Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 4013: : Not easy

Li Ru shook his head and said: "Although the general's statement is reasonable, there are a large number of cavalry in the Kucha Army. If these cavalry cannot be eradicated, there will be many problems."

"From Shangshu's point of view, what should I do?" Pound couldn't help asking.

Li Ru whispered: "After the army approaches Yancheng, we will make a final plan. If the enemy doesn't know the movement of our army, we can order the army sergeant to go outside the city. When the enemy sees that our army is not large in number, they will inevitably go to war. At that time, I will lie in ambush outside the city. Why can't I cause heavy losses to the Kucha army in the first battle."

"Shangshu's plan is very good." Pound said.

"In this case, it is more important for the scouts in the army to inquire about the news and control the situation on the battlefield. If the scouts of the enemy detect the fictitiousness of our army, it will be difficult to lure the enemy out of the city. Matter." Li Rudao.

"I will understand at the end." Pound said excitedly.

If you want military generals to do their best when doing things, the best way is to let them understand what benefits will be gained after doing so. It is just a dry order, even if the generals in the army follow the order. Acting, I am afraid there will be a lot of questions in my mind, which is also detrimental to the coach.

Regarding the pacification of the Western Regions as the last battle, Li Ru will do his best to win the battle and allow more enemy troops to fall under the attack of the Jin army.

Wusun coveted the countries of the Western Regions, and the Jin country did not have a large-scale move to mobilize the Western Regions for the time being, so Li Ru needed to give full play to his abilities.

When Wusun was under the attack of the Jin army, Wusun would not send troops easily. This provided the Jin army with a chance to quell Qiuci, Gumo and Wensu. Then, with the power of victory, why not give orders to the Western Regions. As for the development of countries after occupying the Western Regions, it must be gradual and orderly.

Only after the countries of the Western Regions are stabilized can it be more helpful to Lu Bu's next plan.

The Jin army is brave and good at fighting, and Lu Bu has the heart of a country outside the Western Regions, which requires his ministers to make greater efforts to this end.

The victory of any abnormal war is not as simple as it is on the surface, and requires more efforts from the lieutenant soldiers to this end.

As for inquiries about the battlefield situation, Li Ru sees it as the most important thing. In the past, when the Jin army fought with the princes, why could it repeatedly defeat the princes, and the Jin army’s ability to control the battlefield is so great. Regardless of how strong the enemy’s strength is, how can they respond more if they don’t know more about the situation on the battlefield.

At this time, the role played by the scout is enormous. If the scout can control the battlefield more, why not get more benefits when fighting the enemy.

War is not a trifle, just like Zhang Liao led the army to fight in Kucha, if Zhang Liao did not plan on the battlefield in advance, what should he do in the face of the sudden Kucha army, even if it is the elite of the Jin army and the cavalry of the enemy army Occupying an absolute advantage, still have to bear the cost of failure.

The Qiuci army had some knowledge about the situation of the Jin army, but the Jin army did not know much about the situation of the Qiuci army, which required the scouts in the army to make more efforts for this.

"Shang Shu, if Kucha and other countries secretly associate with Wusun, our army will go to attack Kucha, wouldn't Wusun send reinforcements?" Pound questioned.

Li Ru smiled and said: "Wusun suffered a snow disaster last year, and his strength has been greatly affected. At this time, the most important thing is to recuperate. And behind our army is the entire Jin country. If Wusun dared to stand in the Jin army. On the opposite side, what may be faced is the offensive of the Jin army. At this time, Wusun will definitely be more cautious when doing this kind of thing, and as long as he makes good use of this opportunity, he can take the opportunity to calm Qiuci and other countries. It's difficult."

"Shangshu is resourceful, it is absolutely unlucky for countries such as Kucha to meet a military adviser." Pound laughed.

"Things are man-made, and the same is true on the battlefield. Even the elite lieutenants must not relax in dealing with the enemy, especially the generals who lead the army." Li Rudao.

Pound still recognized Li Ru's words, and he also had some doubts in his heart. In ordinary times, Li Ru would definitely not give so many explanations, but today Li Ru feels like he is in the army. The generals impart experience in general.

Although Li Ru is a civil official, his experience in leading the battle, even if the generals in the army is compared with Li Ru, there are still many gaps. This is also the reason why Li Ru, as a civilian, can have such a position in the army. Where.

Jinjun’s soldiers are elite, lieutenants and lieutenants can treat people with abilities and respect them. If they don’t have the skills, even if they go to a higher position than, they don’t want to be recognized by the lieutenants. It is even more difficult for civilian officials to be recognized by the lieutenant generals.

At the beginning, Li Ru felt too proud of the military generals. For this reason, many generals secretly expressed their dissatisfaction with Li Ru. However, as time went on, they discovered that Li Ru was a man of skill. , Following behind these characters is of great help to the army's victory.

"I don't know what General Pang thinks about the battle in Kucha now?" Li Ru asked with a smile.

Although it is a smile, and the scar on Li Ru's face always gives people a strange feeling, but Pound often comes into contact with Li Ru and is already used to it.

"If, as Shang Shu said, if Qiuci secretly unites with Gumo and Wensu, the military strength will exceed 10,000. Our army will fight in Qiuci, and the military strength will also be 10,000. After eliminating the army stationed in Yancheng, Qiuci , It is extremely beneficial to our army, especially the enemy cavalry, it is necessary to eradicate them in one fell swoop. If the cavalry is active on the battlefield, it will bring a lot of unnecessary trouble to our army. The familiarity of the terrain is beyond our army's ability to compare." Pound said.

Li Ru nodded and said: "General Pang's words are reasonable, but it is not easy to eliminate the enemy's cavalry. If you want the enemy to take the initiative to leave the city, you need to show weakness so that the enemy can see that they can get out of the city and fight with our army. Compared with our army, the defenders of Yancheng are more worried. At this time, Qiuci definitely does not want to give up Yancheng. If Yancheng is lost, our army can directly point to Gancheng."

Pound is a general from Liangzhou, and Li Ru has a lot of help for him. If more Liangzhou generals can emerge in Jin, it will be beneficial to the development of Liangzhou.

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