu Bu said with a smile: "Just let Guishuang's civilian officers and generals see what kind of anger they will endure when they provoke the Jin army. The anger of the Jin army soldiers is not like that. Easily extinguished."

"Holy Master, it's just the Guishuang army. You only need to give Lao Zhang a cavalry. Among the Ten Thousand Army, you will also get the head of the **** Zuo Lieutenant." Zhang Fei shouted.

"Yingde is brave. When fighting against Guishuang's army, Yide has to do a lot of effort. Just let me see if Yide is lazy." Lu Bu said.

Zhang Fei could not wait to lead the cavalry on the battlefield now. When he first joined Jin, Zhang Fei must have had an awkward heart. But as the time in the Jin army has increased, Zhang Fei has more admiration for Lu Bu. The relationship between Zhang Fei and Lu Bu is good, but because of the grievances between Lu Bu and Liu Bei, both sides have embarked on the path of the enemy.

When the princes fought in a melee, it was the Han who suffered, and the fight against the foreign race was very different. It made the foreigners tremble at the edge of the Han army, and let them see the arrival of the Han army, so they did not dare to make any trouble. The war is what the big man longs for.

Exerting more abilities on the alien army, making the alien army afraid, so that they dare not invade the Han city, is there anything like this that can more ignite Zhang Fei's fighting spirit?

Zhang Fei is a fierce general on the battlefield, and at the same time a good player leading a large army on the battlefield. He has a lot of experience on the battlefield.

The other generals were also unwilling to show weakness and fought against the Guishuang army. This was the best opportunity for them to show their ordinary training results in front of Lu Bu.

"Three days later, the decisive battle with Guishuang's army must not be slacking off. The current army in the city can only be dispatched by more than 10,000, but after the arrival of Guishuang's reinforcements, the army that can be dispatched will also have a minimum of more than 20,000 people. This battle must be It's difficult." Lu Bu said.

"Here." The military general said in unison.

Regardless of the fact that the generals are now dismissive of Guishuang’s army, they will pay attention to Guishuang’s army when they are actually fighting, and despise the enemy’s army, which will increase the confidence of their soldiers. This is a good thing. , But blindly and contemptuously, the result may be the failure of the war.

All generals with rich experience on the battlefield understand the truth, and the generals in the Jin army have such behavior, which is of great help to the lieutenant generals to win the battle on the battlefield.

Wanting to become a qualified leader in the Jin army is not a simple matter. For how to deal with the situation on the battlefield, you must first be familiar with it.

The decisive battle is about a major issue. The generals of the Jin army who seem to be relaxed on the surface are thinking about things after the decisive battle begins.

Guo Jia started to be busy, the decisive battle was about important matters, and this decisive battle was even about the belonging of Guishan City.

If the Jin army can end with a hearty victory, even if Guishuang has great ambitions, he would not dare to send more troops to Guishan City easily. Then Lu Bu can lead the lieutenant generals to calmly deal with Kang Juhe. The confrontation between the Huns was over.

In Guo Jia's view, this decisive battle is more about whether the Jin army can successfully capture Kangju and the Xiongnu.

This war is a good opportunity for the Jin army.

Through the battle, we can see that Guishuang’s army is not a mere name. In the battle against the Jin army, although there has been a lot of damage, the soldiers in the army can still persevere and fight against such an army. When you are hungry, you must be more cautious.

Especially for the Guishuang reinforcements, we must know more about ourselves, and know ourselves and our opponents on the battlefield.

The Jin army is an army with a dazzling record. The soldiers in the army have a lot of aspirations for war. This situation is more conducive to the decisive battle of the Jin army.

"Feng Xiao, you are responsible for planning the decisive battle. We must ensure that our army can win the victory at the least cost." Lu Bu said.

Guo Jia handed over and said that it has always been the case when the Jin army fought with the enemy. If victory can be achieved at a smaller price, no more soldiers will be sacrificed.

The military lieutenants who can participate in the campaign are all elites in the Jin army. It is actually not easy for such elites to train more. This is also the test of the campaign for an army.

After the war, whether the loss of soldiers in the army can be replenished faster is a test of the background of an army.

Guo Jia didn’t do anything less about planning the battlefield. It can be said to be easy to do. However, in this decisive battle, the soldiers of the Jin army are at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. If you want to win the battle, you must have a more reasonable one. response.

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