Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3689: : Jiangdong Lujia

Only by doing more in this battle can Jiangdong continue to be strong.

Looking at the rise of Lu Bu, you will discover how terrifying Lu Bu's strength is. The princes who fought against Lu Bu were gradually eliminated by Lu Bu.

Not only were the people from the Black Ice Terrace set their sights on the Lu family, Sun Quan also paid a lot of attention to the Lu family secretly. The Lu family has made a lot of contributions to Jiangdong and is one of the powerful families in Jiangdong. If the Lu family chooses to seek refuge in Lu Bu at a critical moment, it will definitely have a significant impact on Sun Quan's rule in Jiangdong.

Asking Jiangdong’s big family to support the monarch’s decision during the war was not as simple as it seemed, especially after Lu Xun was captured by the Jin army. , But they had no other way. Jin Jun made it clear that he would not let Lu Xun go.

Lu Xun is in the Jin army, no one is sure whether Lu Xun will take refuge in Lu Bu. Judging from the news from the Jin army, Lu Bu attaches great importance to Lu Xun. Otherwise, why Pan Zhang returned to the Jiangdong army? Lu Xun, who was not well-known, stayed for Lu Bu.

In terms of appointing talents, Sun Quan admires Lu Bu, especially the officials who come from the local camp. Lu Bu will give trust in appointment. And such trust is so important to those who have just taken refuge. Trust can make They worked harder under Lu Bu's rule.

Even the aristocracy is no exception at this time. After their patriarchs are valued under the monarch’s command, they will be of great help to the development of their family. In some things, although the monarch cannot be explicitly supported, but for It is very possible that the secretive development of the family will help.

This situation is the same even if it is in the Jin country. There are so many families in the Jin country. Although Lu Bu has offended many families over the years, after being strong, the family is still willing to follow Lu Bu.

It was only in the Jin country that the power of the aristocratic family was secretly accumulated, and officials did not dare to put the interests of the family first, and even when the family developed, they needed to be careful, lest they would touch the laws of the Jin country.

Sun Quan and Qin Tian turned their eyes to the Lu family at the same time, which caused Qin Tian to secretly send to the Lu family to persuade people, but it did not have a very good effect. During the verbal temptation, the Lu family politely refused to take refuge in the Jin country.

With the shrewdness of the Lu family, how can they not guess the identity of the person? At this time, they don't want to reveal the identity of the person. The future of the Lu family is not very smooth. To let the family develop, it needs more effort, especially in Lu Xun. After becoming a prisoner of the Jin Army, Sun Quan would definitely have doubts about the Lu Family. At this time, if the Lu Family did anything, it might bring disaster to the family.

The Lu family can be strong in Jiangdong for so many years, these reasons can still be seen clearly, of course, if the situation becomes clear, whether the Lu family will choose to join the Jin country is another matter.

Being able to survive in troubled times is of great significance to the family, and no family can stop the temptation to let the family continue.

People's hearts in Jiangdong were floating, while Liangzhou was caught in the chaos of war. The 100,000 Western Qiang army was invincible all the way. The people and troops along the way retreated in the direction under the rule of the county, and accumulated more power to stop the battle. The pace of the advance of the Xiqiang army.

As the West Qiang army marched forward, it could be said that there was no grass growing, but wherever they passed, they pursued a strategy of robbing all of them, and the lives of the people in their eyes were like grass mustard.

Liangzhou may be a barren land in the eyes of the Han people, but it is prosperous in the eyes of the soldiers of the Western Qiang country. They can get unimaginable benefits in the villages of the Han people. This situation also inspires the soldiers of the Western Qiang country. , Even ordinary cities and villages are like this, let alone the more important cities of the Han people.

As for what the Western Qiang soldiers did in the Han city, Yueji did not have a psychological burden. While weakening the strength of the Han people, it could increase the strength of the Qiang army. The benefits obtained from the Han people could enable the Qiang soldiers. Energetic, when fighting, Xiqiang's soldiers will burst out even more powerful combat effectiveness.

The resistance of the Han people was also an important reason that aroused the fierceness of the Xiqiang soldiers. Ordinary people would resist when encountering a war. Such things are common in Xiqiang, but after resistance, the people who greet these people are often miserable. In the end, no army does not want them to move forward more smoothly, and it is best not to have more setbacks that hinder the advancement of the army.

Xiqiang's soldiers were extremely brave. At this point, Yueji had confidence. The successive looting gave Xiqiang's soldiers a high fighting spirit.

But in the eyes of Prime Minister Yadan, the situation is not as simple as it seems. The Han city is prosperous, and the army of the Jin country is also worthy of attention. According to the news from the scouts, the soldiers and civilians along the city are not They fled in all directions, but came towards the direction of Xiabian under the rule of the prefecture. If you wait for more soldiers to gather at Xiabian, it will be easier said than done. The city of the Han people can allow the Han people to enjoy life in the city. Bring them a guarantee of safety.

Don’t tell me, even the city of Shanglu passing along the way is difficult to break in a short time in Yadan’s eyes. It can be seen that the Han army lacked sufficient anticipation for this war, and this is the scene where the Western Qiang army is invincible. screen.

To create more killings among the Han Although it can bring panic to the Han people, it will also make the Han people fight to the death when facing the army of the West Qiang. From the previous events It can be seen from the above that when facing the enemy, the people of the Han people will come forward. They did not show weakness in the process of fighting. Once the strength of such people is gathered together, it will be extremely terrible. the power of.

As Xiqiang's think tank, Yadan will look at things more comprehensively. He doesn't want uncontrollable factors when the Xiqiang army attacks the enemy.

The action of the West Qiang State will definitely anger the Jin State completely, but judging from the level of excitement of the soldiers of the West Qiang State, even if Yueji ordered the army to retreat, these soldiers would not agree.

From the war, you can get more benefits. This is what the generals in the army are happy to see. What kind of feelings the Xiqiang people living in poor places will have after seeing the prosperity of the Han city.

(End of this chapter)

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