Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3558: : Beyond the monarch

"Since the attack on Jiangdong has been decided, all forces must take action." Lu Bu said to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu nodded and said yes. As for what kind of action it was, Lu Bu did not say, and Jia Xu also knew that Jin’s hidden power in the dark was equally terrifying. Regardless of Jiangdong’s current situation, it’s not bad, as long as it can be in the dark. Adding to the flames can make Jiangdong's situation more complicated.

It can be seen from the price of rice in Jiangdong before that there must be many people from the Jin country who are active.

Sima Yi is the least aware of Lu Bu’s secret methods, but Sima Yi understands that it is impossible to take more advantage from Lu Bu’s hands. The reason why Lu Bu was able to win many battles in the past was because of his secret relationship with Lu Bu. The means must have a great relationship.

It is precisely because of Lü Bu's means that the Jin army was able to win the battle again and again.

In the past, even though Sima Yi was in the prime minister's office, he still knew some news. Not only Lu Bu, but Cao Cao also had many means in secret, but from the situation of the confrontation between the two sides, Cao Cao was obviously at a disadvantage.

Now that Jin's strength has been more developed, there is a greater possibility in the battle against Jiangdong.

As a monarch, seldom let his courtiers know how many secrets he has in secret. Among the current Jin countries, Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others are exposed to the most secrets. This is also because of Lu Bu's trust in them and following Lu Bu's step. Today, it is only reasonable for Lu Bu to have more trust in them.

As now, Lu Bu has temporarily controlled the power of the Shadow Guard, Flying Eagle, and Black Ice Platform in order to increase the influence of the monarch. Jia Xu naturally understands these principles. As a courtier, if the power in his hands allows If the monarch feels jealous, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

In some matters, Jia Xu is afraid to avoid it, unless it is Lü Bu's request. In these matters, Jia Xu rarely takes the initiative to participate in order to avoid the fear of the monarch. In fact, he follows Lü Bu's side and Jia Xu lives in the world. Many changes have taken place in Jia Xu’s approach. Originally, what Jia Xu pursued was to protect his life, and if possible, he should not participate in important things as much as possible.

But after Lu Bu's command, Jia Xu's concept is gradually changing. The main reason is that Lu Bu trusts Jia Xu too much. This level of trust is incredible to the courtiers.

Relatively speaking, Guo Jia’s performance is more casual, which also has a lot to do with Guo Jia’s character. In some cases, Guo Jia does not stick to form. It is precisely because of this that Guo Jia is often imprisoned. Criticism from officials of Shitai.

Of course, this also has a great relationship with Guo Jia's identity. Guo Jia is Lu Bu's beloved brother. This relationship is kept there. General courtiers need to be more cautious when dealing with Guo Jia. The past events have already explained. , If you want to speak ill of Guo Jia in front of Lu Bu, the probability of success is very small.

Guo Jia held a high position among the officials of the Jin State. Even in matters of confidentiality, Lu Bu did not evade Guo Jia, and he did the same when dealing with Jia Xu.

Lu Bu's appreciation of Jia Xu is beyond doubt. It is precisely because of this trust that Jia Xu is grateful to Lu Bu.

Without Lu Bu, it would be hard for Jia Xu to imagine his fate.

At the beginning, Jia Xu was Dong Zhuo's subordinate. If it were to develop according to the situation at the time, Jia Xu would be a prosecutor and thief. Maybe the fate of Jia Xu was the same as Li Ru's, and he could only stay anonymous.

It was precisely because of Lu Bu that Jia Xu was able to grow to where he is now, becoming one of the important officials of the Jin Kingdom, in charge of power.

Jia Xu’s achievements today have a lot to do with Jia Xu’s efforts over the years. In every battle, Jia Xu is present. In such a critical moment as the princes’ coalition attacked Bingzhou, Jia Xu Xu did not leave Lv Bu, and made suggestions for Lv Bu. When Lv Bu stood on the opposite side of the family and the situation was critical, Jia Xu planned on the side.

Said to be the monarch and the minister, in fact, the relationship between the two has surpassed the monarch and the minister. Lu Bu has always regarded Jia Xu as a relative and brother.

There are differences between monarchs and ministers, but Jia Xu can feel Lv Bu’s heart, so Jia Xu will do his best to do what he can, so that Jin can get more development in stability, even if he puts more efforts, Jia Xu seems to be worth it.

Sometimes, talented ministers hope not to be idle, but to be busy. It is best to have them participate in important things, so that their own value can be maximized.

Therefore, when the monarch appoints his subjects, he will make his subjects feel the trust of the monarch.

Lu Bu also realized this. Besides, Lu Bu was aware of his own abilities. Only by entrusting some matters to good officials to deal with it, he could avoid more omissions, especially after the strength of Jin was greatly improved. This aspect is even more obvious. After the task is handed over to the officials, it can not only relieve the pressure on the monarch, but also allow the courtiers to be tempered and let the courtiers feel the meaning of attention. Of course, Lu Bu hopes that such trust can be more. , So that the monarch can be more leisurely.

Perhaps some people think that a wise monarch should do everything by himself. In fact, it is not. If the monarch’s ability is too strong, it is difficult for the ministers to get more training. Besides, there are so many things in a country, and the monarch can handle some of the matters that his ministers can handle. If you are too worried, wouldn't it be more tiring.

After these matters are handed over to the courtiers, the courtiers will get more training, and there will be more talents in the country in the future. It does not mean that the future monarchs will be able to be able to do so, but the system of the Jin country needs to be determined. , Let the country develop in accordance with this system, even if there are unreasonable housing changes.

This is also Lu Bu's strategy for dealing with major national events. Judging from the current situation, such a strategy is very appropriate.

If a country’s system has remained unchanged, and future generations are not allowed to change it, it will inevitably have more drawbacks. At the beginning, the big man was also powerful, so why did it gradually evolve to the emergence of the Yellow Turban Rebellion?

Timely changes to unreasonable places can make the country's system more perfect, and the status of the people can be gradually improved. This is the most important thing.

The people are at the bottom, but after the people's power is united, the power that bursts out is something that no one dares to ignore.

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"Since the attack on Jiangdong has been decided, all forces must take action." Lu Bu said to Jia Xu.

Jia Xu nodded and said yes. As for what kind of action it was, Lu Bu did not say, and Jia Xu also knew that Jin’s hidden power in the dark was equally terrifying. Regardless of Jiangdong’s current situation, it’s not bad, as long as it can be in the dark. Adding to the flames can make Jiangdong's situation more complicated.

It can be seen from the price of rice in Jiangdong before that there must be many people from the Jin country who are active.

Sima Yi is the least aware of Lu Bu’s secret methods, but Sima Yi understands that it is impossible to take more advantage from Lu Bu’s hands. The reason why Lu Bu was able to win many battles in the past was because of his secret relationship with Lu Bu. The means must have a great relationship.

It is precisely because of Lü Bu's means that the Jin army was able to win the battle again and again.

In the past, even though Sima Yi was in the prime minister's office, he still knew some news. Not only Lu Bu, but Cao Cao also had many means in secret, but from the situation of the confrontation between the two sides, Cao Cao was obviously at a disadvantage.

Now that Jin's strength has been more developed, there is a greater possibility in the battle against Jiangdong.

As a monarch, seldom let his courtiers know how many secrets he has in secret. Among the current Jin countries, Jia Xu, Guo Jia and others are exposed to the most secrets. This is also because of Lu Bu's trust in them and following Lu Bu's step. Today, it is only reasonable for Lu Bu to have more trust in them.

As now, Lu Bu has temporarily controlled the power of the Shadow Guard, Flying Eagle, and Black Ice Platform in order to increase the influence of the monarch. Jia Xu naturally understands these principles. As a courtier, if the power in his hands allows If the monarch feels jealous, there will definitely be a lot of trouble.

In some matters, Jia Xu is afraid to avoid it, unless it is Lü Bu's request. In these matters, Jia Xu rarely takes the initiative to participate in order to avoid the fear of the monarch. In fact, he follows Lü Bu's side and Jia Xu lives in the world. Many changes have taken place in Jia Xu’s approach. Originally, what Jia Xu pursued was to protect his life, and if possible, he should not participate in important things as much as possible.

But after Lu Bu's command, Jia Xu's concept is gradually changing. The main reason is that Lu Bu trusts Jia Xu too much. This level of trust is incredible to the courtiers.

Relatively speaking, Guo Jia’s performance is more casual, which also has a lot to do with Guo Jia’s character. In some cases, Guo Jia does not stick to form. It is precisely because of this that Guo Jia is often imprisoned. Criticism from officials of Shitai.

Of course, this also has a great relationship with Guo Jia's identity. Guo Jia is Lu Bu's beloved brother. This relationship is kept there. General courtiers need to be more cautious when dealing with Guo Jia. The past events have already explained. , If you want to speak ill of Guo Jia in front of Lu Bu, the probability of success is very small.

Guo Jia held a high position among the officials of the Jin State. Even in matters of confidentiality, Lu Bu did not evade Guo Jia, and he did the same when dealing with Jia Xu.

Lu Bu's appreciation of Jia Xu is beyond doubt. It is precisely because of this trust that Jia Xu is grateful to Lu Bu.

Without Lu Bu, it would be hard for Jia Xu to imagine his fate.

At the beginning, Jia Xu was Dong Zhuo's subordinate. If it were to develop according to the situation at the time, Jia Xu would be a prosecutor and thief. Maybe the fate of Jia Xu was the same as Li Ru's, and he could only stay anonymous.

It was precisely because of Lu Bu that Jia Xu was able to grow to where he is now, becoming one of the important officials of the Jin Kingdom, in charge of power.

Jia Xu’s achievements today have a lot to do with Jia Xu’s efforts over the years. In every battle, Jia Xu is present. In such a critical moment as the princes’ coalition attacked Bingzhou, Jia Xu Xu did not leave Lv Bu without abandoning him, and made suggestions for Lv Bu. When Lv Bu stood on the opposite side of the family and the situation was critical, Jia Xu planned on the side.

Said to be the monarch and the minister, in fact, the relationship between the two has surpassed the monarch and the minister. Lu Bu has always regarded Jia Xu as a relative and brother.

There are differences between monarchs and ministers, but Jia Xu can feel Lv Bu’s heart, so Jia Xu will do his best to do what he can, so that Jin can get more development in stability, even if he puts more effort, Jia Xu seems to be worth it.

Sometimes, talented officials hope not to be idle, but to be busy. It is best to have them participate in important things, so that their own value can be maximized.

Therefore, when the monarch appoints his subjects, he will make his subjects feel the trust of the monarch.

Lu Bu also realized this. Besides, Lu Bu is still clear about his own ability. UU Reading will hand over some things to competent officials to deal with, so as to avoid more omissions, especially in the Jin country. This aspect becomes more obvious after the strength has been greatly improved, and after the task is handed over to the officials, it can not only relieve the pressure on the monarch, but also allow the courtiers to be tempered and let the courtiers feel the meaning of importance. Of course, Lu Bu is I hope this trust can be more so that the monarch can be more leisurely.

Perhaps some people think that a wise monarch should do everything by himself. In fact, it is not. If the monarch’s ability is too strong, it is difficult for the ministers to get more training. Besides, there are so many things in a country. The monarch can handle the things that some ministers can handle. If you are too worried, wouldn't it be more tiring.

After entrusting these matters to the courtiers, let the courtiers get more training, and there will be more talents in the country in the future. It does not mean that the future monarchs are able to be able to do so, but the system of the Jin country needs to be determined. , Let the country develop in accordance with this system, even if there are unreasonable housing changes.

This is also Lu Bu's strategy for dealing with major national events. Judging from the current situation, such a strategy is very appropriate.

If a country’s system has remained unchanged and future generations are not allowed to change it, it will inevitably have more drawbacks. In the beginning, the big man was also powerful, so why did it gradually evolve to the emergence of the Yellow Turban Rebellion?

The most important thing is to make timely changes to unreasonable places to make the country's system more perfect and to gradually improve the status of the people.

The people are the bottom-level figures, but after the people's power is united, the power that bursts out is something that no one dares to ignore.

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