Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4023: : The arrival of the Jin army

"General Pound led thousands of cavalry to Gancheng, striving to conquer it in the fastest time, and General Zhang Fei assisted." Zhang Liao said: "This general led the remaining troops and horses to Yancheng."

"Here." Pound and Zhang Fei walked out and clasped their fists.

Pound is the chief general of the Liangzhou Army. If there is nothing more to do in this battle, it is inevitable that the soldiers in the army will have questions.

Zhang Liao was able to hand over the task of breaking through its dry city to Pound, so he didn't want Pound to do more on the battlefield.

The other generals in the army saw that Zhang Liao had already arranged the war and could only give up.

After agreeing on the plan for the deployment of the army, Pound immediately returned to the army to prepare for the cavalry battle. At present, it has no more than a thousand defenders in the city. As long as it breaks through the enemy's city gate, the rest is much simpler. , With the combat power of the Jin cavalry, as long as they enter the city, the end of the defending army has arrived.

After the soldiers of the Jin army gathered on the battlefield, the rest period was short, but they did not hesitate too much with the orders of the generals. Although the generals were a little tired at this time, they believed that the army of Qiuci would also be the same after the war. Tired, if this is the case, the process of attacking Yancheng will inevitably be smoother.

After breaking the enemy's city, the army will have a place to station, which is better than staying outside.

Zhang Liao led the army to hover outside the city in order to find the opportunity to break the city. Now that the enemy's city is in front of him, the lieutenant soldiers are naturally extremely excited. They must teach the Kuuci army more lessons in this battle. , Dare to send troops to confront the Jin army head-on, if such a country cannot be eradicated, how to establish the majesty of the Jin country.

The atmosphere in Yancheng was unprecedentedly solemn. Although I did not win the battle against the Jin army before, the continuous arrival of the army has given the soldiers and people in the city a lot of peace of mind. Who knows that this time the army of Qiuci has withstood a greater test. Not only did the assault on the enemy fail to win, but only a few hundred people were lost to the 6,000 soldiers.

The failure of this assault on the Jin army was a great touch to the army of Qiuci.

The generals of the Jin army pursued victory on the battlefield, and the same is true for the Kucha army. Only after more victories can they have greater deeds against the enemy and make their country more stable.

Now that the army has failed in a surprise attack, if the Jin army is near the city, with less than two thousand defenders in the city, can it cope with the Jin army's attack?

After returning to the city, King Qiuci also thought about this problem, but if he gave up it like this, King Qiuci felt a lot of unwillingness in his heart. For the development of Yancheng, King Qiuci paid a lot of money. The painstaking effort, and now the defeat against the Jin army, has completely wiped out the previous advantage.

The strong combat power of the Jin army soldiers left a deep impression on King Qiuci.

After a long period of contemplation, King Qiuci decided to lead his lieutenants to resist the Jin army’s offensive. Even if the number of the Jin army exceeded 10,000, with the defenders in the city, he could still resist for a period of time and consumed the strength of the Jin army. To help in the battle of Qiuci, after returning to the city, King Qiuci once again sent a fast horse to Wusun for help.

Judging from the current situation, it is difficult to stop the Jin army's offensive by relying solely on the soldiers and horses of the Three Kingdoms including Qiuci. If Wusun can send elites to come, it would be no problem to stop the Jin army's offensive.

Pinning hopes on others is inherently unreliable, but the battle has progressed to such a point, King Qiuci can only choose this way in order not to lose the city in his hands.

Besides, once Qiuci falls, Gumo and Wensu are also not immune.

After the battle with the Jin army, it gave King Qiuci a sense of shock. The Jin army not only has a strong fighting capacity, but also extremely terrible in its troop transportation strategy. If you are not cautious enough to fight against such an opponent, I am afraid The army will continue to pay the price.

However, King Kucha did not regret this battle. He was fighting for the stability of the country. If he gave up the power in his hand, he was a coward.

Regardless of the strength of the Jin army, King Qiuci is also a person who has experienced many wars. He believes that with his ability to command the army, in the next battle, it is no problem to block the Jin army's offensive.

"My lord, the Jin army has already arrived outside the city. Both the east and south of the city are soldiers and horses of the Jin army." A general said panting.

King Qiuci's face changed a lot when he heard this, "What? How fast did the Jin army come?"

In any case, the Jin army also experienced the war last night, don't the Jin army need to rest after experiencing the war.

What I have to say is that the Jin army came outside the city at this time, which was a great shock to the defenders in the city. They just experienced the failure of the raid. At that time, the remarks about how brave are circulating in the army at a very fast speed Such remarks, even if the generals in the army come forward to stop them, the effect will not be too good.

The Qiuci army went out of the city to raid the Jin army, and the lieutenants knew it. After a raid, the number of lieutenants in the army dropped sharply. After a little thought, you can understand the reason.

"This king will go now." Guizi said.

To the east of the city, the five thousand Jin troops set their positions, and the silent oppression made the defenders extremely tense. They had a deep understanding of the combat power of the Jin troops. Fighting with such a crazy army was the biggest test for them. .

However, the battle has progressed to such a point. As ordinary soldiers, they can only obey the command of the general. If they violate the command of the general at this time, they will end up with death.

The Kucha army also has strict military discipline.

But at this time in Yancheng, there are not only soldiers from Kucha, but also soldiers from Wensu and Gumo. When facing the orders of generals in the army, soldiers from Kucha were able to obey the orders of the generals. The soldiers in Mo and Wensu are different.

They came to Qiuci to fight against the Jin army. There is nothing wrong with this. But when fighting against the Jin army, the army paid a heavy price. They have to think more about it, and no one wants to fight. The enemy was killed in battle.

The strength of the Jin army, they had already really felt it in the previous confrontation.

King Qiuci appeared in the east of the city, mainly because there were more Jin troops in the east of the city. After looking at the situation of the Jin army outside the city, King Qiuci secretly breathed a sigh of relief. There was no siege weapon in the Jin army. , Even if the Jin army wanted to siege the city at this time, how could it be able to board the city wall without siege equipment?

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