Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3705: : 1 group of incompetent people

On the night of the ninth day, it was a great torment for the defenders on the city. In the dark, the Xiqiang army launched a more fierce attack. Obviously, the Xiqiang army also understood that after the fighting continued, it would be against the west. What kind of influence will Qiang's army bring?

Immediately after the offensive of the Xiqiang army ceased, young men and women entered the army.

From the beginning of the war to the present, there were only 7,000 young men who entered the army, and 80% of the young men were killed or injured by the enemy during the battle.

The atmosphere in the city was unprecedentedly solemn, and the constant deaths and injuries made the atmosphere in the army a little dull. Not to mention that it was a soldier in the army. Even Yu Jin felt it was difficult to hold on. The injuries on his body did not make Yu Jin step down the wall. , He wants to fight the enemy's attack together with the soldiers in the army.

When the first ray of sun shines on the city head in the early morning, the soldiers of the Jin army lie on the wall. Such defense is also a huge test for the soldiers in the army, especially at night when many soldiers are fighting. Cannot see the situation clearly, and it is easy to make omissions.

Among the soldiers lying on the wall, many soldiers would never wake up.

"Pass the order, let the soldiers in the army quickly return to their positions." Yu Jin ordered that the West Qiang army's offensive has stopped for a short time. If calculated according to the previous enemy's offensive situation, it will not be long before Xiqiang. The army will attack the city wall again.

"On the tenth day, our reinforcements will arrive today. You are the heroes of the Jin Kingdom. The people in the city will get a chance to survive because of your fighting. No matter how fierce the enemy's offensive is, you must persist. Come down." Yu Jin said in a low voice.

The generals in the army nodded. Many of them have just walked to the position of generals. The generals of the Jin army have always taken the lead when facing the enemy. When the enemy is in a numerically superior situation, It is normal for generals to have casualties.

It's finally the tenth day. This is the emotion in the hearts of many soldiers. Their last hope is in the reinforcements.

After the generals returned to their positions, they were about to be banned to the soldiers under their command, and they wanted to let the soldiers see the hope of victory.

Unfamiliar faces enter the Jin army again. Yu Jin has gradually become numb to this situation. He is extremely tired now, but Yu Jin understands that he cannot rest. As long as reinforcements do not come, as long as the enemy does not retreat, he will be there. Hold on to the wall.

Among the Western Qiang army, Yueji and Yadan were also unable to calm their hearts. Yueji was very angry. The 100,000 army attacked the city with only a few thousand people, and it took nine days to attack the city. , Xiqiang soldiers attacked the city wall time and time again, and repelled the Jin army from the city wall time and time again. This was a great shame for Yueji.

From the attack on Xiabian to the present, the Xiqiang army has suffered more than 18,000 casualties. This is only a city where the Xiqiang army really launched an offensive. If the city of the Jin army is like this in the future, the Xiqiang army How to withstand such a consumption.

"A group of incompetent people can hardly attack even the mere faction. Today, we must break through the faction." Yue Ji ordered.

The generals in the army accepted it one after another. They could not remember how many times Yueji had shown determination to break through the city in front of the lieutenant generals, but the shaky Xiabian City was able to persevere in the attack.

Yadan was also curious about what kind of power allowed the Jin army to persist in this battle. Even the people in the city had a lot of support for the Jin army. The young and strong among the people entered in batches. In the army, I am afraid that there are not many young people in the city now.

Unsurprisingly, the reinforcements of the Jin army will arrive today. This is also the last opportunity for the Xiqiang army to break through.

The offensive of the Xiqiang army is still as fierce as it used to be. Many soldiers who have gone through successive battles, and even the strength to raise the sword in their hands are gone. From the beginning of this battle to the present, the defenders in the city have withstood. A lot of torture, especially when the number of soldiers in the army is not enough, they can only persevere on the wall.

Forbidden words emerged in the hearts of many soldiers. This is the tenth day. Reinforcements will come soon. After the reinforcements arrive, can Xiqiang’s soldiers attack the city.

A famous soldier fell in the attack of the Xiqiang army, and the soldiers from the rear hurriedly replenished it. Many young and astringent faces showed strong killing intent.

Yu Jin was commanding the battle of the lieutenant generals with a low face, and the injuries on his body did not affect Yu Jin's command of the army.

In a battle, there is a big difference between having a general command and leaving a general in the army. The command of a general allows the generals in the army to better understand their responsibilities and enable them to perform better in the course of the battle.

Holding a sword in his right hand, Yu Ban was in command of the army while continuously joining the battle.

Throughout the morning, the West Qiang army continued to attack, and the number of defenders dropped sharply to 1,500. Many of the weapons on the wall were destroyed by the soldiers of the West Qiang, but these weapons were not enough for the soldiers of the West Qiang. A small loss.

Besides, these continuous crossbow carts and bed crossbows are just displayed on the city wall. There are no arrows in the city. When defending against the enemy's attack, they rely more on boulders and wood.

Looking at the scene on the city’s head, Yu Jin’s heart was ashamed, and he only needs the enemy to attack again, I am afraid that the city will be difficult to Not to mention that it is a soldier in the army, even he is at the end of the battle. The injury on his left arm has not been recovered yet, and Yu Jin's right leg hit the enemy with an arrow. Although the arrow has been taken out, his actions are subject to many restrictions.

Yu Jin leaned against the female wall and recalled the scenes of the past. It can be said that surrendering to Cao Cao and Lu Bu was an important choice in his life. Cao Cao has the kindness of knowing him, which allowed him to grow up in battles. Opportunity, and at the critical moment of the battle between Cao and Jin, he led the army to break, and captured the Jin army alive.

Taking refuge in the Jin army has changed his destiny quite a bit, allowing him to see a different army, which is different from the army of the princes. The lieutenant and generals behave in the same way whether they are fighting against the enemy or in normal training. There is no more picky place for Yu Jin.

Especially when facing the West Qiang army this time, more than four thousand defenders faced the offensive of one hundred thousand West Qiang army, abruptly delaying the battle until the tenth day.

Set a small goal first, such as 1 second remember: Shukeju

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