Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3451: : Appoint Chen Deng

If there is a war in Guangling County, the Jiangdong Army can send a large army to support it at any time to facilitate the war in Guangling County.

Wanting to break through a city is not as simple as it is on the surface, and it takes a long time to plan. Nowadays, the princes also attach great importance to the development of equipment. They want to form an absolute suppression of the enemy on the equipment. An easy thing.

After breaking down a city, the benefits are obvious. Even when a war breaks out, people will flee from the city, but after all, there are only a few people who flee. It's hard to survive.

In troubled times, the monarch wants to have strong strength. If there is not a sufficient number of people, it is extremely difficult to achieve this. After the number of people increases, many strategies can be implemented in a true sense.

Just like the battle between the two armies, a monarch with a larger number of people can quickly restore the number of troops after the war, and a monarch with a small number of people will have to make greater efforts to restore the previous strength.

The battle against Jiangdong Army is an inevitable situation. As long as anyone with some insight can see, with the strength of the Jin army, he will not let the situation in the world go on like this. Lu Bu patrols various places, so why is it not for the sake of peace in the future? The war in Jiangdong.

In Lu Bu's plan, the troops needed to quell Jiangdong would be about 200,000. The Jiangdong Army currently has a strength of 100,000. Although Jiangdong has experienced a series of wars, the civilian strength is declining, so it can barely support so many troops. .

With Jin’s strength, Jiangdong can be paid a heavy price by just dragging it hard, but it has become the general trend to quell Jiangdong as soon as possible. The most important thing now is whether Sun Quan can rely on Jiangdong army when the war is about to come. The power of the city has saved the city.

The Jiangdong Army has its own advantages in water warfare. Although Jingzhou has 50,000 navy troops and Jizhou has 10,000 navy troops, it is still somewhat insufficient in strength. The development of the navy in Guangling County can contain the strength of Jiangdong Army. The war is of great help.

As long as the Jin army can break through the blockade of the Jiangdong army on the water, the rest will be much simpler. After the Jin army enters the Wu State prefectures and counties, they can gradually encroach on the Wu State.

Now that the two sides temporarily stopped fighting and even signed a covenant, it was just a stopgap measure. In the face of real interests, such an alliance was fragile and could not stand the test. This can be seen from Jiangdong tearing up the covenant in the past.

The Jiangdong Army was able to tear up the covenant for profit, and Lu Bu could have the same choice for the same thing.

In fact, in the Jin army, there are many generals who are dissatisfied with Jiangdong army. Jin has helped Jiangdong a lot, but from the previous actions of Jiangdong army, it can be seen that it is clear that they are opportunistic and do everything for the benefit. For generations, there is no such thing as soft-heartedness towards such characters.

At present, the Jin Kingdom is gradually improving the defense of the city near Jiangdong, and Jiaozhou has also implemented a blockade. If this situation gradually continues, it will be more and more unfavorable for the Jiangdong Army.

Although Guangling County has defenders, it lacks naval forces. If naval forces are in charge, some things are even simpler.

Sending Chen Deng to Guangling County seems to be a good choice. Judging from the actions of the Chen family, it is difficult to betray the Jin country. After all, important figures of the Chen family have already gone to Chang'an, unless Chen Deng is able to ignore the safety of the family. .

Besides, even if Chen Deng turned to Jiangdong after betraying the Kingdom of Jin, would he be able to stay for a long time? With Chen Deng's wisdom, he would certainly not do such a stupid thing.

"Okay, I will let you serve as the prefect of Guangling, but what I want to see is a powerful navy. The number of navy is tentatively set at 5,000. I will send someone to check the training of the navy." Lu Bu Road slowly.

"Thanks to the trust of the sage, it is difficult for the minister to repay the kindness of the sage's knowledge." Chen Deng knelt on the ground and solemnly saluted.

For the Zhen family in Chen Deng's discourse, Lu Bu did not go too far, he considered the role that Chen Deng could play after being placed in Guangling County.

"After arriving in Guangling County, I don’t want to hear bad news. Jin’s rules must be understood by you, but now the guard of Guangling County is Zhang Yanye. After you arrive in Guangling County, things about the army, Discuss with General Zhang Yan." Lu Bu exhorted.


After Chen Deng left, his heart was blazing with fighting spirit. Guangling County was the ladder for him to become famous in the Kingdom of Jin. Even if it was the Jiangdong Army, he had enough confidence to resist Jiangdong Army, so that Jiangdong Army did not dare to do anything. When he was under Cao Cao, Chen Deng mentioned strengthening the defense of Guangling and training naval forces in Guangling County to avoid the Jiangdong Army's incursions. However, such advances did not get Cao Cao's attention.

The situation in Jin is different now. No matter how strong the Jiangdong Army is, it is the Jin Army that currently dominates the situation. The strength of the Jin Army has been verified. I want to fight against the Jin Army. With greater achievements, relying on the current strength of the Jiangdong Army is far from enough.

The Jiangdong Army is good at water warfare. As long as the Jiangdong Army can be contained in the navy, the Jiangdong Army's development can be contained as much as possible.

After becoming a minister of the Jin State, Chen Deng will consider the problem from the perspective of the Jin State, and let the family members go to Chang'an, just to make Lu Bu feel at ease, and it is also a sign of his unswerving refuge in the Jin State, just Relying on the materials donated by the family, it is basically impossible for him to go to a higher position. If you want to get a greater improvement, you must show enough ability.

From Xuzhou pasture to Guangling prefect, Chen Deng was not discouraged. After the Jin Kingdom swept the world, the benefits they received from the Dragon's Minister were unimaginable.

Even though the road ahead is full of ups and downs, Chen Deng is confident enough to complete this appointment.

If a person wants to be respected by others, he must show the corresponding strength, whether it is to take refuge in Cao Cao or Lu Bu, Chen Deng believes that as long as he shows his ability, he can be reused.

However, before going to Guangling County, you must have a better understanding of Jin’s system. Unlike Cao Cao, the prefect has the power to control the army, except for a few special circumstances, the prefect cannot control the army. , If you have anything, you can discuss with the generals in the army. This is also the unique system of the Jin country. Of course, it is to better control the army and prevent the army from falling into the hands of Xiao Xiao.

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Rebirth of War God Lu Bu 3451-Chapter 3451-Rebirth of War God Lu Bu-Chapter 3451 Appoints Chen Deng

If there is a war in Guangling County, the Jiangdong Army can send a large army to support it at any time to facilitate the war in Guangling County.

Wanting to break through a city is not as simple as it is on the surface, and it takes a long time to plan. Nowadays, the princes also attach great importance to the development of equipment. They want to form an absolute suppression of the enemy on the equipment. An easy thing.

After breaking down a city, the benefits are obvious. Even when a war breaks out, people will flee from the city, but after all, there are only a few people who flee. It's hard to survive.

In troubled times, the monarch wants to have strong strength. If there is not a sufficient number of people, it is extremely difficult to achieve this. After the number of people increases, many strategies can be implemented in a true sense.

Just like the battle between the two armies, a monarch with a larger number of people can quickly restore the number of troops after the war, and a monarch with a small number of people will have to make greater efforts to restore the previous strength.

The battle against Jiangdong Army is an inevitable situation. As long as anyone with some insight can see, with the strength of the Jin army, he will not let the situation in the world go on like this. Lu Bu patrols various places, so why is it not for the sake of peace in the future? The war in Jiangdong.

In Lu Bu's plan, the troops needed to quell Jiangdong would be about 200,000. The Jiangdong Army currently has a strength of 100,000. Although Jiangdong has experienced a series of wars, the civilian strength is declining, so it can barely support so many troops. .

With Jin’s strength, Jiangdong can be paid a heavy price by just dragging it hard, but it has become the general trend to quell Jiangdong as soon as possible. The most important thing now is whether Sun Quan can rely on Jiangdong army when the war is about to come. The power of the city has saved the city.

The Jiangdong Army has its own advantages in water warfare. Although Jingzhou has 50,000 navy troops and Jizhou has 10,000 navy troops, it is still somewhat insufficient in strength. The development of the navy in Guangling County can contain the strength of Jiangdong Army. The war is of great help.

As long as the Jin army can break through the blockade of the Jiangdong army on the water, the rest will be much simpler. After the Jin army enters the Wu State prefectures and counties, they can gradually encroach on the Wu State.

Now that the two sides temporarily stopped fighting and even signed a covenant, it was just a stopgap measure. In the face of real interests, such an alliance was fragile and could not stand the test. This can be seen from Jiangdong tearing up the covenant in the past.

The Jiangdong Army was able to tear up the covenant for profit, and Lu Bu could have the same choice for the same thing.

In fact, in the Jin army, there are many generals who are dissatisfied with Jiangdong army. Jin has helped Jiangdong a lot, but from the previous actions of Jiangdong army, it can be seen that it is clear that they are opportunistic and do everything for the benefit. For generations, there is no such thing as soft-heartedness towards such characters.

At present, the Jin Kingdom is gradually improving the defense of the city near Jiangdong, and Jiaozhou has also implemented a blockade. If this situation gradually continues, it will be more and more unfavorable for the Jiangdong Army.

Although Guangling County has defenders, it lacks naval forces. If naval forces are in charge, some things are even simpler.

Sending Chen Deng to Guangling County seems to be a good choice. Judging from the actions of the Chen family, it is difficult to betray the Jin country. After all, important figures of the Chen family have already gone to Chang'an, unless Chen Deng is able to ignore the safety of the family. .

Besides, even if Chen Deng turned to Jiangdong after betraying the Kingdom of Jin, would he be able to stay for a long time? With Chen Deng's wisdom, he would certainly not do such a stupid thing.

"Okay, I will let you serve as the prefect of Guangling, but what I want to see is a powerful navy. The number of navy is tentatively set at 5,000. I will send someone to check the training of the navy." Lu Bu Road slowly.

"Thanks to the trust of the sage, it is difficult for the minister to repay the kindness of the sage's knowledge." Chen Deng knelt on the ground and solemnly saluted.

For the Zhen family in Chen Deng's discourse, Lu Bu did not go too far, he considered the role that Chen Deng could play after being placed in Guangling County.

"After arriving in Guangling County, I don’t want to hear bad news. Jin’s rules must be understood by you, but now the guard of Guangling County is Zhang Yanye. After you arrive in Guangling County, things about the army, Discuss with General Zhang Yan." Lu Bu exhorted.


After Chen Deng left, his heart was blazing with fighting spirit. Guangling County was the ladder for him to become famous in the Kingdom of Jin. Even if it was the Jiangdong Army, he had enough confidence to resist Jiangdong Army, so that Jiangdong Army did not dare to do anything. When he was under Cao Cao, Chen Deng mentioned strengthening Guangling’s defense and training naval forces in Guangling County to avoid the Jiangdong Army’s incursions, but such advances did not get Cao Cao’s attention~www.readwn. com~ The situation in Jin is different now. No matter how powerful the Jiangdong army is, it is the Jin army that currently dominates the situation. The strength of the Jin army has been verified. Those who want to fight against the Jin army In the process, there are greater achievements, and the current strength of Jiangdong Army is far from enough.

The Jiangdong Army is good at water warfare. As long as the Jiangdong Army can be contained in the navy, the Jiangdong Army's development can be contained as much as possible.

After becoming a minister of the Jin State, Chen Deng will consider the problem from the perspective of the Jin State, and let the family members go to Chang'an, just to make Lu Bu feel at ease, and it is also a sign of his unswerving refuge in the Jin State, just Relying on the materials donated by the family, it is basically impossible for him to go to a higher position. If you want to get a greater improvement, you must show enough ability.

From Xuzhou pasture to Guangling prefect, Chen Deng was not discouraged. After the Jin Kingdom swept the world, the benefits they received from the Dragon's Minister were unimaginable.

Even though the road ahead is full of ups and downs, Chen Deng is confident enough to complete this appointment.

If a person wants to be respected by others, he must show the corresponding strength, whether it is to take refuge in Cao Cao or Lu Bu, Chen Deng believes that as long as he shows his ability, he can be reused.

However, before going to Guangling County, you must have a better understanding of Jin’s system. Unlike Cao Cao, the prefect has the power to control the army, except for a few special circumstances, the prefect cannot control the army. , If you have anything, you can discuss with the generals in the army. This is also the unique system of the Jin country. Of course, it is to better control the army and prevent the army from falling into the hands of Xiao Xiao.

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