Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3634: : Jiangdong Army Gathered

Ordinary people seek to survive, but will the ruler satisfy the people in such a process?

The power of the family in the city cannot have too much influence on Zhu Zhi, and it is also related to the fact that there are not many powerful families in Nanhai County. If there are families such as Zhou, Lu, and Zhang in Nanhai County, Zhu Zhi must pay more attention to his actions.

In any case, Zhu Zhi is a general of Jiangdong Army, and the family behind these families can influence Sun Quan's decision to a certain extent.

Why didn't Zhu Zhi know the anger of the families in the city, but he didn't take it to heart. If these families could abide by the orders he gave, how could Zhu Zhi do such a thing?

In the final analysis, the aristocratic family and the common people had many violations of Zhu Zhi's orders, which made Zhu Zhi not less effective.

Zhu Zhi didn't want to get the support of these families from the heart. It was just that the family members took their own interests very seriously, and even violated the monarch’s orders for the benefit of the family. Zhu Zhi was just a general in the Jiangdong army. Perhaps it has great prestige in the military, but in the eyes of aristocratic families.

The current situation in Jiangdong is urgent, and it is inevitable that the generals will be more valued, but when the war subsides, how much treatment will be given to the aristocratic families who have been arrogant in front of the aristocratic family. When the aristocratic family treats their enemies, they have always been indifferent. Will be soft, as long as there is a chance, they will punish their enemies to death.

Isn't this behavior of the aristocratic family to establish their status, if they can't have enough status, how can more people have greater awe of the aristocratic family?

The Jiangdong family is very strong. At one point, the generals in the army dare not sing on the stage with the family easily. Even at this time, Zhu Zhi is in Nanhai County, and he is still attacking the weaker family in order to avoid future appearances. More trouble.

The gathering of the Jiangdong army made the situation in Panyu more dignified. Zhu Zhi could feel the caution of the lieutenants in this battle. If they could not win in such a confrontation, everything in front of them would be lost. The soldiers in the army. Will become a prisoner of the Jin army, this kind of situation is not what they want to see.

The Jiaozhou Army is coming towards Panyu City. The actions of the Jiaozhou Army did not cover too much. They came from the ground up. In this confrontation, the Jiaozhou Army will show a stronger combat effectiveness, just to prove it. The Jiaozhou Army is no worse than the Jiangdong Army in terms of combat effectiveness.

In the past, Jiaozhou Army had failed against Jiangdong Army. Now is the time for them to wash away their shame. If they can do more in this battle, the soldiers in the army can also get a lot of credit. To get more credit is exactly what the lieutenant generals yearn for. In the Jin army, the most important factor in the promotion of status is credit. Otherwise, even if it has a high status, it is also difficult to get the rank of a lieutenant general. Love it.

An army of thirty thousand came to Panyu city mightily and gathered more eyes of Jiangdong. The Jin army will break through from the military Jiaozhou, which was also considered by Jiangdong in advance. If the attack on Nanhai County from Jiangzhou is successful, it will be given to Jiangdong. Bring greater shock, while allowing the Jin army to occupy a greater advantage.

The Jiangdong side also has arrangements in Nanhai County. Zhu Zhi is a well-known general in the Jiangdong army. His abilities are recognized by the lieutenant generals. No matter in any army under the command of the princes, the generals can only show sufficient abilities. Get a higher status, this is also the same truth.

Although the children of the aristocratic family can easily get a higher position in the military because of their family background, if the children of the aristocratic family cannot show sufficient abilities, it is difficult to be recognized by the lieutenant generals.

Especially for generals who have reached a certain position, their own abilities have a great relationship with the promotion of their status. The higher the status, the greater the requirements for abilities.

Like Zhou Yu, although the Zhou family has a high status in Jiangdong, Zhou Yu's achievements today rely on his own efforts. Jiangdong's current development is closely related to Zhou Yu's contribution to Jiangdong.

Otherwise, why does Zhou Yu have such a high prestige in the military? Even Sun Quan needs to be more cautious when facing Zhou Yu.

He has a higher prestige in the military and is of great help to Zhou Yu. Even if one day Sun Quan wants to shoot because he fears Zhou Yu, he needs more scruples.

Twenty thousand troops are coming to Panyu in a mighty force. Even after entering Panyu, the Jiaozhou Army will not commit any crime to the people along the way. The most important thing for lieutenants and soldiers is to observe military discipline. If even this cannot be guaranteed, how can it be? Make sure that the lieutenant generals can better obey the command of the generals on the battlefield.

Regardless of the generals of the Jin Army or the Jiangdong Army, they must attach importance to military discipline. Only after strict military discipline can the battle of the army be more helpful.

The Jin army has attached great importance to military discipline for a long time. If there is no strict discipline, the Jin army would not be able to get the support of the people, but the people encountered along the way were frightened, because they were not sure that the soldiers of the Jin army would not. They will be attacked. In troubled times, the common people are the bottom-level figures, especially the soldiers in the army who hurt them the most.

This kind of situation is also inevitable. During the battle, the lieutenants and soldiers also need to bear huge pressure. Besides, they are attacking the civilians under the enemy's rule, and there is no more psychological pressure.

Letting the enemy's people suffer more losses is also good for the army.

But what the Jin army has always insisted is that it will not commit any crime to the people, unless the enemy army has done something angry and complaining under the rule of the Jin army.

When the Jin Army fought Cao Jun and Jiangdong Army, Cao Jun committed a lot of blood debts in Jizhou. Dian Wei also led the flying cavalry to trouble Yanzhou.

The Jin army will not be merciful because of the cruelty of the enemy, but the people of Nanhai County are innocent.

Twenty thousand Jin troops arrive outside Panyu city in a short time. The scouts in the army along the way will inevitably encounter the Jiangdong army's scouts. The confrontation between the scouts is also fierce. In the scout confrontation, the Jiangdong army is at a disadvantage. The most lacking in the Jiangdong army is the elite cavalry. Although Jiangdong bought a lot of horses from the Jin army before the war, they were distributed to the army, but there were not many. In Zhu Zhi's hands, there were 500 cavalry.

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