Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4060: : Messengers of all parties

Especially when the army is fighting, the guarantee of food and grass will have a great impact on the battle of the army. If you can't even provide the food and grass, you don't need to expect the army to do more on the battlefield.

Lu Bu led soldiers in battle for many years, and naturally understood the truth.

After everyone's plan, the possible situation of war outside the Western Regions is also known to Lu Bu.

In September of the first year of Longxing, the number of envoys to the city of Chang'an increased. These were the envoys sent by the Western Regions to worship in Jin. After being separated from the control of Han officials, they returned to the control of Jin again. middle.

Regarding the Jin army, the countries of the Western Regions have a lot of awe, especially the methods displayed by the Jin army, which makes people feel fearful. Among the Western Regions, Qiuci itself is not a weak country, but in After fighting against the Jin army, even the country could not be found.

Compared with the methods of the old man, the Jin army showed more fierceness. The speed of the Jin army's destruction of the Western Regions is even more amazing. If you fight against such a country, what will happen, the monarchs of these countries There must be in-depth thinking.

If they take refuge in the Jin Kingdom, they can get more stability in their country. Besides, this is only a nominal matter, and the monarchs of these countries are still barely able to accept it.

Otherwise, according to the behavior of the Jin army, it is entirely possible that soldiers will come to the city, and then it will not be something that can be solved by taking refuge.

The envoys of various parties who went to Chang'an also sighed after seeing the grand occasion in Chang'an. Compared with Chang'an, the city they were in was too shabby, and the envoys of these countries also came with what they thought was precious.

This is the first time that a country has sent envoys to Jin, so it is natural to bring something important to it. Otherwise, wouldn't it make other countries laugh at it?

In recent years, there have been many Jin Dynasty businessmen who have gone to the Western Regions to do business. These businessmen have brought more things to these countries, and at the same time, they have also shown the profits brought by doing business in these countries, which is beneficial to the development of their countries. It is of great help.

And now that if you go to Jin country, if you can do business with Jin country in the future, it is also what the monarchs of various countries want to see.

Envoys from various countries appeared in Chang'an City, which added a landscape to Chang'an.

In the team of these envoys, there are people who understand the Chinese language. After they enter the city, they need to act in accordance with the system of the Jin Kingdom, otherwise they will be punished.

The messengers of these situations should naturally pay attention, and no one wants to have a situation in Chang'an City.

Envoys from various countries found that in Chang'an City, the prices of some things were much cheaper, such as immortal love, magic glaze, etc., which were much cheaper than the prices brought to the Western Regions by merchants from the Jin Kingdom.

From these circumstances, the messengers of various countries have also seen business opportunities, but any messenger who can send to the monarchs of various countries must be shrewd.

The strength of the Jin country is strong and the relationship with the Jin country is better, which will have great benefits for the development of the country where they are located. The business contacts can greatly promote the prosperity of the city.

After seeing the situation in this regard, the envoys from all sides secretly remembered in their hearts that these things will definitely have more benefits after returning to the city where they are located.

The messenger went to the palace to worship, but it was set on the same day.

At the same time, the people and businessmen in Chang'an City also knew the purpose of these strangely dressed people, which gave them a sense of pride. The reason why these countries pay tribute to the Jin country is precisely because of the strong strength of the Jin army. If this were not the case, how could these countries come to Chang'an?

The protection of the Jin army can make the city of Jin more stable and prevent them from suffering the harm caused by the war.

Due to the appearance of these messengers, the intensity of patrolling in the city has also been increased a lot.

Envoys from all sides came to Chang'an City, and they definitely need to protect their safety.

After the scheduled time, the envoys from all parties rushed to the palace. Although they had entered the inner city and saw the palace before, they could feel the majestic atmosphere of the Jin Dynasty imperial palace after entering it. These buildings are where they are. Countries do not have.

Through the imperial palace of Jin, you can feel Jin's wealth.

After taking refuge in such a country, as long as they act according to Jin's orders, their country can be protected when they are bullied.

After accepting the pilgrimage of the various envoys, there are specific officials responsible for the affairs of these envoys. There are more than a dozen countries that send envoys in the Western Regions. Lu Bu cannot meet one by one. Besides, the strength of these countries is not strong. Lu Bu is mainly For the faster stability of the countries of the Western Regions, if Chang'an is closer to the countries of the Western Lu Bu will definitely send troops to pacify the countries of the Western Regions without hesitation.

The remoteness of the road has caused many inconveniences to the army’s actions. Such a situation has allowed these countries to gain a lot of stability. As for the Jin army, after the Western countries gradually control the situation, will these countries? As it is now, it is unpredictable.

If you have enough knowledge of Lu Bu, you can see the clues from Lu Bu's past behavior. Lu Bu has absolute control over the city. In the past, Wu State also bowed to Jin State, but waited for Jin State's strength gradually. After his recovery, he still sent an army to attack the country of Wu.

In the face of sufficient interests, any so-called covenant can be torn apart.

However, the scene of the pilgrimage of the envoys from all sides is quite shocking, and this situation also makes the officials of the Jin state proud. They are officials of the Jin state. The reason why these countries send envoys is precisely because of Jin. The strength of the country is so strong that if the Jin army were not strong enough, how could these countries send envoys obediently?

Only after having more powerful strength can he have more power.

The envoys of various parties paid homage to the emperor of Jin, and the officials of Jin were also honored. This is something that can be recorded in the history of Jin. Why do the monarchs of these countries send people to Chang'an? It is because of the strength of the Jin army. If it is not so strong, how can it make all parties surrender.

After the troubled times, the officials of the Jin country also attach great importance to the improvement of national strength. Only after having stronger strength, can they be more proud and proud when facing other countries. Initiative.

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