Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3470: : The key place is Jingzhou

Now that the situation in Yanzhou has undergone this change, there will be scenes that the family did not want to see. From the bad luck of many families last night, it can be seen that the Zhou Mufu has already planned to liquidate with the family.

Regardless of the strength of the aristocratic family, in the Jin country, the aristocratic family can only curl up, and the aristocratic families who are used to life in the past will certainly not end it so easily, and their secret actions bring about the officials of the Jin country. Shot.

The changes in Yanzhou this time have far-reaching effects and will cause great changes to the situation in Yanzhou as a whole.

After the civilian and military commanders got rid of the threat, they returned to their respective residences. When they learned of the changes in the city, they kept silent. This kind of thing is no longer what they can control. After the assassination happened, the initiative will be taken. Falling into the hands of the State Shepherd House, the State Shepherd House even only needs an order to destroy these powerful families.

Many officials have also stepped down from their current positions during this change.

The situation in Yanzhou is indeed more severe. Not only did the assassination take place in Changyi, but the situation investigated by the inspectorate officials also made Lu Bu very angry. What he wanted most was to see that the governance of the Jin country could be stabilized and the officials You can perform your duties, but according to the investigation by the officials of the Inspectorate, many officials act on the people for their own benefit, and this kind of thing is more common.

When dealing with these officials, Lu Bu was not merciful. The Jin army has been occupying Yanzhou for a long time, and it is time to settle accounts with the family.

As long as it is an obstacle that hinders Jin's continuous advancement, Lu Bu will eliminate it without hesitation.

What the Jin state needs is stable development. Only stability is in line with the current Jin state's interests. There are young people in the dark, and what affects the Jin state's governance.

Lu Bu left Yanzhou after handling Yanzhou’s affairs properly. After this incident, it caused a lot of shock in Yanzhou and brought great benefits to the development of Yanzhou. Xiao Xiaozhi who was originally hidden in the dark The next generation, the officials of the Inspectorate cleaned up some of it, and the remaining officials, the problem was not very serious, and it was handed over to the prefectural government for disposal.

Lu Bu's visit to Yanzhou made the people of Yanzhou feel how thunderous and popular their monarch is. As long as they find a problem, they will take action without hesitation, no matter how powerful the enemy hidden in the dark is.

After dealing with Yanzhou's affairs, Lu Bu's mood was not too relaxed. Yanzhou's affairs have shown that there are still many rebellious forces in Jin. When Jin's strength is strong, these people will hide. And when the Jin country showed a weak side.

The strength of a country lies in the support of the people, the foundation of the country, and the existence of the family is indeed a big influence. What Lu Bu wants to do is to gradually weaken the influence of the family through his own efforts, and finally let the people gain Stable life.

Such a goal may take a long time to work, but as long as it can be achieved, it is worth the effort. Anyway, Jin will not allow the existence of aristocratic families like those of the old men, and even when Jin is rewarding meritorious men, There is also a certain degree of control over the number of fields, in order to avoid the meritorious officials and the common people from gunning the fields.

The people of Jin have a certain status, but they certainly cannot be compared with the people of the government. In some places, the people’s life is still difficult, and even the policies of the Jin country cannot be effectively implemented after reaching these places. The officials do for their own sake. This kind of thing is real.

How to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible, we need to formulate corresponding c strategies for these situations. Of course, the situation in Jin will gradually become better, no matter what kind of influence the family has, in Jin, The power of the aristocratic family still cannot occupy the leading role.

As long as the Jin State continues to develop under this situation, its strength will become stronger and the people will become more prosperous. Only then can the Jin State be called a powerful country. Lu Bu is now becoming a powerful country for the Jin State. The country is working hard.

After dealing with the situation in Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou, Lu Bu came to Jingzhou. When fighting against Jiangdong, the most critical place was Jingzhou.

At the beginning of the troubled times, the Jiangdong navy and the Jingzhou navy had a lot of battles on the river. How strong the Jingzhou navy was at the beginning, even when facing the Jiangdong navy, they were not afraid, and the two sides fought. There are winners and losers, but since the Jingzhou navy fell in Liu Bei's hands, it is basically impossible to achieve greater development.

The Jiangdong Army will not allow Jingzhou to have a powerful navy. It was precisely because of the strength of the Jingzhou navy in the past that the Jiangdong Army's plan to occupy Jingzhou was frustrated.

Jingzhou is also a place that is easy to attack and difficult to defend. If you occupy Jingzhou and lack sufficient backing, what kind of embarrassing situation will you face? Whether it is Sun Quan or Liu Bei in the past, after occupying Jingzhou, there will be greater deterrence.

But now, Jingzhou has fallen under the control of the Jin army. As for the Jiangdong army wanting to seize Jingzhou from the hands of the Jin army, it seems that there is not much possibility now.

The size of the Jingzhou navy was 50,000, and these fifty thousand navy soldiers were also the key to the battle against the Jiangdong Army.

In terms of building warships, the Jin country still has no shortage of talents, and there are craftsmen who specialize in the equipment on the warships in the craftsman’s workshop. These craftsmen are to make the warships of the Jin country after encountering the warships of the Jiangdong Army, Show a stronger combat effectiveness.

As long as the Jingzhou navy has enough time, it can achieve faster development. The Jingzhou navy is trained on the basis of the soldiers of the Jizhou navy. Although the Jizhou navy failed in the battle against the Jiangdong Army, the Jizhou navy The generals and generals of the army gained a lot of battlefield experience during the battle with the Jiangdong Army. The experience summed up from the battlefield by these lieutenants and generals is an important foundation for the growth of the navy.

An army can only gradually become stronger after it has experienced battles again and again. It is difficult for an army to succeed if it wants to be stronger and fearful of war.

The tempering of the war can make the soldiers in the army more familiar with the situation on the battlefield. When the war comes, they will not say that they are panicked.

Battlefield experience is what the Jingzhou naval forces lack the most. With support from the Jin state, the Jingzhou naval forces develop rapidly.


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Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu 3470 Chapter 3470 The key place is Jingzhou

Now that the situation in Yanzhou has undergone this change, there will be scenes that the family did not want to see. From the bad luck of many families last night, it can be seen that the Zhou Mufu has already planned to liquidate with the family.

Regardless of the strength of the aristocratic family, in the Jin country, the aristocratic family can only curl up, and the aristocratic families who are used to life in the past will certainly not end it so easily, and their secret actions bring about the officials of the Jin country. Shot.

The changes in Yanzhou this time have far-reaching effects and will cause great changes to the situation in Yanzhou as a whole.

After the civilian and military commanders got rid of the threat, they returned to their respective residences. When they learned of the changes in the city, they kept silent. This kind of thing is no longer what they can control. After the assassination happened, the initiative will be taken. Falling into the hands of the State Shepherd House, the State Shepherd House even only needs an order to destroy these powerful families.

Many officials have also stepped down from their current positions during this change.

The situation in Yanzhou is indeed more severe. Not only did the assassination take place in Changyi, but the situation investigated by the inspectorate officials also made Lu Bu very angry. What he wanted most was to see that the governance of the Jin country could be stabilized and the officials You can perform your duties, but according to the investigation by the officials of the Inspectorate, many officials act on the people for their own benefit, and this kind of thing is more common.

When dealing with these officials, Lu Bu was not merciful. The Jin army has been occupying Yanzhou for a long time, and it is time to settle accounts with the family.

As long as it is an obstacle that hinders Jin's continuous advancement, Lu Bu will eliminate it without hesitation.

What the Jin state needs is stable development. Only stability is in line with the current Jin state's interests. There are young people in the dark, and what affects the Jin state's governance.

Lu Bu left Yanzhou after handling Yanzhou’s affairs properly. After this incident, it caused a lot of shock in Yanzhou and brought great benefits to the development of Yanzhou. Xiao Xiaozhi who was originally hidden in the dark The next generation, the officials of the Inspectorate cleaned up some of it, and the remaining officials, the problem was not very serious, and it was handed over to the prefectural government for disposal.

Lu Bu's visit to Yanzhou made the people of Yanzhou feel how thunderous and popular their monarch is. As long as they find a problem, they will take action without hesitation, no matter how powerful the enemy hidden in the dark is.

After dealing with Yanzhou's affairs, Lu Bu's mood was not too relaxed. Yanzhou's affairs have shown that there are still many rebellious forces in Jin. When Jin's strength is strong, these people will hide. And when the Jin country showed a weak side.

The strength of a country lies in the support of the people, the foundation of the country, and the existence of the family is indeed a big influence. What Lu Bu wants to do is to gradually weaken the influence of the family through his own efforts, and finally let the people gain Stable life.

Such a goal may take a long time to work, but as long as it can be achieved, it is worth the effort. Anyway, Jin will not allow the existence of aristocratic families like those of the old men, and even when Jin is rewarding meritorious men, There is also a certain degree of control over the number of fields, in order to avoid the meritorious officials and the common people from gunning the fields.

The people of Jin have a certain status, but they certainly cannot be compared with the people of the government. In some places, the people’s life is still difficult, and even the policies of the Jin country cannot be effectively implemented after reaching these places. The officials do for their own sake. This kind of thing is real.

How to avoid this kind of thing as much as possible, we need to formulate corresponding c strategies for these situations. Of course, the situation in Jin will gradually become better, no matter what kind of influence the family has, in Jin, The power of the aristocratic family still cannot occupy the leading role.

As long as the Jin State continues to develop under this situation, its strength will become stronger and the people will become more prosperous. Only then can the Jin State be called a powerful country. Lu Bu is now becoming a powerful country for the Jin State. The country is working hard.

After dealing with the situation in Xuzhou, Yanzhou, and Yuzhou, Lu Bu came to Jingzhou. When fighting against Jiangdong, the most critical place was Jingzhou.

At the beginning of the troubled times, the Jiangdong navy and the Jingzhou navy had a lot of battles on the river. How strong the Jingzhou navy was at the beginning, even when facing the Jiangdong navy, they were not afraid, and the two sides fought. There are winners and losers, but since the Jingzhou navy fell in Liu Bei's hands, it is basically impossible to achieve greater development.

The Jiangdong Army will not allow Jingzhou to have a powerful navy. It was precisely because of the strength of the Jingzhou navy that the Jiangdong Army's plan to occupy Jingzhou was frustrated.

Jingzhou is also a place that is easy to attack and difficult to defend. If you occupy Jingzhou and lack sufficient backing, what kind of embarrassing situation will you face? Whether it is Sun Quan or Liu Bei in the past, after occupying Jingzhou, there will be greater deterrence.

But now, Jingzhou has fallen under the control of the Jin army. As for the Jiangdong army wanting to seize Jingzhou from the hands of the Jin army, it seems that there is not much possibility now.

The size of the Jingzhou navy was 50,000, and these fifty thousand navy soldiers were also the key to the battle against the Jiangdong Army.

In terms of building warships, the Jin country still has no shortage of talents, and there are craftsmen who specialize in the equipment on the warships in the craftsman’s workshop. These craftsmen are to make the warships of the Jin country after encountering the warships of the Jiangdong Army, Show a stronger combat effectiveness.

As long as the Jingzhou navy has enough time, it can achieve faster development. The Jingzhou navy is trained on the basis of the soldiers of the Jizhou navy. Although the Jizhou navy failed in the battle against the Jiangdong Army, the Jizhou navy The generals and generals of the army gained a lot of battlefield experience during the battle with the Jiangdong Army. The experience summed up from the battlefield by these lieutenants and generals is an important foundation for the growth of the navy.

An army can only gradually become stronger after it has experienced battles again and again. It is difficult for an army to succeed if it wants to be stronger and fearful of war.

The tempering of the war can make the soldiers in the army more familiar with the situation on the battlefield. When the war comes, they will not say that they are panicked.

Battlefield experience is what the Jingzhou naval forces lack the most. With support from the Jin state, the Jingzhou naval forces develop rapidly.


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