Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3496: : Banquet in the Palace

If the countries of the Western Regions can be occupied, it will also be a contribution to the annals of history. Why Zhang Fei chose to join the Kingdom of Jin? To a greater extent, he saw the merits of being guarded by the countries of the Western Regions. However, all generals did not spare their reputation. Yes, after the countries of the Western Regions have more records, Zhang Fei will be able to gain a greater reputation.

Of course, wanting to pacify and occupy the Western Regions is not as simple as it seems on the surface. When the Western Regions knows the intentions of the Jin army, they will definitely choose to unite and resist, but some countries have joined forces with Wusun and Guishuang. These powerful countries are connected.

Conquering the Western Regions can give the Jin Kingdom a lot of benefits. In the Western Regions countries, there are also majestic war horses, which can increase the strength of the army.

Some of the small countries in the Western Regions are not very powerful, but the countries with large territories still have great influence.

Three days later, the assessment of soldiers from various states was over.

As Lu Bu expected, it was Yu Jin who won the first place. Yu Jin's overall strength is very strong. Besides, Yu Jin's martial arts itself is not weak. It is reasonable to get the first place.

What surprised Lu Bu was that among the top ten generals, there were three generals who had come to join the Cao army.

Yu Jin ranked first, Li Dian ranked fifth, and Hao Zhao ranked ninth. Such results are absolutely amazing.

However, thinking of Cao Cao’s fierce generals like clouds, it is reasonable to have such a situation. Now Cao Cao is dead, and his descendants are under house arrest in the city of Chang’an. Even these generals still have thoughts about the Cao family. It is also impossible to support Cao Cao's descendants to make meritorious deeds. The current situation of the Jin country has been determined, and it is impossible for the descendants of the princes to resist the rule of the Jin country at present.

The strength of the Jin army is so strong, and the people of the Jin country are attached, the influence of the family is gradually weakening, and these will affect people with dissidents.

Once you betray the Jin country, it will be an endless situation.

In this case, being content with the status quo is the most important thing. There is no way out for betraying Jin.

Although Lu Bu’s attitude towards the descendants of these princes was not very friendly, these people living under Lu Bu’s rule do not have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation at least, and even safety can be greatly guaranteed in their residences. , But with soldiers guarded by soldiers, this kind of treatment is not something that ordinary officials can enjoy.

The descendants of the princes will certainly not be satisfied with the current situation, but in such a situation, they dare not show dissatisfaction. The soldiers who supervise them will definitely be affected once the situation is passed on. Human.

Let the descendants of the princes have a stable life. That is the benevolence and righteousness of Lu Bu's treatment of the descendants of the princes. It does not mean that these people will be allowed to behave. If there are people overseeing, once they have violated the behavior, an official will report it.

"The generals who don't want to come from Meng De's subordinates have achieved pretty good results." Lu Bu smiled.

The thirty-six generals of the Temple of War did not participate in it. These generals participating in the assessment are the most powerful generals outside of these Jin Guo's famous generals.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia also discovered this problem, but when Cao Cao was still alive, he had a strong influence among the princes. His strength was recognized by the princes, and Cao Cao represented. But the power of the aristocratic family has many talents in the hands of the aristocratic family. After these talents are used by Cao Cao, they make Cao Cao stronger.

In the past, many generals in the Cao army were able to enter the army as generals only relying on the recommendation of the family. This way, the relationship between the generals in the army and the family can be closer, and it has a lot to the family. Good.

Cao Cao naturally knew this situation, but if more talents could be obtained in the army, Cao Cao had no reason to refuse.

The same thing is true even if it is put on Lu Bu's body.

It’s just that Cao Cao and Lu Bu differ in the way they employ talents. More generals are promoted step by step from ordinary soldiers. After entering the army, capable people can also reach high levels by virtue of their own abilities. In terms of position, the stimulation of this opportunity can make the soldiers in the army more enthusiastic when dealing with training and war.

If you get credit, you can get promotion in your position. After you let the soldiers in the army establish this concept, they will be eager to get more credit and make greater progress.

Even ordinary soldiers have dreams that belong to them, and Lu Bu gave these dreamy soldiers a chance to get a higher status in the Jin army through their own efforts. After the establishment of such a system, the impact on military lieutenants and soldiers will be far-reaching.

The feeling that the soldiers of the Jin army gave the enemy on the battlefield was that they were not afraid of death. This had a lot to do with the system of the army. When the soldiers of the army could feel hope, they would be more attentive.

The same is true for the generals in the army. They have more sense of urgency. It does not mean that you will stay the same in your current position. When the strength of some generals in the army can replace you, you will sit in the position that belongs to you. superior.

In this way, military generals dare not relax when dealing with training in the usual way.

This kind of system of the Jin army, even after Sun Quan knew it, was difficult to imitate. There were a lot of connections between military generals and aristocratic families.

Sun Quan doesn’t want the Jiangdong army’s generals to be more pure. These years of hard work have improved Sun Quan’s prestige in the army a lot, but Sun Quan needs more control over the army. He is the emperor of the State of Wu. If he can’t Putting the army in full control, wouldn't it be an opportunity for those who are willing to take advantage of it.

"I will host a banquet in the palace tonight, and invite the top ten generals and the top twenty soldiers in the assessment to enter the palace. These people are all warriors of the Jin country." Lu Bu said slowly.

"Here," everyone said in unison.

The way Lü Bu treated the generals in the army is enough to see that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the army. Jin's civil officials dare not treat the generals with this more contempt. The generals are vulgar in their eyes, but Lu Bu is a military commander. At the beginning, Lu Bu was scolded because of his status as a military commander. Now that Jin has become stronger, how can Lu Bu allow this situation to continue?

(End of this chapter)

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Rebirth of War God Lu Bu 3496-Chapter 3496-Rebirth of War God Lu Bu-Chapter 3496: Banquet in the Palace

If the countries of the Western Regions can be occupied, it will also be a contribution to the annals of history. Why Zhang Fei chose to join the Kingdom of Jin? To a greater extent, he saw the merits of being guarded by the countries of the Western Regions. However, all generals did not spare their reputation. Yes, after the countries of the Western Regions have more records, Zhang Fei will be able to gain a greater reputation.

Of course, wanting to pacify and occupy the Western Regions is not as simple as it seems on the surface. When the Western Regions knows the intentions of the Jin army, they will definitely choose to unite and resist, but some countries have joined forces with Wusun and Guishuang. These powerful countries are connected.

Conquering the Western Regions can give the Jin Kingdom a lot of benefits. In the Western Regions countries, there are also majestic war horses, which can increase the strength of the army.

Some of the small countries in the Western Regions are not very powerful, but the countries with large territories still have great influence.

Three days later, the assessment of soldiers from various states was over.

As Lu Bu expected, it was Yu Jin who won the first place. Yu Jin's overall strength is very strong. Besides, Yu Jin's martial arts itself is not weak. It is reasonable to get the first place.

What surprised Lu Bu was that among the top ten generals, there were three generals who had come to join the Cao army.

Yu Jin ranked first, Li Dian ranked fifth, and Hao Zhao ranked ninth. Such results are absolutely amazing.

However, thinking of Cao Cao’s fierce generals like clouds, it is reasonable to have such a situation. Now Cao Cao is dead, and his descendants are under house arrest in the city of Chang’an. Even these generals still have thoughts about the Cao family. It is also impossible to support Cao Cao's descendants to make meritorious deeds. The current situation of the Jin country has been determined, and it is impossible for the descendants of the princes to resist the rule of the Jin country at present.

The strength of the Jin army is so strong, and the people of the Jin country are attached, the influence of the family is gradually weakening, and these will affect people with dissidents.

Once you betray the Jin country, it will be an endless situation.

In this case, being content with the status quo is the most important thing. There is no way out for betraying Jin.

Although Lu Bu’s attitude towards the descendants of these princes was not very friendly, these people living under Lu Bu’s rule do not have to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation at least, and even safety can be greatly guaranteed in their residences. , But with soldiers guarded by soldiers, this kind of treatment is not something that ordinary officials can enjoy.

The descendants of the princes will certainly not be satisfied with the current situation, but in such a situation, they dare not show dissatisfaction. The soldiers who supervise them will definitely be affected once the situation is passed on. Human.

Let the descendants of the princes have a stable life. That is the benevolence and righteousness of Lu Bu's treatment of the descendants of the princes. It does not mean that these people will be allowed to behave. If there are people overseeing, once they have violated the behavior, an official will report it.

"The generals who don't want to come from Meng De's subordinates have achieved pretty good results." Lu Bu smiled.

The thirty-six generals of the Temple of War did not participate in it. These generals participating in the assessment are the most powerful generals outside of these Jin Guo's famous generals.

Jia Xu and Guo Jia also discovered this problem, but when Cao Cao was still alive, he had a strong influence among the princes. His strength was recognized by the princes, and Cao Cao represented. But the power of the aristocratic family has many talents in the hands of the aristocratic family. After these talents are used by Cao Cao, they make Cao Cao stronger.

In the past, many generals in the Cao army were able to enter the army as generals only relying on the recommendation of the family. This way, the relationship between the generals in the army and the family can be closer, and it has a lot to the family. Good.

Cao Cao naturally knew this situation, but if more talents could be obtained in the army, Cao Cao had no reason to refuse.

The same thing is true even if it is put on Lu Bu's body.

It’s just that Cao Cao and Lu Bu differ in the way they employ talents. More generals are promoted step by step from ordinary soldiers. After entering the army, capable people can also reach high levels by virtue of their own abilities. In terms of position, the stimulation of this opportunity can make the soldiers in the army more enthusiastic when dealing with training and war.

If you get credit, you can get promotion in your position. After you let the soldiers in the army establish this concept, they will be eager to get more credit and make greater progress.

Even ordinary soldiers have dreams that belong to them, and Lu Bu gave these dreamy soldiers a chance to get a higher status in the Jin army through their own efforts. After the establishment of such a system, the influence of on military lieutenants and soldiers is far-reaching.

The feeling that the soldiers of the Jin army gave the enemy on the battlefield was that they were not afraid of death. This had a lot to do with the system of the army. When the soldiers of the army could feel hope, they would be more attentive.

The same is true for the generals in the army. They have more sense of urgency. It does not mean that you will stay the same in your current position. When the strength of some generals in the army can replace you, you will sit in the position that belongs to you. superior.

In this way, military generals dare not relax when dealing with training in the usual way.

This kind of system of the Jin army, even after Sun Quan knew it, was difficult to imitate. There were a lot of connections between military generals and aristocratic families.

Sun Quan doesn’t want the Jiangdong army’s generals to be more pure. These years of hard work have improved Sun Quan’s prestige in the army a lot, but Sun Quan needs more control over the army. He is the emperor of the State of Wu. If he can’t Putting the army in full control, wouldn't it be an opportunity for those who are willing to take advantage of it.

"I will host a banquet in the palace tonight, and invite the top ten generals and the top twenty soldiers in the assessment to enter the palace. These people are all warriors of the Jin country." Lu Bu said slowly.

"Here," everyone said in unison.

The way Lü Bu treated the generals in the army is enough to see that Lu Bu attaches great importance to the army. Jin's civil officials dare not treat the generals with this more contempt. The generals are vulgar in their eyes, but Lu Bu is a military commander. At the beginning, Lu Bu was scolded because of his status as a military commander. Now that Jin has become stronger, how can Lu Bu allow this situation to continue?

(End of this chapter)

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