Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3636: : Prepare carefully

It should be understood that this is the shout in front of the two armies, which has a greater significance.

The Jiangdong Army in the city is boiling. Anyway, they are an army that has experienced wars, and they have always suffered from the Jiaozhou Army in previous battles, but now, the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army behaved like this in front of them. The rampant.

The generals in the army asked to fight, but Zhu Zhi refused. Such curses can improve the morale of the Jiaozhou army and also make the soldiers of the Jiangdong army angry. After the anger, the Jiangdong army's soldiers will definitely be able to fight. More powerful combat power broke out on the battlefield.

As the chief general in the army, you have to consider more aspects. Only when you consider more perfect can you have a greater chance of winning against the enemy.

Regardless of Zhu Zhi's plans, the shouts of the state army from the city's foreign affairs gave the defenders an opportunity to increase their anger.

The shouting lasted for two quarters of an hour before it gradually stopped. Many soldiers had hoarse voices and still shouted hysterically, as if such shouts could release all their fear of war.

Even the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army have the same fear when dealing with the war. This kind of fear is also normal. After all, they have not experienced a battle before, and many soldiers have experienced a battle of this scale for the first time. .

It is also a siege war. As we all know, the biggest loss in the battle is to attack the city. The enemy has the advantage of the city. When the Jiaozhou Army is attacking, it can bring continuous damage to the soldiers of the Jiaozhou Army.

But as soldiers in the army, sometimes they have no choice but to obey the command of the general. War is cruel, and this is true for every soldier.

And war is also an opportunity for lieutenants and soldiers. As long as you can get more credit in the process of fighting against the enemy, why not have a higher status?

Especially after undergoing rigorous training in the army, soldiers who want to make a difference on the battlefield, if there is no war, their speed of promotion will be slow. It is precisely because of the war that more Soldiers have the opportunity to emerge.

No matter where the soldiers are, they are all outstanding. It depends on whether the generals in the army can stimulate their fighting spirit to the greatest extent.

The Jiaozhou Army camped five miles away from Panyu. The news from the scouts made Zhu Zhi feel a little dignified. He is a general who has experienced war. Through the camping of the Jin Army, you can see the training of the soldiers of the Jin Army. level.

When meeting the generals of the Jiaozhou Army today, Zhu Zhi was shocked. The same was true when the Jiaozhou Army came into the hands of the generals of the Jin Army.

In fact, Zhu Zhi was also very curious about what kind of training the officers of the Jiaozhou Army had undergone in Zhao Yun's hands. The Jiaozhou Army, which had been suppressed by the Jiangdong Army, turned out to be a well-trained army.

After the Jiaozhou Army arrived in Panyu, there was a certain amount of time to attack the city.

After all, the speed of transportation of grain and grass in the army is definitely slower than that of the army.

That night, the generals of the Jin army gathered together after receiving Zhao Yun's orders.

"Our army has come outside Panyu City. Although Jiangdong Army did not leave the city today, the soldiers in the army should not be taken lightly. Zhu Zhi is also a general who has experienced many wars." Zhao Yun said.

At any time, don't ignore your opponent, because you don't know what kind of methods the enemy has. If you ignore the enemy and let the enemy have the opportunity to take advantage of it, it will be the biggest loss.

Zhao Yun has led soldiers in the war for many years and has experienced many battles. He has always been cautious in this regard, in order to ensure that the soldiers in the army can have more victories against the enemy, no matter how high morale is. If the army is defeated, the morale of the generals in the army will definitely be low.

The generals nodded and said yes.

General Zhao Yun's response was in full view, and he said coldly: "If any officer in any one of the officers has made any omissions, all the officers will definitely be punished."

The generals in the army were stunned when they heard this. From Zhao Yun's words, they did not feel the meaning of joking. When Zhao Yun governed the army, he was strict. Not only that, Zhao Yun treated himself the same way.

Let the lieutenant soldiers undergo the most rigorous training, and they can do more in the process of fighting against the enemy.

The generals of the Jin army have strict requirements on their subordinates and soldiers during ordinary training.

What kind of performance a sergeant soldier has on the battlefield will affect what kind of credit the general will receive.

Although Zhao Yun treated the lieutenants and soldiers strictly in terms of training, Zhao Yun was generous in his treatment of lieutenants and soldiers.

"The breakthrough of Panyu is of great significance to our army. Unsurprisingly, when the generals in the army go to fight outside the city, the Jiangdong army will inevitably go out." Zhao Yun said.

Shi Wu smiled and said: "If Jiangdong Army dared to go to war, our army will surely be able to teach the enemy a bitter lesson."

The generals in the army also laughed bursts of laughter when they heard this. The Jiangdong army did not dare to go out of the city to fight today, so that the generals of the Jiaozhou army would inevitably despise the Jiangdong army. The same is true for the soldiers. In the past, the Jiaozhou army faced the Jiangdong army. In most cases, it is seriously damaged.

Now the Jiaozhou Army has such a performance against the enemy, which makes the soldiers and martial artists extremely satisfied. It is not far away to break through After the generals go back, prepare carefully. , This general will patrol the army, if there is a negligent person found, the military law will be engaged. "Zhao Yun said solemnly.

After the lieutenant generals left, Zhao Yun's mood was a little heavy. This time the battle was a great test for the Jiaozhou Army. In the process of attacking the city, how many soldiers will be damaged. This situation is It is inevitable that even if the Jin army can break through the city gate, it will definitely encounter strong resistance from Jiangdong army in the city.

The Jiangdong Army under Zhu Zhi's command, but experienced wars, experienced wars, is the Jiangdong Army's greatest advantage.

Although the Jiaozhou Army has gone through a lot of training, it still needs to pay more attention to the situation in the process of fighting the enemy. It cannot do more against the enemy and it is difficult to affect the war between the two sides. The Jin army is determined to win against Jiangdong. No matter what resistance the Jiangdong army will make in this battle, the Jin army must win.

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