Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3533: : Chamber of Commerce Action

Such things can be said to be common in Jiangdong. The people are the lowest existence in their eyes, and it is normal for them to get things from the hands of the people.

It is not ruled out that there are businessmen in Jin who support Jiangdong, these businessmen secretly purchase rice and grain for Jiangdong, and provide help for Jiangdong's development.

Since the two sides are going to war, the merchants must also play a certain role. The current state of Jin has gradually become stronger. It is not a country that still needs to use merchants to obtain benefits to support the army fighting after the war with Cao Cao and Sun Quan. In the first place, controlling business with Jiangdong will play an unexpected role.

Secretly raising the prices of items, as long as Jin Kingdom can fully control the Jinjiu and other things, it will be able to increase the prices of Jiangdong. Besides, the family will not give up such an opportunity, especially when the war comes, let alone other things. Even the price of rice grains must be soaring. These aristocratic families do it for their own benefit, but at all costs.

A lot of this kind of thing happened in Jin country at the beginning, but in front of Lu Bu's iron and blood methods, these merchants gradually changed their past habits. If the same thing is put in Jiangdong, Jiangdong merchants will be so easy. Stop it?

At the time of the war, it was also the beginning of the family and businessmen to gain benefits. They can take the opportunity to make the family stronger, which is the beginning of enhancing the influence of the family.

What Mi Zhu needs to do is to secretly inform all the chambers of commerce about this matter. After all, the current relationship between Jin and Wu is on the surface, and there will be many problems if the orders are given openly. Since Lu Bu has such a mind. , Will definitely be prepared in advance.

For Jiangdong merchants, it seems simple but it is not. It also requires the cooperation of military lieutenants. If you can completely control the path from Jin to Jiangdong, even if some merchants intend to go to Jiangdong for business, it will be difficult to achieve, and Jiangdong merchants After going to Jin Kingdom, I can't even think of leaving so easily.

At the beginning, Lu Bu planned in this way, using the power of merchants to curb the development of the entire Jiangdong. Not only that, but also able to smoothly rectify the caravans. With the gradual increase in the rule of land, the number of chambers of commerce is also increasing. If you can't control the power of these chambers of commerce, after a long time, there will definitely be problems that Lu Bu doesn't want to see. If the power of a businessman is used properly, it can definitely have a huge influence.

It is very necessary to use merchants to contain Jiangdong and make Jiangdong panic before the war. In the process of rising prices in Jiangdong, it will definitely cause the people to panic. The sale of war horses will enable Jin to follow. Jiangdong gets a lot of rice.

Jiangdong is rich and well-known in the world. However, the current state of Wu has a small governing area and has to provide rice for 100,000 soldiers. In this case, if the army wants to develop, it is not easy to talk about, and it is already good to be able to maintain it. The reason why Sun Quan shot to the aristocratic family before is because the existence of the aristocratic family has greatly affected Sun Quan's rule in Jiangdong. If this situation cannot be changed, Sun Quan's position is unstable.

Sometimes when aristocratic families see benefits, they don’t have so many scruples. What they need is to get more benefits for the family. As for what kind of trouble their actions will bring to the monarch, It is not something they need to consider.

Different places, there must be many differences in the way of thinking about problems. The strength of the family is strong and needs to be maintained by members of the family. It is precisely because of their way of survival that the family can control more. This is of great significance to a family.

In the process of development, the family will try to hide the true strength of the family as much as possible, not only to guard against other families, but also to guard against the monarch. No one is sure when the monarch realizes that the strength of a family is too strong. , Will you choose to shoot against this family?

It is the great taboo of the family to cause the monarch's jealousy, no matter under the command of any monarch, it is the same.

After Mi Zhu left, he has been thinking about how to prevent the merchants from going to Jiangdong for business as much as possible. Lu Bu gave the order before May, and it is already March. In other words, there is not much time left for Mi Zhu. NS.

"It is rumored that the person in charge of the chambers of commerce in each state will rush to Chang'an as soon as possible after receiving the order. If there is a person who violates it, the person in charge of the chamber of commerce will be exempted directly from the identity of the person in charge of the chamber of commerce." Mi Zhu said solemnly.

The identity of the person in charge of the various chambers of commerce is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Being able to reach the position of the person in charge of the chamber of commerce still has considerable local influence, and the person in charge of the chamber of commerce has an official position. This is also the reason why it is necessary for businessmen to smash their heads and want to enter the Chamber of Commerce. Not only can they get more useful news in the Chamber of Commerce, but it is also possible to become an official if the contribution is large enough.

For ordinary businessmen, there is a great temptation to become officials. Scholars, farmers, commerce, and businessmen are the lowest-level figures. Although they did not feel this way in Jin, the rules passed down for hundreds of years still make businessmen feel a little embarrassed. .

After becoming an official, the situation will change completely. When he becomes a figure in the officialdom, he will have greater initiative in doing things.

The people of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, although they were puzzled by Mi Zhu's orders, did not ask them. They followed Mi Zhu for many years and admired Mi Zhu's ability. Without Mi Zhu, there would be no current prosperity of the Chamber of Commerce.

This is also the reason why other businessmen just admired but not jealous after Mi Zhu achieved such a position. It seems that Mi Zhu’s current status is due to the relationship between the Mi family and Lu Bu, but it is not true, no matter it is anyone, if not Sufficient ability, it will be difficult to get Lu Bu's recognition. What Jin needs more talents. Only when the number of talents increases, the country may achieve a greater degree of development.

Many people see Mi Zhu’s efforts over the years. In terms of relationship, the relationship between the Zhen family in Jizhou and Lu Bu is also very good. Zhen Mi is the concubine of Lu Bu, and Zhen Yao is Jizhou Mu, and now the Zhen family. Most of them are in Chang'an.

At the beginning, the Zhen family gained a lot of benefits from being in charge of the Chang'an Bazaar, but in terms of influence, there must be a big gap between the Zhen family and the Mi family.

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Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu 3533-Chapter 3533-Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu-Chapter 3533-Chamber of Commerce Action

Such things can be said to be common in Jiangdong. The people are the lowest existence in their eyes, and it is normal for them to get things from the hands of the people.

It is not ruled out that there are businessmen in Jin who support Jiangdong, these businessmen secretly purchase rice and grain for Jiangdong, and provide help for Jiangdong's development.

Since the two sides are going to war, the merchants must also play a certain role. The current state of Jin has gradually become stronger. It is not a country that still needs to use merchants to obtain benefits to support the army fighting after the war with Cao Cao and Sun Quan. In the first place, controlling business with Jiangdong will play an unexpected role.

Secretly raising the prices of items, as long as Jin Kingdom can fully control the Jinjiu and other things, it will be able to increase the prices of Jiangdong. Besides, the family will not give up such an opportunity, especially when the war comes, let alone other things. Even the price of rice grains must be soaring. These aristocratic families do it for their own benefit, but at all costs.

A lot of this kind of thing happened in Jin country at the beginning, but in front of Lu Bu's iron and blood methods, these merchants gradually changed their past habits. If the same thing is put in Jiangdong, Jiangdong merchants will be so easy. Stop it?

At the time of the war, it was also the beginning of the family and businessmen to gain benefits. They can take the opportunity to make the family stronger, which is the beginning of enhancing the influence of the family.

What Mi Zhu needs to do is to secretly inform all the chambers of commerce about this matter. After all, the current relationship between Jin and Wu is on the surface, and there will be many problems if the orders are given openly. Since Lu Bu has such a mind. , Will definitely be prepared in advance.

For Jiangdong merchants, it seems simple but it is not. It also requires the cooperation of military lieutenants. If you can completely control the path from Jin to Jiangdong, even if some merchants intend to go to Jiangdong for business, it will be difficult to achieve, and Jiangdong merchants After going to Jin Kingdom, I can't even think of leaving so easily.

At the beginning, Lu Bu planned in this way, using the power of merchants to curb the development of the entire Jiangdong. Not only that, but also able to smoothly rectify the caravans. With the gradual increase in the rule of land, the number of chambers of commerce is also increasing. If you can't control the power of these chambers of commerce, after a long time, there will definitely be problems that Lu Bu doesn't want to see. If the power of a businessman is used properly, it can definitely have a huge influence.

It is very necessary to use merchants to contain Jiangdong and make Jiangdong panic before the war. In the process of rising prices in Jiangdong, it will definitely cause the people to panic. The sale of war horses will enable Jin to follow. Jiangdong gets a lot of rice.

Jiangdong is rich and well-known in the world. However, the current state of Wu has a small governing area and has to provide rice for 100,000 soldiers. In this case, if the army wants to develop, it is not easy to talk about, and it is already good to be able to maintain it. The reason why Sun Quan shot to the aristocratic family before is because the existence of the aristocratic family has greatly affected Sun Quan's rule in Jiangdong. If this situation cannot be changed, Sun Quan's position is unstable.

Sometimes when aristocratic families see benefits, they don’t have so many scruples. What they need is to get more benefits for the family. As for what kind of trouble their actions will bring to the monarch, It is not something they need to consider.

Different places, there must be many differences in the way of thinking about problems. The strength of the family is strong and needs to be maintained by members of the family. It is precisely because of their way of survival that the family can control more. This is of great significance to a family.

In the process of development, the family will try to hide the true strength of the family as much as possible, not only to guard against other families, but also to guard against the monarch. No one is sure when the monarch realizes that the strength of a family is too strong. , Will you choose to shoot against this family?

It is the great taboo of the family to cause the monarch's jealousy, no matter under the command of any monarch, it is the same.

After Mi Zhu left, he has been thinking about how to prevent the merchants from going to Jiangdong for business as much as possible. Lu Bu gave the order before May, and it is already March. In other words, there is not much time left for Mi Zhu. NS.

"It is rumored that the person in charge of the chambers of commerce in each state will rush to Chang'an as soon as possible after receiving the order. If there is a person who violates it, the person in charge of the chamber of commerce will be exempted directly from the identity of the person in charge of the chamber of commerce." Mi Zhu said solemnly.

The identity of the person in charge of each chamber of commerce is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Being able to reach the position of the person in charge of the chamber of commerce still has considerable local influence, and the person in charge of the chamber of commerce has an official position. This is why it is necessary for businessmen to squeeze their heads and want to enter the Chamber of Commerce ~ In the Chamber of Commerce, not only can you get more useful news, it is also possible to become an official if the contribution is large enough.

For ordinary businessmen, there is a great temptation to become officials. Scholars, farmers, commerce, and businessmen are the lowest-level figures. Although they did not feel this way in Jin, the rules passed down for hundreds of years still make businessmen feel a little embarrassed. .

After becoming an official, the situation will change completely. When he becomes a figure in the officialdom, he will have greater initiative in doing things.

The people of the Chang'an Chamber of Commerce, although they were puzzled by Mi Zhu's orders, did not ask them. They followed Mi Zhu for many years and admired Mi Zhu's ability. Without Mi Zhu, there would be no current prosperity of the Chamber of Commerce.

This is also the reason why other businessmen just admired but not jealous after Mi Zhu achieved such a position. It seems that Mi Zhu’s current status is due to the relationship between the Mi family and Lu Bu, but it is not true, no matter it is anyone, if not Sufficient ability, it will be difficult to get Lu Bu's recognition. What Jin needs more talents. Only when the number of talents increases, the country may achieve a greater degree of development.

Many people see Mi Zhu’s efforts over the years. In terms of relationship, the relationship between the Zhen family in Jizhou and Lu Bu is also very good. Zhen Mi is the concubine of Lu Bu, and Zhen Yao is Jizhou Mu, and now the Zhen family. Most of them are in Chang'an.

At the beginning, the Zhen family gained a lot of benefits from being in charge of the Chang'an Bazaar, but in terms of influence, there must be a big gap between the Zhen family and the Mi family.

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