Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3936: : Zhang?, Gao Shun

The combat effectiveness of the Jiangdong Army seemed so fragile in front of the generals of the Jin Army. This was the effect of absolute strength.

Qin Peng’s refuge can bring more benefits to the family behind him, and it will invisibly increase the influence of the Qin family in Kuaiji County. In the past, the wealthy families who looked down on the Qin family should secretly show their favor at this time. Yes, Qin Peng's credit is enough to arouse the jealousy of other families.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qin Peng can gain more benefits for the Qin family. In order to stabilize these families in the turmoil of Jiangdong, they will not have the slightest hesitation to pay some ~Qin Peng’s little abacus, Zhang is naturally not clear. Regardless of the strength of Jiangdong’s family, in Zhang’s view, their future destiny will be the same. Under the rule of the Jin army, they dare to do other things. , Past facts have proved that opposing the rule of the Jin army will not bring the slightest benefit to their family. The most likely result is that the family is destroyed.

"General Qin is the captain of Huiji County. He must have a lot of knowledge about the conditions of other cities. Now the county city has been broken by our army, and General Qin can act on his behalf to persuade other cities to surrender. The general does not want to cause more killings in Kuaiji County." Zhang Dao.

"General Zhang's kindheartedness is the blessing of the people of Kuaiji County. The last general will thank General Zhang on behalf of the people, and the last general will do his best to persuade other cities to give up resistance." Qin Peng said.

In fact, the current strength of the other cities is not much. After the Jin army came to Huiji County, the other cities had secret support, but their support did not bring more help to Cheng Bing. Instead, they became Thanks to the merits of the soldiers of the Jin army, now that the Jin army has broken the Jiangdong situation is unstoppable, Qin Peng believes that these people will make a wise choice.

The strong strength of the Jin Army has been determined. Jiangdong Army wants to come back at this time. The possibility of success is extremely small. The most appropriate way is to actively cooperate with the soldiers of the Jin Army.

After taking the initiative to take refuge, there is still credit, and if you fight against the Jin army, it will be regarded as rebellious for the Jin army.

"So, I would like to thank General Qin a lot." Zhang Dao.

"The general is polite." Qin Peng hurriedly returned the courtesy.

In front of Zhang, Qin Peng did not dare to show the slightest presumptuousness, but Zhang’s attention was still very useful to Qin Peng. Zhang was one of the thirty-six generals in the Jin Kingdom’s war hall, among the generals of the Jin Kingdom. , Is also a well-known existence, Zhang's politeness made Qin Peng a little proud.

After seeing this scene, many generals in the army looked at Zhang with a little puzzled. Even if Qin Peng is a man of merit, now it is the Jin army who has entered the main city, and Zhang is the main general of the army. There is no need for this. Treat Qin Peng as politely.

Gao Shun took a deep look at Zhang. Zhang is superior in strategy and martial arts. Zhang's approach must be justified, but what Gao Shun needs is the city. Under the control of the Jin army, even if it had completed Lu Bu's order.

As long as the Jin army is in the city, even if the aristocratic family in the city has greater power, it is impossible to influence the rule of the Jin army. If the aristocratic family is still restless in this situation, the soldiers of the Jin army will say The **** method made Jiangdong's family understand why they should be so respectful when facing the Jin army.

Zhang must be selfish. Because of his contribution to the city, Qin Peng will certainly be able to get more benefits for the Qin family in the city, and the leader of the Jin army will treat Qin Peng with such politeness to a certain extent. Stimulate the arrogant and indulgent psychology of the Qin family.

At that time, Zhang will be able to clean up the Qin family logically, and Zhang does not want to see a powerful family in Kuaiji County.

After the Jin army entered the city, Qin Peng’s position as a captain was only nominal, and he would not have this more force in his hands, because the Jin army did not allow uncontrollable factors in the city, and Jiangdong The generals of the Jin army are quite clear about what kind of combat effectiveness the soldiers of the army have. If they count on the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army, everything is in vain. Instead of this, it is better to disband the Jiangdong Army directly.

The Jin army is extremely strict when selecting soldiers. It needs not only loyal people, but also people who can kill the enemy bravely on the battlefield. It is not a simple matter to train a qualified soldier. Regarding lieutenants and soldiers, the Jin army has always been willing to pay.

When the princes and soldiers talked about the Jin army, they first thought of the combat power of the Jin army, and then the treatment of the soldiers of the Jin army. hope.

Even though Sun Quan has many promises to the lieutenant soldiers, the lieutenant soldiers did not benefit from Sun Quan's hands before this This reason seems crucial.

If the words of the monarch want to play a corresponding role, it must be fulfilled, otherwise it will only make many promises to the soldiers in the army when the war is urgent, and the effect will not be too great, the lieutenant soldiers The same shrewd, they don't want to be used by the monarch at the last moment.

The monarch wanted the soldiers in the army to explode when facing the enemy, and the soldiers in the army wanted to get more benefits from the monarch.

In the Jin army, this problem has been solved very well. As long as the lieutenants and soldiers can have outstanding performance in dealing with the enemy, they will not worry about getting reused, and get promotion and reuse opportunities. The soldiers fight for themselves instead of relying on the monarch’s reward.

What kind of performance the soldiers have on the battlefield can be rewarded accordingly. It is a relatively important measure to allow soldiers in the army to obtain their current status through their own efforts. Anyway, Lu Bu is extremely satisfied with the soldiers of the Jin army, so that the Jin army Soldiers have greater deeds when attacking the enemy, and the soldiers in the army must feel the benefits of fighting.

After the Jin Army entered the city, the soldiers of the Jiangdong Army were temporarily imprisoned. Ensuring the stability of these soldiers would be of great help to the stability of Kuaiji County.

After the Jin army broke through Huiji County, the Shanxi National Assembly dispatched officials to take over Huiji County in a short period of time. Under the governance of the officials of the State of Jin, the Jiangdong family would have to pay a lot for other storms. The price.

Under Lu Bu's influence, officials in the Jin Kingdom would not be soft-hearted when dealing with aristocratic families.

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