Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4119: : Give up resistance

"Fight against the enemy!" Bei Mihu ordered. She has realized that this kind of escape will not succeed, but will make the Jin army's cavalry more chase and kill. If it blocks the Jin army's cavalry, there will be more Many evil horse troopers gathered around her.

The reason why he chose to lead his cavalry to escape, did Himihu want to leave the battlefield faster. Unexpectedly, the Jin cavalry did not allow the cavalry of the evil horse stand to leave the battlefield, and the enemy cavalry was chasing In the process of killing, she must have noticed her existence.

In the past, when training these cavalrymen, Himiko put a lot of energy into it. He didn't expect that at the most critical moment of the war, these cavalrymen would leave her for their own safety. This is also a great irony.

What's even more ironic is that after Meihu's order was given, the cavalry who followed her did not even turn around to meet the Jin cavalry, and they were still fleeing.

There were only six cavalrymen beside Himihu, and only six cavalrymen obeyed her orders at the last moment.

Looking at the cavalry beside him, Himihu looked pale.

In the past few years, the reason why Bei Mihu has achieved such great achievements in Xie Matai is relying on means. In fact, in terms of his own combat effectiveness, Bei Mihu can only be said to be reluctant.

It was relying on the means to make Himihu come to his current position step by step.

The spear in Ding Feng's hand raised, and the cavalry who followed stopped their horses one after another. A weird scene was formed on the battlefield. There were soldiers fleeing from the evil horse platform on both sides. There were only seven soldiers on one side, and nearly six on the other side. Ten people, soldiers fleeing on both sides, were indifferent to the situation here.

Himihu looked at the Yematai soldiers who were panicked and wanted to escape from the battlefield. Her mood was instantly lost. This was the Yematai army for which she had put so much effort. Originally, she wanted to defeat the Jin army by relying on the power of the army, and will be Jin Jin. The army-occupied Wa country city was taken over, and her influence in the Wa country was enhanced. Unexpectedly, the war had evolved into such a situation.

It’s not that the soldiers of Eimatai need to be clear on the battlefield, but their combat effectiveness is too far from that of the Jin army. After the soldiers of the two sides meet, the army of Eimatai wants to cause more damage to the Jin army during the battle. Big damage is simply impossible. Under such circumstances, how can we win?

War is cruel. If you want to win on the battlefield, you must not only have a quantitative advantage, but also have an elite, and the method of leading the battle is also important. This is the summary after this time against the Jin army. The truth.

Ding Feng didn't have the thought of talking more nonsense with these people. Anyway, the other party couldn't understand their words, so it's better to go straight forward.

At this moment, Himi called out, "We are willing to surrender, and hope that the Jin army will not kill the soldiers who surrendered."

Ding Feng was taken aback for a moment and laughed: "If you dare to provoke the Jin army's majesty in the country, you must pay a corresponding price. Do you still want to survive safely after provoking the Jin army?"

"To attack the city of the Jin army is the meaning of this king." Himi shouted.

Seeing that Bei Mihu was still able to show such a calmness at this time, even though Bei Mihu was a woman, Ding Feng was still amazed in secret.

Meihu's appearance can be called beautiful among the Japanese. Although he is slightly older in age, he can see the beauty of his youth.

"Well, as long as you surrender, this general will intercede for you in front of General Zhou." Ding Feng said.

Himi gave an order, and even though the cavalry around him hesitated a little, he still put down the sword in his hand.

Ding Feng winked at the two cavalry around him. The two cavalry knew, and quickly stepped forward, binding Meihu firmly. Regardless of whether the opponent was a woman or not, it was necessary to be more cautious on the battlefield.

Himi frowned, thinking of the current situation, but did not resist.

The pursuit of the Jin army is still going on, but all the evil horse soldiers who catch up with the Jin army will definitely not end well. The orders received by the Jin army before the start of this battle will not be left alive. .

The Jin army’s treatment of prisoners has been decided before. As long as it is the evil horse soldiers who fall into the hands of the Jin army, they will all die. This matter has been determined. When the Jin army soldiers do such things, they must There is no more hesitation.

Yimatai's army is the enemy of the Jin army. When dealing with the enemy, you can't have the slightest tenderness. Who knows if these enemies will continue to fight against the Jin army after they return.

After seeing the situation along the way, Meihu kept trembling. These are the soldiers who followed her in the past, but now they are undergoing such slaughter on the battlefield. This is a cruel war, compared to the Japanese war. The fight for This is indeed the cruelest war.

For this battle, Himiko did his utmost, but he still failed to win the battle against the Jin army. Through the strength of the Jin army, what you can see is how fragile the army of Eimatai is on the battlefield. Their bravery, their madness, in exchange for more killings by the Jin army.

The Jin army is indeed a strong one, which Bei Mihu had to admit.

When the Jin army captured the country of Japan, Meihu had a lot of sympathy for the people of the country. She wanted to change everything through her own efforts. In other words, they are all Japanese people.

To make more efforts for the lives of the Japanese people, it seemed to Himihu that it was a matter of course, but after encountering the Jin army, such a goal was impossible to succeed.

With the strength of the Jin army generals, as long as the Jin army generals are willing, sweeping the evil horse can be completely accomplished.

In the afternoon, this battle gradually ceased, and the Jin army also stopped chasing and killing the soldiers of Yimatai. In this battle, the Jin army had already won the battle and defeated the army of Yimatai in frontal combat. .

At the time of the battle, there were 9,000 troops in Eimatai, which was three times that of the Jin army. However, during the battle against the Eimatai army, the soldiers of the Jin army showed strong combat power on the battlefield. The larger Yamatai army paid a heavy price in the war.

Lieutenant generals are clearing the battlefield, and statistics about this battle will soon be passed on to the army.

"General Ding." Seeing Ding Feng's soldiers along the way, they greeted one after another.

Ding Feng just nodded slightly, and came towards the direction of the Chinese army. This battle has ended, and there are also many things that follow.

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