Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3852: : Worry

   There are quite a few soldiers with this mentality. They are in the army because of orders, and for this battle, they don't have the slightest confidence in this battle. Following Zhou Yu's orders may be just on the surface.

In particular, some generals in the army have connections with the aristocratic family. This makes them less afraid of Zhou Yu when facing Zhou Yu. They only need to secretly have many connections with the aristocratic family. The aristocratic family can At the critical moment, the military generals have a better choice.

   It is impossible to completely eliminate the liaison between military generals and the aristocratic family. The power of the aristocratic family is intertwined. In order for the family to develop more, it is necessary for them to contact the generals in the military.

   The more news I learned, and the more places the power touched, the more benefits for the family.

With Zhou Yu's order, the arrows collected by the lieutenant generals were quickly gathered together. It is difficult to prevent the lieutenants from discussing these things, even with Zhou Yu's order, and the content on the arrows is even more so. It spreads in the city at a very fast speed and is known to more people.

   The Jin army hadn't attacked the city yet, and the situation in the city had already shown instability. If Sun Quan had no more means, what a quiet scene would appear in the next battle.

The Jin army’s methods are not as simple as it seems. They have led the army for many years, and there is no doubt that the soldiers of the Jin army are brave enough to fight. This is also the place where the families in the city worry the most. When facing the soldiers of the Jin army, , Jiangdong Army has no more chances of winning, and it will inevitably be the panic of the lieutenant soldiers.

   They can't see hope in this kind of battle, what they see is the miserable after failure, and it is reasonable for them to have many doubts about the command of the generals in their hearts.

   What the monarch’s orders are, and their performance on the battlefield will not have a greater impact.

If the monarch wants to have a higher prestige in the army, he must let the soldiers in the army see hope, lead the soldiers in the army to a higher position, and let the soldiers in the army get tangible benefits, but these Sun Quan did not do it. arrive.

   Although Sun Quan has always wanted to increase his influence among the lieutenants and soldiers, Sun Quan did not get many opportunities. This is why the lieutenants and lieutenants have a lot of respect for Zhou Yu and lack sufficient respect for Sun Quan.

Indeed, Sun Quan is the emperor of the State of Wu, and he has considerable influence among the generals in the army, but the chances for the generals in the army to come into contact with Sun Quan are few after all. Sun Quan is the emperor above all, let them be in awe, as far as speaking from the heart. The respect of Sun Quan requires not only the supremacy of Sun Quan, but also the benefits of supporting Sun Quan to the soldiers in the army.

In some cases, soldiers in the army still value their own interests. They want to get more benefits. However, there may be a certain difference between the forms required by the soldiers and ordinary people, which does not mean that they do not need to get them. Benefit.

   After having more interests, it can make the lieutenant generals have no more fear of war, and make them more brave when fighting against the enemy.

   The most important thing is what kind of hope the lieutenant general sees. Just relying on the lieutenant general's eloquence in front of the soldiers to say a pair of truths, it is difficult to play a real role.

In this regard, the generals of the Jin army have a wealth of experience. They understand what their soldiers need. They only need to let their soldiers see what kind of return they will get after working **** the battlefield. It is enough when I will love you. As for some great truths, the lieutenant soldiers do not want to hear more.

The reason why the Jin army is always strong has a lot to do with the system of the Jin army, so that the lieutenants in the army can see more hope. When they face the enemy, they will have more courageous performance. Regardless of the combat power and quantity of the army, military lieutenants will not easily give up fighting on the battlefield. They are even willing to pay the price of their lives for the monarch. How many monarchs want to see this situation.

Soon, Sun Quan learned of the enemy's movement outside the city, which made Sun Quan more worried about the situation in the city. The Jin army’s purpose was to make the soldiers and civilians in the city panic by doing this. Under such circumstances, it is also very possible for them to make other actions.

The strength of the Jin army determines that it is impossible for the Jiangdong army to gain more advantage in the battle. What kind of behavior the army in the city will do when fighting against the Jin army is for the Jiangdong army in the final The moment of stability plays a vital role.

General Sun Quan’s affairs are handed over to Zhou Yu, and he will have absolute trust in Zhou Yu. At a critical moment in Jiangdong, Sun Quan believes that Zhou Yu will do his best against the Jin army. If Jiangdong army loses in the battle. , How many people will come down from their current position, including Zhou Yu.

Zhou Yu is the commander-in-chief of the Jiangdong Army. He has a prestigious and he has great prestige among the generals. Let Zhou Yu continue to be in charge of the army. It is not a gamble for Sun Quan. After the victory, Sun Quan can get more benefits, but after failure, it means that everything will be lost.

   This situation is not what Sun Quan and important officials in Jiangdong want to see. They have worked hard in Jiangdong for many years before they have the current situation. After the defeat of the war, everything in their hands will become the basis for the growth of the Jin army.

   The tense situation in the city can make Sun Quan even more able to see who is sincere for the country of Wu.

Sun Quan does not have more favorable impressions of Wu’s family. They are a group of people who do whatever they can for their own interests. The interests of the family are the most important in their eyes. For the interests of the family, they can sacrifice the monarch. , To comfort the family, and let the family provide more help to the army in the city in this upcoming battle, it is very necessary.

   "Holy, now the Jin army is divided to attack Yuzhang County, Huiji County, and Wu County. If the land of the three counties is lost, it will have a greater impact on our army." Sun Shao said solemnly.

Sun Quan did not understand the truth. The four counties of Jiangdong are the important forces that have supported the Jiangdong army against the enemy forces over the years. If the land of the three counties cannot be preserved, more problems will arise. If it is the land of the three counties It would be of great benefit to Jiangdong if he could persevere stubbornly under the enemy's attack of the Jin army. ...


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