Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4071: : The Envoy of Dawan

The relationship between Wusun and Dawan was extremely tense. If the Jin army attacked Dawan, Wusun would not have the feeling of dying lips and teeth. Maybe he would send troops directly to attack Dawan. The same situation applies to Dawan. , We can see how far the enmity between the two countries is.

This is also the reason why the envoy of Dawan came after Wusun's envoy came here in an open manner. In this matter, without the slightest initiative, wouldn't future wars be even more unpredictable.

Wusun’s envoys were the same. After Dawan’s envoys came to Chang'an, they also had a lot of emotion. Dahan is a powerful country in the Western Regions. At present, Dahan has been replaced by Jin, which shows the strength of Jin. It's more than a big man.

The intention of the envoy from Dawan was also to unite with the Jin country. The four countries outside the Western Regions, after the Jin army occupied Qiuci and other countries, behaved relatively well, for fear of offending at this critical moment. Jin State.

The messenger from Dawan came in secret, so it was naturally impossible to go to the palace openly. In order to ensure the concealment of identity, the messenger from Dawan even wore ordinary clothes, and the same was true for those who secretly protected.

Going from Dawan to Jin, uniting the emperor of Jin is a dangerous thing in itself, and it takes a lot of effort to meet the emperor of Jin.

On the way to Chang'an, Dawan's messenger made a certain plan for more information about the Jin country. This is also a convenient way to get to the city of Chang'an and have a better response.

Judging from the information obtained, if you want Dawan to successfully join Jin, the person you must meet is Lu Bu.

If the envoy from Dawan came to the palace openly, there would be no more problems to see the emperor of Jin, but the situation is different now. If the envoy from Dawan came quietly and went to the palace openly, his identity would definitely be the first time. Exposed.

After entering the city of Chang'an, the envoy of Dawan was not eager to act, but lived in the city. As long as he inquired about more favorable news in Chang'an city, he would have more help for Dawan's unity with Jin.

The envoy from Dawan came so quietly, Lu Bu did not get any news. Besides, when the envoy from Dawan entered the city, it was the clothes of ordinary people. It is not easy to attract more attention, since it is a secret. Come, naturally you need to be more cautious, if you show arrogance, wouldn't it have lost the effect it should have.

In this regard, what Dawan's messenger saw was quite clear.

The envoy of Dawan is the prime minister Zeku of Dawan, and he is also a famous person in Dawan.

After living in the city of Chang'an for half a month, Zeku decided to act. Through secretly inquiring about the news, Zeku realized that wanting to see the emperor of Jin is not a simple matter on the surface. Someone must be recommended. Not to mention whether the emperor of Jin will come out of the palace, even if the emperor of Jin leaves the palace, it is also an absolutely confidential matter, and it is not something that Dawan people can inquire.

And if someone recommends, you can avoid this problem as much as possible.

At this time, there were envoys from various parties in Chang'an City, and there were also many people who secretly inquired about the news. The actions of the envoy of Dawan could be said to be relatively hidden and did not attract more attention.

In the end, Zeku set his goal on Guo Jia. Guo Jia is the Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and he is also a famous official in Jin. It is said that he is the emperor’s brother of worship. With Guo Jia’s help, this matter is simple and different. For other officials of the Jin Kingdom, if they go to Guo Jia's place to give gifts, Guo Jia will accept them directly.

What Zeku needed was a chance to meet Guo Jia. As his envoy to Dawan, he would have a greater chance of seeing the emperor of Jin.

The prosperous city of Chang'an was also seen by the envoys of Dawan. In the past, the Dahan was extremely wealthy, but now that the Jin Kingdom has occupied the city that originally belonged to the Dahan, it is expected to be more prosperous.

In the past, the relationship between Dawan and Dahan was not good, but it was not bad. They did not invade each other. Zeku believed that if the emperor of Jin wanted to stabilize the Western Regions, it was necessary to unite with Dawan.

Once, Dawan was also a subject of Dahan, but with the improvement of Dawan's strength, they did not have to obey the orders of Han officials, and they had their own sovereignty.

Even if the Jin Kingdom rises, the envoy of Dawan believes that the emperor of Jin will not be an enemy of Dawan. This is not good for the Jin country itself, if the envoy of Dawan understands the ambitions of the emperor of Jin. , I am afraid that there will be no such optimistic idea.

Even if the envoy from Dawan came to Chang'an to inquire about news secretly, it was not easy to get more useful news.

There was a lack of contact between Dawan and Jin before. Although the number of merchants from Jin to the Western Regions increased, there were envoys from Dawan who came to After all, there were too few contacts between the two sides. It is not an easy task to have a more comprehensive understanding of Jin State just by relying on the news that the businessman has inquired about.

The Jin army’s sudden strong strength in the Western Regions has broken the current situation in the Western Regions. Wusun sent envoys to Jin with great fanfare, which made Dawan feel the urgency of the matter. The strength of the Jin army was not. Weak, after uniting with Wusun, if he invades Da Wan, will he be able to defend with Da Wan's strength?

Besides, in the old days when Dawan dealt with Wusun, there were still some shortcomings. Moreover, facing the alliance between the Jin army and Wusun, it is inevitable that more problems will arise. Under such circumstances, there are more ways to deal with it. Greatly necessary.

After considering all these reasons, Dawan decided to send an envoy to Jin country. Only by maintaining a good relationship with Jin country can Dawan continue to maintain it and prevent Dawan from being confronted by both sides.

Guo Jia is an admiral of the Ministry of War. The mansion in the inner city is quite luxurious. Unlike Jia Xu's method of doing things, Guo Jia will not be stingy as long as he is rewarded.

In this case, Guo Jia would give people a sense of greed. After all, when other officials in the Jin Kingdom did not dare to accept gifts openly, Guo Jia would not refuse anyone who came.

People who are unfamiliar with Guo Jia must have the impression of Guo Jia that they act arbitrarily with Lu Bu's favor.

Ordinarily, the Jin State’s system is strict. Isn’t it possible to say that after such a thing, no official from Yushitai stood up, but such a strange situation has been maintained in this way.

"Please tell Guo Shangshu, there is a businessman from Dawan asking to see you." Zeku stepped forward.

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