Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3693: : Death

The mace is also going towards the long knife. Cheng Li is best at winning with strength. This kind of head-to-head combat is also Cheng Li's favorite. If he wants to win in terms of competition, his ability to ban is not enough. of.

After the long knife collided with the mace, a little spark spattered, and Yu Jin's long knife swung away for the mace.

But the moves of the long sword did not stop because of this. The long sword turned over and went to Chengxi again. The manipulation of the long sword can be so flexible. It is conceivable that the forbidden martial arts are powerful and can be used as a general of Cao Jun. The first person, how could Yu Jin gain a foothold in Cao Jun if he had no superior skills.

In the beginning, there were many fierce generals in the Cao Jun.

Yu Jin is not only strong in martial arts, but also has extraordinary strength in leading battles. This is the reason why Yu Jin is reused.

Seeing this change, Cheng Si's expression changed slightly. In the past, he had never encountered such agile moves, but Cheng Si was also a battle fighter, and his mace once again collided with the long knife.

In terms of strength, Cheng Si surpassed the ban, and Yu Jin didn't even think about head-on with Cheng Si. He only needed to rely on the flexibility of his moves to win, and it would have the same effect.

After Wuhe, Yu Jin had a better understanding of Cheng Si. Although he was strong, he did not have enough changes in his moves. If Cheng Si had not gone through more battles, he might have already died in Yu Jin's fight just now. Hands.

The seemingly majestic Cheng Su was faintly at a disadvantage after the fight. This made Xi Qiang's soldiers a little unbearable. Cheng Su was a fierce general in the Xi Qiang army. Otherwise, he would not be selected as the army. Vanguard, the enemy's seemingly thin general, even gained the upper hand after the battle.

Seeing this, the cavalry who followed the Ban to fight burst out shouts, cheering for their general.

Cheng Si's face was pale, and he had just fought against him. He was completely at a disadvantage and needed to deal with forbidden moves. Such a fight would be a shame for Cheng Si. He was a famous warrior among Xiqiang, how tough. The enemy fell into his hands, and every move was summed up from the training on the battlefield.

Yu Jin saw a smile at the corner of his mouth. Even though Cheng Li is brave, it is not difficult to defeat Cheng Li in the battle. The key is **** Cheng Li.

The two horses met again, Yu Banyun had enough strength to move towards Chengxian, he wanted to see what the strength of the enemy general was.

In the previous fight, Cheng Si did not dare to use his full strength, because Yu Jin’s moves were too flexible. It is not easy for the mace to respond to the long knife in the hand in time. It is not easy to retain some of the strength and talent. Conveniently consider what to do next.

Cheng Si didn't expect to use such a great force this time at the ban.

The long knife collided with the mace again, and the mace was directly swung open by the long knife in Yu Jin's hand. The empty door opened wide, and the long knife in Yu Jin's hand flicked and took it directly into Yu's neck.

Cheng Li's face changed drastically. At this time, it was impossible to make a response. He could only watch the long sword come quickly toward his neck.

A **** arrow sprayed, Cheng Li crashed to the ground, splashing dust and smoke.

After seeing this scene, the soldiers of Xiqiang were shocked. Chengxian was a famous warrior in Xiqiang. He did not expect to be defeated by the generals of the Jin army. According to Chengli's words, the generals of the Jin army were not afraid. It does not seem to be the case.

After fighting against the generals of the Jin army, Lien Xiqiang's fierce general ended up like this, not to mention the other generals.

The people of Xiqiang also advocate the strong, and they hope that there will be more strong in the tribe, so that they can be more comfortable when dealing with some situations.

"Kill!" Yu Jin shouted.

After the five hundred cavalry soldiers who were banned from fighting were given the order, they did not hesitate to go towards the soldiers of Xiqiang. The blood of the soldiers and civilians of Liangzhou needed the lives of the soldiers of Xiqiang. How many innocent people fell into the hands of the soldiers of Xiqiang.

The Lieutenant General died, and the West Qiang army saw the Liangzhou cavalry kill, and was a little flustered. The lack of command of the generals in the army is extremely dangerous. The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly, and the generals must change according to the situation on the battlefield. , And respond in a timely manner.

This is also what a general must have, and now the generals of the Liangzhou Army have won in the course of the battle. This is a big blow to the soldiers of Xiqiang, and many soldiers have not even changed from such a change. When they woke up, they couldn't imagine that their fierce general died in the hands of the enemy during the fight.

The charge of the cavalry will not change because of the psychological fluctuations of the Xiqiang soldiers. This battle is the life and death. When the Xiqiang soldiers entered the territory of Liangzhou, the hatred between the two sides had already ended. The soldiers of the Jin army came from the people, and the officials of the Jin country treated the people generously, which gave the soldiers of the Jin army a more sense of belonging.

They hoped that through their own efforts during the war, ordinary people could avoid the suffering of the war. However, the sudden dispatch of troops in Xiqiang changed the situation in Liangzhou.

Anyone who can become a cavalryman is unique. When the Jin army selects cavalry, the requirements are extremely strict. This is also to ensure that the cavalry can have the ability to control the battlefield when fighting.

If even the cavalry cannot deal with the enemy force on the battlefield well, how can we ensure the victory of the army? The cavalry is the most elite presence in the army. Once they initiate a charge, they are really engaged in battle. Start.

A cavalry named Liangzhou Army brandished a knife and spear in his hand.

Compared with the Xiqiang cavalry Liangzhou cavalry has a great advantage. With the help of the stirrups, they can make flexible movements on the horse. This makes the Xiqiang cavalry stunned. They pride themselves. The combat effectiveness on horseback is not weak, but compared with the cavalry of the Liangzhou Army, their riding skills are not small.

The cavalry of Xiqiang were also powerful. After a slight astonishment, they faced the Liangzhou cavalry. The army of Xiqiang had a total of 3,000, among which there were 1,000 cavalry. If it is difficult to defeat, what face will they have to return to the army.

Without the command of the main general, Xiqiang's soldiers fought individually, and in such a battle, they also showed a strong combat effectiveness.

After fighting for a long time, Yu Jin ordered Mingjin to retreat, and his eyes looked at the Xiqiang army with a dignified look. From the Xiqiang soldiers, he felt the meaning of madness, especially the Xiqiang soldiers could still be able to It is incredible to be so sturdy.

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