Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3684: : Shot

The price of failure was too high, and today there are only the big men supported by Wu and Jin, and Cao Cao has now come to an end. Sun Quan can't find the power of other princes to contain the army of Jin.

Lu Bu poses a great threat to the princes of the world. The princes know this, and the princes have also joined together to fight against Lu Bu, but their joint confrontation did not succeed.

The Jin Kingdom's army is outstanding, and Lu Bu has absolute prestige in the Jin army. The family needs more consideration when opposing Lu Bu.

Jiangdong's aristocratic family did not expect that it was precisely because they had shot Sima Yi before that attracted the anger of the Black Ice Platform, and what followed must be the crazy revenge of the people of the Black Ice Platform.

As night fell again, the family in the city did not pay too much attention to Sima Yi’s encounter with the assassins. The defense in the city tonight must be tighter than before. This is also normal. If there is an assassin’s incident in the inner city. After that, the defense in the city is still the same as before, isn't it too obvious.

Zhang Zhao did not pay too much attention to Sun Quan’s appointment. Sun Quan had already explained the envoy of the Jin country’s encounter with the assassin, and he was also dissatisfied with Sima Yi’s attitude, even though Sima Yi came on behalf of the Jin country. , The performance in the Wu Guochao Hall is really a bit rampant.

There was a reason why Sun Quan didn't deal with Sima Yi, but Sima Yi's arrogance would become an important reason for the aristocratic families in the city to attack Sima Yi.

On the streets, there are patrolling soldiers passing by from time to time. There is not much tension in the expressions of these soldiers. They are soldiers guarding the inner city. Even the assassins must avoid them after seeing them.

The darkness gave cover to the people of the Black Ice Platform. These people skilfully avoided the patrolmen and walked in the darkness, and did not arouse the patrolmen's vigilance.

The next day, the inner city boiled again. Important figures from the Xu family and Liu family died. A total of four of the two families held official positions in the DPRK. The deaths of the four were extremely great for the two families. Assault, the reason why the aristocratic family can become more powerful is because there are supporters in their family. If the supporters no longer exist, the consequences will be serious. Sooner or later, such aristocratic families will be used by other aristocratic families. Embezzled.

There is also a lot of competition between families. After losing the support of important figures in the family, it is difficult to get more guarantees for the development of the family. When faced with some critical situations, no one reminds them in time. All of these will lead to The family suffers more losses.

People from the two families were crying and crying, while other officials in the inner city were panicked. Those officials who knew something about the two families chose to be silent at this time. The Xu family and the Liu family were very much towards Jin. There were a lot of complaints, especially when the Jin army was confronted with the Jiangdong army, there was a lot of rejection of the Jin army.

And shortly after Sima Yi encountered the assassin, the important figures of the two families were killed by the assassin. How could there be such a coincidence, people can clearly see that this is the people of Jin who are expressing their dissatisfaction about the messenger encountering the assassin. If Jiangdong is not able to deal with this matter, if the people of Jin are satisfied, there will definitely be other assassinations. Through this assassination, it can be seen that the Jiangdong assassin’s secret shots are the same as those of the Jin assassins. How fragile it looks when compared to shots.

The actions of these assassins gave people the impression that they were silent. Important figures in the two families died without even causing any movement. What a terrifying method, it is needless to say that before this battle, the people of the Jin country must have been secretly secretly. There is a layout.

It can also be seen from this incident that the Jin country also has a rich background in Jiangdong, but these forces have been lurking in the dark before, and they have not appeared. When the people of Jiangdong angered Jin, the consequences will be How serious will it be.

Everyone in Jiangdong was in panic. After this action by the people of Jin, they felt fear, and this fear came from the heart.

Facts have proved that even in the country of Wu, Lu Bu has sufficient means to deal with the family of the country of Wu. Don’t think that it is convenient to move in the country of Wu. Sometimes things are not determined by the family of Jiangdong. Just like now, the Liu family and the Xu family were assassinated. Needless to say, this must be revenge from the Jin country.

The envoy of the Jin State in Jianye City was just experiencing the incident of the assassins. In an instant, Jiangdong’s courtiers were assassinated. In this matter, the Jin State must have an inextricable relationship. The previous Jin State envoys suffered At the time of the assassination, the State of Wu did not make a clear statement, and now the State of Wu does not have enough evidence to prove that this incident was done by the people of the Jin State.

They can only guess secretly. Even if they know the truth, they have nothing to do with the envoy of the Jin country. Even if Sima Yi is arrogant in the court, he dare not do anything to assassinate Jiangdong officials. Once these things are implemented, , Even if Sima Yi's status is special, he never wanted to get any benefits.

The people in the inner city are panicked, and no one knows if they will be the one to encounter the assassin next time.

Sun Quan only ordered the assassination in the inner city to be investigated and dealt with strictly. Although he had speculations about this matter, it would be difficult for the envoys of Jin to embarrass the envoys of the Jin country without real evidence. .

Lu Bu's methods are various, and he has shown it in the past when he was fighting against the princes. If he wants to contain Lu Bu's secret methods as much as possible, he needs to have more powerful In Sun Quan's hands, there are also assassins. The team, these assassin teams, would not show up in normal times. If the monarch does not even have certain means, wouldn't it be a joke.

The assassination also made Sun Quan secretly heightened his vigilance. The officials in Jianye City understood this. This was especially true when the Jin Army was fighting the Jiangdong Army. The family did not want to be in this way At that time, the strength of their family was even more compromised, and it was very likely that they chose to join the Jin Kingdom at the last moment, or that they had a certain connection with the Jin Kingdom in secret, but they didn't show it on the surface.

It is not simple to find out what is in the dark. The family has a strong background. When they conceal something, they need more means to find out.

How arrogant Lu Bu treated the family, but Lu Bu did not dare to guarantee that there was no opposition to Lu Bu in the territory of Jin.

(End of this chapter)

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