Rebirth God of War Lu Bu

Chapter 2985: : Open the gates quickly

Chapter 2985: Open the gates quickly (page 1/1)

"Tie up the surrendered Jiangdong army generals, and bring the enemy's leader Zhang Xin to see this general. Only then, Zhang Xin showed off in front of this general. Now this general wants to see, what else does this Xin have to say? Said." Ji Ling said.

"General Ji is brave and has outstanding strategy, so Zhang Xin is of course not a problem." Sun Guan smiled.

Ji Ling's words of Sun Guan were extremely useful. He had just experienced success on the battlefield, and such praise was nothing.

What's more, most generals in the army are straightforward, and there is nothing to do. It is normal for other generals to praise them after getting the credit.

"If the general can speak comfortably, he might be able to make Zhang Xin sincerely take refuge in it. If this is the case, wouldn't it be easy to break through Jiujiang County." Sun Guandao.

Ji Ling nodded and said: "General Sun's remarks are quite reasonable. This general will give it a try."

Zhang Xin was not in a good mood. He originally thought that this battle could teach the enemy a severe lesson, and even capture or behead the enemy generals on the battlefield. If this is the case, his reputation will be inevitable. It will be even more resounding among the Jin Kingdom's army. I didn't expect that the generals who killed the enemy army would not be able to kill them. Instead, they became the enemy's prisoners.

"General Zhang, this general has been admired for a long time." Ji Ling said.

"Huh, why have you been admired for a long time, but now you are just a defeated general." Zhang Xin said.

"Who bound General Zhang Xin? If this general knows about it, he will certainly not take it lightly. General Zhang is a famous general in Jiangdong. Don't be negligent." Ji Ling said as he stepped forward to untie Zhang Xin. Now that the Jiangdong Army has been controlled by Ji Ling’s soldiers, even if Zhang Xin had other ideas, it would be difficult to succeed.

After Zhang Xin heard Ji Ling’s words and saw Ji Ling’s actions, his expression was full of disbelief. He just utterly spoken out in front of Ji Ling. He did not expect that after he became a prisoner again, he would be able to act like Ji Ling. Pay attention to it. Comparing the two, it makes people feel that his words are a bit too presumptuous.

Seeing Zhang Xin's expression of shame and no other words, Ji Ling knew that this matter had already succeeded more than half.

"I wonder if General Zhang is willing to join our army? Now that Jin's army has swept through Xuzhou, Jingzhou is about to fall into the hands of Jin's army. Talents like General Zhang are like General Zhang. If they are to join Jin's country, why not worry about not being on the battlefield in the future. Make meritorious deeds and seal your wife's shadow." Ji Ling said.

"Thanks to the general's importance, I am willing to surrender." Zhang Xin solemnly saluted.

"Well, if there is General Zhang to join, Jiujiang County will be settled. After General Huang Zhong leads the army, this general will definitely recommend it to the general." Ji Ling laughed.

"Thank you for the general's love." Zhang Xin said. Zhang Xin has naturally heard about Huang Zhong's name. This is a famous general in the Jin Dynasty army. If Zhong led the army to come, even if the Qingzhou army's performance was mediocre, he would definitely not dare to lead the army into battle so easily.

"I wonder if General Zhang can be sure to let the defenders in the city open the city gate?" Ji Ling said.

"The generals in the city are the confidantes of the end generals. All he needs is an order from the end generals, and he will definitely be able to open the gates of the city and welcome the army to enter the city." Zhang Xin said.

"Well, it's not a small credit for General Zhang to enter the city." Ji Ling said.

Tens of thousands of Qingzhou troops came toward the city in great strength. After the army came outside the city, when the city was about to be surrounded tightly, Ji Ling was an ambitious man. When attacking Jiujiang County, Chen Gong secretly told him. Something.

If the enemy generals can be persuaded to surrender, then there will be a greater possibility of taking Lujiang County. Ji Ling has always remembered. Besides, this matter is about credit. How much Ji Ling longs for credit , How can you easily give up this kind of credit.

After encircling the city, it is possible to prevent the defenders in the city from leaking news to Lujiang County. The soldiers are very fast. When the enemy forces still do not react, it is the kingly way to seize Lujiang County.

The Jiangdong Army on the city suddenly saw so many Qingzhou troops appearing outside the city. Their expressions could not hide their panic. Many soldiers trembling slightly, compared with the majestic army outside the city, the defenders on the city. The number is really too shabby. It looks sparse from a distance. If the enemy forces attack the city wall, how can they stop it? Originally, there were 3,000 defenders in the city to deal with the enemy’s offensive. Not a small opportunity.

But two thousand and five hundred Jiangdong troops did not return to the city. With five hundred defenders to block so many enemy attacks, it is tantamount to a fantasy.

"Where is Zhao Qian?" Zhang Xince shouted immediately.

"General Zhang, it is General Zhang. Hurry up and tell General Zhao to come to the north of the city." A soldier yelled. After seeing such a mighty enemy army, the soldiers on the city were too weak to be able to defend the city. Much hope. U U Reading

Unexpectedly, I saw Zhang Xin, which ignited the flames of hope for the lieutenant generals. Perhaps the army outside the city was the reinforcement of the own army.

Of course, this was only part of the mind of the soldiers. Just seeing the banner of the army outside the city was enough to make many defenders down. The outside of the city was the banner of the Qingzhou army, and there were many banners of the Jin country. If they come, the identity of the army outside the city is undoubtedly the Qingzhou army that has just breached Xiapi County.

There were tens of thousands of defenders in Xiapi, and it was attacked by the Qingzhou Army, not to mention the current Yinling City.

Zhang Xin's appearance in the enemy army gave many soldiers more speculation.

Zhao Qian is the other lieutenant Zhang Xin stayed on the court. He pulled Zhang Xin with one hand and won Zhang Xin’s trust. And Zhao Qian’s loyalty to Zhang Xin is unquestionable. Without Zhang Xin, there would be no current him. everything.

"General Zhang." Zhao Qian clasped his fist.

"Open the city gate quickly, this general has already taken refuge in the Kingdom of Jin." Zhang Xin said directly.

After hearing Zhang Xin's words, Zhao Qian did not hesitate too much, and directly ordered the sergeant to open the city gate to welcome the army into the city.

No matter what kind of thoughts the officers and soldiers in the army have about the Qingzhou army at this time, they have a feeling that the general situation is gone, even if they choose to resist at this time, what kind of effect can they have.

The Qingzhou Army has an absolute advantage in number. The Jiangdong Army has only 500 defenders. Even if it rises up to resist, it will only accelerate the city’s defeat. After the city is broken, where they will go, since the general Zhang Xin has chosen After surrendering, they followed Zhang Xin, at least not too much worry.

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