Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3696: : Extremely bold

What is the combat effectiveness of the Jin army, Xiqiang's army does not have a deep understanding. The vanguard army suffered a lot of defeat outside the city before, but this time, after all the Xiqiang army has arrived, what will happen this time? During the war, the Xiqiang army must get more supplies, so as to make the actions of the Xiqiang army worthwhile.

The strength of the Jin army is strong. Otherwise, the Jiangdong army will not be so cautious when facing the Jin army. It will go to the West Qiang country to send troops together. Is it not for the Jiangdong army to have less pressure in the course of this battle? .

Yadan naturally understood the truth, and the king of Xiqiang also wanted to increase Xiqiang's strength, and only then did he move to send troops.

This time Xiqiang used an army of 100,000. If we can't get more from the hands of the Han people, even the stability of Xiqiang can't be guaranteed.

A hundred thousand troops came to the outside of Xiabian City, and the atmosphere above the city was unprecedentedly solemn. Before that, it was only the arrival of the leading front army by Chengli rate, and it could not cause such a visual impact.

Yu Jin was quietly observing the army outside the city. Judging from the military discipline, the Xiqiang army was not good, and even felt a little messy. Even so, the power generated by the 100,000 army together is amazing. If the forces in his hand are sufficient, Yu Jin is confident that he will lead the lieutenant generals to defeat the Xiqiang army in the face-to-face battle.

At this moment, Yue Ji led tens of thousands of soldiers and slowly approached the city, and stopped at a stone's throw away from the city. A stone's throw from the city was also a relatively safe position when the two armies were fighting.

However, what the Xiqiang army ignored was the Jin army’s methods. At this time, there were two hundred Perak cars in the city. These are all the Perak cars in Wudu County. Although these Perak cars are not the longest among the Jin army in terms of range. Far away Pili Che is enough to fight against the Western Qiang army.

When the West Qiang army attacked the city, it relied more on the superiority of numbers. They did not have sophisticated equipment for siege. This situation would cause more Xiqiang soldiers to fall on the way to attack.

To make the West Qiang army pay a heavier price during the offensive process is still of great help to the overall situation.

After seeing this scene, Yu Jin sneered secretly. It seemed that the Western Qiang army lacked sufficient knowledge of the Jin army's methods. Perhaps the people of Jiangdong had reminded in this regard, and they did not take it seriously.

"Leave the Thunderbolt rider, Lianbow rider, and bed crossbow rider to prepare and wait for this general's command." Yu Jin said solemnly.

At this time, there are fifty Thunderbolt carts, thirty crossbow carts, and twenty bed crossbows in the city. If so many equipment is used to defend a city, it must be enough. The key is the number of Xiqiang troops. The huge advantage made the defenders have to be more cautious.

In particular, the West Qiang army has 100,000 people. When attacking the city, it may attack from all sides. The situation at that time will be even more critical for the Jin army.

The soldiers who control these sharp weapons are excited after receiving the order. They have not encountered such an enemy for a long time. The fighting of the princes has exposed more methods and also made the enemy more cautious when attacking the city. It is not an easy task to cause more damage to the enemy.

When the West Qiang army was caught off guard, it was still necessary to cause a certain amount of damage to the West Qiang army.

Yadan ordered the army to camp three miles away from the city. At this time, the Xiqiang army has an absolute advantage in number. There is no need to be farther away from the city. Once the offensive begins, it will definitely launch a storm on Xiabian. The offense even made it difficult for people in the city to get out of the city.

It takes a long time for the 10,000 army to set up the battle. In this process, the soldiers in the city are busy and nervous. Under the command of the generals who use the fairy mirror, they are constantly mobilizing and controlling. A sharp weapon can determine the identity of the enemy from the movement of the enemy and the clothing of the enemy.

This is when the West Qiang army is caught off guard. Once the West Qiang army has a certain understanding of the Jin army’s methods and takes precautions, it will be a problem if it wants to cause greater damage to the enemy by surprise. Difficult things.

The defenders on the city were excited, and the Xiqiang army outside the city was also excited. They wanted to get more things after breaking through such a city. In the past, after breaking through the city of the Han people, after entering the village of the Han people, the materials they obtained made Xiqiang. The soldiers have more expectations for the war.

This is the first large-scale battle between the Western Qiang army and the Jin army after entering Liangzhou. No matter how powerful the Jin army is, can it be impossible to resist the attack of the 100,000 army with thousands of people.

Immediately after the army of Xiqiang fully set up its position, a general and policy officer approached and shouted: "We are the army of the Xiqiang Kingdom. If you open the city gate and surrender, you can avoid death. Resistance is only a dead end. ."

Yu Jin nodded slightly to the Thunder rider beside him.

Several Thunderbolt cars immediately aimed at the position of the general.

Yu Jin said in a deep voice: "You are just a small country in the state of the barbarian, dare to invade the city of Jin. It is really bold. When the army of Jin comes, it will surely be wiped out."

After saying this, Yu Jin waved his hand down.

The flag bearer in charge of conveying the order, after seeing Yu Jin's gesture, shook the red flag in his hand, and the red flag was hunting in the wind.

The flag bearer was not very far away from the forbidden position, and immediately attracted the attention of Yue Ji. He did not understand what the Jin army meant when waving the flag at this time. If the Jin army dared to open the city gate and fight against the Xiqiang army~www is naturally the result that Yue Ji wants to see.

No matter how strong the Jin army is in combat effectiveness, it is impossible to defeat the Western Qiang army.

The command from the flag bearer shocked the Thunderbolt riders, crossbow riders, and bed crossbow riders, and the ready-to-fire crossbow arrows and boulders poured out toward the army outside the city.

The generals in the West Qiang army who were in charge of shouting forward looked at the huge boulders galloping from above and were dumbfounded. At this time, the distance between him and the city wall was absolutely safe. There was a full distance of 120 steps, even the army. With the advantage of the city, it is impossible to threaten his life. Who would have thought that a huge stone would fall from the sky.

After the general reacted, it was impossible to instigate the warhorse to leave. Several huge rocks hit the general's location. Two of the huge stones hit the Xiqiang general on the war horse, with a scream The sound of the boulder falling to the ground was covered up.

. m.

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