Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4030: : Need to guard against Wusun

The large-scale arrival of the Jin army has made it more stable. There is no panic in it. The Jin army has sent so many troops to arrive, making it clear that it will completely occupy it. King Qiuci The era of ruling the dry city is over.

These results are cruel to the people who are loyal to King Qiuci, but this matter has been determined. Even if there is more dissatisfaction in their hearts, it is of no use. The combat effectiveness of the Jin army is not a tortoise. Our army can compare.

This can be seen by the army that supports it and defeated by the soldiers of the Jin army. In the face of the absolute strength of the Jin army, even if it has more resistance, it is of no use.

Businessmen from the Jin country naturally have sufficient confidence in the combat effectiveness of the Jin army. Regardless of the number of Qiuci's army, as long as the Jin army arrives, they will definitely be victorious.

Moreover, the siege weapon controlled by the Jin army will be a nightmare for countries relying on the city. Relying on such methods, more countries will be on the way to attack.

After the arrival of the army, Pound secretly breathed a sigh of relief. What was the situation in the city? Pound lacked sufficient judgment. At this time, it was more important to have enough troops, and the strong combat power of the Jin army was enough to make the city. More stable.

"General Pang led the army to break through the dry city and make Qiuci fall, which is a great credit." Zhang Liao said with a smile.

"General Zhang is polite, it is a trivial matter to break through Guizi." Pound said.

In the view of Pound, it is indeed not difficult to break through Kucha. The main reason is that Kucha’s army has suffered a lot of damage on the battlefield at this time. They want to better fight against Jin’s army during the war. The possible thing, the most likely situation is that the Jin army pacifies the cities.

The gunpowder controlled by the Jin army at this time has become an important means of attacking the city. As long as the Jin army goes, the city will be broken. This is of great significance to the Jin army’s conquest. This situation It is also what the lieutenant soldiers want to see.

After the two exchanged greetings, they entered the city. Gancheng is more majestic than Yancheng. The former Changshi Mansion is now under the control of the Jin army. This is a good sign, if other countries know about it. After the current achievements of the Jin army, there will definitely be more fears, after all, the Jin army means the Han army in the past.

After occupying Qiuci, Li Ru was not eager to let the army attack Wensu and Gumo. In the previous confrontation, the two countries invested a lot of troops, and at this time, the two countries must be worried about the Jin army. Here, once the Jin army arrives, it means that their control in the city will be completely ended.

The combat effectiveness of the Jin army is determined. In the next confrontation, it is only possible that the Jin army will get a greater victory.

Judging by the news, Li Ru is certain that his fate and Gumo will not ask for help from Wusun. The two countries and Wusun can be said to have a deep hatred, and the secret alliance with Qiuci is because the strength of the three countries is not available. There is a big difference, after uniting, there can be greater protection, but after uniting Wusun, the situation is completely different. Wusun has a strong force and will have greater influence in the battle. If it is united Wusun's words, even if they repelled the Jin country's army, the country they were in might be dangerous.

Wusun coveted the countries of the Western Regions, but Wusun is an aggressive country. Over the years, he has offended a lot of countries, but due to Wusun's powerful strength, these countries dare not stand up against Wusun. If they had the chance, they would definitely want to teach Wusun a severe lesson.

Sure enough, three days later, Wensu and Gumo sent people to express their willingness to surrender to Jin.

When the generals saw this, they secretly felt a little regretful. After the arrival of the Jin army, it was absolutely easy for them to break Wensu and Gumo, but the two countries unexpectedly chose to surrender in such a straightforward manner. Things that military generals want to see but don't want to see.

Conquering the countries of the Western Regions allows the generals in the army to get more credit, and the credit has great appeal to the generals in the army. Only with enough credit can they improve their status in the army, and war After the end, it means that they have no chance to improve their own credit.

However, the absence of war means that the lieutenant soldiers will not pay a higher price for this, which is extremely beneficial to the Jin army.

Li Ru was coughing violently at the Great Account of the Chinese Army. Looking at the white silk cloth in his hand, Li Ru's heart trembled, and he quietly put away the silk cloth.

"Shang Shu's body is healthy, right? The climate in the Western Regions is indeed extremely complicated. Shang Shu should pay more attention to it." Zhang Liao said.

Li Ru's complexion was a little pale, and he smiled: "It's okay, it's all old problems."

" Now that our army has breached Qiuci, Wensu and Gumo have also sent people to ask for surrender. I don't know what Shangshu thinks about this matter?" Zhang Liao asked.

Li Rudao: "Wensu and Gumo's refuge was something that was expected, but if Wusun coveted the Three Kingdoms, he would definitely not stop there. What needs to be guarded most now is Wusun's army. In my opinion, when an elite team is dispatched to take over Wensu and Gumo to deter Qiuci, after seeing that our army is prepared, Qiuci will definitely not dare to act rashly."

Zhang Liao nodded and said: "Shangshu's statement is reasonable. Our army currently has an absolute advantage. Even if Wusun sends a large army to come, after seeing our army occupy the Three Kingdoms, will it still dare not attack? If you do, you will make an unforgivable mistake."

The generals in the army believed that. In recent years, only the Jin army has invaded others, and the enemy who dared to invade the Jin army's rule of land has long disappeared. Even if Wusun is strong, how can it be stronger than the Jin army? .

"Shang Shu, if Wusun sends out troops, if we tell the matter to the sage, with the strength of our army, it will definitely not be a problem to break Wusun." Zhang Yan said.

Li Ru shook his head and said: "The strength of Wusun cannot be underestimated. It is not easy for our army to conquer the countries of the Western Regions. The journey is long. If a large number of troops are sent here, the transportation of grain and grass will become a big problem. It's not worth it at the moment." Li Rudao.

Li Ru can understand the feeling that military generals want more credit when they fight against the enemy, but as a counselor in the military, Li Ru must consider issues from a higher perspective. The enemy's provocation is offended to make a decision.

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