Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 3445: : Seeing the Lord

Under normal circumstances, Dianwei often tortured the guards when training the guards, but it is this rigorous training that allows the guards to have combat power that is unmatched by ordinary teams, and fought against the Xianbei army on the grassland. At that time, the role played by the personal guards should not be ignored. A team of 1,000 people blocked the attack of four thousand Xianbei cavalry. Such a record is enough to make the guards proud.

If the same battle is placed on other teams, it will not necessarily have such an achievement. It is precisely because of this that the personal guards also have a high status in the army. When ordinary soldiers see the personal guards, The performance is also more respectful.

What is emphasized in the military is the respect of strength. Only those with strong strength can be respected by others. Without sufficient strength, it is impossible to obtain sufficient status. It is impossible for any elite team. The reason why the team is famous all over the world has a great relationship with the battle they have experienced in the past and their performance on the battlefield.

Strength determines what position a team has in the army, and the battlefield is where the strength of the soldiers is tested.

War is what the soldiers of the Jin army yearn for. If such a thing is placed in the army under the command of other princes, it is unimaginable. Even the soldiers in the army cannot maintain it in the face of war. The peace of mind and the rigorous training are very different from those who really kill the enemy on the battlefield.

Like Wu’s soldiers, they have undergone rigorous training, but more soldiers in the army are reluctant to mention wars, because where there are wars, there will be sacrifices, and in Wu’s army, there is no Jin country. With a system like the army, after the sergeant died on the battlefield, their families could not get much benefit.

In the face of the monarch’s order, the lieutenant soldiers had to fight on the battlefield. This is also the most uncomfortable place for the soldiers of the vassal army. When they become soldiers in the army, it means that their lives are probably not under their control. .

The soldiers of the Jin Army are fundamentally different from those of the Wu Kingdom in this regard. They actively enter the army. When facing the enemy, it is reasonable to have a brave performance. The soldiers have After the direction of their efforts, they will show initiative in the process of combat, and this initiative will prompt the lieutenant soldiers to explode more powerful combat effectiveness in the course of the battle.

Strict discipline, the reward and punishment system that made people have to forge ahead, urged Jin's army to become more powerful.

Other princes also wanted to imitate the army of Jin, but the results were not very good. It was not that the soldiers in the army did not work **** the battlefield, but they lacked fighting spirit and lacked goals.

"I'm here next time to see the Lord, and I hope that General Dian will report on his behalf, thank you." Chen Deng said.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Chen Deng once embarrassed Lv Bu when he was in Xuzhou. After Lv Bu took control of Xuzhou, he did not find the Chen family to liquidate, and he gave the Chen family a face.

Dian Wei said: "It turns out that Chen Zhoumu came to see the Lord, but now the Lord is discussing important matters with the officials. Chen Zhoumu will go back for the time being or wait here."

"If this is the case, wait for one or two next." Chen Deng said.

From Dianwei’s look, he felt his dissatisfaction, but the Chen family’s influence in Xuzhou was great. He didn’t believe that Lu Bu would completely abandon the family family after entering Xuzhou. Although Xuzhou’s current officialdom has Many of them belong to the family, but anyone can see that the influence of the officials in the family is very small, and even the influence of the officials of the family is gradually weakening. As for the degree of weakening, it is not It is what most people can expect.

The occurrence of this situation is not good news for the family in Xuzhou. The family in Xuzhou wants their family to achieve greater development. This is also a matter of reason. No family will sit back and watch the family. The decline of the family, how to make the family develop, is also the most concerned issue of the family.

Judging from the current situation of Jin, it seems that it is not a simple matter for aristocratic families to achieve greater development in Jin. Jin’s system excludes aristocratic families, and this exclusion began with the emperor of Jin. The aristocratic family under the rule of the Jin State must abide by the rules of the Jin State in order to develop.

In the past, the great family of the Han Dynasty absolutely rejected a monarch like Lu Bu, because Lu Bu is changing the status of the great Han’s family. For many years, people who dare to provoke the status of the family will not end well, even if the emperor is facing it. On the issue of the aristocratic family, he did not dare to be like Lu Bu, but now that Lu Bu has achieved success, Jin will sweep the world. Everything that originally belonged to the aristocratic family will gradually dissipate. The influence of the aristocratic family is minimized in Jin.

But under such circumstances, the aristocratic family can only succumb, because the princes who treated the family well have disappeared in the turmoil again and again. When facing the Jin army, the princes’ army showed that the fighting power in front of the people was too weak. NS.

This is also what other families are dissatisfied with. Why don't the aristocratic families hope that princes like Cao Cao and Sun Quan can win the battle against the army of the Jin Kingdom.

Even living in the State of Wu is a good choice for many officials. Dahan has long existed in name only. Over the years, Cao Cao was in the court of Xudu only to help him recruit talents. In the eyes of the generals in the army, It's not even comparable to Cao Cao's influence.

The reason why these aristocratic families support Cao Cao is to make the family's strength stronger under the leadership of Cao Cao, and to help Cao Cao win the battle against Lu Bu, which is of even greater significance.

But the reality is so cruel. The family's resistance did not achieve the expected results. Their resistance became the basis for the gradual growth of Jin.

The wealth of the aristocratic family is strong, and the wealth of the family is unimaginable. In the process of eradicating the family, Lu Bu's strength has been greatly strengthened. The assets that originally belonged to the family have fallen under Lu Bu's control. The family’s land is Lu Bu. Used to buy people's hearts.

The people were not valued in the eyes of the family, but after Lu Bu’s rule, they showed a cohesive force. If the people under the rule of the princes can be like the people of Jin, why not be able to win the battle. victory.

However, the princes could not develop their rule in the way of the Jin Dynasty, because the actual situation of the family did not allow such things to happen. When there was an existence that provoked the status of the family, these families would stand up and resist.

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Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu 3445-Chapter 3445-Rebirth of the God of War Lu Bu

Under normal circumstances, Dianwei often tortured the guards when training the guards, but it is this rigorous training that allows the guards to have combat power that is unmatched by ordinary teams, and fought against the Xianbei army on the grassland. At that time, the role played by the personal guards should not be ignored. A team of 1,000 people blocked the attack of four thousand Xianbei cavalry. Such a record is enough to make the guards proud.

If the same battle is placed on other teams, it will not necessarily have such an achievement. It is precisely because of this that the personal guards also have a high status in the army. When ordinary soldiers see the personal guards, The performance is also more respectful.

What is emphasized in the military is the respect of strength. Only those with strong strength can be respected by others. Without sufficient strength, it is impossible to obtain sufficient status. It is impossible for any elite team. The reason why the team is famous all over the world has a great relationship with the battle they have experienced in the past and their performance on the battlefield.

Strength determines what position a team has in the army, and the battlefield is where the strength of the soldiers is tested.

War is what the soldiers of the Jin army yearn for. If such a thing is placed in the army under the command of other princes, it is unimaginable. Even the soldiers in the army cannot maintain it in the face of war. The peace of mind and the rigorous training are very different from those who really kill the enemy on the battlefield.

Like Wu’s soldiers, they have undergone rigorous training, but more soldiers in the army are reluctant to mention wars, because where there are wars, there will be sacrifices, and in Wu’s army, there is no Jin country. With a system like the army, after the sergeant died on the battlefield, their families could not get much benefit.

In the face of the monarch’s order, the lieutenant soldiers had to fight on the battlefield. This is also the most uncomfortable place for the soldiers of the vassal army. When they become soldiers in the army, it means that their lives are probably not under their control. .

The soldiers of the Jin Army are fundamentally different from those of the Wu Kingdom in this regard. They actively enter the army. When facing the enemy, it is reasonable to have a brave performance. The soldiers have After the direction of their efforts, they will show initiative in the process of combat, and this initiative will prompt the lieutenant soldiers to explode more powerful combat effectiveness in the course of the battle.

Strict discipline, the reward and punishment system that made people have to forge ahead, urged Jin's army to become more powerful.

Other princes also wanted to imitate the army of Jin, but the results were not very good. It was not that the soldiers in the army did not work **** the battlefield, but they lacked fighting spirit and lacked goals.

"I'm here next time to see the Lord, and I hope that General Dian will report on his behalf, thank you." Chen Deng said.

People under the eaves had to bow their heads. Chen Deng once embarrassed Lv Bu when he was in Xuzhou. After Lv Bu took control of Xuzhou, he did not find the Chen family to liquidate, and he gave the Chen family a face.

Dian Wei said: "It turns out that Chen Zhoumu came to see the Lord, but now the Lord is discussing important matters with the officials. Chen Zhoumu will go back for the time being or wait here."

"If this is the case, wait for one or two next." Chen Deng said.

From Dianwei’s look, he felt his dissatisfaction, but the Chen family’s influence in Xuzhou was great. He didn’t believe that Lu Bu would completely abandon the family family after entering Xuzhou. Although Xuzhou’s current officialdom has Many of them belong to the family, but anyone can see that the influence of the officials in the family is very small, and even the influence of the officials of the family is gradually weakening. As for the degree of weakening, it is not It is what most people can expect.

The occurrence of this situation is not good news for the family in Xuzhou. The family in Xuzhou wants their family to achieve greater development. This is also a matter of reason. No family will sit back and watch the family. The decline of the family, how to make the family develop, is also the most concerned issue of the family.

Judging from the current situation of Jin, it seems that it is not a simple matter for aristocratic families to achieve greater development in Jin. Jin’s system excludes aristocratic families, and this exclusion began with the emperor of Jin. The aristocratic family under the rule of the Jin State must abide by the rules of the Jin State in order to develop.

In the past, the great family of the Han Dynasty absolutely rejected a monarch like Lu Bu, because Lu Bu is changing the status of the great Han’s family. For many years, people who dare to provoke the status of the family will not end well, even if the emperor is facing it. On the issue of the aristocratic family, he did not dare to be like Lu Bu, but now that Lu Bu has achieved success, Jin will sweep the world. Everything that originally belonged to the aristocratic family will gradually dissipate. The influence of the aristocratic family is minimized in Jin.

But under such circumstances, the family can only succumb to because the princes who treated the family well have disappeared in the turmoil, and the princes’ armies behave in the people when they face the Jin army. The combat power in front of him is too fragile.

This is also what other families are dissatisfied with. Why don't the aristocratic families hope that princes like Cao Cao and Sun Quan can win the battle against the army of the Jin Kingdom.

Even living in the State of Wu is a good choice for many officials. Dahan has long existed in name only. Over the years, Cao Cao was in the court of Xudu only to help him recruit talents. In the eyes of the generals in the army, It's not even comparable to Cao Cao's influence.

The reason why these aristocratic families support Cao Cao is to make the family's strength stronger under the leadership of Cao Cao, and to help Cao Cao win the battle against Lu Bu, which is of even greater significance.

But the reality is so cruel. The family's resistance did not achieve the expected results. Their resistance became the basis for the gradual growth of Jin.

The wealth of the aristocratic family is strong, and the wealth of the family is unimaginable. In the process of eradicating the family, Lu Bu's strength has been greatly strengthened. The assets that originally belonged to the family have fallen under Lu Bu's control. The family’s land is Lu Bu. Used to buy people's hearts.

The people were not valued in the eyes of the family, but after Lu Bu’s rule, they showed a cohesive force. If the people under the rule of the princes can be like the people of Jin, why not be able to win the battle. victory.

However, the princes could not develop their rule in the way of the Jin Dynasty, because the actual situation of the family did not allow such things to happen. When there was an existence that provoked the status of the family, these families would stand up and resist.

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