Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4121: : Ping Ding Wa Kingdom

In this case, the resistance of the Japanese people is effective. If the situation in the Japanese country has not changed much after the death of many soldiers, it would be the cruelest thing for the people of the Japanese country.

The strength of the Jin army’s soldiers is also the main reason that can affect the situation of the Japanese nation. With the strength of the Japanese nation, it is impossible to bring more troubles to the Jin army in the process of fighting against the Jin army. The situation of the soldiers on the battlefield on both sides can be seen.

"If that's the case, how can the Wa country be calmed down?" Himihu did not show weakness.

"Boldly, the leader of Xie Matai in a mere guilty way dared to be so presumptuous in front of General Zhou. General Zhou came by the order of the sage." Lu Su shouted.

Himi exclaimed: "This king doesn't know what the sage is."

"Just by relying on your words, you can be beheaded. The saint is the wise king of martial arts, how can you mention it?" Lu Su said.

Himihu sneered and said, "From the perspective of this king, the emperor of the Jin country is nothing more than this. When treating the people of the Japanese country so cruelly, I am afraid that the lives of the people of the Jin country are also the same. Such an emperor cannot last for long."

Zhou Yu laughed and said: "How the saint treats the people of Jin country. After this general has dealt with the affairs of the country of Japan, he will naturally take you to the country of Jin."

If Lu Bu treated his people cruelly, no one would believe such a thing, but the actions of the Jin army in the Wa did seem a bit cruel.

"The Jin army ruled the Japanese nation for the sake of the Japanese nation. As long as the people of the Japanese nation follow the orders of the Jin army, they will not be in danger of life. If you are willing to help this general, even those who defy the Jin army before. The general will not blame it." Zhou Yu said.

Meihu was moved. He knew what the consequences would be after losing the battle against the Jin army. Meihu was quite clear. By the means of the Jin army, more Japanese citizens would suffer disasters at that time, and even Eimatai would not be able to. exception.

For this battle, Himiko brought the most important force of Eimatai. Who knows that he failed in the battle against the Jin army. Once such a failure is passed back to Eimatai, how much will it bring? Shock.

If the Jin army goes there, there will be no more resistance in Yimatai.

"Can the general guarantee that people who take refuge in the Jin army will not be killed by the Jin army?" Himi asked.

Zhou Yu nodded and said: "This general is the chief general of the army. How can he not have this kind of power, and those who just disobey the orders of the Jin army will follow the Jin army's disposal."

After meditation for a long time, Himihu nodded and agreed. The war has failed. Even if she makes more efforts, what will be the result? Maybe it will be more revenge from the Jin army. It is basically impossible to have greater performance in the battle against the Jin army. From the combat effectiveness of the Jin army on the battlefield, it can be seen how terrifying the Jin army is.

If you are confronted with such an army, what kind of strength is needed to do it.

If this is the case, it is better to cooperate with the Jin army better, so that the people of Waguo and Yimatai will suffer less damage.

There will definitely be people who will stand up against the Jin army, but these resistance will have too much influence on the Jin army. For a long time, the Jin army has shown a cruel side when administering the Japanese kingdom, and squeezed the Japanese kingdom as much as possible. People, otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people from the Japanese country who went to Xie Matai without any hesitation.

After Meihu agreed, Zhou Yu was relieved. Meihu had a great influence in Waguo and Yamatai. As long as Meihu was willing to help the Jin army, the rest would be much simpler and there would be no more people. Stand up against the Jin army, even if it is a small-scale resistance, it is difficult to form too much influence in front of the Jin army.

As for Lu Bu’s strategy in the Wa country, Zhou Yu would not make too many changes. He treated the people of the Wa country more strictly than other alien races. If he did not abide by the orders, it would be the Jin army that followed. Kill.

If it is carried out in the manner of Lu Bu, the Japanese Kingdom will become a tool for the Jin to obtain benefits. Under the strong pressure of the Jin army, they dare not make more resistance and can only act according to the command of the Jin army, although they do not know Lu Bu. What is the purpose of doing this? As a courtier, you only need to follow the orders of the monarch.

Do this as much as possible, and Zhou Yu can return to Jin. At that time, his status in the army will be improved because of his combat merits.

After counting the damage and beheading of enemy troops on the battlefield, what Zhou Yu needs to deal with is the wat The people worked for the Jin army and cultivated more The crops harvested from these fields fell into the hands of the Jin army and were transported to the Jin country, not only in the fields, as long as they were from the Wa country. Everything belongs to the Jin army.

The Japanese people who worked for the Jin army would receive a small amount of food rations, which barely able to sustain their survival. As for it, it is impossible to get more rice, but anyone who finds that they defy the Jin army Appeared, there is definitely no mercy from his subordinates.

The soldiers of the Jin army are the most noble existence in the Japanese army. Even a soldier in the Jin army is inviolable among the people of the Japanese army. After seeing the soldiers of the Jin army, the ordinary Japanese people behave extremely respectfully. .

In the next few months, Zhou Yu led the army to pacify the Japanese Kingdom and the Eimatai in the northern part of the Japanese Kingdom. With the cooperation of Himihu, this kind of process was relatively smooth. The people of the Japanese Kingdom can see if they are with the Jin army through the combat power of the Jin army. What will happen to the confrontation.

Besides, the Jin Army has forgiven them this time, and they only need to follow the Jin Army's orders in the future.

In this battle, the Jin army showed the posture of a strong man, and such a strong man is worthy of the Japanese people to follow.

With Hei Mihu supporting and responding to it, it is relatively simple to quell the Wa country. In any case, Himihu still has a high prestige among the Japanese people. The presence of Himihu will not easily arouse the resistance of the Japanese people. In the case of Xie Matai, just Not to mention.

After this battle, the army of Xie Matai has deeply realized the strength of the Jin army. At this time, it is impossible for them to organize more forces to fight against the invasion of the Jin army.

The strength of the Jin army has been fully proved in the previous confrontation. In front of this class of strong men, other resistances are in vain.

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